a side effect of the stack loop already - replace all backslashes by slashes, to avoid security problems on UNIX (if support for them is desirable on MS Windows, then we'd need an OS property)
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# Reads and returns a complete file as a string
var readfile = func(file) {
if((var st = stat(file)) == nil) die("Cannot stat file: " ~ file);
var sz = st[7];
var buf = bits.buf(sz);
read(open(file), buf, sz);
return buf;
# Generates a stat() test routine that is passed the "mode" field
# (stat(...)[2]) from a stat() call (index 2), extracts the IFMT
# subfield and compares it with the given type, assumes S_IFMT ==
# 0xf000.
var _gen_ifmt_test = func(ifmt) {
func(stat_mode) {
var buf = bits.buf(2);
bits.setfld(buf, 0, 16, stat_mode);
return ifmt == bits.fld(buf, 12, 4);
# Generate file type test predicates for the following types:
# Usage: io.isdir(io.stat(filename)[2]);
var ifmts = {dir:4, reg:8, lnk:10, sock:12, fifo:1, blk:6, chr:2};
foreach(fmt; keys(ifmts))
caller(0)[0]["is" ~ fmt] = _gen_ifmt_test(ifmts[fmt]);
# Removes superfluous slashes, emtpy and "." elements, expands
# all ".." elements, and turns all backslashes into slashes.
var fixpath = func(path) {
var d = "";
for(var i = 0; i < size(path); i += 1) {
if(path[i] == `\\`) d ~= "/";
else d ~= chr(path[i]);
var stack = [];
foreach(var e; split("/", d)) {
if(e == "." or e == "") continue;
elsif(e == "..") pop(stack);
else append(stack, e);
if(!size(stack)) return "/";
path = "";
foreach(var s; stack) path ~= "/" ~ s;
return path;