- Display taxiways - Display different surface types - control over components (taxiways, parking positions, towers) displayed - include distance and course to airport.
253 lines
7.8 KiB
253 lines
7.8 KiB
# Mapping from surface codes to
1 : { type: "asphalt", r:0.2, g:0.2, b:0.2 },
2 : { type: "concrete", r:0.3, g:0.3, b:0.3 },
3 : { type: "turf", r:0.2, g:0.5, b:0.2 },
4 : { type: "dirt", r:0.4, g:0.3, b:0.3 },
5 : { type: "gravel", r:0.35, g:0.3, b:0.3 },
# Helipads
6 : { type: "asphalt", r:0.2, g:0.2, b:0.2 },
7 : { type: "concrete", r:0.3, g:0.3, b:0.3 },
8 : { type: "turf", r:0.2, g:0.5, b:0.2 },
9 : { type: "dirt", r:0.4, g:0.3, b:0.3 },
0 : { type: "gravel", r:0.35, g:0.3, b:0.3 },
# Runway
var Runway = {
# Create Runway from hash
# @param rwy Hash containing runway data as returned from
# airportinfo().runways[ <runway designator> ]
new: func(rwy)
return {
parents: [Runway],
rwy: rwy
# Get a point on the runway with the given offset
# @param pos Position along the center line
# @param off Offset perpendicular to the center line
pointOffCenterline: func(pos, off = 0)
var coord = geo.Coord.new();
coord.set_latlon(me.rwy.lat, me.rwy.lon);
coord.apply_course_distance(me.rwy.heading, pos - 0.5 * me.rwy.length);
if( off )
coord.apply_course_distance(me.rwy.heading + 90, off);
return ["N" ~ coord.lat(), "E" ~ coord.lon()];
# AirportMap
var AirportMap = {
# Create AirportMap from hash
# @param apt Hash containing airport data as returned from airportinfo()
# @param rwy Whether to display runways (default=1)
# @param taxi Whether to display taxiways (default=1)
# @param park Whether to display parking positions (default = 1)
# @param twr Whether to display tower positions (default = 1)
new: func(apt, rwy=1, taxi=1, park=1, twr=1)
return {
parents: [AirportMap],
_apt: apt,
_display_runways: rwy,
_display_taxiways: taxi,
_display_parking: park,
_display_tower: twr,
# Build the graphical representation of the represented airport
# @param layer_runways canvas.Group to attach airport map to
build: func(layer_runways)
var rws_done = {};
me.grp_apt = layer_runways.createChild("group", "apt-" ~ me._apt.id);
# Taxiways drawn first so the runways and parking positions end up on top.
if (me._display_taxiways)
foreach(var taxi; me._apt.taxiways)
var clr = SURFACECOLORS[taxi.surface];
if (clr == nil) { clr = SURFACECOLORS[0]};
var icon_taxi =
me.grp_apt.createChild("path", "taxi")
.setColor(clr.r, clr.g, clr.b)
.setColorFill(clr.r, clr.g, clr.b);
var txi = Runway.new(taxi);
var beg1 = txi.pointOffCenterline(0, 0.5 * taxi.width);
var beg2 = txi.pointOffCenterline(0, -0.5 * taxi.width);
var end1 = txi.pointOffCenterline(taxi.length, 0.5 * taxi.width);
var end2 = txi.pointOffCenterline(taxi.length, -0.5 * taxi.width);
[ canvas.Path.VG_MOVE_TO,
canvas.Path.VG_CLOSE_PATH ],
[ beg1[0], beg1[1],
beg2[0], beg2[1],
end2[0], end2[1],
end1[0], end1[1] ]
if (me._display_runways)
foreach(var rw; keys(me._apt.runways))
var is_heli = substr(rw, 0, 1) == "H";
var rw_dir = is_heli ? nil : int(substr(rw, 0, 2));
var rw_rec = "";
var thresh_rec = 0;
if( rw_dir != nil )
rw_rec = sprintf("%02d", math.mod(rw_dir - 18, 36));
if( size(rw) == 3 )
var map_rec = {
"R": "L",
"L": "R",
"C": "C"
rw_rec ~= map_rec[substr(rw, 2)];
if( rws_done[rw_rec] != nil )
var rw_rec = me._apt.runways[rw_rec];
if( rw_rec != nil )
thresh_rec = rw_rec.threshold;
rws_done[rw] = 1;
rw = me._apt.runways[rw];
var clr = SURFACECOLORS[rw.surface];
if (clr == nil) { clr = SURFACECOLORS[0]};
var icon_rw =
me.grp_apt.createChild("path", "runway-" ~ rw.id)
.setColorFill(clr.r, clr.g, clr.b);
var rwy = Runway.new(rw);
var beg_thr = rwy.pointOffCenterline(rw.threshold);
var beg_thr1 = rwy.pointOffCenterline(rw.threshold, 0.5 * rw.width);
var beg_thr2 = rwy.pointOffCenterline(rw.threshold, -0.5 * rw.width);
var beg1 = rwy.pointOffCenterline(0, 0.5 * rw.width);
var beg2 = rwy.pointOffCenterline(0, -0.5 * rw.width);
var end_thr = rwy.pointOffCenterline(rw.length - thresh_rec);
var end_thr1 = rwy.pointOffCenterline(rw.length - thresh_rec, 0.5 * rw.width);
var end_thr2 = rwy.pointOffCenterline(rw.length - thresh_rec, -0.5 * rw.width);
var end1 = rwy.pointOffCenterline(rw.length, 0.5 * rw.width);
var end2 = rwy.pointOffCenterline(rw.length, -0.5 * rw.width);
[ canvas.Path.VG_MOVE_TO,
canvas.Path.VG_CLOSE_PATH ],
[ beg1[0], beg1[1],
beg2[0], beg2[1],
end2[0], end2[1],
end1[0], end1[1] ]
if( rw.length / rw.width > 3 and !is_heli )
# only runways which are much longer than wide are
# real runways, otherwise it's probably a heliport.
var icon_cl =
me.grp_apt.createChild("path", "centerline")
.setStrokeDashArray([15, 10]);
[ canvas.Path.VG_MOVE_TO,
canvas.Path.VG_LINE_TO ],
[ beg_thr[0], beg_thr[1],
end_thr[0], end_thr[1] ]
var icon_thr =
me.grp_apt.createChild("path", "threshold")
[ canvas.Path.VG_MOVE_TO,
canvas.Path.VG_LINE_TO ],
[ beg_thr1[0], beg_thr1[1],
beg_thr2[0], beg_thr2[1],
end_thr1[0], end_thr1[1],
end_thr2[0], end_thr2[1] ]
if (me._display_parking)
foreach(var park; me._apt.parking())
var icon_park =
me.grp_apt.createChild("text", "parking-" ~ park.name)
.setDrawMode( canvas.Text.ALIGNMENT
+ canvas.Text.TEXT )
.setGeoPosition(park.lat, park.lon)
.setFontSize(15, 1.3);
if (me._display_tower)
var icon_tower =
me.grp_apt.createChild("path", "tower")
.moveTo(-3, 0)
.line(-3, -10)
.line(-3, 10)
var pos = me._apt.tower();
icon_tower.setGeoPosition(pos.lat, pos.lon);