# route_manager.nas - FlightPlan delegate(s) corresponding to the built- # in route-manager dialog and GPS. Intended to provide a sensible default behaviour, # but can be disabled by an aircraft-specific FMS / GPS system. var RouteManagerDelegate = { new: func(fp) { # if this property is set, don't build a delegate at all if (getprop('/autopilot/route-manager/disable-route-manager')) return nil; var m = { parents: [RouteManagerDelegate] }; m.flightplan = fp; return m; }, departureChanged: func { debug.dump('saw departure changed'); me.flightplan.clearWPType('sid'); if (me.flightplan.departure == nil) return; if (me.flightplan.departure_runway == nil) { # no runway, only an airport, use that var wp = createWPFrom(me.flightplan.departure); wp.wp_role = 'sid'; me.flightplan.insertWP(wp, 0); return; } # first, insert the runway itself var wp = createWPFrom(me.flightplan.departure_runway); wp.wp_role = 'sid'; me.flightplan.insertWP(wp, 0); if (me.flightplan.sid == nil) return; # and we have a SID var sid = me.flightplan.sid; debug.dump('routing via SID ' ~ sid.id); me.flightplan.insertWaypoints(sid.route(me.flightplan.departure_runway), 1); }, arrivalChanged: func { debug.dump('saw arrival changed'); me.flightplan.clearWPType('star'); me.flightplan.clearWPType('approach'); if (me.flightplan.destination == nil) return; if (me.flightplan.destination_runway == nil) { # no runway, only an airport, use that var wp = createWPFrom(me.flightplan.destination); wp.wp_role = 'approach'; me.flightplan.appendWP(wp); return; } if (me.flightplan.star != nil) { debug.dump('routing via STAR ' ~ me.flightplan.star.id); var wps = me.flightplan.star.route(me.flightplan.destination_runway); me.flightplan.insertWaypoints(wps, -1); } if (me.flightplan.approach != nil) { debug.dump('routing via approach ' ~ me.flightplan.approach.id); var wps = me.flightplan.approach.route(); me.flightplan.insertWaypoints(wps, -1); } else { debug.dump('routing direct to runway ' ~ me.flightplan.destination_runway.id); # no approach, just use the runway waypoint var wp = createWPFrom(me.flightplan.destination_runway); wp.wp_role = 'approach'; me.flightplan.appendWP(wp); } }, cleared: func { debug.dump("saw active flightplan cleared, deactivating"); # see http://https://code.google.com/p/flightgear-bugs/issues/detail?id=885 fgcommand("activate-flightplan", props.Node.new({"activate": 0})); }, endOfFlightPlan: func { debug.dump("end of flight-plan, deactivating"); fgcommand("activate-flightplan", props.Node.new({"activate": 0})); } }; var FMSDelegate = { new: func(fp) { # if this property is set, don't build a delegate at all if (getprop('/autopilot/route-manager/disable-fms')) return nil; var m = { parents: [FMSDelegate], flightplan:fp, landingCheck:nil }; return m; }, _landingCheckTimeout: func { var cur = me.flightplan.currentWP(); var wow = getprop('gear/gear[0]/wow'); var gs = getprop('velocities/groundspeed-kt'); if (wow and (gs < 25)) { debug.dump('touchdown on destination runway, end of route.'); me.landingCheck.stop(); # record touch-down time? me.flightplan.finish(); } }, waypointsChanged: func { }, endOfFlightPlan: func { debug.dump('end of flight-plan'); }, currentWaypointChanged: func { if (me.landingCheck != nil) { me.landingCheck.stop(); me.landingCheck = nil; # delete timer } #debug.dump('saw current WP changed, now ' ~ me.flightplan.current); var active = me.flightplan.currentWP(); if (active == nil) return; if (active.alt_cstr_type != 'none') { debug.dump('new WP has valid altitude restriction, setting on AP'); setprop('/autopilot/settings/target-altitude-ft', active.alt_cstr); } var activeRunway = active.runway(); if ((activeRunway != nil) and (activeRunway.id == me.flightplan.destination_runway.id)) { me.landingCheck = maketimer(2.0, me, FMSDelegate._landingCheckTimeout); me.landingCheck.start(); } } }; registerFlightPlanDelegate(FMSDelegate.new); registerFlightPlanDelegate(RouteManagerDelegate.new);