Patch goals: 1. Implement instrument and pannel lights controled by the nav-light switch. 2. Use Instruments-3d/vor which includes GS flag and filters for smooth movement of cdi and gs needles to and from parked position. 3. Adjust model and pilot view per the agreed to changes in Re: [Flightgear-devel] c172p pitch at cruise question, 12/06/2008 02:27 PM. These changes were never committed.
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
Provide a proper(?) initialization of kma20 switches.
<kma20 include="../Instruments-3d/kma20/kma20init.xml"/>
to your aircraft-set.xml
<!-- -1: COM1, 0: COM2, 1: EXT -->
<knob type="int" archive="y">-1</knob>
<!-- -1: SPEAKER, 0: OFF, 1: PHONE -->
<auto type="int" archive="y">1</auto>
<com1 type="int" archive="y">0</com1>
<com2 type="int" archive="y">0</com2>
<nav1 type="int" archive="y">0</nav1>
<nav2 type="int" archive="y">0</nav2>
<adf type="int" archive="y">0</adf>
<dme type="int" archive="y">0</dme>
<mkr type="int" archive="y">-1</mkr>
<sens type="int" archive="y">0</sens>
<!-- flag for marker lights test -->
<test type="int" archive="y">0</test>