- move SVG to Canvas directory - add basic wxradar - differentiate between track and heading - improve altitude arc - add range arcs - display correct ETA for next waypoint
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978 B
31 lines
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var StormModel = {};
StormModel.new = func make( LayerModel, StormModel );
StormModel.init = func {
me._view.reset(); # wraps removeAllChildren() ATM
foreach (var n; props.globals.getNode("/instrumentation/wxradar",1).getChildren("storm")) {
# Model 3 degree radar beam
var stormLat = n.getNode("latitude-deg").getValue();
stormLon = n.getNode("longitude-deg").getValue();
acLat = getprop("/position/latitude-deg");
acLon = getprop("/position/longitude-deg");
stormGeo = geo.Coord.new();
acGeo = geo.Coord.new();
stormGeo.set_latlon(stormLat, stormLon);
acGeo.set_latlon(acLat, acLon);
var directDistance = acGeo.direct_distance_to(stormGeo);
beamH = 0.1719 * directDistance; # M2FT * tan(3deg)
beamBase = getprop("position/altitude-ft") - beamH;
if (n.getNode("top-altitude-ft").getValue() > beamBase) {
me.push( { lat: stormLat, lon : stormLon, radiusNm : n.getNode("radius-nm").getValue() } );