Configuring 3D Clouds

3D clouds are configured using the file data/cloudlayers.xml.

This file has 3 distinct sections: layers, cloud boxes and clouds.

Note that all distances are in m.


The <layers> section contains definitions for a specific layer type.
The layer type is derived from the METAR/Weather settings by FG itself.

Each layer type is a named XML tag, i.e.: ns, sc, st, ac, sb, cu.
If a layer type is not defined, then a 2D layer is used instead.

The layer type contains one or more <cloud> definitions. This 
defines a type of cloud box, and a weighting for that type (<count>).

For example, the following XML fragment will produce 3 "cb" cloud boxes
for every 1 "cu":


The layer type contains <grid-x-size> and <grid-y-size> tags. These 
define the distribution of clouds within the layer in meters, assuming 
100% cloud cover (i.e. 8 octas, or "overcast). If the cloud coverage is
less than over-cast, then a proportional number of clouds will be displayed.

<grid-x-rand>, <grid-y-rand>, <grid-z-rand> add a random element to the
cloud grid.

For example, the following XML fragment will produce a grid of clouds
every 4500m +/- 500m, varying in height by 150m.

<grid-x-size type="double">4500.0</grid-x-size>
<grid-y-size type="double">4500.0</grid-y-size>
<grid-x-rand type="double">500.0</grid-x-rand>
<grid-y-rand type="double">500.0</grid-y-rand>
<grid-z-rand type="double">150.0</grid-z-rand>

If the cloud coverage is less than 100%, then a proportion of grid
points are not used.

Cloud Boxes

The <boxes> section contains definitions of cloud boxes. A cloud box
defines a structured group of clouds. For example and entire towering

The <boxes> section contains a number of named types, as referenced
by the <cloud> section of <layers>. Therefore, the names used are
completely user-defined.

Each type consists of one or more clouds, with an x,y,z position
relative to each other.

For example, the following cloud box defines "sc" as a box containing
two "ns-large" clouds, one at the defined grid position, and one offset
by 500m horizontally:


If the  /sim/rendering/clouds3d-density is less than 1.0 (100%), then a
proportional number of clouds will be displayed.


The <clouds> section contains definitions of clouds themselves, as referenced
by the <type> tag in the <boxes> section. Therefore, the names used are
completely user-defined.

Each cloud definition consists of the following tags:

<min-cloud-width-m>  - minimum width of the cloud
<max-cloud-width-m>  - maximum width of the cloud
<min-cloud-height-m> - minimum height of the cloud
<max-cloud-height-m> - maximum height of the cloud
<texture>            - texture file of sprites to use
<num-textures-x>     - number of cloud textures defined horizontally in the
                       texture file 
<num-textures-y>     - number of cloud textures defined vertically in the 
                       texture file 
<num-sprites>        - Number of sprite to generate for the cloud
<bottom-shade>       - Light multiplier for sprites at the bottom of the cloud.
<min-sprite-width-m> - minimum width of the sprites used to create the cloud
<max-sprite-width-m> - maximum width of the sprites used to create the cloud
<min-sprite-height-m> - minimum height of the spites used to create the cloud
<max-sprite-height-m> - maximum height of the sprites used to create the cloud

The cloud is generated from a number of sprites, placed on the surface of a squashed sphere. Sprites at the bottom of the sphere can be darker than those
at the top, to simulate the darker bases of CBs, for example.