# AirportInfo var AirportInfo = { new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg) { var obj = { parents : [ AirportInfo, MFDPage.new(mfd, myCanvas, device, svg, "AirportInfo", "WPT - AIRPORT INFORMATION") ], symbols : {}, }; obj.crsrIdx = 0; # Dynamic text elements in the SVG file. In the SVG these have an "AirportInfo" prefix. textelements = [ "Usage", "Name", "City", "Region", "Alt", "Lat", "Lon", "Fuel", "TZ", "RwyDimensions", "RwySurface", "RwyLighting", "FreqLabel1", "Freq1", "FreqLabel2", "Freq2", "FreqLabel3", "Freq3", "FreqLabel4", "Freq4", "FreqLabel5", "Freq5", "FreqLabel6", "Freq6", "FreqLabel7", "Freq7", "FreqLabel8", "Freq8", "Zoom" ]; obj.addTextElements(textelements); # Data Entry information. Keyed from the name of the element, which must # be one of the textelements above. Each data element maps to a set of # text elements in the SVG of the form [PageName][TextElement]{0...n}, each # representing a single character for data entry. # # .size is the number of characters of data entry # .chars is the set of characters, used to scroll through using the small # FMS knob. obj.airportEntry = PFD.DataEntryElement.new(obj.pageName, svg, "ID", "", 4, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); # TODO: Implement search by name - not currently supported. # obj.airportNameEntry = PFD.DataEntryElement.new(obj.pageName, svg, "Name", ???, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ "); obj.runwaySelect = PFD.ScrollElement.new(obj.pageName, svg, "Runway", ["36","18"]); # Dummy values obj.cursorElements = [ obj.airportEntry, # obj.getTextElement("Name"), obj.runwaySelect, obj.getTextElement("Freq1"), obj.getTextElement("Freq2"), obj.getTextElement("Freq3"), obj.getTextElement("Freq4"), obj.getTextElement("Freq5"), obj.getTextElement("Freq6"), obj.getTextElement("Freq7"), obj.getTextElement("Freq8") ]; # The Airport Chart obj.AirportChart = obj._group.createChild("map"); obj.AirportChart.setController("Static position", "main"); var controller = obj.AirportChart.getController(); # Initialize a range and screen resolution. Setting a range # to 4nm means we pick up a good set of surrounding fixes # We will use the screen range for zooming. If we use range # then as we zoom in the airport center goes out of range # and all the runways disappear. obj.AirportChart.setRange(4.0); obj.AirportChart.setScreenRange(fg1000.MAP_PARTIAL.HEIGHT); obj.AirportChart.setTranslation( fg1000.MAP_PARTIAL.CENTER.X, fg1000.MAP_PARTIAL.CENTER.Y ); var r = func(name,vis=1,zindex=nil) return caller(0)[0]; foreach(var type; [r('TAXI'),r('RWY')] ) { obj.AirportChart.addLayer(canvas.SymbolLayer, type.name, 4, obj.Styles.getStyle(type.name), obj.Options.getOption(type.name), type.vis ); } obj.controller = fg1000.AirportInfoController.new(obj, svg); obj.topMenu(device, obj, nil); return obj; }, displayAirport : func(apt_info) { # Display a given airport me.AirportChart.getController().setPosition(apt_info.lat,apt_info.lon); me.airportEntry.setValue(apt_info.id); me.setTextElement("Usage", "PUBLIC"); me.setTextElement("Name", string.uc(apt_info.name)); me.setTextElement("City", "CITY"); me.setTextElement("Region", "REGION"); me.setTextElement("Alt", sprintf("%ift", M2FT * apt_info.elevation)); if (apt_info.lat < 0.0) { me.setTextElement("Lat", sprintf("S %.4f", -apt_info.lat)); } else { me.setTextElement("Lat", sprintf("N %.4f", apt_info.lat)); } if (apt_info.lon < 0.0) { me.setTextElement("Lon", sprintf("W%3.4f", -apt_info.lon)); } else { me.setTextElement("Lon", sprintf("E%3.4f", apt_info.lon)); } me.setTextElement("Fuel", "AVGAS, AVTUR"); me.setTextElement("TZ", "UTC-6"); # Set up the runways list, but ignoring reciprocals so we don't get # runways displayed twice. var rwys = []; var recips = {}; foreach(var rwy; sort(keys(apt_info.runways), string.icmp)) { var rwy_info = apt_info.runways[rwy]; if (recips[rwy_info.id] == nil) { var lbl = rwy_info.id ~ "-" ~ rwy_info.reciprocal.id; append(rwys, lbl); recips[rwy_info.reciprocal.id] = 1; } } me.runwaySelect.setValues(rwys); if (size(rwys) > 0) { me.displayRunway(apt_info.runways[keys(apt_info.runways)[0]]); } else { me.displayRunway(nil); } # Display the comms frequencies for this airport var fcount = 1; if (size(apt_info.comms()) > 0) { # Airport has one or more frequencies assigned to it. var freqs = {}; var comms = apt_info.comms(); foreach (var c; comms) { freqs[c.ident] = sprintf("%.3f", c.frequency);; } foreach (var c; sort(keys(freqs), string.icmp)) { me.setTextElement("FreqLabel" ~ fcount, c); me.setTextElement("Freq" ~ fcount, freqs[c]); fcount += 1; } } while (fcount < 9) { # zero remaining comms channels me.setTextElement("FreqLabel" ~ fcount, ""); me.setTextElement("Freq" ~ fcount, ""); fcount += 1; } }, displayRunway : func(rwy_info) { if (rwy_info == nil) { me.setTextElement("RwyDimensions", ""); me.setTextElement("RwySurface", ""); } else { var dim = sprintf("%ift x %ift", 3.28 * rwy_info.length, 3.28 * rwy_info.width); me.setTextElement("RwyDimensions", dim); me.setTextElement("RwySurface", SURFACE_TYPES[rwy_info.surface]); #me.setTextElement("RwyLighting", rwy_info.surface); } }, setZoom : func(zoom, label) { # Set the zoom level for the airport chart display me.AirportChart.setScreenRange(zoom); me.setTextElement("Zoom", label); }, moveCRSR : func(val) { var incr_or_decr = (val > 0) ? 1 : -1; if (me.cursorElements[me.crsrIdx].isInEdit()) { # We're editing an element, so let the element handle the movement itself me.cursorElements[me.crsrIdx].incrLarge(val); } else { # We're not currently editing an element, so move to the next cursor position. me.cursorElements[me.crsrIdx].unhighlightElement(); me.crsrIdx = math.mod(me.crsrIdx + incr_or_decr, size(me.cursorElements)); while ((me.cursorElements[me.crsrIdx].getValue() == nil) or (me.cursorElements[me.crsrIdx].getValue() == "" )) { # Handle case where we have blank frequencies by skipping them. me.crsrIdx = math.mod(me.crsrIdx + incr_or_decr, size(me.cursorElements)); } me.cursorElements[me.crsrIdx].highlightElement(); } }, incrSmall : func(val) { me.cursorElements[me.crsrIdx].incrSmall(val); var ret = {}; ret.name = me.cursorElements[me.crsrIdx].getName(); ret.value = me.cursorElements[me.crsrIdx].getValue(); return ret; }, handleEnter : func() { me.cursorElements[me.crsrIdx].enterElement(); var ret = {}; ret.name = me.cursorElements[me.crsrIdx].getName(); ret.value = me.cursorElements[me.crsrIdx].getValue(); return ret; }, handleClear : func() { me.cursorElements[me.crsrIdx].clearElement(); }, showCRSR : func() { me.cursorElements[me.crsrIdx].highlightElement(); }, hideCRSR : func() { me.cursorElements[me.crsrIdx].unhighlightElement(); me.crsrIdx = 0; }, offdisplay : func() { me._group.setVisible(0); # Reset the menu colours. Shouldn't have to do this here, but # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so. for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) { var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i); me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0); me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0); } me.controller.offdisplay(); }, ondisplay : func() { me._group.setVisible(1); me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title); me.controller.ondisplay(); }, # Softkey menus topMenu : func(device, pg, menuitem) { pg.clearMenu(); pg.resetMenuColors(); device.updateMenus(); }, };