At the moment only the range can be changed via panel click action (click on the range numbers). Weather radar can be turned on in /instrumentation/radar/display-controls/WX. ai/mp display to come. For those who miss the old 2D panel, just use an aircraft with a decent panel and add --fdm=ufo for the same effect.
398 lines
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398 lines
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<description>UFO from the 'White Project' of the UNESCO</description>
<always-show-in-MP type="bool">false</always-show-in-MP>
<name>joystick fire button</name>
<desc>fly backwards</desc>
<desc>fly backwards</desc>
<name>[ ]</name>
<desc>decrease/increase maximum speed</desc>
<name>mouse click</name>
<desc>add model to scenery</desc>
<name>Ctrl + mouse click</name>
<desc>select nearest object</desc>
<name>Shift + mouse click</name>
<desc>add new object to selection</desc>
<name>Shift + Ctrl + mouse click</name>
<desc>add nearest object to selection</desc>
<name>Alt + mouse click</name>
<desc>move selected object(s) to new place</desc>
<name>Ctrl + PgUp/PgDn</name>
<desc>cycle through model list</desc>
<name>Ctrl + cursor/arrow keys</name>
<desc>move selected object(s) away/nearer/left/right</desc>
<desc>remove selected object(s)</desc>
<desc>dump object data to terminal</desc>
<desc>export object data</desc>
<desc>load model file via file selector</desc>
<desc>toggle marker for active (= last selected) object</desc>
<desc>open/close model select dialog</desc>
<desc>open/close cursor dialog</desc>
<line>Pre-select initial model (path relative to $FG_ROOT):</line>
<line>  --prop:cursor=Model/path.xml</line>
<line>Set directories that are scanned for models (comma separated and</line>
<line>relative to $FG_ROOT; default: Models):</line>
<line>  --prop:source=Models,Scenery/Objects</line>
<line>Exported data are written to:</line>
<line>  ~/.fgfs/ufo-model-export.xml (Unix)</line>
<line>  %APPDATA%\\ufo-model-export.xml (Microsoft Windows)</line>
<line>In the adjustment dialog (SPACE-key) holding the Ctrl or Shift key down</line>
<line>makes slider effects coarser/finer.</line>
<key n="8">
<desc>Remove selected object</desc>
<key n="9">
<desc>Show object adjustment dialog</desc>
<key n="32">
<desc>Show model select dialog</desc>
<key n="100">
<desc>Dump coordinates</desc>
<key n="101">
<desc>Export object data XML file</desc>
<key n="108">
<desc>Open file selector</desc>
<key n="109">
<desc>Toggle "active object" marker</desc>
<key n="360">
<desc>Increase throttle or autopilot autothrottle.</desc>
<repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
if (getprop("/devices/status/keyboard/ctrl")) {
} else {
controls.incThrottle(0.01, 1.0)
<desc>Look front right.</desc>
<key n="361">
<desc>Decrease throttle or autopilot autothrottle.</desc>
<repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
if (getprop("/devices/status/keyboard/ctrl")) {
} else {
controls.incThrottle(-0.01, -1.0)
<desc>Look back right.</desc>
<key n="356">
<desc>Move aileron left (or adjust AP heading.)</desc>
<repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
if (getprop("/devices/status/keyboard/ctrl")) {
ufo.modelmgr.adjust("transversal", -1);
} else {
controls.incAileron(-0.05, -1.0);
<desc>Look left.</desc>
if (getprop("/devices/status/keyboard/ctrl")) {
ufo.modelmgr.adjust("transversal", -10);
} else {
<key n="357">
<desc>Increase elevator or autopilot altitude.</desc>
<repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
if (getprop("/devices/status/keyboard/ctrl")) {
ufo.modelmgr.adjust("longitudinal", 1);
} else {
controls.incElevator(0.05, -100);
<desc>Look forward.</desc>
if (getprop("/devices/status/keyboard/ctrl")) {
ufo.modelmgr.adjust("longitudinal", 10);
} else {
<key n="358">
<desc>Move aileron right (or adjust AP heading.)</desc>
<repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
if (getprop("/devices/status/keyboard/ctrl")) {
ufo.modelmgr.adjust("transversal", 1);
} else {
controls.incAileron(0.05, 1.0);
<step type="double">0.05</step>
<desc>Look right.</desc>
if (getprop("/devices/status/keyboard/ctrl")) {
ufo.modelmgr.adjust("transversal", 10);
} else {
<key n="359">
<desc>Decrease elevator or autopilot altitude.</desc>
<repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
if (getprop("/devices/status/keyboard/ctrl")) {
ufo.modelmgr.adjust("longitudinal", -1);
} else {
controls.incElevator(-0.05, 100);
<desc>Look backwards.</desc>
if (getprop("/devices/status/keyboard/ctrl")) {
ufo.modelmgr.adjust("longitudinal", -10);
} else {
<!-- default model -->
<cursor type="string">Aircraft/ufo/Models/</cursor>
<!-- subdirs of $FG_ROOT to search models in. Comma separated, e.g. "Models,Scenery/Objects/w130n30" -->
<source type="string">Models</source>
<serviceable type="bool">true</serviceable>
<switch type="string" archive="y">on</switch>
<range type="double" archive="y">40</range>
<mode-control type="int" archive="y">2</mode-control>
<mode type="string" archive="y">WX</mode>
<lightning type="bool" archive="y">true</lightning>
<display-mode type="string" archive="y">plan</display-mode>
<WX type="bool" archive="y">false</WX>
<data type="bool" archive="y">true</data>
<pos type="bool" archive="y">true</pos>
<!-- hint for the route manager -->
<wow type="bool">false</wow>
<min-lock-altitude-agl-ft type="double">-10000</min-lock-altitude-agl-ft>