Fork 0

80 lines
2.5 KiB

# Palette section: defines a number of colours
# consisting of an index and red, green, blue, alpha values
# Colour 0 will be used as background colour
Colour 0 0.671 0.737 0.745 1.0
Colour 1 0.647 0.729 0.647 1.0
Colour 2 0.859 0.906 0.804 1.0
Colour 3 0.753 0.831 0.682 1.0
Colour 4 0.949 0.933 0.757 1.0
Colour 5 0.941 0.871 0.608 1.0
Colour 6 0.878 0.725 0.486 1.0
Colour 7 0.816 0.616 0.443 1.0
Colour 8 0.776 0.529 0.341 1.0
Colour 9 0.824 0.863 0.824 1.0
Colour 10 0.682 0.573 0.369 1.0
Colour 11 0.275 0.275 0.275 1.0
# Colours 12 and 13 have been changed to the clear
# colour value, and water lighting disabled in Map.
# Use the old values if you re-enable water-lighting.
#Colour 12 0.761 0.839 0.847 1.0
#Colour 13 0.761 0.839 0.847 1.0
Colour 12 0.671 0.737 0.745 1.0
Colour 13 0.671 0.737 0.745 1.0
Colour 14 0.439 0.271 0.420 1.0
Colour 15 0.975 0.982 0.484 1.0
Colour 16 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.0
Colour 17 0.859 0.851 0.478 1.0
Colour 18 0.800 0.200 0.200 1.0
Colour 19 0.200 0.800 0.200 1.0
Colour 20 0.250 0.250 0.250 1.0
Colour 21 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.0
# Materials definitions: maps a material name to a Colour index
# in the palette above. -1 indicates that the material should
# be Coloured by altitude.
# The elevation levels are defined by materials with names like
# "Elevation_x" which mean everything with altitude between x and
# the next elevation level will be coloured with that index.
# Elevation levels *must* be sorted from lowest to highest.
Material Elevation_-1 1
Material Elevation_100 2
Material Elevation_200 3
Material Elevation_500 4
Material Elevation_1000 5
Material Elevation_1500 6
Material Elevation_2000 7
Material Elevation_3000 8
Material Elevation_100000 9
Material AirportKeep 9
Material Concrete 16
Material Default -1
Material Urban 17
Material Town 17
Material Unknown 16
Material Glacier -1
Material Ocean 13
Material Lake 12
Material IntermittentLake 12
Material DryLake -1
Material Reservoir 12
Material IntermittentReservoir 12
Material Stream 12
Material Marsh -1
Material Grass -1
Material Cloud 16
Material BuiltUpCover 15
Material Road 20
Material Freeway 20
Material Railroad 21
# These three last are *not optional* and *must* be declared,
# otherwise Map will crash when drawing runways/navaids
Material RunwayOutline 14
Material RunwayFill 9
Material NavaidLabels 14
Material VorToLine 18
Material VorFromLine 19
Material IlsLoc 18