<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- No longer required by generic-autopilot.xml, left in for compatibility reasons -->
     These are the autopilot helpers, currently implemented
     in the c++ code of xmlauto.cxx.
     These will take over the functionality of the hard
     coded helpers, once they are removed and this file
     has been added as an autopilot to preferences.xml

    <name>heading bug error computer/normalizer</name>

    <name>true heading error computer/normalizer</name>

    <name>nav1 heading error computer/normalizer</name>

    <name>nav1 selected course error computer/normalizer</name>

    <name>vertical speed fpm computer</name>

    <name>speed in 5 seconds predictor</name>

    <name>speed in 10 seconds predictor</name>

    <name>static port pressure rate computer</name>

    <name>nav1 track error computer</name>
