565 lines
21 KiB
565 lines
21 KiB
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<alpha type="float">1.0</alpha>
var self = cmdarg();
var listeners = [];
var setTransparency = func(updateDialog){
var alpha = (getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/map-canvas/transparent") or 0);
var n = props.Node.new({ "dialog-name": "map-canvas" });
if (updateDialog)
fgcommand("dialog-close", n);
fgcommand("dialog-show", n);
foreach (var l; listeners)
setsize(listeners, 0);
<label>Map (Canvas)</label>
<!-- sidebar -->
<label>Flight History</label>
<!-- layer only supported if LW/AW is active -->
<!-- layer only supported if tutorial system is active and targets specified-->
<label>Tutorial Goals</label>
<label>Magnetic Hdgs</label>
<label>Center on Acft</label>
<label>Aircraft Hdg Up</label>
var myCanvas = canvas.get( cmdarg() );
myCanvas.setColorBackground(0,0,0,0.5); # transparent
var TestMap = myCanvas.createGroup().createChild("map");
# Initialize the controller:
var ctrl_ns = canvas.Map.Controller.get("Aircraft position");
var source = ctrl_ns.SOURCES["map-dialog"];
if (source == nil) {
# TODO: amend
var source = ctrl_ns.SOURCES["map-dialog"] = {
getPosition: func subvec(geo.aircraft_position().latlon(), 0, 2),
getAltitude: func getprop('/position/altitude-ft'),
getHeading: func {
if (me.aircraft_heading)
else 0
aircraft_heading: 1,
setlistener("/sim/gui/dialogs/map-canvas/aircraft-heading-up", func(n) {
source.aircraft_heading = n.getBoolValue();
}, 1);
# Make it move with our aircraft:
TestMap.setController("Aircraft position", "map-dialog"); # from aircraftpos.controller
# Initialize a range:
var range_step = math.log10(TestMap.getRange());
# TODO: check if this is valid, IIRC DOM manipulation was fragile when done inside canvas/Nasal region (?)
gui.findElementByName(self, "zoomdisplay").setValue("property", TestMap._node.getNode("range").getPath());
# Center the map's origin: FIXME: move to api.nas, i.e. allow maps to have a size/view that differs from the actual canvas ??
# Styling: This is a bit crude at the moment, i.e. no dedicated APIs yet - but it's
# just there to prototype things for now
var Styles = {};
Styles.get = func(type) return Styles[type];
var Options = {};
Options.get = func(type) return Options[type];
## set up a few keys supported by the DME.symbol file to customize appearance:
Styles.DME = {};
Styles.DME.debug = 1; # HACK for benchmarking/debugging purposes
Styles.DME.animation_test = 0; # for prototyping animated symbols
Styles.DME.scale_factor = 0.4; # 40% (applied to whole group)
Styles.DME.line_width = 3.0;
Styles.DME.color_tuned = [0,1,0]; #rgb
Styles.DME.color_default = [1,1,0]; #rgb
Styles.APT = {};
Styles.APT.scale_factor = 0.4; # 40% (applied to whole group)
Styles.APT.line_width = 3.0;
Styles.APT.color_default = [0,0.6,0.85]; #rgb
Styles.APT.label_font_color = Styles.APT.color_default;
Styles.TFC = {};
Styles.TFC.scale_factor = 0.4; # 40% (applied to whole group)
Styles.WPT = {};
Styles.WPT.scale_factor = 0.5; # 50% (applied to whole group)
Styles.RTE = {};
Styles.RTE.line_width = 2;
Styles.FLT = {};
Styles.FLT.line_width = 3;
Styles.FIX = {};
Styles.FIX.color = [1,0,0];
Styles.FIX.scale_factor = 0.4; # 40%
Styles.VOR = {};
Styles.VOR.range_line_width = 2;
Styles.VOR.radial_line_width = 1;
Styles.VOR.scale_factor = 0.6; # 60%
Options.FLT = {};
var make_update_wrapper = func(name) {
if (!contains(Options, name)) Options[name] = {};
Options[name].update_wrapper = func(layer, fn) {
var t = systime();
t = systime() - t;
printlog(canvas._MP_dbg_lvl, name~" took "~(t*1000)~"ms")
var ToggleLayerVisible = func(name) {
(var l = TestMap.getLayer(name)).setVisible(l.getVisible());
var SetLayerVisible = func(name,n=1) {
var SetProjection = func(projection) {
TestMap._node.setValue("projection", projection);
func(n) SetProjection(n.getValue());
Styles.APS = {};
Styles.APS.scale_factor = 0.25;
# TODO: introduce some meta NAV layer that handles both VORs and NDBs, can we instantiate those layers directly ?
var r = func(name,vis=1,zindex=nil) return caller(0)[0];
# TODO: we'll need some z-indexing here, right now it's just random
foreach(var type; [r('TFC',0),r('APT'),r('DME'),r('VOR'),r('NDB'),r('FIX',0),r('RTE'),r('WPT'),r('FLT'),r('WXR',0),r('APS')] ) {
if (1 and type.name != 'APS' and type.name != 'FLT') make_update_wrapper(type.name);
TestMap.addLayer(factory: canvas.SymbolLayer, type_arg: type.name,
visible: type.vis, priority: 4,
style: Styles.get(type.name),
options: Options.get(type.name) );
(func {
# Notify MapStructure about layer visibility changes:
var name = type.name;
props.globals.initNode("/sim/gui/dialogs/map-canvas/draw-"~name, type.vis, "BOOL");
func(n) SetLayerVisible(name,n.getValue()))
foreach(var type; [ r('OSM'), r('OpenAIP') ]) {
TestMap.addLayer(factory: canvas.OverlayLayer, type_arg: type.name,
visible: type.vis, priority: 1,
style: Styles.get(type.name),
options: Options.get(type.name) );
(func {
# Notify MapStructure about layer visibility changes:
var name = type.name;
props.globals.initNode("/sim/gui/dialogs/map-canvas/draw-"~name, type.vis, "BOOL");
func(n) SetLayerVisible(name,n.getValue()))
var range = TestMap.getRange();
if (range < 40)
<format>Zoom %0.1f NM</format>
var range = TestMap.getRange();
if (range > 1)