593 lines
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593 lines
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# map.nas - provide a high level method to create typical maps in FlightGear (airports, navaids, fixes and waypoints) for both, the GUI and instruments
# implements the notion of a "layer" by using canvas groups and adding geo-referenced elements to a layer
# layered maps are linked to boolean properties so that visibility can be easily toggled (GUI checkboxes or cockpit hotspots)
# without having to redraw other layers
# GOALS: have a single Nasal/Canvas wrapper for all sort of maps in FlightGear, that can be easily shared and reused for different purposes
# DESIGN: ... is slowly evolving, but still very much beta for the time being
# API: not yet documented, but see eventually design.txt (will need to add doxygen-strings then)
# PERFORMANCE: will be improved, probabaly by moving some features to C++ space and optimizing things there
# ISSUES: just look for the FIXME and TODO strings - currently, the priority is to create an OOP/MVC design with less specialized code in XML files
# ROADMAP: Generalize this further, so that:
# - it can be easily reused
# - use a MVC approach, where layer-specific data is provided by a Model object
# - other dialogs can use this without tons of custom code (airports.xml, route-manager.xml, map-canvas.xml)
# - generalize this further so that it can be used by instruments
# - implement additional layers (tcas, wxradar, agradar) - especially expose the required data to Nasal
# - implement better GUI support (events) so that zooming/panning via mouse can be supported
# - make the whole thing styleable
# - keep track of things getting added here and decide if they should better move to the core canvas module or the C++ code
# C++ RFEs:
# - overload findNavaidsWithinRange() to support an optional position argument, so that arbitrary navaids can be looked up
# - add Nasal extension function to get scenery vector data (landclass)
# -
# -
#FIXME: this is a hack so that dialogs can register their own
# callbacks that are automatically invoked at the end of the
# generic-canvas-map.xml file (canvas/nasal section)
var callbacks = [];
var register_callback = func(c) append(callbacks, c);
var run_callbacks = func foreach(var c; callbacks) c();
var DEBUG=0;
if (DEBUG) {
var benchmark = debug.benchmark;
else {
var benchmark = func(label, code) code(); # NOP
var assert = func(label, expr) expr and die(label);
# Mapping from surface codes to #TODO: make this XML-configurable
1 : { type: "asphalt", r:0.2, g:0.2, b:0.2 },
2 : { type: "concrete", r:0.3, g:0.3, b:0.3 },
3 : { type: "turf", r:0.2, g:0.5, b:0.2 },
4 : { type: "dirt", r:0.4, g:0.3, b:0.3 },
5 : { type: "gravel", r:0.35, g:0.3, b:0.3 },
# Helipads
6 : { type: "asphalt", r:0.2, g:0.2, b:0.2 },
7 : { type: "concrete", r:0.3, g:0.3, b:0.3 },
8 : { type: "turf", r:0.2, g:0.5, b:0.2 },
9 : { type: "dirt", r:0.4, g:0.3, b:0.3 },
0 : { type: "gravel", r:0.35, g:0.3, b:0.3 },
# ALL LayeredMap "draws" go through this wrapper, which makes it easy to check what's going on:
var draw_layer = func(layer, callback, lod) {
var name= layer._view.get("id");
# print("Canvas:Draw op triggered"); # just to make sure that we are not adding unnecessary data when checking/unchecking a checkbox
if (DEBUG and name=="taxiways") fgcommand("profiler-start"); #without my patch, this is a no op, so no need to disable
#print("Work items:", size(layer._model._elements));
benchmark("Drawing Layer:"~layer._view.get("id"), func
foreach(var element; layer._model._elements) {
callback(layer._view, element, lod); # ISSUE here
if (! layer._model.hasData() ) print("Layer was EMPTY:", name);
if (DEBUG and name=="taxiways") fgcommand("profiler-stop");
layer._drawn=1; #TODO: this should be encapsulated
# Runway
var Runway = {
# Create Runway from hash
# @param rwy Hash containing runway data as returned from
# airportinfo().runways[ <runway designator> ]
new: func(rwy)
return {
parents: [Runway],
rwy: rwy
# Get a point on the runway with the given offset
# @param pos Position along the center line
# @param off Offset perpendicular to the center line
pointOffCenterline: func(pos, off = 0)
var coord = geo.Coord.new();
coord.set_latlon(me.rwy.lat, me.rwy.lon);
coord.apply_course_distance(me.rwy.heading, pos - 0.5 * me.rwy.length);
if( off )
coord.apply_course_distance(me.rwy.heading + 90, off);
return ["N" ~ coord.lat(), "E" ~ coord.lon()];
var make = func return {parents:arg};
# TODO: Create a cache to reuse layers and layer data (i.e. runways)
# Todo: wrap parsesvg and return a function that memoizes the created canvas group, so that svg files only need to be parsed once
# TODO: Implement a real MVC design for "LayeredMaps" that have:
# - a "DataProvider" (i.e. Positioned objects)
# - a View (i.e. a Canvas)
# - a controller (i.e. input/output properties)
var MapModel = {}; # navaids, waypoints, fixes etc
MapModel.new = func make(MapModel);
var MapView = {}; # the canvas view, including a layer for each feature
MapView.new = func make(MapView);
var MapController = {}; # the property tree interface to manipulate the model/view via properties
MapController.new = func make(MapController);
var LazyView = {}; # Gets drawables on demand from the model - via property toggle
var DataProvider = {};
DataProvider.new = func make(DataProvider);
# for airports, navaids, fixes, waypoints etc
var PositionedProvider = {};
PositionedProvider.new = func make(DataProvider, PositionedProvider);
# Drawable
## LayerElement (UNUSED ATM):
# for runways, navaids, fixes, waypoints etc
# TODO: we should differentiate between "fairly static" vs. "dynamic" layers - i.e. navaids vs. traffic
var LayerElement = {_drawable:nil};
LayerElement.new = func(drawable) {
var temp = make(LayerElement);
return temp;
# a drawable is either a Nasal callback or a scalar, i.e. a path to an SVG file
LayerElement.draw = func(group) {
(typeof(me._drawable)=='func') and drawable(group) or canvas.parsesvg(group,_drawable);
# For static targets like Navaids, Fixes - i.e. geographic position doesn't change
var StaticLayerElement = {};
# For moving targets such as aircraft, multiplayer, ai traffic etc
var DynamicLayerElement = {};
var AnimatedLayerElement = {};
# for elements whose appearance may change depending on selected range (i.e. LOD)
var RangeAwareLayerElement = {};
# A layer model is just a wrapper for a vector with elements
# either updated via a timer or via a listener
var LayerModel = {_elements:[], _view:, _controller: };
LayerModel.new = func make(LayerModel);
LayerModel.clear = func me._elements = [];
LayerModel.push = func (e) append(me._elements, e);
LayerModel.get = func me._elements;
LayerModel.update = func;
LayerModel.hasData = func size(me. _elements);
LayerModel.setView = func(v) me._view=v;
LayerModel.setController = func(c) me._controller=c;
var LayerController = {};
LayerController.new = func make(LayerController);
# use timers to update the model/view (canvas)
var TimeBasedLayerController = {};
LayerController.new = func make(TimeBasedLayerController);
# use listeners to update the model/view (canvas)
var ListenerBasedLayerController = {};
ListenerBasedLayerController.new = func make(ListenerBasedLayerController);
# Uses, both, listeners and timers to update the model/view (canvas)
var HybridLayerController = {};
HybridLayerController.new = func make(HybridLayerController);
var ModelEvents = {INIT:, RESET:, UPDATE:};
var ViewEvents = {INIT:, RESET:, UPDATE:};
var ControllerEvents = {INIT:, RESET: , UPDATE:, ZOOM:, PAN:, };
# A layer is mapped to a canvas group
# Layers are linked to a single boolean property to toggle them on/off
var Layer = { _model: ,
_view: ,
_controller: ,
Layer.new = func(group, name, model) {
#print("Setting up new Layer:", name);
var m = make(Layer);
m._model = model.new();
#print("Model name is:", m._model.name);
m._view = group.createChild("group",name);
m.name = name; #FIXME: not needed, there's already _view.get("id")
return m;
Layer.hide = func me._view.setVisible(0);
Layer.show = func me._view.setVisible(1);
#TODO: Unify toggle and update methods - and support lazy drawing (make it optional!)
Layer.toggle = func {
# print("Toggling layer");
var checkbox = getprop(me.display_layer);
if(checkbox and !me._drawn) {
# print("Lazy drawing");
#var state= me._view.getBool("visible");
#print("Toggle layer visibility ",me.display_layer," checkbox is", checkbox);
#print("Layer id is:", me._view.get("id"));
#print("Drawn is:", me._drawn);
checkbox?me._view.setVisible(1) : me._view.setVisible(0);
Layer.reset = func {
me._view.removeAllChildren(); # clear the "real" canvas drawables
me._model.clear(); # the vector is used for lazy rendering
assert("Model not emptied during layer reset!", me._model.hasData() );
me._drawn = 0;
#TODO: Unify toggle and update
Layer.update = func {
# print("Layer update: Check if layer is visible, if so, draw");
if (! getprop(me.display_layer)) return; # checkbox for layer not set
if (!me._model.hasData() ) return; # no data available
# print("Trying to draw");
Layer.setDraw = func(callback) me.draw = callback;
Layer.setController = func(c) me._controller=c; # TODO: implement
Layer.setModel = func(m) nil; # TODO: implement
##TODO: differentiate between layers with a single object (i.e. aircraft) and multiple objects (airports)
# We may need to display some stuff that isn't strictly a geopgraphic feature, but just a chart feature
var CartographicLayer = {};
var InteractiveLayer = {};
# PositionedLayer
# layer of positioned objects (i.e. have lat,lon,alt)
var PositionedLayer = {};
PositionedLayer.new = func() {
make( Layer.new() , PositionedLayer );
# CachedLayer
# when re-centering on an airport already loaded, we don't want to reload it
# but change the reference point and load missing airports
var CachedLayer = {};
var AirportProvider = {};
AirportProvider.new = func make(AirportProvider);
AirportProvider.get = func {
return airportinfo("ksfo");
### Data Providers (preparation for MVC version):
# TODO: should use the LayerModel class
# Manage a bunch of layers
var LayerManager = {};
# WXR ?
# TODO: Stub
var MapBehavior = {};
MapBehavior.new = make(MapBehavior);
MapBehavior.zoom = func;
MapBehavior.center = func;
# A layered map consists of several layers
# TODO: Support nested LayeredMaps, where a LayeredMap may contain other LayeredMaps
# TODO: use MapBehavior here and move the zoom/refpos methods there, so that map behavior can be easily customized
var LayeredMap = { ranges:[],
zoom_property:nil, listeners:[],
update_property:nil, layers:[],
LayeredMap.new = func(parent, name)
return make(LayeredMap, parent.createChild("map",name) );
LayeredMap.listen = func(p,c) { #FIXME: listening should be managed by each m/v/c separately
# print("Setting up LayeredMap-managed listener:", p);
append(me.listeners, setlistener(p, c));
LayeredMap.initializeLayers = func {
# print("initializing all layers and updating");
foreach(var l; me.layers)
LayeredMap.setRefPos = func(lat, lon) {
# print("RefPos set");
me._node.getNode("ref-lat", 1).setDoubleValue(lat);
me._node.getNode("ref-lon", 1).setDoubleValue(lon);
me; # chainable
LayeredMap.setHdg = func(hdg) {
me; # chainable
LayeredMap.updateZoom = func {
var z = me.zoom_property.getValue() or 0;
z = math.max(0, math.min(z, size(me.ranges) - 1));
var zoom = me.ranges[size(me.ranges) - 1 - z];
# print("Setting zoom range to:", zoom);
benchmark("Zooming map:"~zoom, func
me._node.getNode("range", 1).setDoubleValue(zoom);
# TODO update center/limit translation to keep airport always visible
me; #chainable
# this is a huge hack at the moment, we need to encapsulate the setRefPos/setHdg methods, so that they are exposed to XML space
LayeredMap.updateState = func {
# center map on airport TODO: should be moved to a method and wrapped with a controller so that behavior can be customizeda
#var apt = me.layers[0]._model._elements[0];
#me.setRefPos(lat:me._refpos.lat, lon:me._refpos.lon);
# TODO: this is currently GUI specific and not re-usable for instruments
LayeredMap.setupZoom = func(dialog) {
var dlgroot = dialog.getNode("features/dialog-root").getValue();#FIXME: GUI specific - needs to be re-implemented for instruments
me.zoom_property = props.globals.getNode(dlgroot ~"/"~dialog.getNode("features/range-property").getValue(), 1); #FIXME: this doesn't belong here, need to be in ctor instead !!!
if( size(me.ranges) == 0 )
# TODO check why this gets called everytime the dialog is opened
foreach(var r; ranges)
append(me.ranges, r.getValue() );
# print("Setting up Zoom Ranges:", size(ranges)-1);
me.listen(me.zoom_property, func me.updateZoom() );
me; #chainable
LayeredMap.setZoom = func {} #TODO
LayeredMap.resetLayers = func {
benchmark("Resetting LayeredMap", func
foreach(var l; me.layers) { #TODO: hide all layers, hide map
#FIXME: listener management should be done at the MVC level, for each component - not as part of the LayeredMap!
LayeredMap.cleanup_listeners = func {
# print("Cleaning up listeners");
foreach(var l; me.listeners)
# TODO check why me.listeners = []; doesn't work. Maybe this is a Nasal bug
# and the old vector is somehow used again.
setsize(me.listeners, 0);
# GenericMap: A generic map is a layered map that puts all supported features on a different layer (canvas group) so that
# they can be individually toggled on/off so that unnecessary updates are avoided, there are methods to link layers to boolean properties
# so that they can be easily associated with GUI properties (checkboxes) or cockpit hotspots
# TODO: generalize the XML-parametrization and move it to a helper class
var GenericMap = { };
GenericMap.new = func(parent, name) make(LayeredMap.new(parent:parent, name:name), GenericMap);
GenericMap.setupLayer = func(layer, property) {
var l = MAP_LAYERS[layer].new(me, layer); # Layer.new(me, layer);
l.display_layer = property; #FIXME: use controller object instead here and this overlaps with update_property
#print("Set up layer with toggle property=", property);
l._view.setVisible( getprop(property) ) ;
append(me.layers, l);
return l;
# features are layers - so this will do layer setup and then register listeners for each layer
GenericMap.setupFeature = func(layer, property, init ) {
var l=me.setupLayer( layer, property );
me.listen(property, func l.toggle() ); #TODO: should use the controller object here !
l._model._update_property=property; #TODO: move somewhere else - this is the property that is mapped to the CHECKBOX
l._model._view_handle = l; #FIXME: very crude, set a handle to the view(group), so that the model can notify it (for updates)
l._model._map_handle = me; #FIXME: added here so that layers can send update requests to the parent map
#print("Setting up layer init for property:", init);
l._model._input_property = init; # FIXME: init property = input property - needs to be improved!
me.listen(init, func l._model.init() ); #TODO: makes sure that the layer's init method for the MODEL is invoked
me; #chainable
# This will read in the config and procedurally instantiate all requested layers and link them to toggle properties
# FIXME: this is currently GUI specific and doesn't yet support instrument use, i.e. needs to be generalized further
GenericMap.pickupFeatures = func(DIALOG_CANVAS) {
var dlgroot = DIALOG_CANVAS.getNode("features/dialog-root").getValue();
# print("Picking up features for:", DIALOG_CANVAS.getPath() );
var layers=DIALOG_CANVAS.getNode("features").getChildren("layer");
foreach(var n; layers) {
var name = n.getNode("name").getValue();
var toggle = n.getNode("property").getValue();
var init = n.getNode("init-property").getValue();
init = dlgroot ~"/"~init;
var property = dlgroot ~"/"~toggle;
# print("Adding layer:",n.getNode("name").getValue() );
me.setupFeature(name, property, init);
# NOT a method, cmdarg() is no longer meaningful when the canvas nasal block is executed
# so this needs to be called in the dialog's OPEN block instead - TODO: generalize
#FIXME: move somewhere else, this is a GUI helper and should probably be generalized and moved to gui.nas
GenericMap.setupGUI = func (dialog, group) {
var group = gui.findElementByName(cmdarg() , group);
var layers=dialog.getNode("features").getChildren("layer");
var template = dialog.getNode("checkbox-toggle-template");
var dlgroot = dialog.getNode("features/dialog-root").getValue();
var zoom = dlgroot ~"/"~ dialog.getNode("features/range-property").getValue();
var i=0;
foreach(var n; layers) {
var name = n.getNode("name").getValue();
var toggle = dlgroot ~ "/" ~ n.getNode("property").getValue();
var label = n.getNode("description",1).getValue() or name;
var default = n.getNode("default",1).getValue();
default = (default=="enabled")?1:0;
#print("Layer default for", name ," is:", default);
setprop(toggle, default); # set the checkbox to its default setting
var hide_checkbox = n.getNode("hide-checkbox",1).getValue();
hide_checkbox = (hide_checkbox=="true")?1:0;
var checkbox = group.getChild("checkbox",i, 1); #FIXME: compute proper offset dynamically, will currently overwrite other existing checkboxes!
props.copy(template, checkbox);
#add zoom buttons procedurally:
var template = dialog.getNode("zoom-template");
template.getNode("button[1]/binding[0]/max[0]").setValue( i );
props.copy(template, group);
# TODO: StylableGenericMap (colors, fonts, symbols)
var AirportMap = {};
AirportMap.new = func(parent,name) make(GenericMap.new(parent,name), AirportMap);
#TODO: Use real MVC (DataProvider/PositionedProvider) here
# this is currently "directly" invoked via a listener, needs to be changed
# to use the controller object instead
# TODO: adopt real MVC here
# FIXME: this must currently be explicitly called by the model, we need to use a wrapper to call it automatically instead!
LayerModel.notifyView = func () {
# print("View notified");
me._view_handle.update(); # update the layer/group
me._map_handle.updateState(); # update the map
# ID
var SingleAirportProvider = {};
# inputs: position, range
var MultiAirportProvider = {};
#TODO: remove and unify with update()
AirportMap.init = func {
# MultiObjectLayer:
# - Airports
# - Traffic (MP/AI)
# - Navaids
# TODO: a "MapLayer" is a full MVC implementation that is owned by a "LayeredMap"
var MAP_LAYERS = {};
var register_layer = func(name, layer) MAP_LAYERS[name]=layer;
var MVC_FOLDER = getprop("/sim/fg-root") ~ "/Nasal/canvas/map/";
var load_modules = func(vec) foreach(var file; vec) io.load_nasal(MVC_FOLDER~file, "canvas");
# TODO: read in the file names dynamically: *.draw, *.model, *.layer
var DRAWABLES = ["navaid.draw", "parking.draw", "runways.draw", "taxiways.draw", "tower.draw"];
var MODELS = ["airports.model", "navaids.model",];
var LAYERS = ["runways.layer", "taxiways.layer", "parking.layer", "tower.layer", "navaids.layer","test.layer",];
#TODO: Implement!