476 lines
17 KiB
476 lines
17 KiB
# Copyright 2018 Stuart Buchanan
# This file is part of FlightGear.
# Foobar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# FlightGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with FlightGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# PFDInstruments Controller
var PFDInstrumentsController =
CDI_SOURCE : [ "GPS", "NAV1", "NAV2" ],
BRG_SOURCE : ["OFF", "NAV1", "NAV2", "GPS", "ADF"],
new : func (page, svg)
var obj = {
parents : [ PFDInstrumentsController, MFDPageController.new(page) ],
_crsrToggle : 0,
_pfdrecipient : nil,
page : page,
_CDISource : 0,
_BRG1Source : 0,
_BRG2Source : 0,
_last_ias_kt : 0,
_last_alt_ft : 0,
_last_trend : systime(),
_selected_alt_ft : 0,
_heading_magnetic_deg : 0,
_mag_var : 0,
_fp_active : 0,
_fp_current_wp : 0,
_current_flightplan : nil,
_fp_visible : 0,
_leg_from :0,
_leg_id : "",
_leg_bearing : 0,
_leg_distance_nm : 0,
_leg_deviation_deg : 0,
_deflection_dots : 0.0,
_leg_xtrk_nm : 0,
_leg_valid : 0,
_nav1_id : "",
_nav1_freq : 0.0,
_nav1_radial_deg : 0,
_nav1_heading_deg :0.0,
_nav1_in_range : 0,
_nav1_distance_m :0,
_nav1_radial_deg : 0,
_nav1_in_range : 0,
_nav1_distance_m : 0,
_nav1_deviation_deg : 0,
_nav1_loc : 0,
_nav2_id : "",
_nav2_freq : 0.0,
_nav2_radial_deg :0,
_nav2_heading_deg : 0.0,
_nav2_in_range : 0,
_nav2_distance_m :0,
_nav2_radial_deg : 0,
_nav2_in_range : 0,
_nav2_distance_m : 0,
_nav2_deviation_deg : 0,
_nav2_loc : 0,
_adf_freq : 0.0,
_adf_in_range : 0,
_adf_heading_deg : 0.0,
obj._current_flightplan = obj.getNavData("Flightplan");
if (obj._current_flightplan != nil) {
obj._fp_current_wp = obj._current_flightplan.current;
return obj;
# Input Handling
handleCRSR : func() {
me._crsrToggle = (! me._crsrToggle);
if (me._crsrToggle) {
} else {
return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_Finished;
handleFMSInner : func(value) {
if (me._crsrToggle == 1) {
# Scroll through whatever is the current list
return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_Finished;
} else {
# Pass to the page group controller to display and scroll through the page group menu
#return me.page.mfd.SurroundController.handleFMSInner(value);
handleFMSOuter : func(value) {
if (me._crsrToggle == 1) {
return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_Finished;
} else {
# Pass to the page group controller to display and scroll through the page group menu
#return me.page.mfd.SurroundController.handleFMSOuter(value);
handleEnter : func(value) {
if (me._crsrToggle == 1) {
return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_Finished;
} else {
return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_NotProcessed;
handleRange : func(val)
var incr_or_decr = (val > 0) ? me.page.insetMap.zoomIn() : me.page.insetMap.zoomOut();
handleFPL : func (value) {
# Display/hide the FPL display
me._fp_visible = (! me._fp_visible);
me.page.setFlightPlanVisible(me._fp_active and me._fp_visible);
return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_Finished;
# Set the STD BARO to 29.92 in Hg
setStdBaro : func() {
var data = {};
data["FMSPressureSettingInHG"] = 29.92;
var notification = notifications.PFDEventNotification.new(
incrCDISource : func() {
me._CDISource = math.mod(me._CDISource + 1, size(PFDInstrumentsController.CDI_SOURCE));
var src = PFDInstrumentsController.CDI_SOURCE[me._CDISource];
# If we're changing to NAV1 or NAV2, we also change the selected NAV.
if ((src == "NAV1") or (src == "NAV2")) {
var data = {};
data["NavSelected"] = (src == "NAV1") ? 1 : 2;
var notification = notifications.PFDEventNotification.new(
getCDISource : func() {
return PFDInstrumentsController.CDI_SOURCE[me._CDISource];
incrBRG1 : func() {
me._BRG1Source = math.mod(me._BRG1Source + 1, size(PFDInstrumentsController.BRG_SOURCE));
incrBRG2 : func() {
me._BRG2Source = math.mod(me._BRG2Source + 1, size(PFDInstrumentsController.BRG_SOURCE));
getBRG1 : func() { return PFDInstrumentsController.BRG_SOURCE[me._BRG1Source]; },
getBRG2 : func() { return PFDInstrumentsController.BRG_SOURCE[me._BRG2Source]; },
# Handle update of the airdata information.
# ADC data is produced periodically as an entire set
handleADCData : func(data) {
var ias = data["ADCIndicatedAirspeed"];
var alt = data["ADCAltitudeFT"];
# estimated speed and altitude in 6s
var now = systime();
var lookahead_ias_6sec = 6 * (ias - me._last_ias_kt) / (now - me._last_trend);
var lookahead_alt_6sec = .3 * (alt - me._last_alt_ft) / (now - me._last_trend); # scale = 1/20ft
me.page.updateIAS(ias, lookahead_ias_6sec);
me.page.updateALT(alt, lookahead_alt_6sec, me._selected_alt_ft);
me._last_ias_kt = ias;
me._last_alt_ft = alt;
me._last_trend = now;
var pitch = data["ADCPitchDeg"];
var roll = data["ADCRollDeg"];
var slip = data["ADCSlipSkid"];
me.page.updateAI(pitch, roll, slip);
me._heading_magnetic_deg = data["ADCHeadingMagneticDeg"];
me._mag_var = data["ADCMagneticVariationDeg"];
# If we're "flying" at < 10kts, then we won't have sufficient delta between
# airspeed and groundspeed to determine wind
hdg : data["ADCHeadingMagneticDeg"],
wind_hdg : data["ADCWindHeadingDeg"],
wind_spd : data ["ADCWindSpeedKt"],
no_data: (data["ADCIndicatedAirspeed"] < 1.0)
return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_OK;
# Handle update to the FMS information. Note that there is no guarantee
# that the entire set of FMS data will be available.
handleFMSData : func(data) {
if (data["FMSHeadingBug"] != nil) me.page.updateHDG(data["FMSHeadingBug"]);
if (data["FMSSelectedAlt"] != nil) {
me._selected_alt_ft = data["FMSSelectedAlt"];
if (data["FMSLegValid"] != nil) me._leg_valid = data["FMSLegValid"];
if (me._navSelected == 1) {
if (data["FMSNav1From"] != nil) me._leg_from = data["FMSNav1From"];
} else {
if (data["FMSNav2From"] != nil) me._leg_from = data["FMSNav2From"];
if (data["FMSLegID"] != nil) me._leg_id = data["FMSLegID"];
if (data["FMSLegBearingMagDeg"] != nil) me._leg_bearing = data["FMSLegBearingMagDeg"];
if (data["FMSLegDistanceNM"] != nil) me._leg_distance_nm = data["FMSLegDistanceNM"];
if (data["FMSLegTrackErrorAngle"] != nil) me._leg_deviation_deg = data["FMSLegTrackErrorAngle"];
# TODO: Proper cross-track error based on source and flight phase.
if (data["FMSLegCourseError"] != nil) me._deflection_dots = data["FMSLegCourseError"] /2.0;
if (data["FMSLegCourseError"] != nil) me._leg_xtrk_nm = data["FMSLegCourseError"];
var update_fp = 0;
if (data["FMSFlightPlanEdited"] != nil) {
# The flightplan has changed in some way, so reload it.
me._current_flightplan = me.getNavData("Flightplan");
if (me._current_flightplan != nil) {
me._fp_current_wp = me._current_flightplan.current;
update_fp = 1;
if ((data["FMSFlightPlanActive"] != nil) and (data["FMSFlightPlanActive"] != me._fp_active)) {
me._fp_active = data["FMSFlightPlanActive"];
me.page.setFlightPlanVisible(me._fp_active and me._fp_visible);
update_fp = 1;
if ((data["FMSFlightPlanCurrentWP"] != nil) and (data["FMSFlightPlanCurrentWP"] != me._fp_current_wp)) {
me._fp_current_wp = data["FMSFlightPlanCurrentWP"];
update_fp = 1;
if (me._fp_visible and update_fp and me._fp_active) {
if (me.getCDISource() == "GPS") {
if (me._leg_valid == 0) {
# No valid leg data, likely because there's no GPS course set
heading: me._heading_magnetic_deg,
course: 0,
waypoint_valid: 0,
course_deviation_deg : 0,
deflection_dots : 0.0,
xtrk_nm : 0,
from: 0,
annun: "NO DATA",
loc : 0,
} else {
heading: me._heading_magnetic_deg,
course: me._leg_bearing,
waypoint_valid: me._leg_valid,
course_deviation_deg : me._leg_deviation_deg,
deflection_dots : me._deflection_dots,
xtrk_nm : me._leg_xtrk_nm,
from: me._leg_from,
annun: "ENR",
loc: 0,
# Update the bearing indicators with GPS data if that's what we're displaying.
if (me.getBRG1() == "GPS") me.page.updateBRG1(me._leg_valid, me._leg_id, me._leg_distance_nm, me._heading_magnetic_deg, me._leg_bearing);
if (me.getBRG2() == "GPS") me.page.updateBRG2(me._leg_valid, me._leg_id, me._leg_distance_nm, me._heading_magnetic_deg, me._leg_bearing);
return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_OK;
# Handle update of the NavCom data.
# Note that this updated on a property by property basis, so we need to check
# that the data we want exists in this notification, unlike the periodic
# publishers
handleNavComData : func(data) {
if (data["NavSelected"] != nil) me._navSelected = data["NavSelected"];
if (data["Nav1SelectedFreq"] != nil) me._nav1_freq = data["Nav1SelectedFreq"];
if (data["Nav1ID"] != nil) me._nav1_id = data["Nav1ID"];
if (data["Nav1HeadingDeg"] != nil) me._nav1_heading_deg = data["Nav1HeadingDeg"];
if (data["Nav1RadialDeg"] != nil) me._nav1_radial_deg = data["Nav1RadialDeg"];
if (data["Nav1InRange"] != nil) me._nav1_in_range = data["Nav1InRange"];
if (data["Nav1DistanceMeters"] != nil) me._nav1_distance_m = data["Nav1DistanceMeters"];
if (data["Nav1CourseDeviationDeg"] != nil) me._nav1_deviation_deg = data["Nav1CourseDeviationDeg"];
# Deflection range is [-10,10], while deflection_dots is [-2.4, 2.4];
if (data["Nav1Deflection"] != nil) me._nav1_deflection = data["Nav1Deflection"] * 2.4;
if (data["Nav1CrosstrackErrorM"] != nil) me._nav1_crosstrack_m = data["Nav1CrosstrackErrorM"];
if (data["Nav1From"] != nil) me._nav1_from = data["Nav1From"];
if (data["Nav1Localizer"] != nil) me._nav1_loc = data["Nav1Localizer"];
if (data["Nav2SelectedFreq"] != nil) me._nav2_freq = data["Nav2SelectedFreq"];
if (data["Nav2ID"] != nil) me._nav2_id = data["Nav2ID"];
if (data["Nav2HeadingDeg"] != nil) me._nav2_heading_deg = data["Nav2HeadingDeg"];
if (data["Nav2RadialDeg"] != nil) me._nav2_radial_deg = data["Nav2RadialDeg"];
if (data["Nav2InRange"] != nil) me._nav2_in_range = data["Nav2InRange"];
if (data["Nav2DistanceMeters"] != nil) me._nav2_distance_m = data["Nav2DistanceMeters"];
if (data["Nav2CourseDeviationDeg"] != nil) me._nav2_deviation_deg = data["Nav1CourseDeviationDeg"];
# Deflection range is [-1,1], while deflection_dots is [-2.4, 2.4];
if (data["Nav2Deflection"] != nil) me._nav2_deflection = data["Nav2Deflection"] * 2.4;
if (data["Nav2CrosstrackErrorM"] != nil) me._nav2_crosstrack_m = data["Nav2CrosstrackErrorM"];
if (data["Nav2From"] != nil) me._nav2_from = data["Nav2From"];
if (data["Nav2Localizer"] != nil) me._nav2_loc = data["Nav2Localizer"];
if (data["ADFSelectedFreq"] != nil) me._adf_freq = data["ADFSelectedFreq"];
if (data["ADFInRange"] != nil) me._adf_in_range = data["ADFInRange"];
if (data["ADFHeadingDeg"] !=nil) me._adf_heading_deg = data["ADFInRange"];
if (me.getBRG1() == "NAV1") me.page.updateBRG1(me._nav1_in_range, me._nav1_id, me._nav1_distance_m * M2NM, me._heading_magnetic_deg, me._nav1_heading_deg);
if (me.getBRG1() == "NAV2") me.page.updateBRG1(me._nav2_in_range, me._nav2_id, me._nav2_distance_m * M2NM, me._heading_magnetic_deg, me._nav2_heading_deg);
if (me.getBRG1() == "ADF") me.page.updateBRG1(me._adf_in_range, sprintf("%.1f", me._adf_freq), 0, me._heading_magnetic_deg, me._adf_heading_deg);
if (me.getBRG2() == "NAV1") me.page.updateBRG2(me._nav1_in_range, me._nav1_id, me._nav1_distance_m * M2NM, me._heading_magnetic_deg, me._nav1_heading_deg);
if (me.getBRG2() == "NAV2") me.page.updateBRG2(me._nav2_in_range, me._nav2_id, me._nav2_distance_m * M2NM, me._heading_magnetic_deg, me._nav2_heading_deg);
if (me.getBRG2() == "ADF") me.page.updateBRG2(me._adf_in_range, sprintf("%.1f", me._adf_freq), 0, me._heading_magnetic_deg, me._adf_heading_deg);
if (me.getCDISource() == "NAV1") {
heading: me._heading_magnetic_deg,
course: me._nav1_radial_deg,
waypoint_valid: me._nav1_in_range,
course_deviation_deg : me._nav1_deviation_deg,
deflection_dots : me._nav1_deflection,
xtrk_nm : me._nav1_crosstrack_m * M2NM,
from: me._nav1_from,
annun: "",
loc : me._nav1_loc,
if (me.getCDISource() == "NAV2") {
heading: me._heading_magnetic_deg,
course: me._nav2_radial_deg,
waypoint_valid: me._nav2_in_range,
course_deviation_deg : me._nav2_deviation_deg,
deflection_dots : me._nav2_deflection,
xtrk_nm : me._nav2_crosstrack_m * M2NM,
from: me._nav2_from,
annun: "",
loc : me._nav2_loc,
return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_OK;
getNavData : func(type, value=nil) {
# Use Emesary to get a piece from the NavData system, using the provided
# type and value;
var notification = notifications.PFDEventNotification.new(
{Id: type, Value: value});
var response = me._transmitter.NotifyAll(notification);
if (! me._transmitter.IsFailed(response)) {
return notification.EventParameter.Value;
} else {
return nil;
PFDRegisterWithEmesary : func(transmitter = nil){
if (transmitter == nil)
transmitter = emesary.GlobalTransmitter;
if (me._pfdrecipient == nil){
me._pfdrecipient = emesary.Recipient.new("PFDInstrumentsController_" ~ me._page.device.designation);
var pfd_obj = me._page.device;
var controller = me;
me._pfdrecipient.Receive = func(notification)
if (notification.NotificationType == notifications.PFDEventNotification.DefaultType and
notification.Event_Id == notifications.PFDEventNotification.ADCData and
notification.EventParameter != nil)
return controller.handleADCData(notification.EventParameter);
if (notification.NotificationType == notifications.PFDEventNotification.DefaultType and
notification.Event_Id == notifications.PFDEventNotification.FMSData and
notification.EventParameter != nil)
return controller.handleFMSData(notification.EventParameter);
if (notification.NotificationType == notifications.PFDEventNotification.DefaultType and
notification.Event_Id == notifications.PFDEventNotification.NavComData and
notification.EventParameter != nil)
return controller.handleNavComData(notification.EventParameter);
return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_NotProcessed;
me.transmitter = transmitter;
PFDDeRegisterWithEmesary : func(transmitter = nil){
# remove registration from transmitter; but keep the recipient once it is created.
if (me.transmitter != nil)
me.transmitter = nil;
# Reset controller if required when the page is displayed or hidden
ondisplay : func() {
offdisplay : func() {