Fork 0
Florent Rougon 703639ec68 Remove inappropriate 'deadband' attribute from joystick.PropertyScaleAxis
As far as I can tell, the dead-band setting belongs to <axis> nodes, not
to <binding> nodes using property-scale. This can be seen in
do_property_scale()'s definition (flightgear/src/Main/fg_commands.cxx)
as well as in fgdata/Docs/README.Joystick.html.

joystick.PropertyScaleAxis creates <dead-band> nodes as children of
<binding> nodes in generated joystick binding files under
$FG_HOME/Input/Joysticks which, AFAICT, are completely useless and thus
confusing. The <dead-band> nodes should be created at a different level
to be effective (cf. FGJoystickInput::postinit() in

This commit removes the 'deadband' attribute from
joystick.PropertyScaleAxis, since it has nothing to do there IMHO.
2016-01-08 15:45:58 +01:00

726 lines
23 KiB

# Joystick configuration library.
var DIALOGROOT = "/sim/gui/dialogs/joystick-config";
var MAX_AXES = 8;
var MAX_NASALS = 8;
var MAX_BUTTONS = 24;
# Hash of the custom axis/buttons
var custom_bindings = {};
# Class for an individual joystick axis binding
var Axis = {
new: func(name, prop, invertable) {
var m = { parents: [Axis] };
m.name = name;
m.prop = prop;
m.invertable = invertable;
m.inverted = 0;
return m;
clone: func() {
var m = { parents: [Axis] };
m.name = me.name;
m.prop = me.prop;
m.invertable = me.invertable;
m.inverted = me.inverted;
return m;
match: func(prop) {
return 0;
parse: func(prop) { },
readProps: func(props) {},
getName: func() { return me.name; },
getBinding: func(axis) { return props.Node.new(); },
isInvertable: func() { return me.invertable; },
isInverted: func() { return me.inverted; },
setInverted: func(b) {
if (me.invertable) me.inverted = b;
var CustomAxis = {
new: func() {
var m = { parents: [CustomAxis, Axis.new("Custom", "", 0) ] };
me.custom_binding = nil;
return m;
clone: func() {
var m = { parents: [CustomAxis, Axis.new("Custom", "", 0) ] };
m.custom_binding = me.custom_binding;
return m;
match: func(prop) {
var p = props.Node.new();
if (prop.getNode("binding") != nil) {
props.copy(prop.getNode("binding"), p);
me.custom_binding = p;
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
getBinding: func(axis) {
var p = props.Node.new().getNode("axis[" ~ axis ~ "]", 1);
p.getNode("desc", 1).setValue(me.name);
props.copy(me.custom_binding, p.getNode("binding", 1));
return p;
var UnboundAxis = {
new: func() {
var m = { parents: [UnboundAxis, Axis.new("None", "", 0) ] };
return m;
clone: func() {
var m = { parents: [UnboundAxis, Axis.new("None", "", 0) ] };
return m;
match: func(prop) {
return 1;
getBinding: func(axis) {
return nil;
var PropertyScaleAxis = {
new: func(name, prop, factor=1, offset=0) {
var m = { parents: [PropertyScaleAxis, Axis.new(name, prop, 1) ] };
m.factor = factor;
m.offset = offset;
return m;
clone: func() {
var m = { parents: [PropertyScaleAxis, Axis.new(me.name, me.prop, 1) ] };
m.inverted = me.inverted;
m.prop= me.prop;
m.factor = me.factor;
m.offset = me.offset;
return m;
match: func(prop) {
var cmd = prop.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("command", 1).getValue();
var p = prop.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("property", 1).getValue();
return ((cmd == "property-scale") and (p == me.prop));
parse: func(p) {
# Don't create a null 'factor' node if it doesn't exist!
# (value 0 wouldn't be appropriate for a default factor)
factorNode = p.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("factor", 0);
if (factorNode != nil)
me.inverted = (factorNode.getValue() < 0);
me.offset = p.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("offset", 1).getValue();
getBinding: func(axis) {
var p = props.Node.new();
p = p.getNode("axis[" ~ axis ~ "]", 1);
p.getNode("desc", 1).setValue(me.name);
p.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("command", 1).setValue("property-scale");
p.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("property", 1).setValue(me.prop);
if (me.inverted) {
p.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("factor", 1).setValue(0 - me.factor);
} else {
p.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("factor", 1).setValue(me.factor);
p.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("offset", 1).setValue(me.offset);
return p;
var NasalScaleAxis = {
new: func(name, script, prop) {
var m = { parents: [NasalScaleAxis, Axis.new(name, prop, 0) ] };
m.script = script;
m.prop = prop;
return m;
clone: func() {
var m = { parents: [NasalScaleAxis, Axis.new(me.name, me.prop, 0) ] };
m.script = me.script;
m.prop = me.prop;
return m;
match: func(prop) {
var cmd = prop.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("command", 1).getValue();
var p = prop.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("script", 1).getValue();
if ((p != nil) and (cmd == "nasal")) {
p = string.trim(p);
p = string.replace(p, ";", "");
p = p ~ ";";
return (p == me.script);
} else {
return 0;
getBinding: func(axis) {
var p = props.Node.new().getNode("axis[" ~ axis ~ "]", 1);
p.getNode("desc", 1).setValue(me.name);
p.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("command", 1).setValue("nasal");
p.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("script", 1).setValue(me.script);
return p;
var NasalLowHighAxis = {
new: func(name, lowscript, highscript, prop) {
var m = { parents: [NasalLowHighAxis, Axis.new(name, prop, 1) ] };
m.lowscript = lowscript;
m.highscript = highscript;
return m;
clone: func() {
var m = { parents: [NasalLowHighAxis, Axis.new(me.name, me.prop, 1) ] };
m.inverted = me.inverted;
m.lowscript = me.lowscript;
m.highscript = me.highscript;
return m;
match: func(prop) {
var cmd = prop.getNode("low", 1).getNode("binding", 1).getNode("command", 1).getValue();
var p = prop.getNode("low", 1).getNode("binding", 1).getNode("script", 1).getValue();
if ((p == nil) or (cmd != "nasal")) return 0;
p = string.trim(p);
p = string.replace(p, ";", "");
p = p ~ ";";
if (p == me.lowscript) {
return 1;
if (p == me.highscript) {
me.inverted = 1;
return 1;
return 0;
getBinding: func(axis) {
var p = props.Node.new().getNode("axis[" ~ axis ~ "]", 1);
p.getNode("desc", 1).setValue(me.name);
p.getNode("low", 1).getNode("binding", 1).getNode("command", 1).setValue("nasal");
p.getNode("high", 1).getNode("binding", 1).getNode("command", 1).setValue("nasal");
if (me.inverted) {
p.getNode("low", 1).getNode("binding", 1).getNode("script", 1).setValue(me.highscript);
p.getNode("high", 1).getNode("binding", 1).getNode("script", 1).setValue(me.lowscript);
} else {
p.getNode("low", 1).getNode("binding", 1).getNode("script", 1).setValue(me.lowscript);
p.getNode("high", 1).getNode("binding", 1).getNode("script", 1).setValue(me.highscript);
return p;
var axisBindings = [
PropertyScaleAxis.new("Aileron", "/controls/flight/aileron"),
PropertyScaleAxis.new("Elevator", "/controls/flight/elevator"),
PropertyScaleAxis.new("Rudder", "/controls/flight/rudder"),
NasalScaleAxis.new("Throttle", "controls.throttleAxis();", "/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle") ,
NasalScaleAxis.new("Mixture", "controls.mixtureAxis();", "/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture") ,
NasalScaleAxis.new("Propeller", "controls.propellerAxis();", "/controls/engines/engine[0]/propeller-pitch") ,
NasalLowHighAxis.new("View (horizontal)",
"setprop(\"/sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg\", getprop(\"/sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg\") + 30);",
"setprop(\"/sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg\", getprop(\"/sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg\") - 30);",
NasalLowHighAxis.new("View (vertical)",
"setprop(\"/sim/current-view/goal-pitch-offset-deg\", getprop(\"/sim/current-view/goal-pitch-offset-deg\") - 20);",
"setprop(\"/sim/current-view/goal-pitch-offset-deg\", getprop(\"/sim/current-view/goal-pitch-offset-deg\") + 20);",
# PropertyScaleAxis.new("Aileron Trim", "/controls/flight/aileron-trim"),
# PropertyScaleAxis.new("Elevator Trim", "/controls/flight/elevator-trim"),
# PropertyScaleAxis.new("Rudder Trim", "/controls/flight/rudder-trim"),
PropertyScaleAxis.new("Brake Left", "/controls/gear/brake-left", 0.5, 1.0),
PropertyScaleAxis.new("Brake Right", "/controls/gear/brake-right", 0.5, 1.0),
NasalLowHighAxis.new("Aileron Trim", "controls.aileronTrim(-1);", "controls.aileronTrim(1);", "/controls/flight/aileron-trim"),
NasalLowHighAxis.new("Elevator Trim", "controls.elevatorTrim(-1);", "controls.elevatorTrim(1);", "/controls/flight/elevator-trim"),
NasalLowHighAxis.new("Rudder Trim", "controls.rudderTrim(-1);", "controls.rudderTrim(1);", "/controls/flight/rudder-trim"),
# Button bindings
var ButtonBinding = {
new: func(name, binding, repeatable) {
var m = { parents: [ButtonBinding] };
m.name = name;
m.binding = binding;
m.repeatable = repeatable;
return m;
clone: func() {
var m = { parents: [ButtonBinding] };
m.name = me.name;
m.binding= me.binding;
m.repeatable = me.repeatable;
return m;
match: func(prop) {
return 0;
getName: func() { return me.name; },
getBinding: func(button) { return nil; },
isRepeatable: func() { return me.repeatable; }
var CustomButton = {
new: func() {
var m = { parents: [CustomButton, ButtonBinding.new("Custom", "", 0) ] };
m.custom_binding = nil;
return m;
clone: func() {
var m = { parents: [CustomButton, ButtonBinding.new("Custom", "", 0) ] };
m.custom_binding = me.custom_binding;
return m;
match: func(prop) {
if (prop.getNode("binding") != nil) {
var p = props.Node.new();
props.copy(prop.getNode("binding"), p);
me.custom_binding = p;
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
getBinding: func(button) {
var p = props.Node.new().getNode("button[" ~ button ~ "]", 1);
p.getNode("desc", 1).setValue(me.name);
props.copy(me.custom_binding, p.getNode("binding", 1));
return p;
var UnboundButton = {
new: func() {
var m = { parents: [UnboundButton, ButtonBinding.new("None", "", 0) ] };
return m;
clone: func() {
var m = { parents: [UnboundButton, ButtonBinding.new("None", "", 0) ] };
return m;
match: func(prop) {
return (prop.getNode("binding") != nil);
getBinding: func(button) {
var p = props.Node.new().getNode("button[" ~ button ~ "]", 1);
p.getNode("desc", 1).setValue(me.name);
return p;
var PropertyToggleButton = {
new: func(name, prop) {
var m = { parents: [PropertyToggleButton, ButtonBinding.new(name, prop, 0) ] };
return m;
clone: func() {
var m = { parents: [PropertyToggleButton, ButtonBinding.new(me.name, me.binding, 0) ] };
return m;
match: func(prop) {
var c = prop.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("command", 1).getValue();
var p = prop.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("property", 1).getValue();
return ((c == "property-toggle") and (p == me.prop));
getBinding: func(button) {
var p = props.Node.new().getNode("button[" ~ button ~ "]", 1);
p.getNode("desc", 1).setValue(me.name);
p.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("command", 1).setValue("property-toggle");
p.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("property", 1).setValue(me.binding);
return p;
var PropertyAdjustButton = {
new: func(name, prop, step) {
var m = { parents: [PropertyAdjustButton, ButtonBinding.new(name, prop, 0) ] };
m.step = step;
return m;
clone: func() {
var m = { parents: [PropertyAdjustButton, ButtonBinding.new(me.name, me.binding, 0) ] };
m.step = me.step;
return m;
match: func(prop) {
var c = prop.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("command", 1).getValue();
var p = prop.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("property", 1).getValue();
var s = prop.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("step", 1).getValue();
return ((c == "property-adjust") and (p == me.binding) and (s == me.step));
getBinding: func(button) {
var p = props.Node.new().getNode("button[" ~ button ~ "]", 1);
p.getNode("desc", 1).setValue(me.name);
p.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("command", 1).setValue("property-adjust");
p.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("property", 1).setValue(me.binding);
p.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("step", 1).setValue(me.step);
return p;
var NasalButton = {
new: func(name, script, repeatable) {
var m = { parents: [NasalButton, ButtonBinding.new(name, script, repeatable) ] };
return m;
clone: func() {
var m = { parents: [NasalButton, ButtonBinding.new(me.name, me.binding, me.repeatable) ] };
return m;
match: func(prop) {
var c = prop.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("command", 1).getValue();
var p = prop.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("script", 1).getValue();
if (p == nil) { return 0; }
p = string.trim(p);
p = string.replace(p, ";", "");
p = p ~ ";";
return ((c == "nasal") and (p == me.binding));
getBinding: func(button) {
var p = props.Node.new().getNode("button[" ~ button ~ "]", 1);
p.getNode("desc", 1).setValue(me.name);
p.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("command", 1).setValue("nasal");
p.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("script", 1).setValue(me.binding);
p.getNode("repeatable", 1).setValue(me.repeatable);
return p;
var NasalHoldButton = {
new: func(name, script, scriptUp) {
var m = { parents: [NasalHoldButton, ButtonBinding.new(name, script, 0) ] };
m.scriptUp = scriptUp;
return m;
clone: func() {
var m = { parents: [NasalHoldButton, ButtonBinding.new(me.name, me.binding, 0) ] };
m.scriptUp = me.scriptUp;
return m;
match: func(prop) {
var c = prop.getNode("mod-up", 1).getNode("binding", 1).getNode("command", 1).getValue();
var p1 = prop.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("script", 1).getValue();
var p2 = prop.getNode("mod-up", 1).getNode("binding", 1).getNode("script", 1).getValue();
if (p2 == nil) { return 0; }
p1 = string.trim(p1);
p1 = string.replace(p1, ";", "");
p1 = p1 ~ ";";
return ((c == "nasal") and (p1 == me.binding));
getBinding: func(button) {
var p = props.Node.new().getNode("button[" ~ button ~ "]", 1);
p.getNode("desc", 1).setValue(me.name);
p.getNode("repeatable", 1).setValue("false");
p.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("command", 1).setValue("nasal");
p.getNode("binding", 1).getNode("script", 1).setValue(me.binding);
p.getNode("mod-up", 1).getNode("binding", 1).getNode("command", 1).setValue("nasal");
p.getNode("mod-up", 1).getNode("binding", 1).getNode("script", 1).setValue(me.scriptUp);
return p;
var buttonBindings = [
NasalButton.new("Elevator Trim Up", "controls.elevatorTrim(-1);", 1),
NasalButton.new("Elevator Trim Down", "controls.elevatorTrim(1);", 1),
NasalButton.new("Rudder Trim Left", "controls.rudderTrim(-1);", 1),
NasalButton.new("Rudder Trim Right", "controls.rudderTrim(1);", 1),
NasalButton.new("Aileron Trim Left", "controls.aileronTrim(-1);", 1),
NasalButton.new("Aileron Trim Right", "controls.aileronTrim(1);", 1),
NasalHoldButton.new("FGCom PTT", "controls.ptt(1);", "controls.ptt(0);"),
NasalHoldButton.new("Trigger", "controls.trigger(1);", "controls.trigger(0);"),
NasalHoldButton.new("Flaps Up", "controls.flapsDown(-1);", "controls.flapsDown(0);"),
NasalHoldButton.new("Flaps Down", "controls.flapsDown(1);", "controls.flapsDown(0);"),
NasalHoldButton.new("Gear Up", "controls.gearDown(-1);", "controls.gearDown(0);"),
NasalHoldButton.new("Gear Down", "controls.gearDown(1);", "controls.gearDown(0);"),
NasalHoldButton.new("Spoilers Retract", "controls.stepSpoilers(-1);", "controls.stepSpoilers(0);"),
NasalHoldButton.new("Spoilers Deploy", "controls.stepSpoilers(1);", "controls.stepSpoilers(0);"),
NasalHoldButton.new("Brakes", "controls.applyBrakes(1);", "controls.applyBrakes(0);"),
NasalButton.new("View Decrease", "view.decrease(0.75);", 1),
NasalButton.new("View Increase", "view.increase(0.75);", 1),
NasalButton.new("View Cycle Forwards", "view.stepView(1);", 0),
NasalButton.new("View Cycle Backwards", "view.stepView(-1);", 0),
PropertyAdjustButton.new("View Left", "/sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg", "30.0"),
PropertyAdjustButton.new("View Right", "/sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg", "-30.0"),
PropertyAdjustButton.new("View Up", "/sim/current-view/goal-pitch-offset-deg", "20.0"),
PropertyAdjustButton.new("View Down", "/sim/current-view/goal-pitch-offset-deg", "-20.0"),
# Parse config from the /input tree and write it to the
# dialog_root.
var readConfig = func(dialog_root="/sim/gui/dialogs/joystick-config") {
var js_name = getprop(dialog_root ~ "/selected-joystick");
var joysticks = props.globals.getNode("/input/joysticks").getChildren("js");
if (size(joysticks) == 0) { return 0; }
if (js_name == nil) {
js_name = joysticks[0].getNode("id").getValue();
var js = nil;
forindex (var i; joysticks) {
if ((joysticks[i].getNode("id") != nil) and
(joysticks[i].getNode("id").getValue() == js_name))
js = joysticks[i];
setprop(dialog_root ~ "/selected-joystick", js_name);
setprop(dialog_root ~ "/selected-joystick-index", i);
setprop(dialog_root ~ "/selected-joystick-config", joysticks[i].getNode("source").getValue());
if (js == nil) {
# We didn't find the joystick we expected - default to the first
setprop(dialog_root ~ "/selected-joystick", joysticks[0].getNode("id").getValue());
setprop(dialog_root ~ "/selected-joystick-index", 0);
setprop(dialog_root ~ "/selected-joystick-config", joysticks[0].getNode("source").getValue());
# Set up the axes assignments
var axes = js.getChildren("axis");
for (var axis = 0; axis < MAX_AXES; axis = axis +1) {
var p = props.globals.getNode(dialog_root ~ "/axis[" ~ axis ~ "]", 1);
p = props.globals.getNode(dialog_root ~ "/axis[" ~ axis ~ "]", 1);
# Note that we can't simply use an index into the axes array
# as that doesn't work for a sparsley populated set of axes.
# E.g. one with n="3"
var a = js.getNode("axis[" ~ axis ~ "]");
if (a != nil) {
# Read properties from bindings
props.copy(a, p.getNode("original_binding", 1));
var binding = nil;
foreach (var b; joystick.axisBindings) {
if ((binding == nil) and (a != nil) and b.match(a)) {
binding = b.clone();
p.getNode("binding", 1).setValue(binding.getName());
p.getNode("invertable", 1).setValue(binding.isInvertable());
p.getNode("inverted", 1).setValue(binding.isInverted());
if (binding == nil) {
# No binding for this axis
p.getNode("binding", 1).setValue("None");
p.getNode("invertable", 1).setValue(0);
p.getNode("inverted", 1).setValue(0);
} else {
p.getNode("binding", 1).setValue("None");
p.getNode("invertable", 1).setValue(0);
p.getNode("inverted", 1).setValue(0);
# Set up button assignment.
var buttons = js.getChildren("button");
for (var button = 0; button < MAX_BUTTONS; button = button + 1) {
var btn = props.globals.getNode(dialog_root ~ "/button[" ~ button ~ "]", 1);
btn = props.globals.getNode(dialog_root ~ "/button[" ~ button ~ "]", 1);
# Note that we can't simply use an index into the buttons array
# as that doesn't work for a sparsley populated set of buttons.
# E.g. one with n="3"
var a = js.getNode("button[" ~ button ~ "]");
if (a != nil) {
# Read properties from bindings
props.copy(a, btn.getNode("original_binding", 1));
var binding = nil;
foreach (var b; joystick.buttonBindings) {
if ((binding == nil) and (a != nil) and b.match(a)) {
binding = b.clone();
btn.getNode("binding", 1).setValue(binding.getName());
props.copy(b.getBinding(button), btn.getNode("original_binding", 1));
if (b == nil) {
btn.getNode("binding", 1).setValue("None");
} else {
btn.getNode("binding", 1).setValue("None");
# Set up Nasal code.
var nasals = js.getChildren("nasal");
for (var nasal = 0; nasal < MAX_NASALS; nasal = nasal + 1) {
var nas = props.globals.getNode(dialog_root ~ "/nasal[" ~ nasal ~ "]", 1);
nas = props.globals.getNode(dialog_root ~ "/nasal[" ~ nasal ~ "]", 1);
# Note that we can't simply use an index into the buttons array
# as that doesn't work for a sparsley populated set of buttons.
# E.g. one with n="3"
var a = js.getNode("nasal[" ~ nasal ~ "]");
if (a != nil) {
props.copy(a, nas.getNode("original_script", 1));
var writeConfig = func(dialog_root="/sim/gui/dialogs/joystick-config", reset=0) {
# Write out the joystick file.
var config = props.Node.new();
var id = getprop(dialog_root ~ "/selected-joystick");
if (reset == 1) {
# We've been asked to reset the joystick config to the default. As we can't
# delete the configuration file, we achieve this by setting an invalid name
# tag that won't match.
config.getNode("name", 1).setValue("UNUSED INVALID CONFIG");
} else {
config.getNode("name", 1).setValue(id);
var nasals = props.globals.getNode(dialog_root).getChildren("nasal");
forindex (var nas; nasals) {
var nasalscript = config.getNode("nasal[" ~ nas ~ "]", 1);
props.copy(props.globals.getNode(dialog_root ~ "/nasal[" ~ nas ~ "]/original_script", 1), nasalscript);
var axes = props.globals.getNode(dialog_root).getChildren("axis");
forindex (var axis; axes) {
var name = getprop(dialog_root ~ "/axis[" ~ axis ~ "]/binding");
if (name != "None") {
foreach (var binding; axisBindings) {
if (binding.getName() == name) {
var b = binding.clone();
b.setInverted(getprop(dialog_root ~ "/axis[" ~ axis ~ "]/inverted"));
# Generate the axis and binding
var axisnode = config.getNode("axis[" ~ axis ~ "]", 1);
if (name == "Custom") {
props.copy(props.globals.getNode(dialog_root ~ "/axis[" ~ axis ~ "]/original_binding", 1), axisnode);
} else {
props.copy(b.getBinding(axis), axisnode);
var buttons = props.globals.getNode(dialog_root).getChildren("button");
forindex (var btn; buttons) {
var name = getprop(dialog_root ~ "/button[" ~ btn ~ "]/binding");
if (name != "None") {
foreach (var binding; buttonBindings) {
if (binding.getName() == name) {
var b = binding.clone();
# Generate the axis and binding
var buttonprop = config.getNode("button[" ~ btn ~ "]", 1);
if (name == "Custom") {
props.copy(props.globals.getNode(dialog_root ~ "/button[" ~ btn ~ "]/original_binding", 1), buttonprop);
} else {
props.copy(b.getBinding(btn), buttonprop);
var filename = id;
filename = string.replace(filename, " ", "-");
filename = string.replace(filename, ".", "");
filename = string.replace(filename, "/", "");
# Write out the file
io.write_properties(getprop("/sim/fg-home") ~ "/Input/Joysticks/" ~ filename ~ ".xml", config);
var resetConfig = func(dialog_root="/sim/gui/dialogs/joystick-config") {
writeConfig(dialog_root, 1);