This allows to have generic axis/button definitions with aircraft specific or aircraft class specific modification overlays. These are also found in $FG_HOME, where they override global files. This mechanism is desirable, because the Warthog is an A-10 replica, and it should be possible to have an automatically loaded (1:1 mapped) A-10 joystick config when flying the A-10, while using generic layouts otherwise, or a specific helicopter overlay for helicopters etc. Overlay files look exactly like joystick config files, except they have no <name> and only specify actually differing elements. Axes with <number> *need* a property index (e.g. <axis n="2">), which usually corresponds to the <unix> value (i.e. n'th axis def in file). Overlay files can contain a <nasal> block which is executed on load. The files are to be named {$FG_ROOT,$FG_HOME}/Input/Joysticks/\ ThrustMaster/Warthog/{Joystick,Throttle}/{generic,helicopter,<aircraft>}\ .xml.
364 lines
7.5 KiB
364 lines
7.5 KiB
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Copyright (c) 2011 Melchior FRANZ mfranz # aon : at
Work In Progress
<name>Thrustmaster Throttle - HOTAS Warthog</name>
var this = cmdarg().getParent();
var popup = func gui.popupTip(call(sprintf, arg));
var is_dir = func(path) {(var stat = io.stat(path)) != nil and stat[11] == "dir"}
var is_helicopter = (var _ = props.globals.getNode("rotors", 0)) != nil and _.getAttribute("children");
var dir = "/Input/Joysticks/ThrustMaster/Warthog/Throttle/";
var overlay = {};
foreach (var base; [getprop("/sim/fg-root"), getprop("/sim/fg-home")])
if (is_dir(base ~ dir))
foreach (var file; directory(base ~ dir))
overlay[file] = base ~ dir ~ file;
var load_overlay = func(name) {
var file = name ~ ".xml";
if (contains(overlay, file)) {
printlog("info", "WARTHOG: loading overlay " ~ overlay[file]);
io.read_properties(overlay[file], this);
if (is_helicopter)
overlay = nil;
foreach (var b; this.getChildren("button")) {
if (b.getAttribute("children") == 1) {
var name = b.getNode("name", 1).getValue() or "??";
b.setValues({binding: {command: "nasal", script: 'popup("' ~ name ~ '")'}});
var even_engines = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10];
var odd_engines = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11];
var viewstep = 0.5;
var viewdir = props.globals.getNode("/sim").getChildren("view");
forindex (var i; viewdir) {
var t = viewdir[i].getNode("type");
viewdir[i] = t != nil and t.getValue() == "lookat" ? 1 : -1;
<axis n="0">
<name>Mouse Horizontal</name>
<desc>mouse horizontal</desc>
<repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
<script>view.panViewDir(-viewdir[view.index] * viewstep)</script>
<repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
<script>view.panViewDir(viewdir[view.index] * viewstep)</script>
<axis n="1">
<name>Mouse Vertical</name>
<desc>mouse vertical</desc>
<repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
<repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
<axis n="2">
<name>Right Throttle</name>
<desc>right throttle (odd engines)</desc>
<name>Left Throttle</name>
<desc>left throttle (even engines)</desc>
<name>Friction Wheel</name>
<desc>rudder trim</desc>
<factor type="double">-1</factor>
<name>Coolie Switch Horizontal</name>
<script>popup("coolie switch left")</script>
<script>popup("coolie switch right")</script>
<name>Coolie Switch Vertical</name>
<script>popup("coolie switch up")</script>
<script>popup("coolie switch down")</script>
<button n="0">
<name>Mouse Button</name>
<desc>reset view</desc>
<button n="1">
<name>MIC Switch Push</name>
<desc>Push To Talk (PTT)</desc>
<button n="2">
<name>MIC Switch Up</name>
<button n="3">
<name>MIC Switch Forward</name>
<button n="4">
<name>MIC Switch Down</name>
<button n="5">
<name>MIC Switch Aft</name>
<button n="6">
<name>Speedbrake Forward</name>
<button n="7">
<name>Speedbrake Aft</name>
<button n="8">
<name>Boat Switch Forward</name>
<button n="9">
<name>Boat Switch Aft</name>
<button n="10">
<name>China Hat Forward</name>
<button n="11">
<name>China Hat Aft</name>
<button n="12">
<name>Pinky Switch Forward</name>
<button n="13">
<name>Pinky Switch Aft</name>
<button n="14">
<name>Left Throttle Button</name>
<button n="15">
<name>Engine Fuel Flow Left</name>
<button n="16">
<name>Engine Fuel Flow Right</name>
<button n="17">
<name>Engine Operate Left MOTOR</name>
<button n="18">
<name>Engine Operate Right MOTOR</name>
<button n="19">
<name>APU Start</name>
<button n="20">
<name>Landing Gear Horn Silence Button</name>
<button n="21">
<name>Flaps Up</name>
<desc>flaps up</desc>
<button n="22">
<name>Flaps Down</name>
<desc>flaps down</desc>
<button n="23">
<name>EAC Switch</name>
<button n="24">
<name>RADAR ALT</name>
<button n="25">
<name>Autopilot (Dis)Engage</name>
<button n="26">
<name>Autopilot PATH</name>
<script>popup("autopilot path")</script>
<script>popup("autopilot alt/hdg")</script>
<button n="27">
<name>Autopilot ALT</name>
<script>popup("autopilot alt")</script>
<script>popup("autopilot alt/hdg")</script>
<button n="28">
<name>Right Throttle Idle Switch</name>
<button n="29">
<name>Left Throttle Idle Switch</name>
<button n="30">
<name>Engine Operate Left IGN</name>
<button n="31">
<name>Engine Operate Right IGN</name>