-new better panel -added lights and made them switchable -doors can be open now (pick animation) -added some liveries by Brett Harrison -added paintkit by Brett Harrison -converted liveries to png -replaced radio stack with 3d-radios, DME and marker-lights yet missing -minor bugfixes -added glass shader with fresnel effect still work on the interior to do like the seats, walls and so on...
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244 lines
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
JSBSim Cessna 172P with 3D cockpit.
Started October 23 2001 by John Check, fgpanels@rockfish.net
<description>Cessna 172P Skyhawk (1981 model)</description>
<author>David Megginson</author>
<flight-model archive="y">jsb</flight-model>
<aero archive="y">c172p</aero>
<path archive="y">Aircraft/c172p/Models/c172p.xml</path>
<file type="string"/>
<title>Cessna 172P</title>
<line>Vx 59 KIAS</line>
<line>Vy 73 KIAS</line>
<line>Vne 160 KIAS</line>
<line>Takeoff: no flaps, full throttle, rotate at 55 KIAS</line>
<line>Climbout: no flaps, full throttle, 80 KIAS</line>
<line>Cruise: Throttle 65%, Mixture rich of peak,</line>
<line>Landing: full flaps, 65 KIAS</line>
<!-- hide the 2D panel -->
<visibility archive="y">false</visibility>
<!-- position the pilot viewpoint and angle -->
<internal archive="y">true</internal>
<x-offset-m archive="y">-0.21</x-offset-m>
<y-offset-m archive="y">0.30</y-offset-m>
<z-offset-m archive="y">0.36</z-offset-m>
<!-- null electrical system path here so we can use a nasal based -->
<!-- model defined later in the nasal section of this file. -->
<path archive="y">Aircraft/c172p/c172-sound.xml</path>
<title>Cessna 172P</title>
<path archive="y">Aircraft/c172p/Models/c172p.xml</path>
<file type="string">n301dp</file>
<index type="int">0</index>
<file type="string">n301dp</file>
<index type="int">0</index>
<file type="string">n301dp</file>
<index type="int">0</index>
<tutorials include="c172-tutorial.xml"/>
<int type="int">0</int>
<int type="int">0</int>
<int type="int">0</int>
<int type="int">0</int>
<int type="int">0</int>
<int type="int">0</int>
<menubar include="Dialogs/c172p-menu.xml"/>
<!-- trim for level cruise -->
<engine n="0">
<auto-pitch-trim type="bool">true</auto-pitch-trim>
<tank n="0">
<tank n="1">
<tumble-flag archive="y" type="bool">true</tumble-flag>
<serviceable type="bool">true</serviceable>
<rpm type="double">700</rpm>
<strobe type="bool">true</strobe>
<beacon type="bool">true</beacon>
<nav-lights type="bool">true</nav-lights>
<!-- We can set some variables that might be
aircraft specific. We must do it after the file
to override the ones that are in the .nas file.-->
headingNeedleDeflection = "/instrumentation/nav/heading-needle-deflection";
gsNeedleDeflection = "/instrumentation/nav/gs-needle-deflection";
staticPressure = "systems/static/pressure-inhg";
<name type="string">Pilot</name>
<weight-lb alias="/fdm/jsbsim/inertia/pointmass-weight-lbs[0]"/>
<min-lb type="double">0.0</min-lb>
<max-lb type="double">300.0</max-lb>
<name type="string">Co-Pilot</name>
<weight-lb alias="/fdm/jsbsim/inertia/pointmass-weight-lbs[1]"/>
<min-lb type="double">0.0</min-lb>
<max-lb type="double">300.0</max-lb>
<name type="string">Left Passenger</name>
<weight-lb alias="/fdm/jsbsim/inertia/pointmass-weight-lbs[2]"/>
<min-lb type="double">0.0</min-lb>
<max-lb type="double">300.0</max-lb>
<name type="string">Right Passenger</name>
<weight-lb alias="/fdm/jsbsim/inertia/pointmass-weight-lbs[3]"/>
<min-lb type="double">0.0</min-lb>
<max-lb type="double">300.0</max-lb>
<name type="string">Baggage</name>
<weight-lb alias="/fdm/jsbsim/inertia/pointmass-weight-lbs[4]"/>
<min-lb type="double">0.0</min-lb>
<max-lb type="double">150.0</max-lb> <!-- WARNING: Max baggage "by the book" is 120lbs or less! -->