# WARNING: *.draw files will be deprecated, see: http://wiki.flightgear.org/MapStructure
# Draw a waypoint symbol and waypoint name (Gijs' 744 ND.nas code)

var drawwp =  func (group, lat, lon, alt, name, i, wp) {
	var wp_group = group.createChild("group","wp");
	wp[i] = wp_group.createChild("path", "wp-" ~ i)
	# The commented code leads to a segfault when a route is replaced by a new one
	# text_wp[i] = wp_group.createChild("text", "wp-text-" ~ i)
	if (alt != 0)
		name ~= "\n"~alt;
	var text_wps = wp_group.createChild("text", "wp-text-" ~ i)
		.setDrawMode( canvas.Text.TEXT )
	wp_group.setGeoPosition(lat, lon);