These are then attached to buttons on the checklist dialog allowing the user to ask the computer to execute the checklist step, which they can observe.
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<title>Before Starting Engine</title>
<name>Preflight Inspection</name>
<name>Passenger Briefing</name>
<name>Seats, Seat Belts, Shoulder Harnesses</name>
<value>ADJUST and LOCK</value>
<value>TEST and SET (shift-B)</value>
<name>Avionics Power Switch</name>
<name>Circuit Breakers</name>
<value>CHECK IN</value>
<name>Electrical Equipment, Autopilot</name>
<name>Fuel Selector Valve</name>
<title>Starting Engine</title>
<value>As Required - 2-6 strokes</value>
<name>Carburetor Heat</name>
<value>OPEN 1/8 INCH</value>
<name>Propellor Area</name>
<name>Master Switch</name>
<value>(press } three times)</value>
<name>Ignition Switch</name>
<value>(press s, release when engine starts)</value>
<name>Oil Pressure</name>
<name>Avionics Power Switch</name>
<name>Navigation Lights, Flashing Beacon</name>
<value>ON as required</value>
<title>Before Takeoff</title>
<name>Parking Brake</name>
<value>SET (shift-B)</value>
<name>Seats, Seat Belts, Shoulder Harnesses</name>
<value>CHECK SECURE</value>
<name>Cabin Doors</name>
<value>CLOSED and LOCKED</value>
<name>Flight Controls</name>
<value>FREE and CORRECT</value>
<name>Flight Instruments</name>
<value>CHECK and SET</value>
<name>Fuel Quantity</name>
<name>Fuel Selector Valve</name>
<value>RECHECK BOTH</value>
<name>Elevator Trim</name>
<value>SET for takeoff</value>
<value>1700 RPM</value>
<value>CHECK RPM DROP</value>
<value>(125 rpm max)</value>
<name>Carburetor Heat</name>
<value>CHECK for RPM drop</value>
<name>Suction Gauge</name>
<name>Engine Instruments and Ammeter</name>
<value>1000RPM or LESS</value>
<name>Throttle Friction Lock</name>
<name>Strobe Lights</name>
<value>AS DESIRED</value>
<name>Radios and Avionics</name>
<name>Wing Flaps</name>
<value>SET for takeoff</value>
<value>RELEASE (shift-b)</value>
<title>Normal Takeoff</title>
<name>Wing Flaps</name>
<value>0 - 10 degrees</value>
<name>Carburetor Heat</name>
<value>(above 3000ft, LEAN to obtain maximum RPM)</value>
<value>FULL OPEN</value>
<name>Elevator Control</name>
<value>LIFT NOSE WHEEL</value>
<value>(at 55 KIAS)</value>
<title>Short Field Takeoff</title>
<name>Wing Flaps</name>
<value>10 degrees</value>
<name>Carburetor Heat</name>
<value>FULL OPEN</value>
<value>(above 3000ft, LEAN to obtain maximum RPM)</value>
<name>Elevator Control</name>
<value>SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW</value>
<name>Climb Speed</name>
<value>56 KIAS</value>
<title>Enroute Climb</title>
<value>70-85 KIAS</value>
<value>FULL OPEN</value>
<value>(above 3000ft, LEAN to obtain maximum RPM)</value>
<value>2100-2700 RPM</value>
<value>(no more than 75% recommended)</value>
<name>Elevator Trim</name>
<name>Fuel Selector Valve</name>
<value>AS DESIRED</value>
<value>ADJUST for smooth operation</value>
<value>(full rich for idle power)</value>
<name>Carburetor Heat</name>
<value>FULL HEAT AS REQUIRED</value>
<value>(to prevent carburetor icing)</value>
<title>Before Landing</title>
<name>Seats, Seat Belt, Shoulder Harnesses</name>
<name>Fuel Selector Valve</name>
<name>Carburetor Heat</name>
<value>FULL HEAT</value>
<value>(apply full heat before reducing power)</value>
<title>Normal Landing</title>
<value>65-75 KIAS (flaps UP)</value>
<name>Wing Flaps</name>
<value>AS DESIRED</value>
<value>0 - 10 degrees below 110KIAS</value>
<value>10 - 30 degrees below 85KIAS</value>
<value>60-70 KIAS (flaps DOWN)</value>
<value>MAIN WHEELS FIRST</value>
<name>Landing Roll</name>
<value>MINIMUM REQUIRED</value>
<title>Short Field Landing</title>
<value>65-75 KIAS (flaps UP)</value>
<name>Wing Flaps</name>
<value>FULL DOWN (30 degrees)</value>
<value>61 KIAS (until flare)</value>
<value>REDUCE to idle after clearing obstacle</value>
<value>MAIN WHEELS FIRST</value>
<value>APPLY HEAVILY</value>
<name>Wing Flaps</name>
<title>Aborted Landing</title>
<value>FULL OPEN</value>
<name>Carburetor Heat</name>
<name>Wing Flaps</name>
<value>20 degrees (immediately)</value>
<name>Climb Speed</name>
<value>55 KIAS</value>
<name>Wing Flaps</name>
<value>10 degrees (until obstacles are cleared)</value>
<value>RETRACT (after reaching safe altitude and 60 KIAS)</value>
<title>After Landing</title>
<name>Carburetor Heat</name>
<name>Wing Flaps</name>
<title>Securing Airplane</title>
<name>Parking Brake</name>
<name>Avionics, Power, Electrical, Autopilot</name>
<value>PULLED FULL OUT</value>
<name>Ignition Switch</name>
<name>Control Lock</name>