Here is an other one to the data directory. It updates the carrier launchbar command and catapult launch command to reset itself if the key is no longer pressed. That fixes the odd behavour, that once a carrier launch happened, a second lauch happens no longer immediately at arresing time.
75 lines
1.9 KiB
75 lines
1.9 KiB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!-- map keys for catapult launch -->
<key n="67">
<desc>Catapult Launch Command.</desc>
<value type="bool">true</value>
<value type="bool">false</value>
<!-- map keys for launch-bar -->
<key n="76">
<desc>Launch-bar engage.</desc>
<value type="bool">true</value>
<value type="bool">false</value>
<!-- map keys for arrester hook -->
<key n="79">
<desc>Hook down.</desc>
<value type="double">1.0</value>
<key n="111">
<desc>Hook Up.</desc>
<value type="double">0.0</value>
<!-- map keys for wing fold -->
<key n="70">
<desc>Wing Fold Down.</desc>
<value type="double">1.0</value>
<key n="102">
<desc>Wing Fold Up.</desc>
<value type="double">0.0</value>