Install scenery Installiere Szenerie Please wait, verifying and extracting scenery... Bitte warten, Szenerie wird geprüft und entpackt... TextLabel Successfully installed the scenery files to '%1'. This location will be added to the list of additional sceneries to be used. Szenerie erfolgreich nach '%1' installiert. Dieser Ort wird zur Liste der zusätzlich zu ladenden Szenerien hinzugefügt. <html><head/><body><p>The easiest way to automatically install scenery is to use TerraSync. If you prefer to download and install scenery manually, you can use this dialog to extract and install the files in the correct place. (<a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Click here to download scenery</span></a>)</p><p>Files will be extracted and installed to a 'Scenery' folder inside your chosen downloads location (currently %1), after which you can delete the archives if you wish.</p><p>To begin, click 'Next' and select one or more downloaded scenery archives, which have names such as 'w010n40.tar.gz'</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p> The easiest way to automatically install scenery is to use TerraSync. If you prefer to download and install scenery manually, you can use this dialog to extract and install the files in the correct place. (<a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Click here to download scenery</span></a>) </p><p>Files will be extracted and installed to a 'Scenery' folder inside your chosen downloads location (currently %1), after which you can delete the archives if you wish. </p><p>To begin, click 'Next' and select one or more downloaded scenery archives, which have names such as 'w010n40.tar.gz'</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p> Der einfachste Weg Szenerie zu installieren, ist TerraSync. Um Szenerie manuell herunterzuladen und zu installieren, kann dieser Dialog benutzt werden, um die Dateien in das richtige Verzeichnis zu entpacken. (<a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Für Szenerie Download hier klicken.</span></a>) </p><p>Die Dateien werden in ein Verzeichnis 'Scenery' unterhalb des gewählten Download-Verzeichnisses (momentan %1) entpackt. Anschließend können die Archive gelöscht werden.</p><p> Zum fortfahren bitte auf 'Next' klicken und ein oder mehrere heruntergeladene Szenerie-Archive auswählen. Diese haben Namen wie z.B. 'w010n40.tar.gz'</p></body></html> Added scenery should contain at least one of the following folders: Objects, Terrain, Buildings, Roads, Pylons, NavData. Ready for Take-off Abflugbereit Add Hinzufügen 18 Hangar URL: 44 Cancel Abbrechen 65 Add hangar Hangar hinzufügen 77 Failed to find a hangar description at the URL: '%1'. Check you entered the URL correctly. Hangarbeschreibung nicht gefunden, bitte URL prüfe (%1). 129 Access to the hangar data was forbidden by the server. Please check the URL you entered, or contact the hangar authors. Zugriff auf Hangar verweigert. Bitte URL prüfen oder den Administrator des Hangars kontaktieren. 132 Failed to download from the server due to a network problem. Check your Internet connection is working, and that you entered the correct URL. Download fehlgeschlagen (Netzwerkfehler). Bitte URL und Internetverbindung prüfen. 135 The hangar you requested is for a different version of FlightGear. (This is version %1) Der angeforderte Hangar ist für eine andere Version von FlightGear. (Diese Version ist %1) 138 The requested hangar seems to be invalid (damaged or incomplete). Please contact the hangar authors, or try again later Der angeforderte Hangar scheint unvollständig oder beschädigt zu sein. Bitte später erneut versuchen oder den Administrator des Hangars kontaktieren. 142 Click here to add a new aircraft hangar. (Note this requires an Internet connection) Hier klicken, um neuen Hangar hinzuzufügen. (Benötigt eine Internetverbindung) 153 Enter a hangar location (URL) to add. Hangar URL eingeben 161 Retrieving hangar information... Hangarinformation wird abgerufen... 169 There was a problem adding the hangar: %1. Es gab ein Problem beim Hinzufügen des Hangars: %1. 178 Aircraft hangars Flugzeughangar 50 Aircraft hangars are managed collections of aircraft, which can be downloaded, installed and updated inside FlightGear. Flugzeughangar sind Sammlungen von Flugzeugen, die in FlightGear heruntergeladen, installiert und aktualisiert werden können. 51 The official FlightGear aircraft hangar is not set up. To add it, click here. Der offizielle FlightGear Hangar ist nicht eingerichtet. Zum Hinzufügen hier klicken. 78 Additional aircraft folders Zusätzliche Flugzeug-Verzeichnisse 101 To use aircraft you download yourself, FlightGear needs to know the folder(s) containing the aircraft data. 102 Remove the aircraft folder: '%1' from the list? (The folder contents will not be changed) Verzeichnis '%1' aus Liste entfernen? (Der Inhalt des Verzeichnisses wird nicht geändert) 125 No custom aircraft paths are configured. Es sind keine benutzerdefinierten Flugzeug-Verzeichnisse konfiguriert. 135 Add-on Module folders Verzeichnis für Add-on Module 152 To use Add-on Modules that you download yourself, FlightGear needs to know the folder(s) containing the Add-on Modules. Um selbst heruntergeladene Add-ons zu nutzen, muss FlightGear deren Verzeichnis(se) kennen. 153 Remove the add-on module folder: '%1' from the list? (The folder contents will not be changed) Verzeichnis '%1' aus Liste entfernen? (Der Inhalt des Verzeichnisses wird nicht geändert) 181 No custom add-on module paths are configured. Es sind keine benutzerdefinierten Add-on-Verzeichnisse konfiguriert. 206 Additional scenery folders Weitere Szenerieverzeichnisse 223 To use scenery you download yourself, FlightGear needs to know the folders containing the scenery data. Adjust the order of the list to control which scenery is used in a region. 224 Remove the scenery folder: '%1' from the list? (The folder contents will not be changed) Verzeichnis '%1' aus Liste entfernen? (Der Inhalt des Verzeichnisses wird nicht geändert) 249 No custom scenery paths are configured. Es sind keine benutzerdefinierten Szenerie-Verzeichnisse konfiguriert. 259 Install add-on scenery Installiere Add-on Szenerie 269 If you have downloaded scenery manually from the official FlightGear website, you can use this button to extract and install it into a suitable folder. (Scenery downloaded this way should have a file name such as 'w40n020.tar.gz') 292 Show more Zeige mehr 17 Show less Zeige weniger 25 URI: %1 Local path: %2 28 by %1 107 Website 125 Support and issue reporting Hilfe und Probleme berichten 131 Wikipedia 137 Ratings: 182 Flight model Flugdynamik-Modell 187 Systems Systeme 195 Cockpit Cockpit 208 Exterior Äusseres 216 Local file location: %1 Lokaler Speicherort: %1 226 Install Installieren 46 Uninstall Desinstallieren 60 195 Update Aktualisieren 74 Queued in Warteschlange 93 Cancel Abbrechen 94 111 196 Downloading 110 Are you sure you want to uninstall this aircraft? Möchtest Du dieses Flugzeug wirklich desinstallieren? 193 Installed Aircraft Installierte Flugzeuge 45 Favourites 55 Browse Durchsuchen 65 Updates 76 No aircraft updates available right now Derzeit sind keine Updates verfügbar. 187 Filter using ratings Nach Bewertung filtern 21 Adjust minimum ratings Minimale Bewertung anpassen 39 Aircraft are rated by the community based on four critiera, on a scale from one to five. The ratings are designed to help make an informed guess how complete and functional an aircraft is. 78 Minimum flight-model (FDM) rating: 87 Minimum systems rating Minimum visual model rating 93 Minimum cockpit visual rating 99 Minimum exterial visual model rating Minimum FDM rating 105 This hangar is currently disabled due to a problem. Click here to try updating the hangar information from the server. (An Internet connection is required for this) 87 Remove Entfernen 127 Cancel Abbrechen 128 Remove this hangar? (Downloaded aircraft will be deleted from your computer) Diesen Hangar entfernen? (Heruntergeladene Flugzeuge werden von Deinem Computer gelöscht!) 130 Move up Bewege hoch 51 Move down Bewege runter 51 Time & Date Zeit & Datum 30 Time of day Tageszeit 37 Select the time of day used when the simulator starts, or enter a custom date and time. Wähle die Tageszeit bei Simulatorstart oder gib ein Datum und Zeit ein 38 Current time Aktuelle Zeit 40 Dawn Morgendämmerung 40 Morning Morgen 40 Noon Mittag 40 Afternoon Nachmittag 41 Dusk Abenddämmerung 41 Evening Abend 41 Midnight Mitternacht 42 Custom time & date Benutzerdefinierte Zeit und Datum 42 64 Enter a date and time to begin the flight at. By default this is in local time for the chosen starting location - use the option below to request a time in GMT / UTC. 66 Custom time is GMT / UTC 74 Season Jahreszeit 81 Select if normal (summer) or winter textures are used for the scenery. This does not affect other aspects of the simulation at present, such as icing or weather simulation 82 Summer (default) Sommer (standard) 86 Winter Winter 86 Weather Wetter 113 Advanced weather modelling Verbessertes Wettermodell 119 Detailed weather simulation based on local terrain and atmospheric simulation. Note that using advanced weather with real-world weather data (METAR) information may not show exactly the conditions recorded, and is not recommended for multi-player flight since the weather simulation is not shared over the network. 120 Real-world weather Reales Wetter 130 Download real-world weather from the NOAA servers based on location. Aktuelle Wetterdaten für Standort im Simulator von NOAA Servern herunterladen. 131 Weather scenario Wetter Szenario 139 METAR 159 Enter a custom METAR string, e.g: '%1' 163 The entered METAR string doesn't seem to be valid. 164 advanced weather Verbessertes Wettermodell 231 real-world weather Aktuelles echtes Wetter 232 Fly with a flight-plan 46 Load Laden 56 Save Speichern 71 Clear Leeren 76 Aircraft & flight information 85 Callsign / Flight No. 97 Aircraft type: 116 Flight rules: 138 Flight type: 154 Scheduled 155 Non-scheduled 156 General aviation 157 Military 158 Other 159 Wake turbulence category: 178 Light 179 Medium 180 Heavy 181 Jumbo 182 Route 190 281 Departure airport: 201 Departure time: 225 The flight-plan departure airport (%1) is different to the initial location (%2). Click here to set the initial location to the flight-plan's airport. 238 Cruise speed: 257 Cruise altitude: 272 Generate route 301 Using 314 High-level (Jet) airways 315 Low-level (Victor) airways 316 High- & low-level airways 317 View route 322 Clear route 331 Destination airport: 359 Estimated enroute time: 380 Total distance: %1 395 Alternate airport: 406 Additional information 425 Remarks 431 Summary 10 33 Aircraft 11 34 Location 14 37 Location page disabled due to conflicting user arguments (in Settings) 17 Environment 24 Settings 25 Add-ons 27 Open saved configuration... Öffne gespeicherte Konfiguration 159 Save configuration as... Speichere Konfiguration als... 161 Flight-planning 164 View command line 166 Select data files location... Wähle Ort für Datendateien 167 Restore default settings... 168 Quit 170 Location 182 Search for an airport or navaid 201 Enter the name, partial name or ident of a navaid or fix, or an airport name or ICAO identifier. Alternatively, enter a latitude & longitude: for example 53.4,-3.4 or 18.4S, 87.23W 250 Searching 281 No results for found search '%1' 301 < Back 332 Heliport: 97 Airport: 98 Pad 116 Runway 116 Active 126 On final approach 180 At 197 from the threshold 205 Airspeed: 224 Tune navigation radio (NAV1) to runway localizer 249 Parking 276 Available 286 Altitude: 28 Position: %1 68 Navaid: %1 / %2 74 Airspeed: 90 Heading: 112 Offset 132 on bearing 151 The official FlightGear aircraft hangar is not added, so many standard aircraft will not be available. You can add the hangar now, or hide this message. The offical hangar can always be restored from the 'Add-Ons' page. 27 Adding hangar 37 Add default hangar 38 Hide 46 Remove Entfernen 115 Cancel Abbrechen 116 Search 11 Enter additional command-line arguments if any are required. See <a href="">here</a> for documentation on possible arguments. <br><b>Warning:</b> values entered here always override other settings; <a href="#view-command-line">click here</a> to view the final set of arguments that will be used 23 <b>Warning:</b> specifying <tt>fg-root</tt>, <tt>fg-aircraft</tt>, <tt>fg-scenery</tt> or <tt>fg-home</tt> using this section is not recommended, and may cause problem or prevent the simulator from running. Please use the add-ons page to setup scenery and aircrft directories, and the 'Select data files location' menu item to change the root data directory. 47 <b>Note:</b> you have entered arguments relating to the startup location below. To prevent problems caused by conflicting settings, the values entered on the location page (for example, airport or altitude) will be ignored. 58 %1 (default) 45 Change 60 Use default 74 Settings 49 General 76 Start paused 90 Automatically pause the simulator when launching. This is useful when starting in the air. 91 Enable auto-coordination 100 When flying with the mouse, or a joystick lacking a rudder axis, it's difficult to manually coordinate aileron and rudder movements during turn. This option automatically commands the rudder to maintain zero slip angle when banking 101 Show debugging console 113 Open a console window showing debug output from the application. 114 Multi-player 129 Connect to the multi-player network 144 FlightGear supporters maintain a network of servers to enable global multi-user flight. This requires a moderately fast Internet connection to be usable. Your aircraft will be visible to other users online, and you will see their aircraft. 145 Callsign 161 Enter a callsign you will use online. This is visible to all users and is how ATC services and other pilots will refer to you. (Maximum of seven characters permitted) 162 Server 177 Select a server close to you for better responsiveness and reduced lag when flying online. 179 Custom server Benutzerdefinierter Server 218 Enter a server hostname or IP address, and optionally a port number. (Default port is 5000) For example 'localhost:5001' 220 Downloads 268 Download scenery automatically 282 FlightGear can automatically download scenery as needed, and check for updates to the scenery. If you disable this option, you will need to download & install scenery using an alternative method. 283 Download location 298 FlightGear stores downloaded files (scenery and aircraft) in this location. Depending on your settings, it may grow to a considerable size (many gigabytes). If you change the download location, files will need to be downloaded again. When changing this setting, FlightGear will restart to use the new location correctly. 299 Choose a location to store download files. 306 View & Window 341 Start full-screen 355 Start the simulator in full-screen mode. 356 Window size 364 Select the initial size of the window (this has no effect in full-screen mode). 365 Custom Size 367 Custom size 378 Enter a custom window size in the form 'WWWWW x HHHHH', for example '1280 x 900' 380 Rendering 400 anti-aliasing 413 Renderer 420 Default 421 Atmospheric Light Scattering 422 Rembrandt 411 423 The default renderer provides standard visuals with maximum compatibility. 429 The ALS renderer uses a sophisticated physical atmospheric model and several other effects to give realistic rendering of large distances. 430 Rembrandt is a configurable multi-pass renderer which supports shadow-maps, cinematic effects and more. However, not all aircraft appear correctly and performance will depend greatly on your system hardware. 432 Anti-aliasing 442 Anti-aliasing is disabled when Rembrandt is enabled. 444 Anti-aliasing improves the appearance of high-contrast edges and lines. This is especially noticeable on sloping or diagonal edges. Higher settings can reduce performance. 445 Off 449 Cache graphics for faster loading 462 By converting images used in rendering to an optimised format loading times and memory use can be improved. This will consume some disk space and take initial time while images are converted, but subsequent loads will be faster, and use less memory. 463 Additional Settings 489 Fly! 73 The selected aircraft is not installed or has updates pending 76 Licenced under the GNU Public License (GPL) - click for more info 89 Aircraft: 145 No aircraft selected 154 State: 230 Default state 232 Location: 272 <i>set from user arguments (in Settings)</i> 279 Settings: 297 %1 aircraft have updates available - download and install them now? 18 Update all 25 Setup required data files TextLabel FlightGear version 3.4.5 Use built-in data files Download Replace me Choose folder... To use the files included with this copy of FlightGear, click this button To download a compressed archive of the files, click the 'Download' button. Once the download is complete, extract the files to a suitable location and choose the folder using the button above. To browse to a downloaded copy of the files on your computer, click this button Choose aircraft folder 117 No aircraft found in the folder '%1' - add anyway? 141 Choose addon module folder 158 The folder '%1' doesn't appear to contain an addon module - add anyway? 177 Added modules should contain at least both of the following files: addon-metadata.xml, addon-main.nas. 180 Choose scenery folder 208 The folder '%1' doesn't appear to contain scenery - add anyway? 227 Added scenery should contain at least one of the following folders: Objects, Terrain, Buildings, Roads, Pylons, NavData, Airports. 230 Missing description for: %1 296 345 353 Invalid package checksum 624 Download failed 626 Package could not be extracted 628 A local file-system error occurred 630 Package file missing from download server 632 Unknown reason 635 (%1 of %2 aircraft) 90 (%1 aircraft) 93 The catalog data was not found on the server at the expected location (URL) 111 The catalog is not compatible with the version of FlightGear The catalog is not comaptible with the version of FlightGear 114 The catalog server is blocking access from some reason (forbidden) 117 disabled due to an internal error 120 %1 - %2 123 scenery archive name is not correct. 82 file does not appear to be a scenery archive. 93 unarchiving failed 142 Next Weiter 189 Extracting Entpacke 196 Okay 209 Choose scenery to install Wähle zu installierende Szenerie 247 Problems occured extracting the archive '%1': %2 Problem beim Entpacken des Archivs '%1': %2 281 Extracting %1 Entpacke %1 293 <p>Options passed on the command line:</p> 128 <p>Options set in the launcher:</p> <p>Options set in the launcher:</p> <p>Optionen, die im Launcher gesetzt wurden:</p> 141 (will be skipped due to being specified as an additional argument) 158 <p>Options set as additional arguments:</p> <p>Optionen, die als weitere Argumente gesetzt wurden:</p> 164 Create download folder? Download Verzeichnis anlegen? 328 The selected location for downloads does not exist. (%1) Create it? Das gewählte Verzeichnis für Downloads existiert nicht. (%1) Soll es jetzt angelegt werden? 329 Aircraft installation failed Flugzeug Installation fehlgeschlagen 741 An error occurred installing the aircraft %1: %2 Bei der Installation des Flugzeugs %1 ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: %2 742 Restore all settings to defaults? Alle Einstellungen auf den Standard zurücksetzen? 761 Restoring settings to their defaults may affect available add-ons such as scenery or aircraft. 762 Restore and restart now Jetzt wiederherstellen und neustarten? 763 Currently the built-in data files are being used Momentan werden die mitgelieferten Datendateien benutzt 788 Currently using location: %1 Momentan benutzter Ort: %1 791 Change the data files used by FlightGear? Möchtest Du die Datendateien, die FlightGear nutzt ändern? 795 FlightGear requires additional files to operate. (Also called the base package, or fg-data) You can restart FlightGear and choose a different data files location, or restore the default setting. %1 FlightGear benötigt zum Betrieb weitere Dateien (auch base package oder fg-data genannt). Du kannst FlightGear neustarten und einen anderen Ort für die Datendateien wählen oder die Standardeinstellungen wiederherstellen. %1 796 Restart FlightGear now FlightGear jetzt neustarten 800 Choose a saved configuration Wähle eine gespeicherte Konfiguration 816 Save the current configuration Speichere die momentane Konfiguration 826 File Datei 43 Open saved configuration... Öffne gespeicherte Konfiguration 44 Save configuration as... Speichere Konfiguration als... 48 Tools Werkzeuge 52 Restore defaults... Standardeinstellungen wiederherstellen... 53 Select data files location... Wähle Ort für Datendateien 57 View command-line Kommandozeile ansehen 61 Problems occurred loading the user interface. This is often due to missing modules on your system. Please report this error to the FlightGear developer list or forum, and take care to mention your system distribution, etc. Please also include the information provided below. Problems occurred loading the user interface. This is often due to missing modules on your system. Please report this error to the FlightGear developer list or forum, and take care to mention your system distribution, etc. Please also include the information provided below. Problem beim Laden der Benutzerschnittstelle. Dies kann an fehlenden Modulen auf Deinem System liegen. Bitte berichte diesen Fehler an die FlightGear-Entwickler Mainlingliste oder im Forum unter Angabe Deines Betriebssystems mit Version. Bitte füge die Informationen hinzu, die unten angezeigt werden. 118 at position %1 an Position %1 1056 %1nm abeam 1063 on %1nm final to 1065 on deck at %1 on 1067 %1 carrier %2 (%3) 1069 No location selected Kein Ort gewählte 1072 1130 on %1-mile final to active runway im %1-Meilen Endanflug auf die aktive Piste 1087 on active runway auf der aktiven Piste 1089 at an available parking position auf einer verfügbaren Parkposition 1092 on %2-mile final to %1 im %2-Meilen Endanflug auf %1 1097 on %1 auf %1 1099 at parking position %1 auf Parkposition %1 1102 %2 (%1): %3 1105 at 1107 %1nm %2 of %1nm %2 von 1109 %2 waypoint %1 %2 Wegpunkt %1 1121 %4 %1 %2 (%3) 1127 No servers available Keine Server verfügbar 49 Custom server Benutzerdefinierter Server 57 %1 - %2 67 On approach Im Anflug 145 Ready for take-off 147 Parked, cold & dark Geparkt, kalt & dunkel 149 Automatic Automatisch 151 Cruise Reiseflug 153 Ready to taxi Fertig zum Rollen 155 On approach to a carrier 157 Ready for catapult launch 159 Select state based on startup position. Wähle Zustand basierend auf Startposition 195 FlightGear version %1 FlightGear Version %1 72 Choose FlightGear data folder Wähle FlightGear Datenverzeichnis 191 This copy of FlightGear does not include the base data files. Please select a suitable folder containing a previously download set of files. Diese Kopie von FlightGear enthält nicht das Basisdatenpaket. Bitte wähle ein Verzeichnis, dass diese Daten bereits heruntergeladen wurden. 239 The requested location '%1' does not appear to be a valid set of data files for FlightGear Das Verzeichnis '%1' scheint keine gültigen Daten für FlightGear zu enthalten 244 Detected incompatible version of the data files: version %1 found, but this is FlightGear %2. (At location: '%3') Please install or select a matching set of data files. Inkompatible Datenversion erkannt: gefunden wurde %1, aber diese Version von FlightGear braucht %2 (Verzeichnis '%3') Bitte installiere oder wähle eine passende Version der Daten. 250 Please select or download a copy of the FlightGear data files. 257 The choosen location (%1) does not appear to contain FlightGear data files. Please try another location. Das gewählte Verzeichnis (%1) enthält keine Daten für FlightGear. Bitte wähle ein anderes Verzeichnis. 261 The choosen location (%1) contains files for version %2, but this is FlightGear %3. Please update or try another location Das gewählte Verzeichnis (%1) enthält Daten für Version %2, aber dies ist FlightGear %3. Bitte aktualisiere die Daten oder wähle ein anderes Verzeichnis. 267 Initialising navigation data, this may take several minutes Initialisiere Navigationsdaten, dies kann mehrere Minuten dauern 88 Reading airport data Lese Flughafendaten 111 Loading airports Lade Flughäfen 115 Loading waypoint data Lade Wegpunkte 119 Loading navigation data Lade Navigationsdaten 123 Loading point-of-interest data Lade point-of-interest Daten 128 Previous Leg Vorheriger Abschnitt 19 Next Leg Nächstes Abschnitt 31 Copy to clipboard Kopiere in Zwischenablage 20 Load a flight-plan Lade Flugplan 498 Save flight-plan Speichere Flugplan 508 at %1' 86 above %1' über %1' 89 below %1' unter %1' 92 %1 %2 18 Remove Entfernen 116 Cancel Abbrechen 117 %1: %2 30 Website 138 Support and issue reporting Hilfe und Probleme berichten 144 Download 150 Install Installieren 64 Switch to grid view Zeige Rasteransicht 40 Switch to list view Zeige Listenansicht 41 %1 - %2 92 Carrier: %1 76 On final approach 102 Abeam carrier at 180 degrees 129 at 153 from the FLOLS (aka the ball) 161 Airspeed: 180 On deck 222 Tune navigation radio (TACAN) to carrier 263