- rename the directory from webgui to Phi - let the webserver's root point to Phi instead of Docs - redirect old /gui/ url to the new location (/)
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<input type="checkbox" id="sim-config-aitraffic-on" data-bind="button: { refreshOn: aiEnabled }, checked: aiEnabled">
<label for="sim-config-aitraffic-on" data-bind="css: { 'ui-state-active': aiEnabled }">AI Traffic</label>
<label for="sim-config-multiplayer-callsign">Callsign</label> <span
class="ui-spinner ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all"> <input class="ui-spinner-input"
id="sim-config-multiplayer-callsign" data-bind="value: callsign, disable: online" maxlength="8">
<input type="checkbox" id="sim-config-multiplayer-hidereplay"
data-bind="button: { refreshOn: multiplayerHideReplay }, checked: multiplayerHideReplay"> <label
for="sim-config-multiplayer-hidereplay" data-bind="css: { 'ui-state-active': multiplayerHideReplay }">Hide
replay sessions over MP</label>
<button data-bind="button: { disabled: offline, label: 'Disconnect from ' + selectedServer() }, click: toggleConnect"></button>
<button data-bind="button: { disabled: online }, click: toggleConnect">Connect to</button>
<select data-bind="enable: offline
value: selectedServer,
options: serverList,
optionsText: 'longname',
optionsValue: 'longname',
<!--div data-bind="text: ko.toJSON($data)"></div-->