############################################################################### ## ## Animated Jetway System. Spawns and manages interactive jetway models. ## ## Copyright (C) 2011 Ryan Miller ## This file is licensed under the GPL license version 2 or later. ## ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # (See http://wiki.flightgear.org/Howto:_Animated_jetways) # # Special jetway definition files located in $FG_ROOT/Airports/Jetways/XXXX.xml # for each airport are loaded when the user's aircraft is within 50 nm of the # airport. The script dynamically generates runtime model files, writes them to # $FG_ROOT/Models/Airport/Jetway/runtimeX.xml, and places them into the # simulator using the model manager. # # Different jetway models can be defined and are placed under # $FG_ROOT/Models/Airport/Jetway/XXX.xml. # # Jetways can be extended/retracted independently either by user operation or # by automatic extension for AI models and multiplayer aircraft. # # UTILITY FUNCTIONS # ----------------- # # print_debug(<message>) - prints debug messages # <message> - message to print # # print_error(<messsage>) - prints error messages # <message> - error to print # # alert(<message>) - displays an alert message in-sim # <message> - the message # # normdeg(<angle>) - normalizes angle measures between -180° and 180° # <angle> - angle to normalize # # remove(<vector>, <item>) - removes an element from a vector # <vector> - vector # <index> - item # # isin(<vector>, <item>) - checks if an item exists in a vector # <vector> - vector # <item> - item # # putmodel(<path>, <lat>, <lon>, <alt>, <hdg>) - add a model to the scene graph (unlike geo.put_model(), models added with this function can be adjusted) # <path> - model path # <lat> - latitude # <lon> - longitude # <alt> - altitude in m # <hdg> - heading # # interpolate_table(<table>, <value>) - interpolates a value within a table # <table> - interpolation table/vector, in the format of [[<ind>, <dep>], [<ind>, <dep>], ... ] # <value> - value # # get_relative_filepath(<path>, <target>) - gets a relative file path from a directory # <path> - directory path should be relative to # <target> - target directory # # find_airports(<max dist>) - gets a list of nearest airports # <max dist> - maximum search distance in nm (currently unused) # # JETWAY CLASS # ------------ # # Jetway. - creates a new jetway object/model # new(<airport>, <model>, <gate>, <door>, # <airline>, <lat>, <lon>, <alt>, # <heading>, [, <init_extend>] # [, <init_heading>] [, <init_pitch>] # [, <init_ent_heading>]) # <airport> - ICAO of associated airport # <model> - jetway model definition (i.e. Models/Airport/Jetway/generic.xml) # <gate> - gate number (i.e. "A1") # <door> - door number (i.e. 0) # <airline> - airline code (i.e. "AAL") # <lat> - latitude location of model # <lon> - longitude location of model # <alt> - elevation of model in m # <heading> - (optional) heading of model # <init_extend> - (optional) initial extension of tunnel in m # <init_heading> - (optional) initial rotation of tunnel along the Z axis # <init_pitch> - (optional) initial pitch of tunnel (rotation along Y axis) # <init_ent_heading> - (optional) initial rotation of entrance along the Z axis # # toggle(<user>, <heading>, <coord> - extends/retracts a jetway # [, <hood>]) # <user> - whether or not jetway is toggled by user command (0/1) # <heading> - heading of aircraft to connect to # <coord> - a geo.Coord of the target aircraft's door # <hood> - (optional) amount to rotate jetway hood (only required when <user> != 1) # # extend(<user>, <heading>, <coord> - extends a jetway (should be called by Jetway.toggle()) # [, <hood>]) # <user> - whether or not jetway is toggled by user command (0/1) # <heading> - heading of aircraft to connect to # <coord> - a geo.Coord of the target aircraft's door # <hood> - (optional) amount to rotate jetway hood (only required when <user> != 1) # # retract(<user>) - retracts a jetway (should be called by Jetway.toggle()) # <user> - whether or not a jetway is toggled by user command (0/1) # # remove() - removes a jetway object and its model # # reload() - reloads a jetway object and its model # # setpos(<lat>, <lon>, <heading>, <alt>) - moves a jetway to a new location # <lat> - new latitude # <lon> - new longitude # <heading> - new heading # <alt> - new altitude in m # # setmodel(<model>, <airline>, <gate>) - changes the jetway model # <model> - new model # <airline> - new airline sign code # <gate> - new gate number # # INTERACTION FUNCTIONS # --------------------- # # dialog() - open settings dialog # # toggle_jetway(<id>) - toggles a jetway by user command (should be called by a pick animation in a jetway model) # <id> - id number of jetway to toggle # # toggle_jetway_from_coord(<door>, <hood>, - toggles a jetway with the target door at the specified coordinates # <heading>, [<lat>, # <lon>] [<coord>]) # <door> - door number (i.e. 0) # <hood> - amount to rotate jetway hood # <lat> - (required or <coord>) latitude location of door # <lon> - (required or <coord>) longitude location of door # <coord> - (required or <lat>, <lon>) a geo.Coord of the door # # toggle_jetway_from_model(<model node>) - toggles a jetway using an AI model instead of the user's aircraft # <model node> - path of AI model (i.e. /ai/models/aircraft[0])- can be the path in a string or a props.Node # # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # ------------------ # # load_airport_jetways(<airport>) - loads jetways at an airport # <airport> - ICAO of airport # # unload_airport_jetways(<airport>) - unloads jetways at an airport # <airport> - ICAO of airport # # update_jetways() - interpolates model animation values # # load_jetways() - loads new jetway models and unloads out-of-range models every 10 seconds; also connects AI and MP aircraft # ## Utility functions #################### # prints debug messages var print_debug = func(msg) { if (debug_switch.getBoolValue()) { print(msg); } }; # prints error messages var print_error = func(msg) { print("\x1b[31m" ~ msg ~ "\x1b[m"); }; # alerts the user var alert = func(msg) { setprop("/sim/messages/ground", msg); }; # normalizes headings between -180 and 180 var normdeg = func(x) { while (x >= 180) { x -= 360; } while (x <= -180) { x += 360; } return x; }; # deletes an item in a vector var remove = func(vector, item) { var s = size(vector); var found = 0; for (var i = 0; i < s; i += 1) { if (found) { vector[i - 1] = vector[i]; } elsif (vector[i] == item) { found = 1; } } if (found) setsize(vector, s - 1); return vector; }; # checks if an item is in a vector var isin = func(vector, v) { foreach (var item; vector) { if (item == v) return 1; } return 0; }; # adds a model var putmodel = func(path, lat, lon, alt, hdg) { var models = props.globals.getNode("/models"); var model = nil; for (var i = 0; 1; i += 1) { if (models.getChild("model", i, 0) == nil) { model = models.getChild("model", i, 1); break; } } var model_path = model.getPath(); model.getNode("path", 1).setValue(path); model.getNode("latitude-deg", 1).setDoubleValue(lat); model.getNode("latitude-deg-prop", 1).setValue(model_path ~ "/latitude-deg"); model.getNode("longitude-deg", 1).setDoubleValue(lon); model.getNode("longitude-deg-prop", 1).setValue(model_path ~ "/longitude-deg"); model.getNode("elevation-ft", 1).setDoubleValue(alt * M2FT); model.getNode("elevation-ft-prop", 1).setValue(model_path ~ "/elevation-ft"); model.getNode("heading-deg", 1).setDoubleValue(hdg); model.getNode("heading-deg-prop", 1).setValue(model_path ~ "/heading-deg"); model.getNode("pitch-deg", 1).setDoubleValue(0); model.getNode("pitch-deg-prop", 1).setValue(model_path ~ "/pitch-deg"); model.getNode("roll-deg", 1).setDoubleValue(0); model.getNode("roll-deg-prop", 1).setValue(model_path ~ "/roll-deg"); model.getNode("load", 1).remove(); return model; }; # interpolates a value var interpolate_table = func(table, v) { var x = 0; forindex (i; table) { if (v >= table[i][0]) { x = i + 1 < size(table) ? (v - table[i][0]) / (table[i + 1][0] - table[i][0]) * (table[i + 1][1] - table[i][1]) + table[i][1] : table[i][1]; } } return x; }; # gets a relative file path var get_relative_filepath = func(path, target) { var newpath = ""; for (var i = size(path) - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { var char = substr(path, i, 1); if (char == "/") newpath ~= "../"; } # we can just append the target path for UNIX systems, but we need to remove the drive letter prefix for DOS systems return newpath ~ (string.match(substr(target, 0, 3), "?:/") ? substr(target, 2, size(target) - 2) : target); }; # gets a list of nearest airports # TODO: Don't use /sim/airport/nearest-airport-id, which restricts the list to 1 airport var find_airports = func(max_distance) { var apt = getprop("/sim/airport/closest-airport-id"); return apt == "" ? nil : [apt]; }; ## Global variables ################### var root = nil; var home = nil; var scenery = []; var UPDATE_PERIOD = 0; var LOAD_PERIOD = 10; var LOAD_DISTANCE = 50; # in nautical miles var LOAD_JETWAY_PERIOD = 0.05; var NUMBER_OF_JETWAYS = 1000; # approx max number of jetways loadable in FG var runtime_files = NUMBER_OF_JETWAYS / LOAD_PERIOD * LOAD_JETWAY_PERIOD; runtime_files = int(runtime_files) == runtime_files ? runtime_files : int(runtime_files) + 1; var runtime_file = 0; var update_loopid = -1; var load_loopid = -1; var load_listenerid = nil; var loadids = {}; var dialog_object = nil; var loaded_airports = []; var jetways = []; # properties var on_switch = nil; var debug_switch = nil; var mp_switch = nil; var jetway_id_prop = "/sim/jetways/last-loaded-jetway"; # interpolation tables var extend_rate = 0.5; var extend_table = [ [0.0, 0.0], [0.2, 0.3], [0.6, 0.3], [0.8, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0] ]; var pitch_rate = 1; var pitch_table = [ [0.0, 0.0], [0.4, 0.7], [0.7, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0] ]; var heading_rate = 1; var heading_table = [ [0.0, 0.0], [0.2, 0.0], [0.6, 0.7], [0.9, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0] ]; var heading_entrance_rate = 5; var heading_entrance_table = [ [0.0, 0.0], [0.3, 0.0], [0.6, 0.7], [0.8, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0] ]; var hood_rate = 1; var hood_table = [ [0.0, 0.0], [0.9, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0] ]; ## Classes ########## # main jetway class var Jetway = { new: func(airport, model, gate, door, airline, lat, lon, alt, heading, init_extend = 0, init_heading = 0, init_pitch = 0, init_ent_heading = 0) { var id = 0; for (var i = 0; 1; i += 1) { if (i == size(jetways)) { setsize(jetways, i + 1); id = i; break; } elsif (jetways[i] == nil) { id = i; } } # locate the jetway model directory and load the model tree var model_tree = nil; var model_file = ""; var model_dir = ""; var airline_file = ""; if (props.globals.getNode("/sim/paths/use-custom-scenery-data", 1).getBoolValue()) { # search in scenery directories foreach (var scenery_path; scenery) { model_dir = scenery_path ~ "/Models/Airport/Jetway"; model_file = model_dir ~ "/" ~ model ~ ".xml"; airline_file = model_dir ~ "/" ~ model ~ ".airline." ~ airline ~ ".xml"; print_debug("Trying to load a jetway model from " ~ model_file); if (io.stat(model_file) == nil) continue; model_tree = io.read_properties(model_file); if (io.stat(airline_file) != nil) props.copy(io.read_properties(airline_file), model_tree); break; } } if (model_tree == nil) { model_dir = root ~ "/Models/Airport/Jetway"; model_file = model_dir ~ "/" ~ model ~ ".xml"; airline_file = model_dir ~ "/" ~ model ~ ".airline." ~ airline ~ ".xml"; print_debug("Falling back to " ~ model_file); if (io.stat(model_file) == nil) { print_error("Failed to load jetway model: " ~ model); return; } model_tree = io.read_properties(model_file); if (io.stat(airline_file) != nil) props.copy(io.read_properties(airline_file), model_tree); } var m = { parents: [Jetway] }; m._active = 1; # set this to 'true' on the first run so that the offsets can take effect m._edit = 0; m.airport = airport; m.gate = gate; m.airline = airline; m.id = id; m.model = model; m.extended = 0; m.door = door; m.lat = lat; m.lon = lon; m.alt = alt; m.heading = geo.normdeg(180 - heading); m.init_extend = init_extend; m.init_heading = init_heading; m.init_pitch = init_pitch; m.init_ent_heading = init_ent_heading; m.target_extend = 0; m.target_pitch = 0; m.target_heading = 0; m.target_ent_heading = 0; m.target_hood = 0; m.rotunda_x = model_tree.getNode("rotunda/x-m").getValue(); m.rotunda_y = model_tree.getNode("rotunda/y-m").getValue(); m.rotunda_z = model_tree.getNode("rotunda/z-m").getValue(); m.offset_extend = model_tree.getNode("extend-offset-m").getValue(); m.offset_entrance = model_tree.getNode("entrance-offset-m").getValue(); m.min_extend = model_tree.getNode("min-extend-m").getValue(); m.max_extend = model_tree.getNode("max-extend-m").getValue(); # get the runtime file path if (runtime_file == runtime_files) { runtime_file = 0; } var runtime_file_path = home ~ "/runtime-jetways/" ~ runtime_file ~ ".xml"; runtime_file += 1; # create the model node and the door object m.node = putmodel(runtime_file_path, lat, lon, alt, geo.normdeg(360 - heading)); var node_path = m.node.getPath(); m.door_object = aircraft.door.new(node_path ~ "/jetway-position", 0); # manipulate the model tree model_tree.getNode("path").setValue(model_dir ~ "/" ~ model_tree.getNode("path").getValue()); model_tree.getNode("toggle-action-script").setValue("jetways.toggle_jetway(" ~ id ~ ");"); model_tree.getNode("gate").setValue(m.gate); model_tree.getNode("extend-m").setValue(props.globals.initNode(node_path ~ "/jetway-position/extend-m", 0, "DOUBLE").getPath()); model_tree.getNode("pitch-deg").setValue(props.globals.initNode(node_path ~ "/jetway-position/pitch-deg", 0, "DOUBLE").getPath()); model_tree.getNode("heading-deg").setValue(props.globals.initNode(node_path ~ "/jetway-position/heading-deg", 0, "DOUBLE").getPath()); model_tree.getNode("entrance-heading-deg").setValue(props.globals.initNode(node_path ~ "/jetway-position/entrance-heading-deg", 0, "DOUBLE").getPath()); model_tree.getNode("hood-deg").setValue(props.globals.initNode(node_path ~ "/jetway-position/hood-deg", 0, "DOUBLE").getPath()); # airline texture var airline_tex = model_tree.getNode("airline-texture-path", 1).getValue(); var airline_node = model_tree.getNode(model_tree.getNode("airline-prop-path", 1).getValue()); if (airline_tex != nil and airline_node != nil) { airline_node.setValue(get_relative_filepath(home ~ "/runtime-jetways", model_dir ~ "/" ~ airline_tex)); } # write the model tree io.write_properties(runtime_file_path, model_tree); jetways[id] = m; print_debug("Loaded jetway #" ~ id); jetway_id_prop.setValue(id); return m; }, toggle: func(user, heading, coord, hood = 0) { me._active = 1; if (me.extended) { me.retract(user, heading, coord); } else { me.extend(user, heading, coord, hood); } }, extend: func(user, heading, door_coord, hood = 0) { me.extended = 1; # get the coordinates of the jetway and offset for the rotunda position var jetway_coord = geo.Coord.new(); jetway_coord.set_latlon(me.lat, me.lon); jetway_coord.apply_course_distance(me.heading, me.rotunda_x); jetway_coord.apply_course_distance(me.heading - 90, me.rotunda_y); jetway_coord.set_alt(me.alt + me.rotunda_z); if (debug_switch.getBoolValue()) { # place UFO cursors at the calculated door and jetway positions for debugging purposes geo.put_model("Aircraft/ufo/Models/cursor.ac", door_coord); geo.put_model("Aircraft/ufo/Models/cursor.ac", jetway_coord); } # offset the door for the length of the jetway entrance door_coord.apply_course_distance(heading - 90, me.offset_entrance); # calculate the bearing to the aircraft and the distance from the door me.target_heading = normdeg(jetway_coord.course_to(door_coord) - me.heading - me.init_heading); me.target_extend = jetway_coord.distance_to(door_coord) - me.offset_extend - me.init_extend; # check if distance exceeds maximum jetway extension length if (me.target_extend + me.init_extend > me.max_extend) { me.extended = 0; me.target_extend = 0; me.target_heading = 0; if (user) alert("Your aircraft is too far from this jetway."); print_debug("Jetway #" ~ me.id ~ " is too far from the door"); return; } # check if distance fails to meet minimum jetway extension length if (me.target_extend + me.init_extend < me.min_extend) { me.extended = 0; me.target_extend = 0; me.target_heading = 0; if (user) alert("Your aircraft is too close to this jetway."); print_debug("Jetway #" ~ me.id ~ " is too close to the door"); return; } # calculate the jetway pitch, entrance heading, and hood me.target_pitch = math.atan2((door_coord.alt() - jetway_coord.alt()) / (me.target_extend + me.offset_extend + me.init_extend), 1) * R2D - me.init_pitch; me.target_ent_heading = normdeg((heading + 90) - (me.heading + (me.target_heading + me.init_heading) + me.init_ent_heading)); me.target_hood = user ? getprop("/sim/model/door[" ~ me.door ~ "]/jetway-hood-deg") : hood; # fire up the animation if (user) alert("Extending jetway."); var animation_time = math.abs(me.target_extend / extend_rate) + math.abs(me.target_pitch / pitch_rate) + math.abs(me.target_heading / heading_rate) + math.abs(me.target_ent_heading / heading_entrance_rate) + math.abs(me.target_hood / hood_rate); me.door_object.swingtime = animation_time; me.door_object.open(); print_debug("************************************************"); print_debug("Activated jetway #" ~ me.id); print_debug("Using door #" ~ me.door); print_debug("Jetway heading: " ~ me.heading ~ " deg"); print_debug("Extension: " ~ me.target_extend ~ " m"); print_debug("Pitch: " ~ me.target_pitch ~ " deg"); print_debug("Heading: " ~ me.target_heading ~ " deg"); print_debug("Entrance heading: " ~ me.target_ent_heading ~ " deg"); print_debug("Hood: " ~ me.target_hood ~ " deg"); print_debug("Total animation time: " ~ animation_time ~ " sec"); print_debug("Jetway extending"); print_debug("************************************************"); }, retract: func(user) { if (user) alert("Retracting jetway."); me.door_object.close(); me.extended = 0; print_debug("************************************************"); print_debug("Activated jetway #" ~ me.id); print_debug("Total animation time: " ~ me.door_object.swingtime ~ " sec"); print_debug("Jetway retracting"); print_debug("************************************************"); }, remove: func { me.node.remove(); var id = me.id; jetways[me.id] = nil; print_debug("Unloaded jetway #" ~ id); }, reload: func { var airport = me.airport; var model = me.model; var gate = me.gate; var door = me.door; var airline = me.airline; var lat = me.lat; var lon = me.lon; var alt = me.alt; var heading = geo.normdeg(180 - (me.heading - 360)); var init_extend = me.init_extend; var init_heading = me.init_heading; var init_pitch = me.init_pitch; var init_ent_heading = me.init_ent_heading; me.remove(); Jetway.new(airport, model, gate, door, airline, lat, lon, alt, heading, init_extend, init_heading, init_pitch, init_ent_heading); }, setpos: func(lat, lon, hdg, alt) { me.node.getNode("latitude-deg").setValue(lat); me.lat = lat; me.node.getNode("longitude-deg").setValue(lon); me.lon = lon; me.node.getNode("heading-deg").setValue(geo.normdeg(hdg - 180)); me.heading = hdg; me.node.getNode("elevation-ft").setValue(alt * M2FT); me.alt = alt; }, setmodel: func(model, airline, gate) { me.airline = airline; me.gate = gate; me.model = model; me.extended = 0; me.target_extend = 0; me.target_pitch = 0; me.target_heading = 0; me.target_ent_heading = 0; me.target_hood = 0; me.door_object.setpos(0); me.reload(); } }; ## Interaction functions ######################## var dialog = func { if (dialog_object == nil) dialog_object = gui.Dialog.new("/sim/gui/dialogs/jetways/dialog", "gui/dialogs/jetways.xml"); dialog_object.open(); }; var toggle_jetway = func(n) { var jetway = jetways[n]; if (jetway == nil) return; var door = props.globals.getNode("/sim/model/door[" ~ jetway.door ~ "]"); if (door == nil) { alert("Your aircraft does not define the location of door " ~ (jetway.door + 1) ~ ", cannot extend this jetway."); return; } # get the coordinates of the user's aircraft and offset for the door position and aircraft pitch var coord = geo.aircraft_position(); var heading = getprop("/orientation/heading-deg"); var pitch = getprop("/orientation/pitch-deg"); coord.apply_course_distance(heading, -door.getChild("position-x-m").getValue()); coord.apply_course_distance(heading + 90, door.getChild("position-y-m").getValue()); coord.set_alt(coord.alt() + door.getChild("position-z-m").getValue()); coord.set_alt(coord.alt() + math.tan(pitch * D2R) * -door.getChild("position-x-m").getValue()); jetway.toggle(1, heading, coord); }; var toggle_jetway_from_coord = func(door, hood, heading, lat, lon = nil) { if (isa(lat, geo.Coord)) { var coord = lat; } else { var coord = geo.Coord.new(); coord.set_latlon(lat, lon); } var closest_jetway = nil; var closest_jetway_dist = nil; var closest_jetway_coord = nil; foreach (var jetway; jetways) { if (jetway == nil) continue; var jetway_coord = geo.Coord.new(); jetway_coord.set_latlon(jetway.lat, jetway.lon); var distance = jetway_coord.distance_to(coord); if ((closest_jetway_dist == nil or distance < closest_jetway_dist) and jetway.door == door) { closest_jetway = jetway; closest_jetway_dist = distance; closest_jetway_coord = jetway_coord; } } if (closest_jetway == nil) { print_debug("No jetways available"); } elsif (!closest_jetway.extended) { closest_jetway.toggle(0, heading, coord, hood); } }; var toggle_jetway_from_model = func(model) { model = aircraft.makeNode(model); var doors = model.getChildren("door"); if (doors == nil or size(doors) == 0) return; for (var i = 0; i < size(doors); i += 1) { var coord = geo.Coord.new(); var hdg = model.getNode("orientation/true-heading-deg").getValue(); var lat = model.getNode("position/latitude-deg").getValue(); var lon = model.getNode("position/longitude-deg").getValue(); var alt = model.getNode("position/altitude-ft").getValue() * FT2M + doors[i].getNode("position-z-m").getValue(); coord.set_latlon(lat, lon, alt); coord.apply_course_distance(hdg, -doors[i].getNode("position-x-m").getValue()); coord.apply_course_distance(hdg + 90, doors[i].getNode("position-y-m").getValue()); print_debug("Connecting a jetway to door #" ~ i ~ " for model " ~ model.getPath()); toggle_jetway_from_coord(i, doors[i].getNode("jetway-hood-deg").getValue(), hdg, coord); } }; ## Internal functions ##################### # loads jetways at an airport var load_airport_jetways = func(airport) { if (isin(loaded_airports, airport)) return; var tree = props.globals.getNode("/sim/paths/use-custom-scenery-data", 1).getBoolValue() ? io.read_airport_properties(airport, "jetways") : (io.stat(root ~ "/AI/Airports/" ~ airport ~ "/jetways.xml") == nil ? nil : io.read_properties(root ~ "/AI/Airports/" ~ airport ~ "/jetways.xml")); if (tree == nil) return; append(loaded_airports, airport); print_debug("Loading jetways for airport " ~ airport); var nodes = tree.getChildren("jetway"); loadids[airport] = loadids[airport] == nil ? 0 : loadids[airport] + 1; var i = 0; var loop = func(id) { if (id != loadids[airport]) return; if (i >= size(nodes)) return; var jetway = nodes[i]; var model = jetway.getNode("model", 1).getValue() or return; var gate = jetway.getNode("gate", 1).getValue() or ""; var door = jetway.getNode("door", 1).getValue() or 0; var airline = jetway.getNode("airline", 1).getValue() or "None"; var lat = jetway.getNode("latitude-deg", 1).getValue() or return; var lon = jetway.getNode("longitude-deg", 1).getValue() or return; var elev = jetway.getNode("elevation-m", 1).getValue() or 0; var alt = geo.elevation(lat, lon) + elev; var heading = jetway.getNode("heading-deg", 1).getValue() or 0; var init_extend = jetway.getNode("initial-position/jetway-extension-m", 1).getValue() or 0; var init_heading = jetway.getNode("initial-position/jetway-heading-deg", 1).getValue() or 0; var init_pitch = jetway.getNode("initial-position/jetway-pitch-deg", 1).getValue() or 0; var init_ent_heading = jetway.getNode("initial-position/entrance-heading-deg", 1).getValue() or 0; Jetway.new(airport, model, gate, door, airline, lat, lon, alt, heading, init_extend, init_heading, init_pitch, init_ent_heading); i += 1; settimer(func loop(id), LOAD_JETWAY_PERIOD); }; settimer(func loop(loadids[airport]), 0); }; # unloads jetways at an airport var unload_airport_jetways = func(airport) { print_debug("Unloading jetways for airport " ~ airport); foreach (var jetway; jetways) { if (jetway != nil and jetway.airport == airport) jetway.remove(); } remove(loaded_airports, airport); }; # restarts the main update loop var restart = func() { update_loopid += 1; update_jetways(update_loopid); settimer(func { load_loopid += 1; load_jetways(load_loopid); }, 2); print("Animated jetways ... initialized"); }; # main update loop (runs when jetways are enable and actived) var update_jetways = func(loopid) { # terminate if loopid does not match if (loopid != update_loopid) return; # if jetways disabled, unload jetways and terminate if (!on_switch.getBoolValue()) { foreach (var jetway; jetways) { if (jetway != nil) jetway.remove(); } setsize(jetways, 0); setsize(loaded_airports, 0); return; } # interpolate jetway values foreach (var jetway; jetways) { if (jetway == nil) continue; if (jetway._active or jetway._edit) { var position = jetway.door_object.getpos(); if (position == 0 or position == 1) jetway._active = 0; jetway.node.getNode("jetway-position/extend-m").setValue(interpolate_table(extend_table, position) * jetway.target_extend + jetway.init_extend); jetway.node.getNode("jetway-position/pitch-deg").setValue(interpolate_table(pitch_table, position) * jetway.target_pitch + jetway.init_pitch); jetway.node.getNode("jetway-position/heading-deg").setValue(interpolate_table(heading_table, position) * jetway.target_heading + jetway.init_heading); jetway.node.getNode("jetway-position/entrance-heading-deg").setValue(interpolate_table(heading_entrance_table, position) * jetway.target_ent_heading + jetway.init_ent_heading); jetway.node.getNode("jetway-position/hood-deg").setValue(interpolate_table(hood_table, position) * jetway.target_hood); } } settimer(func update_jetways(loopid), UPDATE_PERIOD); }; # loading/unloading loop (runs continuously) var load_jetways = func(loopid) { if (load_listenerid != nil) removelistener(load_listenerid); # terminate if loopid does not match # unloading jetways if jetways are disabled is handled by update loop if (loopid != load_loopid or !on_switch.getBoolValue()) return; var airports = find_airports(LOAD_DISTANCE); if (airports == nil) return; # search for any airports out of range and unload their jetways foreach (var airport; loaded_airports) { if (!isin(airports, airport)) { unload_airport_jetways(airport); } } # load any airports in range foreach (var airport; airports) { load_airport_jetways(airport); } var nearest_airport = airportinfo(); nearest_airport = nearest_airport == nil ? nil : nearest_airport.id; if (isin(loaded_airports, nearest_airport)) { # loop through the AI aircraft and extend/retract jetways var ai_aircraft = props.globals.getNode("ai/models").getChildren("aircraft"); foreach (var aircraft; ai_aircraft) { if (!aircraft.getNode("valid", 1).getBoolValue()) continue; var connected = aircraft.getNode("connected-to-jetways", 1); var velocity = aircraft.getNode("velocities/true-airspeed-kt", 1).getValue(); # TODO: Find a better way to know when the aircraft is "parked" if (velocity != nil and velocity > -1 and velocity < 1) { if (!connected.getBoolValue()) toggle_jetway_from_model(aircraft); connected.setBoolValue(1); } else { if (connected.getBoolValue()) toggle_jetway_from_model(aircraft); connected.setBoolValue(0); } } # loop through the multiplayer aircraft and extend/retract jetways # TODO: In the future, broadcast jetway properties over MP, making this part obselete if (mp_switch.getBoolValue()) { var multiplayers = props.globals.getNode("ai/models").getChildren("multiplayer"); foreach (var aircraft; multiplayers) { if (!aircraft.getNode("valid", 1).getBoolValue()) continue; var connected = aircraft.getNode("connected-to-jetways", 1); var velocity = aircraft.getNode("velocities/true-airspeed-kt", 1).getValue(); if (velocity != nil and velocity > -1 and velocity < 1) { if (!connected.getBoolValue()) toggle_jetway_from_model(aircraft); connected.setBoolValue(1); } else { if (connected.getBoolValue()) toggle_jetway_from_model(aircraft); connected.setBoolValue(0); } } } } settimer(func load_jetways(loopid), LOAD_PERIOD); }; ## fire it up _setlistener("/nasal/jetways/loaded", func { # global variables root = string.normpath(getprop("/sim/fg-root")); home = string.normpath(getprop("/sim/fg-home")); foreach (var scenery_path; props.globals.getNode("/sim").getChildren("fg-scenery")) { append(scenery, string.normpath(scenery_path.getValue())); } if (size(scenery) == 0) append(scenery, root ~ "/Scenery"); # properties on_switch = props.globals.getNode("/nasal/jetways/enabled", 1); debug_switch = props.globals.getNode("/sim/jetways/debug", 1); mp_switch = props.globals.getNode("/sim/jetways/interact-with-multiplay", 1); jetway_id_prop = props.globals.getNode(jetway_id_prop, 1); restart(); });