dotfile flag can be set later (and take effect after the next open()) - add Alt-".." binding: change to $PWD (which is the default starting dir)
892 lines
31 KiB
892 lines
31 KiB
# Pop up a "tip" dialog for a moment, then remove it. The delay in
# seconds can be specified as the second argument. The default is 1
# second. Note that the tip dialog is a shared resource. If
# someone else comes along and wants to pop a tip up before your delay
# is finished, you lose. :)
popupTip = func {
delay = if(size(arg) > 1) {arg[1]} else {DELAY};
tmpl = { name : "PopTip", modal : 0, layout : "hbox",
y: screenHProp.getValue() - 140,
text : { label : arg[0], padding : 6 } };
fgcommand("dialog-show", tipArg);
currTimer = currTimer + 1;
thisTimer = currTimer;
# Final argument is a flag to use "real" time, not simulated time
settimer(func { if(currTimer == thisTimer) { popdown() } }, DELAY, 1);
showDialog = func {
|{ "dialog-name" : arg[0]}));
# Enable/disable named menu entry
menuEnable = func(searchname, state) {
foreach (menu; props.globals.getNode("/sim/menubar/default").getChildren("menu")) {
foreach (name; menu.getChildren("name")) {
if (name.getValue() == searchname) {
foreach (item; menu.getChildren("item")) {
foreach (name; item.getChildren("name")) {
if (name.getValue() == searchname) {
# Private Stuff:
# Initialize property nodes via a timer, to insure the props module is
# loaded. See notes in view.nas. Simply cache the screen height
# property and the argument for the "dialog-show" command. This
# probably isn't really needed...
screenHProp = tipArg = nil;
INIT = func {
screenHProp = props.globals.getNode("/sim/startup/ysize");
tipArg ={ "dialog-name" : "PopTip" });
props.globals.getNode("/sim/help/debug", 1).setValues(debug_keys);
props.globals.getNode("/sim/help/basic", 1).setValues(basic_keys);
props.globals.getNode("/sim/help/common", 1).setValues(common_aircraft_keys);
# enable/disable menu entries
menuEnable("fuel-and-payload", getprop("/sim/flight-model") == "yasim");
menuEnable("autopilot", props.globals.getNode("/autopilot/KAP140/locks") == nil);
menuEnable("tutorial-start", size(props.globals.getNode("/sim/tutorials").getChildren("tutorial")));
menuEnable("joystick-info", size(props.globals.getNode("/input/joysticks").getChildren("js")));
var fps = props.globals.getNode("/sim/rendering/fps-display", 1);
setlistener(fps, fpsDisplay, 1);
func { if (fps.getValue()) { fpsDisplay(0); fpsDisplay(1) } });
settimer(INIT, 1);
# Show/hide the fps display dialog.
fpsDisplay = func {
var w = (caller(0)[0]["arg"] == nil) ? cmdarg().getBoolValue() : arg[0];
fgcommand(w ? "dialog-show" : "dialog-close",{"dialog-name": "fps"}));
# How many seconds do we show the tip?
DELAY = 1.0;
# Pop down the tip dialog, if it is visible.
popdown = func { fgcommand("dialog-close", tipArg); }
# Marker for the "current" timer. This value gets stored in the
# closure of the timer function, and is used to check that there
# hasn't been a more recent timer set that should override.
currTimer = 0;
# Widgets & Layout Management
# A "widget" class that wraps a property node. It provides useful
# helper methods that are difficult or tedious with the raw property
# API. Note especially the slightly tricky addChild() method.
Widget = {
set : func { me.node.getNode(arg[0], 1).setValue(arg[1]); },
prop : func { return me.node; },
new : func { return { parents : [Widget], node : } },
addChild : func {
type = arg[0];
idx = size(me.node.getChildren(type));
name = type ~ "[" ~ idx ~ "]";
newnode = me.node.getNode(name, 1);
return { parents : [Widget], node : newnode };
setColor : func(r, g, b, a = 1) {
me.node.setValues({ color : { red:r, green:g, blue:b, alpha:a } });
setFont : func(n, s = 13, t = 0) {
me.node.setValues({ font : { name:n, "size":s, slant:t } });
setBinding : func(cmd, carg = nil) {
var idx = size(me.node.getChildren("binding"));
var node = me.node.getChild("binding", idx, 1);
node.getNode("command", 1).setValue(cmd);
if (cmd == "nasal") {
node.getNode("script", 1).setValue(carg);
} elsif (carg != nil and (cmd == "dialog-apply" or cmd == "dialog-update")) {
node.getNode("object-name", 1).setValue(carg);
# Dialog class. Maintains one XML dialog.
# (B)<dialog-name>); ... use dialog from $FG_ROOT/gui/dialogs/
# (A)<prop>, <path> [, <dialog-name>]);
# ... load aircraft specific dialog from
# <path> under property <prop> and under
# name <dialog-name>; if no name is given,
# then it's taken from the XML dialog
# prop ... target node (name must be "dialog")
# path ... file path relative to $FG_ROOT
# dialog-name ... dialog <name> of dialog in $FG_ROOT/gui/dialogs/
# var dlg ="/sim/gui/dialogs/foo-config/dialog",
# "Aircraft/foo/foo_config.xml");
# dlg.close();
# var livery_dialog ="livery-select");
# livery_dialog.toggle();
Dialog = {
new : func(prop, path = nil, name = nil) {
var m = { parents : [Dialog] };
m.state = 0;
| = name;
if (path == nil) { # global dialog in $FG_ROOT/gui/dialogs/
m.prop ={ "dialog-name" : prop });
} else { # aircraft dialog with given path
m.path = path;
m.prop = isa(prop, props.Node) ? prop : props.globals.getNode(prop, 1);
if (m.prop.getName() != "dialog")
die("Dialog class: node name must end with '/dialog'");
m.listener = setlistener("/sim/signals/reinit-gui", func { m.load() }, 1);
return Dialog.instance[] = m;
# doesn't need to be called explicitly, but can be used to force a reload
load : func {
var state = me.state;
if (state)
fgcommand("loadxml",{"filename": getprop("/sim/fg-root") ~ "/" ~ me.path,
"targetnode": me.prop.getPath()}));
var n = me.prop.getNode("name");
if (n == nil)
die("Dialog class: XML dialog must have <name>");
if ( == nil)
| = n.getValue();
me.prop.getNode("dialog-name", 1).setValue(;
fgcommand("dialog-new", me.prop);
if (state)
# allows access to dialog-embedded Nasal variables/functions
namespace : func {
var ns = "__dlg:" ~;
me.state and contains(globals, ns) ? globals[ns] : nil;
open : func {
fgcommand("dialog-show", me.prop);
me.state = 1;
close : func {
fgcommand("dialog-close", me.prop);
me.state = 0;
toggle : func {
me.state ? me.close() :;
is_open : func {
instance : {},
# FileSelector class (derived from Dialog class).
# SYNOPSIS:<callback>, <title>, <button> [, <dir> [, <file> [, <dotfiles>]]])
# callback ... callback function that gets return value as cmdarg().getValue()
# title ... dialog title
# button ... button text (should say "Save", "Load", etc. and not just "OK")
# dir ... starting dir ($FG_ROOT if unset)
# file ... pre-selected default file name
# dotfiles ... flag that decids whether UNIX dotfiles should be shown (1) or not (0)
# var report = func { print("file ", cmdarg().getValue(), " selected") }
# var selector =, "Save Flight", "Save", "/tmp", "flight.sav");
# selector.close();
# selector.set_title("Save Another Flight");
var FileSelector = {
new : func(callback, title, button, dir = "", file = "", dotfiles = 0) {
var name = "file-select-";
var data = props.globals.getNode("/sim/gui/dialogs/", 1);
var i = nil;
for (i = 1; 1; i += 1)
if (data.getNode(name ~ i, 0) == nil)
data = data.getNode(name ~= i, 1);
var m ="dialog", 1), "gui/dialogs/file-select.xml", name);
m.parents = [FileSelector, Dialog];
| = data;
m.cblistener = setlistener(data.getNode("path", 1), callback);
return m;
# setters only take effect after the next call to open()
set_title : func(title) {"title", 1).setValue(title) },
set_button : func(button) {"button", 1).setValue(button) },
set_directory : func(dir) {"directory", 1).setValue(dir) },
set_file : func(file) {"selection", 1).setValue(file) },
set_dotfiles : func(dot) {"dotfiles", 1).setBoolValue(dot) },
del : func {
props.globals.getNode("/sim/gui/dialogs", 1).removeChildren(;
# Open property browser with given target path.
var property_browser = func(dir = "/") {
var dlgname = "property-browser";
foreach (var module; keys(globals)) {
if (find("__dlg:" ~ dlgname, module) == 0) {
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/" ~ dlgname ~ "/last", dir);
fgcommand("dialog-show",{"dialog-name": dlgname}));
# Open one property browser per /browser[] property, where each contains
# the target path. On the command line use --prop:browser=orientation
settimer(func {
foreach (var b; props.globals.getChildren("browser")) {
var path = b.getValue();
if (path != nil and size(path))
}, 0);
# Apply whole dialog or list of widgets. This copies the widgets'
# visible contents to the respective <property>.
var dialog_apply = func(dialog, objects...) {
var n ={ "dialog-name" : dialog });
if (!size(objects)) {
return fgcommand("dialog-apply", n);
var name = n.getNode("object-name", 1);
foreach (var o; objects) {
fgcommand("dialog-apply", n);
# Update whole dialog or list of widgets. This makes the widgets
# adopt and display the value of their <property>.
var dialog_update = func(dialog, objects...) {
var n ={ "dialog-name" : dialog });
if (!size(objects)) {
return fgcommand("dialog-update", n);
var name = n.getNode("object-name", 1);
foreach (var o; objects) {
fgcommand("dialog-update", n);
# GUI theming
nextStyle = func {
numStyles = size(props.globals.getNode("/sim/gui").getChildren("style"));
curr = getprop("/sim/gui/current-style") + 1;
if (curr >= numStyles) {
curr = 0;
setprop("/sim/gui/current-style", curr);
# Dialog Boxes
dialog = {};
var setWeight = func(wgt, opt) {
var lbs = opt.getNode("lbs", 1).getValue();
wgt.getNode("weight-lb", 1).setValue(lbs);
# Weights can have "tank" indices which set the capacity of the
# corresponding tank. This code should probably be moved to
# something like fuel.setTankCap(tank, gals)...
if(wgt.getNode("tank") == nil) { return 0; }
var ti = wgt.getNode("tank").getValue();
var gn = opt.getNode("gals");
var gals = gn == nil ? 0 : gn.getValue();
var tn = props.globals.getNode("consumables/fuel/tank["~ti~"]", 1);
var ppg = tn.getNode("density-ppg", 1).getValue();
var lbs = gals * ppg;
var curr = tn.getNode("level-gal_us", 1).getValue();
curr = curr > gals ? gals : curr;
tn.getNode("capacity-gal_us", 1).setValue(gals);
tn.getNode("level-gal_us", 1).setValue(curr);
tn.getNode("level-lbs", 1).setValue(curr * ppg);
return 1;
# Checks the /sim/weight[n]/{selected|opt} values and sets the
# appropriate weights therefrom.
var setWeightOpts = func {
var tankchange = 0;
foreach(w; props.globals.getNode("sim").getChildren("weight")) {
var selected = w.getNode("selected");
if(selected != nil) {
foreach(opt; w.getChildren("opt")) {
if(opt.getNode("name", 1).getValue() == selected.getValue()) {
if(setWeight(w, opt)) { tankchange = 1; }
return tankchange;
# Run it at startup and on reset to make sure the tank settings are correct
_setlistener("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func { settimer(setWeightOpts, 0) });
_setlistener("/sim/signals/reset", func { cmdarg().getBoolValue() or setWeightOpts() });
# Called from the F&W dialog when the user selects a weight option
var weightChangeHandler = func {
var tankchanged = setWeightOpts();
# This is unfortunate. Changing tanks means that the list of
# tanks selected and their slider bounds must change, but our GUI
# isn't dynamic in that way. The only way to get the changes on
# screen is to pop it down and recreate it.
if(tankchanged) {
var p ={"dialog-name" : "WeightAndFuel"});
fgcommand("dialog-close", p);
# Dynamically generates a weight & fuel configuration dialog specific to
# the aircraft.
showWeightDialog = func {
name = "WeightAndFuel";
title = "Weight and Fuel Settings";
# General Dialog Structure
dialog[name] =;
dialog[name].set("name", name);
dialog[name].set("layout", "vbox");
header = dialog[name].addChild("text");
header.set("label", title);
if (props.globals.getNode("/yasim") == nil) {
msg = dialog[name].addChild("text");
msg.set("label", "Not supported for this aircraft");
cancel = dialog[name].addChild("button");
cancel.set("legend", "Cancel");
fgcommand("dialog-new", dialog[name].prop());
contentArea = dialog[name].addChild("group");
contentArea.set("layout", "hbox");
grossWgt = props.globals.getNode("/yasim/gross-weight-lbs");
if(grossWgt != nil) {
gwg = dialog[name].addChild("group");
gwg.set("layout", "hbox");
gwg.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
gwg.addChild("text").set("label", "Gross Weight:");
txt = gwg.addChild("text");
txt.set("label", "0123456789");
txt.set("format", "%.0f lb");
txt.set("property", "/yasim/gross-weight-lbs");
txt.set("live", 1);
gwg.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
buttonBar = dialog[name].addChild("group");
buttonBar.set("layout", "hbox");
buttonBar.set("default-padding", 10);
ok = buttonBar.addChild("button");
ok.set("legend", "OK");
ok.set("key", "esc");
# Temporary helper function
tcell = func(parent, type, row, col) {
cell = parent.addChild(type);
cell.set("row", row);
cell.set("col", col);
return cell;
# Fill in the content area
fuelArea = contentArea.addChild("group");
fuelArea.set("layout", "vbox");
fuelArea.addChild("text").set("label", "Fuel Tanks");
fuelTable = fuelArea.addChild("group");
fuelTable.set("layout", "table");
fuelArea.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
tcell(fuelTable, "text", 0, 0).set("label", "Tank");
tcell(fuelTable, "text", 0, 3).set("label", "Pounds");
tcell(fuelTable, "text", 0, 4).set("label", "Gallons");
tanks = props.globals.getNode("/consumables/fuel").getChildren("tank");
for(i=0; i<size(tanks); i+=1) {
t = tanks[i];
tname = i ~ "";
tnode = t.getNode("name");
if(tnode != nil) { tname = tnode.getValue(); }
tankprop = "/consumables/fuel/tank["~i~"]";
cap = t.getNode("capacity-gal_us", 1).getValue();
# Hack, to ignore the "ghost" tanks created by the C++ code.
if(cap == nil or cap < 1) { continue; }
title = tcell(fuelTable, "text", i+1, 0);
title.set("label", tname);
title.set("halign", "right");
sel = tcell(fuelTable, "checkbox", i+1, 1);
sel.set("property", tankprop ~ "/selected");
sel.set("live", 1);
slider = tcell(fuelTable, "slider", i+1, 2);
slider.set("property", tankprop ~ "/level-gal_us");
slider.set("live", 1);
slider.set("min", 0);
slider.set("max", cap);
lbs = tcell(fuelTable, "text", i+1, 3);
lbs.set("property", tankprop ~ "/level-lbs");
lbs.set("label", "0123456");
lbs.set("format", "%.3f");
lbs.set("live", 1);
gals = tcell(fuelTable, "text", i+1, 4);
gals.set("property", tankprop ~ "/level-gal_us");
gals.set("label", "0123456");
gals.set("format", "%.3f");
gals.set("live", 1);
weightArea = contentArea.addChild("group");
weightArea.set("layout", "vbox");
weightArea.addChild("text").set("label", "Payload");
weightTable = weightArea.addChild("group");
weightTable.set("layout", "table");
weightArea.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
tcell(weightTable, "text", 0, 0).set("label", "Location");
tcell(weightTable, "text", 0, 2).set("label", "Pounds");
wgts = props.globals.getNode("/sim").getChildren("weight");
for(i=0; i<size(wgts); i+=1) {
var w = wgts[i];
var wname = w.getNode("name", 1).getValue();
var wprop = "/sim/weight[" ~ i ~ "]";
title = tcell(weightTable, "text", i+1, 0);
title.set("label", wname);
title.set("halign", "right");
if(w.getNode("opt") != nil) {
var combo = tcell(weightTable, "combo", i+1, 1);
combo.set("property", wprop ~ "/selected");
combo.set("pref-width", 300);
# Simple code we'd like to use:
#foreach(opt; w.getChildren("opt")) {
# var ent = combo.addChild("value");
# ent.prop().setValue(opt.getNode("name", 1).getValue());
# More complicated workaround to move the "current" item
# into the first slot, because dialog.cxx doesn't set the
# selected item in the combo box.
var opts = [];
var curr = w.getNode("selected");
curr = curr == nil ? "" : curr.getValue();
foreach(opt; w.getChildren("opt")) {
append(opts, opt.getNode("name", 1).getValue());
forindex(oi; opts) {
if(opts[oi] == curr) {
var tmp = opts[0];
opts[0] = opts[oi];
opts[oi] = tmp;
foreach(opt; opts) {
combo.setBinding("nasal", "gui.weightChangeHandler()");
} else {
var slider = tcell(weightTable, "slider", i+1, 1);
slider.set("property", wprop ~ "/weight-lb");
var min = w.getNode("min-lb", 1).getValue();
var max = w.getNode("max-lb", 1).getValue();
slider.set("min", min != nil ? min : 0);
slider.set("max", max != nil ? max : 100);
slider.set("live", 1);
lbs = tcell(weightTable, "text", i+1, 2);
lbs.set("property", wprop ~ "/weight-lb");
lbs.set("label", "0123456");
lbs.set("format", "%.0f");
lbs.set("live", 1);
# All done: pop it up
fgcommand("dialog-new", dialog[name].prop());
# Dynamically generates a dialog from a help node.
# gui.showHelpDialog([<path> [, toggle]])
# path ... path to help node
# toggle ... decides if an already open dialog should be closed
# (useful when calling the dialog from a key binding; default: 0)
# help node
# =========
# each of <title>, <key>, <line>, <text> is optional; uses
# "/sim/description" or "/sim/aircraft" if <title> is omitted;
# only the first <text> is displayed
# <help>
# <title>dialog title<title>
# <key>
# <name>g/G</name>
# <desc>gear up/down</desc>
# </key>
# <line>one line</line>
# <line>another line</line>
# <text>text in
# scrollable widget
# </text>
# </help>
showHelpDialog = func {
node = props.globals.getNode(arg[0]);
if (arg[0] == "/sim/help" and size(node.getChildren()) < 4) {
node = node.getChild("common");
name = node.getNode("title", 1).getValue();
if (name == nil) {
name = getprop("/sim/description");
if (name == nil) {
name = getprop("/sim/aircraft");
toggle = size(arg) > 1 and arg[1] != nil and arg[1] > 0;
if (toggle and contains(dialog, name)) {
fgcommand("dialog-close",{ "dialog-name" : name }));
delete(dialog, name);
dialog[name] =;
dialog[name].set("layout", "vbox");
dialog[name].set("default-padding", 0);
dialog[name].set("name", name);
# title bar
titlebar = dialog[name].addChild("group");
titlebar.set("layout", "hbox");
titlebar.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
titlebar.addChild("text").set("label", name);
titlebar.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
w = titlebar.addChild("button");
w.set("pref-width", 16);
w.set("pref-height", 16);
w.set("legend", "");
w.set("default", 1);
w.set("key", "esc");
w.setBinding("nasal", "delete(gui.dialog, \"" ~ name ~ "\")");
# key list
keylist = dialog[name].addChild("group");
keylist.set("layout", "table");
keylist.set("default-padding", 2);
keydefs = node.getChildren("key");
n = size(keydefs);
row = col = 0;
foreach (key; keydefs) {
if (n >= 60 and row >= n / 3 or n >= 16 and row >= n / 2) {
col += 1;
row = 0;
w = keylist.addChild("text");
w.set("row", row);
w.set("col", 2 * col);
w.set("halign", "right");
w.set("label", " " ~ key.getNode("name").getValue());
w = keylist.addChild("text");
w.set("row", row);
w.set("col", 2 * col + 1);
w.set("halign", "left");
w.set("label", "... " ~ key.getNode("desc").getValue() ~ " ");
row += 1;
# separate lines
lines = node.getChildren("line");
if (size(lines)) {
if (size(keydefs)) {
dialog[name].addChild("empty").set("pref-height", 4);
dialog[name].addChild("empty").set("pref-height", 4);
g = dialog[name].addChild("group");
g.set("layout", "vbox");
g.set("default-padding", 1);
foreach (var lin; lines) {
foreach (var l; split("\n", lin.getValue())) {
w = g.addChild("text");
w.set("halign", "left");
w.set("label", " " ~ l ~ " ");
# scrollable text area
if (node.getNode("text") != nil) {
dialog[name].addChild("empty").set("pref-height", 10);
width = [640, 800, 1152][col];
height = screenHProp.getValue() - (100 + (size(keydefs) / (col + 1) + size(lines)) * 28);
if (height < 200) {
height = 200;
w = dialog[name].addChild("textbox");
w.set("halign", "fill");
w.set("slider", 20);
w.set("pref-width", width);
w.set("pref-height", height);
w.set("editable", 0);
w.set("property", node.getPath() ~ "/text");
} else {
dialog[name].addChild("empty").set("pref-height", 8);
fgcommand("dialog-new", dialog[name].prop());
debug_keys = {
title : "Development Keys",
key : [
#{ name : "Ctrl-U", desc : "add 1000 ft of emergency altitude" },
{ name : "F2", desc : "force tile cache reload" },
{ name : "F4", desc : "force lighting update" },
{ name : "F8", desc : "cycle fog type" },
{ name : "F9", desc : "toggle textures" },
{ name : "Shift-F3", desc : "load panel" },
{ name : "Shift-F4", desc : "reload global preferences" },
{ name : "Shift-F9", desc : "toggle FDM data logging" },
{ name : "Shift-Space", desc : "open property browser" },
basic_keys = {
title : "Basic Keys",
key : [
{ name : "?", desc : "show/hide aircraft help dialog" },
#{ name : "Tab", desc : "show/hide aircraft config dialog" },
{ name : "Esc", desc : "quit FlightGear" },
{ name : "Shift-Esc", desc : "reset FlightGear" },
{ name : "a/A", desc : "increase/decrease speed-up" },
{ name : "c", desc : "toggle 3D/2D cockpit" },
{ name : "Ctrl-C", desc : "toggle clickable panel hotspots" },
{ name : "p", desc : "pause/continue sim" },
{ name : "r", desc : "activate instant replay system" },
{ name : "Ctrl-R", desc : "show radio setting dialog" },
{ name : "t/T", desc : "increase/decrease warp delta" },
{ name : "v/V", desc : "cycle views (forward/backward)" },
{ name : "Ctrl-V", desc : "select cockpit view" },
{ name : "w/W", desc : "increase/decrease warp" },
{ name : "x/X", desc : "zoom in/out" },
{ name : "Ctrl-X", desc : "reset zoom to default" },
{ name : "z/Z", desc : "increase/decrease visibility" },
{ name : "'", desc : "display ATC setting dialog" },
{ name : "+", desc : "let ATC/instructor repeat last message" },
{ name : "F1", desc : "load flight" },
{ name : "F3", desc : "capture screen" },
{ name : "F10", desc : "toggle menubar" },
{ name : "Shift-F2", desc : "save flight" },
{ name : "Shift-F10", desc : "cycle through GUI styles" },
common_aircraft_keys = {
title : "Common Aircraft Keys",
key : [
{ name : "Enter", desc : "move rudder right" },
{ name : "0/Insert", desc : "move rudder left" },
{ name : "1/End", desc : "decrease elevator trim" },
{ name : "2/Up", desc : "increase elevator or AP altitude" },
{ name : "3/PgDn", desc : "decr. throttle or AP autothrottle" },
{ name : "4/Left", desc : "move aileron left or adj. AP hdg." },
{ name : "5/KP5", desc : "center aileron, elev., and rudder" },
{ name : "6/Right", desc : "move aileron right or adj. AP hdg." },
{ name : "7/Home", desc : "increase elevator trim" },
{ name : "8/Down", desc : "decrease elevator or AP altitude" },
{ name : "9/PgUp", desc : "incr. throttle or AP autothrottle" },
{ name : "Space", desc : "fire starter on selected eng." },
{ name : "!/@/#/$", desc : "select engine 1/2/3/4" },
{ name : "b", desc : "apply all brakes" },
{ name : "B", desc : "toggle parking brake" },
#{ name : "Ctrl-B", desc : "toggle speed brake" },
{ name : "g/G", desc : "gear up/down" },
{ name : "h", desc : "cycle HUD (head up display)" },
{ name : "H", desc : "cycle HUD brightness" },
{ name : "i/Shift-i", desc : "normal/minimal HUD" },
#{ name : "j", desc : "decrease spoilers" },
#{ name : "k", desc : "increase spoilers" },
{ name : "l", desc : "toggle tail-wheel lock" },
{ name : "m/M", desc : "mixture richer/leaner" },
{ name : "n/N", desc : "propeller finer/coarser" },
{ name : "P", desc : "toggle 2D panel" },
{ name : "s", desc : "swap panels" },
{ name : ", .", desc : "left/right brake (comma, period)" },
{ name : "~", desc : "select all engines (tilde)" },
{ name : "[ ]", desc : "flaps up/down" },
{ name : "{ }", desc : "decr/incr magneto on sel. eng." },
{ name : "Ctrl-A", desc : "AP: toggle altitude lock" },
{ name : "Ctrl-G", desc : "AP: toggle glide slope lock" },
{ name : "Ctrl-H", desc : "AP: toggle heading lock" },
{ name : "Ctrl-N", desc : "AP: toggle NAV1 lock" },
{ name : "Ctrl-P", desc : "AP: toggle pitch hold" },
{ name : "Ctrl-S", desc : "AP: toggle auto-throttle" },
{ name : "Ctrl-T", desc : "AP: toggle terrain lock" },
{ name : "Ctrl-W", desc : "AP: toggle wing leveler" },
{ name : "F6", desc : "AP: toggle heading mode" },
{ name : "F11", desc : "pop up autopilot (AP) dialog" },
{ name : "Shift-F5", desc : "scroll 2D panel down" },
{ name : "Shift-F6", desc : "scroll 2D panel up" },
{ name : "Shift-F7", desc : "scroll 2D panel left" },
{ name : "Shift-F8", desc : "scroll 2D panel right" },