I'd like to suggest that the spoiler settings are set in the same way as the flaps are now done i.e. via Nasal, so that specific spoiler settings can also be defined in the aircraft set file. It was only when I was about to change the keyboard bindings for the slats control that I remembered that there wasn't already a mapping for them in keyboard.xml. I've _not_ added a mapping for slats as this is a bit of a hot topic atm but as I had already added a Nasal func for the slats in controls.nas I've left that in there. It's a trivial bit of code but I don't know if leaving it in there is a good idea as it's code that shouldn't ever be called until there's a corresponding keyboard mapping.
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314 lines
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startEngine = func {
sel = props.globals.getNode("/sim/input/selected");
engs = props.globals.getNode("/controls/engines").getChildren("engine");
for(i=0; i<size(engs); i=i+1) {
select = sel.getChild("engine", i);
if(select != nil and select.getValue() != 0) {
# Initialization hack (called after initialization via a timeout), to
# make sure that the number of engine properties in the selection tree
# match the actual number of engines. This should probably be fixed in a
# more elegant way...
initSelectProps = func {
engs = props.globals.getNode("/controls/engines").getChildren("engine");
sel = props.globals.getNode("/sim/input/selected");
for(i=0; i<size(engs); i=i+1) {
if(sel.getChild("engine", i) == nil) {
sel.getNode("engine[" ~ i ~ "]", 1); }}
settimer(initSelectProps, 0);
selectEngine = func {
sel = props.globals.getNode("/sim/input/selected").getChildren("engine");
foreach(node; sel) { node.setBoolValue(node.getIndex() == arg[0]); }
selectAllEngines = func {
sel = props.globals.getNode("/sim/input/selected").getChildren("engine");
foreach(node; sel) { node.setBoolValue(1); }
stepMagnetos = func {
change = arg[0];
engs = props.globals.getNode("/controls/engines").getChildren("engine");
sel = props.globals.getNode("/sim/input/selected");
for(i=0; i<size(engs); i=i+1) {
select = sel.getChild("engine", i);
if(select != nil and select.getValue() != 0) {
mag = engs[i].getNode("magnetos", 1);
mag.setIntValue(mag.getValue() + change);
centerFlightControls = func {
setprop("/controls/flight/elevator", 0);
setprop("/controls/flight/aileron", 0);
setprop("/controls/flight/rudder", 0);
throttleMouse = func {
if(!getprop("/devices/status/mice/mouse[0]/button[1]")) { return; }
val = (cmdarg().getNode("offset").getValue() * -4
+ getprop("/controls/engines/engine/throttle"));
if(size(arg) > 0) { val = -val; }
props.setAll("/controls/engines/engine", "throttle", val);
# Joystick axis handlers (uses cmdarg). Shouldn't be called from
# other contexts.
throttleAxis = func {
val = cmdarg().getNode("setting").getValue();
if(size(arg) > 0) { val = -val; }
props.setAll("/controls/engines/engine", "throttle", (1 - val)/2);
mixtureAxis = func {
val = cmdarg().getNode("setting").getValue();
if(size(arg) > 0) { val = -val; }
props.setAll("/controls/engines/engine", "mixture", (1 - val)/2);
propellerAxis = func {
val = cmdarg().getNode("setting").getValue();
if(size(arg) > 0) { val = -val; }
props.setAll("/controls/engines/engine", "propeller-pitch", (1 - val)/2);
# Wrapper around stepProps() which emulates the "old" flap behavior for
# configurations that aren't using the new mechanism.
stepFlaps = func {
if(props.globals.getNode("/sim/flaps") != nil) {
stepProps("/controls/flight/flaps", "/sim/flaps", arg[0]);
# Hard-coded flaps movement in 3 equal steps:
val = 0.3333334 * arg[0] + getprop("/controls/flight/flaps");
if(val > 1) { val = 1 } elsif(val < 0) { val = 0 }
setprop("/controls/flight/flaps", val);
stepSpoilers = func {
if(props.globals.getNode("/sim/spoilers") != nil) {
stepProps("/controls/flight/spoilers", "/sim/spoilers", arg[0]);
# Hard-coded spoilers movement in 4 equal steps:
val = 0.25 * arg[0] + getprop("/controls/flight/spoilers");
if(val > 1) { val = 1 } elsif(val < 0) { val = 0 }
setprop("/controls/flight/spoilers", val);
stepSlats = func {
if(props.globals.getNode("/sim/slats") != nil) {
stepProps("/controls/flight/slats", "/sim/slats", arg[0]);
# Hard-coded slats movement in 4 equal steps:
val = 0.25 * arg[0] + getprop("/controls/flight/slats");
if(val > 1) { val = 1 } elsif(val < 0) { val = 0 }
setprop("/controls/flight/slats", val);
# Steps through an "array" of property settings. The first argument
# specifies a destination property. The second is a string containing
# a global property tree. This tree should contain an array of
# indexed <setting> children. This function will maintain a
# <current-setting> child, which contains the index of the currently
# active setting. The third argument specifies an integer delta,
# indicating how many steps to move through the setting array.
# Note that because of the magic of the property system, this
# mechanism works for all scalar property types (bool, int, double,
# string).
# TODO: This interface could easily be extended to allow for wrapping,
# in addition to clamping, allowing a "cycle" of settings to be
# defined. It could also be hooked up with the interpolate() call,
# which would allow the removal of the transition-time feature from
# YASim. Finally, other pre-existing features (the views and engine
# magnetos, for instance), work similarly but not compatibly, and
# could be integrated.
stepProps = func {
dst = props.globals.getNode(arg[0]);
array = props.globals.getNode(arg[1]);
delta = arg[2];
if(dst == nil or array == nil) { return; }
sets = array.getChildren("setting");
curr = array.getNode("current-setting", 1).getValue();
if(curr == nil) { curr = 0; }
curr = curr + delta;
if (curr < 0) { curr = 0; }
elsif(curr >= size(sets)) { curr = size(sets) - 1; }
# "Slews" a property smoothly, without dependence on the simulator
# frame rate. The first argument is the property name. The second is
# a rate, in units per second. NOTE: this modifies the property for
# the current frame only; it is intended to be called by bindings
# which repeat each frame. If you want to cause motion over time, see
# interpolate().
slewProp = func {
prop = arg[0];
delta = arg[1] * getprop("/sim/time/delta-realtime-sec");
setprop(prop, getprop(prop) + delta);
# Standard trim rate, in units per second. Remember that the full
# range of a trim axis is 2.0. Should probably read this out of a
# property...
TRIM_RATE = 0.045;
# Handlers. These are suitable for binding to repeatable button press
# events. They are *not* good for binding to the keyboard, since (at
# least) X11 synthesizes its own key repeats.
elevatorTrim = func {
slewProp("/controls/flight/elevator-trim", arg[0] * TRIM_RATE); }
aileronTrim = func {
slewProp("/controls/flight/aileron-trim", arg[0] * TRIM_RATE); }
rudderTrim = func {
slewProp("/controls/flight/rudder-trim", arg[0] * TRIM_RATE); }
adjThrottle = func {
adjEngControl("throttle", arg[0]); }
adjMixture = func {
adjEngControl("mixture", arg[0]); }
adjPropeller = func {
adjEngControl("propeller-pitch", arg[0]); }
adjEngControl = func {
engs = props.globals.getNode("/controls/engines").getChildren("engine");
delta = arg[1] * THROTTLE_RATE * getprop("/sim/time/delta-realtime-sec");
foreach(e; engs) {
node = e.getNode(arg[0], 1);
node.setValue(node.getValue() + delta);
# arg[0] is the throttle increment
# arg[1] is the auto-throttle target speed increment
incThrottle = func {
auto = props.globals.getNode("/autopilot/locks/speed", 1);
if ( !auto.getValue() or auto.getValue() == 0 ) {
engs = props.globals.getNode("/controls/engines").getChildren("engine");
foreach(e; engs) {
node = e.getNode("throttle", 1);
node.setValue(node.getValue() + arg[0]);
if ( node.getValue() < -1.0 ) {
node.setValue( -1.0 );
if ( node.getValue() > 1.0 ) {
node.setValue( 1.0 );
} else {
node = props.globals.getNode("/autopilot/settings/target-speed-kt", 1);
if ( node.getValue() == nil ) {
node.setValue( 0.0 );
node.setValue(node.getValue() + arg[1]);
if ( node.getValue() < 0.0 ) {
node.setValue( 0.0 );
# arg[0] is the aileron increment
# arg[1] is the autopilot target heading increment
incAileron = func {
auto = props.globals.getNode("/autopilot/locks/heading", 1);
if ( !auto.getValue() or auto.getValue() == 0 ) {
aileron = props.globals.getNode("/controls/flight/aileron");
if ( aileron.getValue() == nil ) {
aileron.setValue( 0.0 );
aileron.setValue(aileron.getValue() + arg[0]);
if ( aileron.getValue() < -1.0 ) {
aileron.setValue( -1.0 );
if ( aileron.getValue() > 1.0 ) {
aileron.setValue( 1.0 );
if ( auto.getValue() == "dg-heading-hold" ) {
node = props.globals.getNode("/autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg", 1);
if ( node.getValue() == nil ) {
node.setValue( 0.0 );
node.setValue(node.getValue() + arg[1]);
if ( node.getValue() < 0.0 ) {
node.setValue( node.getValue() + 360.0 );
if ( node.getValue() > 360.0 ) {
node.setValue( node.getValue() - 360.0 );
if ( auto.getValue() == "true-heading-hold" ) {
node = props.globals.getNode("/autopilot/settings/true-heading-deg", 1);
if ( node.getValue() == nil ) {
node.setValue( 0.0 );
node.setValue(node.getValue() + arg[1]);
if ( node.getValue() < 0.0 ) {
node.setValue( node.getValue() + 360.0 );
if ( node.getValue() > 360.0 ) {
node.setValue( node.getValue() - 360.0 );
# arg[0] is the elevator increment
# arg[1] is the autopilot target alitude increment
incElevator = func {
auto = props.globals.getNode("/autopilot/locks/altitude", 1);
if ( !auto.getValue() or auto.getValue() == 0 ) {
elevator = props.globals.getNode("/controls/flight/elevator");
if ( elevator.getValue() == nil ) {
elevator.setValue( 0.0 );
elevator.setValue(elevator.getValue() + arg[0]);
if ( elevator.getValue() < -1.0 ) {
elevator.setValue( -1.0 );
if ( elevator.getValue() > 1.0 ) {
elevator.setValue( 1.0 );
} elsif ( auto.getValue() == "altitude-hold" ) {
node = props.globals.getNode("/autopilot/settings/target-altitude-ft", 1);
if ( node.getValue() == nil ) {
node.setValue( 0.0 );
node.setValue(node.getValue() + arg[1]);
if ( node.getValue() < 0.0 ) {
node.setValue( 0.0 );
# Joystick axis handlers. Don't call from other contexts.
elevatorTrimAxis = func { elevatorTrim(cmdarg().getNode("value").getValue()); }
aileronTrimAxis = func { aileronTrim(cmdarg().getNode("value").getValue()); }
rudderTrimAxis = func { rudderTrim(cmdarg().getNode("value").getValue()); }