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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: (C) 2022 Frederic Croix <thefgfseagle@gmail.com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# Usage example for the menu, with submenu:
# var m = canvas.gui.Menu.new();
# var i1 = m.createItem("Text");
# var i2 = m.createItem("Text 2");
# var sub = canvas.gui.Menu.new();
# var s1 = sub.createItem("Sub", nil);
# var s2 = sub.createItem("Sub", nil);
# i1.setMenu(sub);
# m.setPosition(200, 200);
# m.show();
gui.MenuItem = {
MenuPosition: {
Above: 0x0,
Right: 0x1,
Below: 0x2,
Left: 0x4
# @description Create a new menu item widget
# @cfg_field text: str Text of the new menu item
# @cfg_field shortcut: str String representation of the keyboard shortcut for the item
# @cfg_field cb: callable Function / method to call when the item is clicked
# @cfg_field icon: str Path of an icon to be displayed (relative to the path in `canvas.style._dir_widgets`)
# @cfg_field enabled: bool Initial state of the menu item: enabled (1) or disabled (0)
new: func(parent, style, cfg) {
var cfg = Config.new(cfg);
var m = gui.Widget.new(gui.MenuItem);
m._text = cfg.get("text", "Menu item");
m._shortcut = cfg.get("shortcut", nil);
m._cb = cfg.get("cb", nil);
m._cb_me = cfg.get("cb_me", m);
m._icon = cfg.get("icon", nil);
m._enabled = cfg.get("enabled", 1);
m._menu_position = cfg.get("menu_position", gui.MenuItem.MenuPosition.Right);
m._hovered = 0;
m._menu = nil;
m._parent_menu = nil;
m._is_menubar_item = 0;
m._mouseOver = 0;
m._setView(style.createWidget(parent, cfg.get("type", "menu-item"), cfg));
m.setLayoutMinimumSize([48, 24]);
m.setLayoutSizeHint([64, 24]);
m.setLayoutMaximumSize([1024, 24]);
return m;
text: func {
return me._text;
setMenu: func(menu) {
menu._parent_item = me;
menu._canvas_item = me._parent_menu._canvas_item;
me._menu = menu;
return me.update();
onClicked: func(e) {
if (!me._menu and me._cb) {
call(me._cb, [e], me._cb_me, var errors = []);
if (size(errors)) {
logprint(LOG_ALERT, "Error(s) executing callback for menu item '" ~ me._text ~ "':");
if (me._is_menubar_item and me._enabled) {
if (!me._menu.isVisible()) {
me._hovered = 1;
var x = e.screenX - e.localX;
var y = e.screenY - e.localY;
me._showMenu(x, y);
} else {
me._hovered = 0;
} elsif (me._parent_menu != nil and me._menu == nil) {
me._hovered = 0;
_unsetOthersHovered: func {
for (var i = 0; i < me._parent_menu._layout.count(); i += 1) {
var item = me._parent_menu._layout.itemAt(i);
item._hovered = 0;
if (item._menu != nil) {
onMouseEnter: func(e) {
var any_hovered = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < me._parent_menu._layout.count(); i += 1) {
any_hovered |= me._parent_menu._layout.itemAt(i)._hovered;
me._mouseOver = 1;
if ((!me._is_menubar_item or any_hovered) and me._enabled) {
me._hovered = 1;
var x = e.screenX - e.localX;
var y = e.screenY - e.localY;
me._showMenu(x, y);
onMouseLeave: func(e) {
me._mouseOver = 0;
if (me._menu == nil) {
me._hovered = 0;
removeMenu: func() {
me._menu = nil;
return me.update();
_showMenu: func(x, y) {
if (me._menu) {
var pos = [0, 0];
if (me._menu_position == gui.MenuItem.MenuPosition.Right) {
pos = [x + me.geometry()[2], y];
} elsif (me._menu_position == gui.MenuItem.MenuPosition.Below) {
pos = [x, me.geometry()[3] + y];
} elsif (me._menu_position == gui.MenuItem.MenuPosition.Above) {
pos = [x, y - me._menu.getSize()[1]];
} elsif (me._menu_position == gui.MenuItem.MenuPosition.Left) {
pos = [x - me._menu.getSize()[0], y];
me._menu.show(pos[0], pos[1]);
_hideMenu: func {
if (me._menu) {
setEnabled: func(enabled = 1) {
me._enabled = enabled;
return me.update();
setText: func(text) {
me._text = text;
me._view.setText(me, text);
return me.update();
text: func {
return me._text;
setShortcut: func(shortcut) {
if (!shortcut) {
me._keyBinding = nil;
if (!isstr(shortcut)) {
logprint(LOG_ALERT, "Menu.setShortcut: invalid shortcut");
me._keyBinding = KeyBinding.fromShortcut(shortcut, me._cb);
me._view.setShortcut(me, KeyBinding.repr(me._keyBinding));
return me.update();
_setParentMenu: func(m) {
me._parent_menu = m;
if (me._parent_menu != nil and me._parent_menu._canvas_item != nil and me._cb != nil) {
# fixme: add window-level shortcurt handling
# if (me._shortcut != nil) {
# me._parent_menu._canvas_item.bindShortcut(me._shortcut, me._cb);
# }
if (me._menu != nil) {
for (var i = 0; i < me._menu.count(); i += 1) {
setIcon: func(icon) {
me._icon = icon;
me._view.setIcon(me, icon);
return me.update();
setCallback: func(cb = nil) {
me._cb = cb;
if (me._keyBinding) {
return me;
update: func {
if (me._view != nil) {
return me;
_setView: func(view) {
call(gui.Widget._setView, [view], me);
var el = view._root;
el.addEventListener("click", func(e) me.onClicked(e));
el.addEventListener("mouseenter", func(e) me.onMouseEnter(e));
el.addEventListener("mouseleave", func(e) me.onMouseLeave(e));
el.addEventListener("drag", func(e) e.stopPropagation());
gui.Menu = {
new: func(id = nil) {
var m = gui.Popup.new([100, 60], id);
m.parents = [gui.Menu] ~ m.parents;
m.style = style;
m._parent_item = nil;
m._canvas = m.createCanvas().setColorBackground(style.getColor("bg_color"));
m._root = m._canvas.createGroup();
m._layout = VBoxLayout.new();
m._canvas_item = nil;
return m;
setCanvasItem: func(item) {
me._canvas_item = item;
for (var i = 0; i < me._layout.count(); i += 1) {
# @description Add the given menu item to the menu (normally a `canvas.gui.MenuItem`, but can be any `canvas.gui.Widget` in theory)
# @return canvas.gui.Menu Return me to enable method chaining
addItem: func(item) {
me.setSize(math.max(me._layout.minimumSize()[0], 64), math.max(me._layout.minimumSize()[1], 24));
return me;
# @description Create, insert and return a `canvas.gui.MenuItem` with given text and an optional callback, icon and enabled state.
# @param text: str required Text to display on the menu item
# @param cb: callable optional Function / method to call when the item is clicked - if no callback is wanted, nil can be used
# @param cb_me: Union[hash, ghost] optional Object to use for any me references in the callback function (see `call`)
# @param shortcut: str String representation of the keyboard shortcut for the item
# @param icon: str optional Path to the icon (relative to canvas.style._dir_widgets) or nil if none should be displayed
# @param enabled: bool optional Whether the item should be enabled (1) or disabled (0)
# @return canvas.gui.MenuItem The item that was created
createItem: func(text = nil, cb = nil, cb_me = nil, shortcut = nil, icon = nil, enabled = 1) {
if (text == nil) {
die("cannot create a menu item without text");
var item = gui.MenuItem.new(me._root, me.style, {text: text, cb: cb, cb_me: cb_me, shortcut: shortcut, icon: icon, enabled: enabled});
return item;
# @description Create, insert and return a `canvas.gui.MenuItem with the given text and assign the given submenu to it,
# optionally add the given icon and set the given enabled state
# @param text: str required Text to display on the menu item
# @param menu: canvas.gui.Menu Submenu that shall be assigned to the new menu item
# @param enabled: bool optional Whether the item should be enabled (1) or disabled (0)
# @return canvas.gui.MenuItem The item that was created
addMenu: func(text = nil, menu = nil, enabled = 1) {
if (text == nil) {
die("cannot create a menu item without text");
if (menu == nil) {
die("cannot create a submenu item without submenu");
var item = gui.MenuItem.new(me._root, me.style, {text: text, cb: nil, shortcut: nil, icon: nil, enabled: enabled});
menu._parent_item = item;
return me;
createMenu: func(text = nil, enabled = 1) {
if (text == nil) {
die("cannot create a submenu item without text");
var menu = gui.Menu.new();
var item = gui.MenuItem.new(me._root, me.style, {text: text, cb: nil, shortcut: nil, icon: nil, enabled: enabled});
menu._parent_item = item;
return menu;
# @description Remove all items from the menu
# @return canvas.gui.Menu Return me to enable method chaining
clear: func {
return me;
# @description If `item` is a `canvas.gui.Widget`, remove the given `canvas.gui.Widget` from the menu
# Else assume `item` to be a scalar and try to find an item of the menu that has a `getText` method
# and whose result of calling its `getText` method equals `item` and remove that item
# @param item: Union[str, canvas.gui.Widget] required The widget or the text of the menu item to remove
removeItem: func(item) {
if (isa(item, gui.Widget)) {
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < me._layout.count(); i += 1) {
if (me._layout.itemAt(i)["getText"] != nil and me._layout.itemAt(i).getText() == item) {
return me;
die("No menu item with given text '" ~ item ~ "' found, could not remove !");
# @description If `index` is an integer, remove and return the item at the given `index`
# Else assume `item` to be a scalar and try to find an item of the menu that has a `getText` method
# and whose result of calling its `getText` method equals `item` and remove and return that item
# @param index: Union[int, str] required The index or text of the menu item to remove
# @return canvas.gui.Widget The item with given text `index` or at the given position `index`
takeAt: func(index) {
if (isint(index)) {
return me._layout.takeAt(index);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < me._layout.count(); i += 1) {
if (me._layout.itemAt(i)["getText"] != nil and me._layout.itemAt(i).getText() == index) {
return me._layout.takeAt(i);
die("No menu item with given text '" ~ index ~ "' found, could not remove !");
# @description Count the items of the menu
# @return int Number of items
count: func() {
return me._layout.count();
# @description If `index` is an integer, eturn the item at the given `index`
# Else assume `item` to be a scalar and try to find an item of the menu that has a `getText` method
# and whose result of calling its `getText` method equals `item` and eturn that item
# @param index: Union[int, str] required The index or text of the menu item to return
# @return canvas.gui.Widget The item with given text `index` or at the given position `index`
getItem: func(index) {
if (isint(index)) {
return me._layout.itemAt(index);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < me._layout.count(); i += 1) {
if (me._layout.itemAt(i)["getText"] != nil and me._layout.itemAt(i).getText() == index) {
return me._layout.itemAt(i);
die("No menu item with given text '" ~ index ~ "' found, could not remove !");
# @description Show the menu, moving it to the position given by `x` and `y` if ´x` and `y` are not nil
show: func(x = nil, y = nil) {
if (x != nil and y != nil) {
me.setPosition(x, y);
me.setInt("z-index", me.get("z-index", gui.STACK_INDEX["always-on-top"]));
if (me._canvas != nil) {
append(gui.open_popups, me);
# @description Hide the menu (force should only be set to 1 from within the click handler of menu items)
hide: func(force=0) {
if (me._parent_item != nil) {
if (
force or
me._parent_item._parent_menu == nil or
me._parent_item._parent_menu._view._root._node.getValue("id") != "menu-bar" or
me._parent_item._mouseOver == 0
) {
me._parent_item._hovered = 0;
call(me.parents[1].hide, [], me);
} else {
call(me.parents[1].hide, [], me);
# @description Destructor
del: func() {
# @description Update the menu and its items
update: func() {
for (var i = 0; i < me._layout.count(); i += 1) {
return me;