725 lines
23 KiB
725 lines
23 KiB
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<label>Select an Airport</label>
<!-- Generalize all this, turn into helpers and load defaults via XML -->
## "prologue" currently required by the canvas-generic-map
var dialog_name ="airports"; #TODO: use substr() and cmdarg() to get this dynamically
var dialog_property = func(p) return "/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/"~p; #TODO: generalize using cmdarg
var DIALOG_CANVAS = gui.findElementByName(cmdarg(), "airport-selection");
canvas.GenericMap.setupGUI(DIALOG_CANVAS, "canvas-control"); #TODO: this is not a method!
## end of canvas-generic-map prologue
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/rwy", "");
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/parkpos", "");
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/mode", "search");
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/list", "");
if (getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-taxiways") == "") {
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-taxiways", "1");
if (getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-parking") == "") {
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-parking", "0");
if (getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-tower") == "") {
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-tower", "1");
# Start with the closest airport
var airport_id = airportinfo().id;
# Retrieve METAR
fgcommand("request-metar", var n = props.Node.new({ "path": "/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/metar",
"station": airport_id}));
var dlg = props.globals.getNode("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports", 1);
var avail_runways = dlg.getNode("available-runways", 1);
var avail_parking = dlg.getNode("available-parking", 1);
if (dlg.getNode("list") == nil)
dlg.getNode("list", 1).setValue("");
var airportlist = dlg.getNode("list");
var mode = {
runway: dlg.getNode("use_runway", 1),
bestrunway: dlg.getNode("use_best_runway", 1),
parkpos: dlg.getNode("use_parkpos", 1)
var set_radio = func(m) {
foreach (k; keys(mode)) {
mode[k].setBoolValue(m == k);
var initialized = 0;
foreach (k; keys(mode)) {
if (mode[k].getType() == "NONE" or initialized) {
} else {
initialized += mode[k].getBoolValue();
if (!initialized) {
var update_info = func {
var info = airportinfo(airport_id);
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/id", airport_id);
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/name", info.name ~ " (" ~ airport_id ~ ")");
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/location", sprintf("%.3f / %.3f", info.lat, info.lon));
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/lon", info.lon);
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/elevation-ft", 3.28 * info.elevation);
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/rwy", "");
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/parkpos", "");
if (info.has_metar) {
# Retrieve an updated METAR, and indicate that we've not got one currently.
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/metar/station-id", airport_id);
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/metar/time-to-live", 0);
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/metar/data", "Retrieving METAR, please wait.");
} else {
# This airport has no METAR. Ratehr than cancelling the retrieve-metar command, simply set the TTL
# to a very long time so it won't over-ride our message.
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/metar/data", "No METAR available from this airport");
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/metar/time-to-live", 9999);
var longest_runway = 0;
var runway_string = "";
var runways = info.runways;
var runway_keys = sort(keys(runways), string.icmp);
var i = 0;
foreach(var rwy; runway_keys) {
runway_string = runway_string ~ rwy ~ " ";
longest_runway = math.max(longest_runway, runways[rwy].length * 3.28);
avail_runways.getNode("value[" ~ i ~ "]", 1).setValue(rwy);
i += 1;
i = 0;
foreach (var park; info.parking()) {
avail_parking.getNode("value[" ~ i ~ "]", 1).setValue(park.name);
i += 1;
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/longest-runway", longest_runway);
var airport_pos = geo.Coord.new();
airport_pos.set_latlon(info.lat, info.lon);
var pos = geo.aircraft_position();
var dst = pos.distance_to(airport_pos) / 1852.0;
var crs = pos.course_to(airport_pos);
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/distance-nm", dst);
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/course-deg", crs);
gui.dialog_update("airports", "runway-list");
gui.dialog_update("airports", "parking-list");
var listbox = func {
airport_id = pop(split(" ", airportlist.getValue()));
airport_id = substr(airport_id, 1, size(airport_id) - 2); # strip parentheses
var apply = func {
setprop("/sim/presets/airport-id", airport_id);
setprop("/sim/presets/longitude-deg", -9999);
setprop("/sim/presets/latitude-deg", -9999);
setprop("/sim/presets/altitude-ft", -9999);
setprop("/sim/presets/airspeed-kt", 0);
setprop("/sim/presets/offset-distance-nm", 0);
setprop("/sim/presets/offset-azimuth-deg", 0);
setprop("/sim/presets/glideslope-deg", 0);
setprop("/sim/presets/heading-deg", 0);
if (mode["bestrunway"].getBoolValue()) {
setprop("/sim/presets/runway", "");
setprop("/sim/presets/parkpos", "");
} else if (mode["runway"].getBoolValue()) {
setprop("/sim/presets/runway", getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/rwy"));
setprop("/sim/presets/parkpos", "");
} else {
setprop("/sim/presets/runway", "");
setprop("/sim/presets/parkpos", getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/parkpos"));
canvas.register_callback(update_info); # FIXME: this is a workaround to run dialog-specific code in the canvas block
fgcommand("clear-metar", var n = props.Node.new({ "path": "/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/metar",
"station": airport_id}));
map.cleanup_listeners(); #TODO: We should be setting a signal when closing the dialog, so that cleanup code can be invoked automatically
<legend>Within 100nm</legend>
var airports = findAirportsWithinRange(100);
var list = dlg.getNode("close-airports", 1);
forindex (var idx; airports) {
list.getNode("value["~ idx ~ "]", 1).setValue(airports[idx].name ~ " (" ~ airports[idx].id ~ ")");
<label>Lat / Lon:</label>
<format>%.0f ft</format>
<label>Longest runway:</label>
<format>%.0f ft</format>
<format>%.1f nm</format>
<format>%.0f deg</format>
<label>Best runway</label>
<label>(based on wind)</label>
<!-- Instantiate a generic canvas map and parametrize it via inclusion -->
<!-- TODO: use params and aliasing -->
<canvas include="/Nasal/canvas/generic-canvas-map.xml">
<view n="0">600</view>
<view n="1">400</view>
<!-- TODO: use params and aliases to make this shorter -->
<!-- TODO: support styling, i.e. image sets/fonts and colors to be used -->
<!-- this will set up individual "layers" and map them to boolean "toggle" properties -->
<!-- providing an optional "description" tag here allows us to create all checkboxes procedurally -->
<!-- These are the ranges available for the map: var ranges = [0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5] -->
<!-- available layers and their toggle property (appended to dialog-root specified above) -->
<name>runways</name> <!-- the name of the layer -->
<init-property>selected-airport/id</init-property> <!-- the init/input property that re-inits the layer MODEL -->
<property>display-runways</property> <!-- the property switch that toggles the layer on/off (show/hide) -->
<description>Show Runways</description> <!-- the checkbox label for the property -->
<default>enabled</default> <!-- default state -->
<hide-checkbox>true</hide-checkbox> <!-- if the checkbox should be shown or hidden -->
<description>Show Taxiways</description>
<description>Show Parking</description>
<description>Show Tower</description>
<!-- Uncomment this to add a navaid layer (not yet fully implemented, and no LOD yet)
<description>Display Navaids within current range</description>
<name>canvas-control</name> <!-- this is the handle we use to procedurally add all "toggle layer" checkboxes and the zoom control-->
<legend>Go To Airport</legend>