Add Multikey support for the FG1000 (:GF and :GP) to improve useability by allowing direct entry of strings. This is massively easier than fiddling with the control knobs. Also correct interface variable name "frequency" to "period", which is more accurate.
1443 lines
32 KiB
1443 lines
32 KiB
<?xml version="1.0"?>
This file defines vi-like key sequences which are started with the ':'-key.
It's evaluated by $FG_ROOT/Nasal/multikey.nas.
- <Esc> always aborts.
- <Return>/<Enter> executes and terminates the command mode, given that
<binding>s exist (use "null" if there's nothing else to do) and <no-exit/>
isn't defined.
- Keys with defined <exit/> property execute their bindings immediately,
that is: without having to press <Return>/<Enter>.
- Format placeholder values are available to Nasal code via arg[].
- Nasal code can set the dialog title by assignment to the _ variable.
- <key> indices aren't used by the system, but are recommended to allow
reliable overwriting by aircraft or user xml files.
- Cursor keys are equivalent to characters <, >, ^, _.
var clamp = func(val, min, max) {
return (val > max) ? max : (val < min) ? min : val;
var adjustprop = func(path, offset, min = -1, max = 1) {
var val = getprop(path) + offset;
setprop(path, clamp(val, min, max));
return val;
# Usage: setpropf(<format>, <vector or list of args>, <value>);
var setpropf = func {
var val = pop(arg);
setprop(call(sprintf, size(arg) and typeof(arg[0]) == "vector" ? arg[0] : arg), val);
# Usage: getpropf(<format>, <vector or list of args>);
var getpropf = func {
getprop(call(sprintf, size(arg) and typeof(arg[0]) == "vector" ? arg[0] : arg));
<key n="58">
<desc>User commands</desc>
<!-- reserved for user extensions -->
<key n="63">
<key n="65">
<!-- reserved for aircraft extensions -->
<key n="68">
<key n="89">
<desc>Nasal Console</desc>
<key n="97">
<desc>Autopilot Settings</desc>
<key n="102">
<desc>Fuel and Payload</desc>
<key n="103">
<desc>GPS Settings</desc>
<key n="104">
<desc>Chat History</desc>
<key n="105">
<desc>Instrument Settings</desc>
<key n="109">
<desc>Multiplayer Pilot List</desc>
<key n="112">
<desc>Position aircraft</desc>
<key n="97">
<desc>Position aircraft in air</desc>
<key n="103">
<desc>Position aircraft on ground</desc>
<key n="114">
<desc>Radio Settings</desc>
<key n="115">
<desc>Sound Configuration</desc>
<key n="116">
<desc>Time Settings</desc>
<key n="118">
<desc>View options</desc>
<key n="119">
<desc>Weather Conditions</desc>
<!-- environment -->
<key n="69">
<key n="69">
<key n="119">
<desc>Weather Scenario</desc>
<key n="115">
<desc>Weather Scenario = Fair weather</desc>
setprop("/environment/weather-scenario", "Fair weather");
<key n="109">
<desc>Weather Scenario = METAR</desc>
setprop("/environment/weather-scenario", "METAR");
<key n="110">
<desc>Weather Scenario = none</desc>
setprop("/environment/weather-scenario", "none");
<key n="116">
<desc>Weather Scenario = Thunderstorm</desc>
setprop("/environment/weather-scenario", "Thunderstorm");
<key n="116">
<desc>Time Settings</desc>
<key n="99">
<desc>Clock Time</desc>
<key n="49">
<key n="50">
<key n="51">
<key n="52">
<key n="53">
<key n="54">
<key n="55">
<!-- Position commands -->
<key n="80">
<key n="103">
<desc>Position on ground</desc>
<key n="903">
<desc>Position on ground: airport=%s</desc>
<key n="32">
<name> </name>
<desc>Position on ground: airport=%s runway=</desc>
<key n="903">
<desc>Position on ground: airport=%s runway=%s</desc>
<script>aircraft.teleport(airport:arg[0], runway:arg[1])</script>
<key n="89">
<desc>Development functions</desc>
<key n="99">
<desc>Reload tile cache</desc>
<key n="100">
<desc>Toggle FDM data logging</desc>
<key n="102">
<desc>Set fog ...</desc>
<key n="47">
<desc>Fog off</desc>
<key n="102">
<desc>Fog fastest</desc>
<key n="110">
<desc>Fog nicest</desc>
<key n="108">
<desc>Force lighting update</desc>
<key n="109">
<desc>Dump Google Maps link</desc>
<key n="112">
<desc>Reload panel</desc>
<key n="115">
<desc>On-screen statistics level (0-4)</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Set on-screen statistics level</desc>
<script>setprop("/sim/rendering/on-screen-statistics", arg[0])</script>
<key n="119">
<desc>Toggle wireframe</desc>
<!--key n="121">
this is bad: overwrites userarchive entries, causes errors and a segfault
<desc>Reload global preferences</desc>
<!-- Autopilot multikey commands -->
<key n="97">
<key n="104">
<desc>Heading Control</desc>
<key n="119">
<desc>Wing Level</desc>
<script>setprop("/autopilot/locks/heading", "wing-leveler")</script>
<key n="98">
<desc>Heading Bug</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Heading Bug = %.3f degree</desc>
setprop("/autopilot/locks/heading", "dg-heading-hold");
setprop("/autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg", arg[0]);
<key n="116">
<desc>True Heading</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>True Heading = %.3f degree</desc>
setprop("/autopilot/locks/heading", "true-heading-hold");
setprop("/autopilot/settings/true-heading-deg", arg[0]);
<key n="110">
<desc>Nav1 Hold</desc>
<script>setprop("/autopilot/locks/heading", "nav1-hold")</script>
<key n="47">
<desc>Heading control: disable</desc>
<key n="118">
<desc>Velocity control</desc>
<key n="116">
<desc>Speed with throttle</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Speed with throttle = %.1f knots</desc>
setprop("/autopilot/settings/target-speed-kt", arg[0]);
setprop("/autopilot/locks/speed", "speed-with-throttle");
<key n="112">
<desc>Speed with pitch</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Speed with pitch = %.2f knots</desc>
setprop("/autopilot/settings/target-speed-kt", arg[0]);
setprop("/autopilot/locks/speed", "speed-with-pitch-trim");
<key n="47">
<desc>Velocity control: disable</desc>
<key n="112">
<desc>Pitch/Altitude control</desc>
<key n="118">
<desc>Vertical Speed Hold</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Vertical Speed = %.2f fpm</desc>
setprop("/autopilot/settings/vertical-speed-fpm", arg[0]);
setprop("/autopilot/locks/altitude", "vertical-speed-hold");
<key n="112">
<desc>Pitch hold</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Pitch angle = %.1f degree</desc>
setprop("/autopilot/settings/target-pitch-degree", arg[0]);
setprop("/autopilot/locks/altitude", "pitch-hold");
<key n="111">
<desc>AoA hold</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>AoA angle = %.1f degree</desc>
setprop("/autopilot/settings/target-aoa-degree", arg[0]);
setprop("/autopilot/locks/altitude", "aoa-hold");
<key n="97">
<desc>Altitude hold</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Target altitude = %.2f feet</desc>
setprop("/autopilot/settings/target-altitude-ft", arg[0]);
setprop("/autopilot/locks/altitude", "altitude-hold");
<key n="103">
<desc>AGL hold</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Target AGL = %.1f feet</desc>
setprop("/autopilot/settings/target-agl-ft", arg[0]);
setprop("/autopilot/locks/altitude", "agl-hold");
<key n="110">
<desc>Nav1 glideslope</desc>
<key n="47">
<desc>Pitch/Altitude control: disable</desc>
<key n="114">
<desc>Route Manager</desc>
<key n="97">
<desc>Append waypoint</desc>
<key n="903">
<desc>Append waypoint: airport ID[@altitude] = %s</desc>
<script>setprop("/autopilot/route-manager/input", arg[0])</script>
<key n="99">
<desc>Clear waypoints</desc>
<script>setprop("/autopilot/route-manager/input", "@clear")</script>
<key n="100">
<desc>Delete waypoint</desc>
<key n="902">
<desc>Delete waypoint at %u</desc>
var command = sprintf("@delete%d", arg[0] > 0 ? arg[0] - 1 : 0);
setprop("/autopilot/route-manager/input", command);
<key n="105">
<desc>Insert waypoint</desc>
<key n="902">
<desc>Insert waypoint at %u</desc>
<key n="903">
<desc>Insert waypoint at %u: airport ID = %s</desc>
var command = sprintf("@insert%d:%s", arg[0] > 0 ? arg[0] - 1 : 0, arg[1]);
setprop("/autopilot/route-manager/input", command);
<key n="112">
<desc>Remove first waypoint</desc>
<script>setprop("/autopilot/route-manager/input", "@pop")</script>
var slewEngineProp = func(format, index, prop, value) {
value = controls.slewProp("/controls/engines/engine[" ~ index ~ "]/" ~ prop, value);
_ = sprintf(format, index, value);
<key n="101">
<key n="109">
<desc>Mixture (0.0 to 1.0)</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Mixture = %.3f</desc>
<script>props.setAll("/controls/engines/engine", "mixture", arg[0])</script>
<key n="94">
<desc>Mixture up</desc>
<script>_ = sprintf("Mixture = %.3f", controls.adjMixture(0.25))</script>
<key n="95">
<desc>Mixture down</desc>
<script>_ = sprintf("Mixture = %.3f", controls.adjMixture(-0.25))</script>
<key n="112">
<desc>Propeller pitch (0.0 to 1.0)</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Propeller pitch = %.3f</desc>
<script>props.setAll("/controls/engines/engine", "propeller-pitch", arg[0])</script>
<key n="94">
<desc>Propeller pitch up</desc>
<script>_ = sprintf("Propeller pitch = %.3f", controls.adjPropeller(0.25))</script>
<key n="95">
<desc>Propeller pitch down</desc>
<script>_ = sprintf("Propeller pitch = %.3f", controls.adjPropeller(-0.25))</script>
<key n="116">
<desc>Throttle (0.0 to 1.0)</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Throttle = %.3f</desc>
<script>props.setAll("/controls/engines/engine", "throttle", arg[0])</script>
<key n="94">
<desc>Throttle up</desc>
<script>_ = sprintf("Throttle = %.3f", controls.adjThrottle(0.25))</script>
<key n="95">
<desc>Throttle down</desc>
<script>_ = sprintf("Throttle = %.3f", controls.adjThrottle(-0.25))</script>
<key n="902">
<desc>Engine #%u</desc>
<key n="109">
<desc>Mixture (0.0 to 1.0)</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Mixture = %.3f</desc>
<script>setprop("/controls/engines/engine[" ~ arg[0] ~ "]/mixture", arg[1])</script>
<key n="94">
<desc>Mixture up</desc>
<script>slewEngineProp("Mixture #%u = %.3f", arg[0], "mixture", 0.25)</script>
<key n="95">
<desc>Mixture down</desc>
<script>slewEngineProp("Mixture #%u = %.3f", arg[0], "mixture", -0.25)</script>
<key n="112">
<desc>Propeller pitch (0.0 to 1.0)</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Propeller pitch = %.3f</desc>
<script>setprop("/controls/engines/engine[" ~ arg[0] ~ "]/propeller-pitch", arg[1])</script>
<key n="94">
<desc>Propeller up</desc>
<script>slewEngineProp("Propeller pitch #%u = %.3f", arg[0], "propeller-pitch", 0.25)</script>
<key n="95">
<desc>Propeller down</desc>
<script>slewEngineProp("Propeller pitch #%u = %.3f", arg[0], "propeller-pitch", -0.25)</script>
<key n="116">
<desc>Throttle (0.0 to 1.0)</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Throttle = %.3f</desc>
<script>setprop("/controls/engines/engine[" ~ arg[0] ~ "]/throttle", arg[1])</script>
<key n="94">
<desc>Throttle up</desc>
<script>slewEngineProp("Throttle #%u = %.3f", arg[0], "throttle", 0.25)</script>
<key n="95">
<desc>Throttle down</desc>
<script>slewEngineProp("Throttle #%u = %.3f", arg[0], "throttle", -0.25)</script>
<!-- Flight Controls -->
<key n="102">
<desc>Flight controls</desc>
<key n="97">
<key n="901">
<desc>Aileron adjustment: %.3f</desc>
<script>adjustprop("/controls/flight/aileron", arg[0])</script>
<key n="116">
<desc>Aileron trim</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Aileron trim adjustment: %.3f</desc>
<script>adjustprop("/controls/flight/aileron-trim", arg[0])</script>
<key n="60">
<desc>Aileron trim adjustment left</desc>
<script>_ = sprintf("Aileron trim = %.3f", controls.aileronTrim(-0.5))</script>
<key n="62">
<desc>Aileron trim adjustment right</desc>
<script>_ = sprintf("Aileron trim = %.3f", controls.aileronTrim(0.5))</script>
<key n="101">
<key n="901">
<desc>Elevator adjustment: %.3f</desc>
<script>adjustprop("/controls/flight/elevator", arg[0])</script>
<key n="116">
<desc>Elevator trim</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Elevator trim adjustment: %.3f</desc>
<script>adjustprop("/controls/flight/elevator-trim", arg[0])</script>
<key n="94">
<desc>Elevator trim adjustment down</desc>
<script>_ = sprintf("Elevator trim = %.3f", controls.elevatorTrim(0.5))</script>
<key n="95">
<desc>Elevator trim adjustment up</desc>
<script>_ = sprintf("Elevator trim = %.3f", controls.elevatorTrim(-0.5))</script>
<key n="114">
<key n="901">
<desc>Rudder adjustment: %.3f</desc>
<script>adjustprop("/controls/flight/rudder", arg[0])</script>
<!-- Do we need absolute control position settings?
<key n="61">
<key n="37">
<desc>Rudder = %.3f</desc>
<script>setprop("/controls/flight/rudder-trim", arg[0])</script>
<key n="116">
<desc>Rudder trim</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Rudder trim adjustment: %.3f</desc>
<script>adjustprop("/controls/flight/rudder-trim", arg[0])</script>
<key n="60">
<desc>Rudder trim adjustment left</desc>
<script>_ = sprintf("Rudder trim = %.3f", controls.rudderTrim(-0.5))</script>
<key n="62">
<desc>Rudder trim adjustment right</desc>
<script>_ = sprintf("Rudder trim = %.3f", controls.rudderTrim(0.5))</script>
<key n="105">
<name>i</name> <!-- FIXME: for good name -->
<key n="97">
<desc>Initialize all trims</desc>
setprop("/controls/flight/aileron-trim", 0);
setprop("/controls/flight/elevator-trim", 0);
setprop("/controls/flight/rudder-trim", 0);
<key n="119">
<key n="102">
<desc>Toggle wing fold</desc>
<key n="115">
<desc>Wing sweep</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Wing sweep = %.3f</desc>
<script>setprop("/controls/flight/wing-sweep", arg[0])</script>
<!-- Radio -->
var radio_fmt = "/instrumentation/%s[%u]/frequencies/%s-mhz";
var setfreq = func(type, index, which, value) {
index = (index >= 1) ? index - 1 : 0;
setpropf(radio_fmt, type, index, which, value);
var togglefreq = func(type, index) {
index = (index >= 1) ? index - 1 : 0;
var sel = sprintf(radio_fmt, type, index, "selected");
var stby = sprintf(radio_fmt, type, index, "standby");
var s = getprop(stby);
setprop(stby, getprop(sel));
setprop(sel, s);
var settacan = func(number, letter) {
var ch = sprintf("%03u%s", number, letter);
var p = "/instrumentation/tacan/frequencies/selected-channel[%u]";
setpropf(p, 1, chr(ch[0]));
setpropf(p, 2, chr(ch[1]));
setpropf(p, 3, chr(ch[2]));
setpropf(p, 4, chr(ch[3]));
<key n="114">
<key n="97">
<key n="102">
<desc>ADF frequency = ? kHz</desc>
<key n="902">
<desc>ADF frequency = %u kHz</desc>
<script>setprop("/instrumentation/adf[0]/frequencies/selected-khz", arg[0])</script>
<key n="99">
<key n="902">
<key n="102">
<desc>Comm%u frequency = ? MHz</desc>
<key n="37">
<desc>Comm%u frequency = %.3f MHz</desc>
<script>setfreq("comm", arg[0], "selected", arg[1])</script>
<key n="115">
<desc>Comm%u standby frequency = ? MHz</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Comm%u standby frequency = %.3f MHz</desc>
<script>setfreq("comm", arg[0], "standby", arg[1])</script>
<key n="116">
<desc>Comm%u toggle selected/standby</desc>
<script>togglefreq("comm", arg[0])</script>
<key n="110">
<key n="902">
<key n="102">
<desc>Nav%u frequency = ? MHz</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Nav%u frequency = %.3f MHz</desc>
<script>setfreq("nav", arg[0], "selected", arg[1])</script>
<key n="115">
<desc>Nav%u standby frequency = ? MHz</desc>
<key n="901">
<desc>Nav%u standby frequency = %.3f MHz</desc>
<script>setfreq("nav", arg[0], "standby", arg[1])</script>
<key n="116">
<desc>Nav%u toggle selected/standby</desc>
<script>togglefreq("nav", arg[0])</script>
<key n="116">
<desc>TACAN channel = ?</desc>
<key n="902">
<desc>TACAN channel = %u</desc>
<key n="120">
<desc>TACAN channel = %uX</desc>
<script>settacan(arg[0], "X")</script>
<key n="121">
<desc>TACAN channel = %uY</desc>
<script>settacan(arg[0], "Y")</script>
<key n="120">
<!-- reserved for experimental features -->
<key n="902">
<desc>Execute nasal-console tab #%u</desc>
module: "__nasal_console",
script: getpropf("/sim/gui/dialogs/nasal-console/code[%u]", arg[0]) or "",