- better aircraft marker symbol - aircraft symbol loaded from file, no longer hardcoded - marker as knockout component
41 lines
1.2 KiB
41 lines
1.2 KiB
'jquery', 'knockout', 'text!./AircraftMarker.html', 'text!../images/aircraft.svg'
], function(jquery, ko, htmlString, aircraftSvgFileContent ) {
// extract root element which should be <svg> from image xml (strip pi) and convert to string
// what an easy way to make Safari happy :-P
var iconSvgString = jquery('<div>') // wrap into detached <div> to get it's innerHTML
jquery( aircraftSvgFileContent ) // parse the file content
.filter(":first")[0]) // get root element
function ViewModel(params) {
var self = this;
self.iconSvg = iconSvgString;
self.rotate = 0;
self.label = [];
if( params && params.rotate ) {
self.rotate = params.rotate;
if( params && params.label ) {
self.label = params.label;
self.transformCss = function() {
return 'rotate(' + ko.unwrap(self.rotate) + 'deg)';
// ViewModel.prototype.dispose = function() {
// }
// Return component definition
return {
viewModel : ViewModel,
template : htmlString