<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html > <head><title>2 Building the plane: Compiling the program</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="generator" content="TeX4ht (http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~gurari/TeX4ht/mn.html)"> <!-- html,2,info,next,sections+ --> <meta name="src" content="getstart.tex"> <meta name="date" content="2002-12-15 21:48:00"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="getstart.css"> </head><body > <div class="crosslinks"><p class="noindent">[<a href="getstartch3.html" >next</a>] [<a href="getstartch1.html" >prev</a>] [<a href="getstartch1.html#tailgetstartch1.html" >prev-tail</a>] [<a href="#tailgetstartch2.html">tail</a>] [<a href="getstartpa1.html#getstartch2.html" >up</a>] </p></div> <h2 class="chapterHead"><span class="titlemark">Chapter 2</span><br><a href="getstart.html#QQ2-6-10" name="x6-100002">Building the plane: Compiling the program</a></h2> <!--l. 33--><p class="noindent">This central chapter describes how to build <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>on several systems. In case you are on a Win32 (i. e. Windows95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP) platform or any of the other platforms which binary executables are available for, you may not want to go though that potentially troublesome process but skip that chapter instead and straightly go to the next one. (Not everyone wants to build his or her plane himself or herself, right?) However, there may be good reason for at least trying to build the simulator: <ul class="itemize1"> <li class="itemize">In case you are on a UNIX<a name="dx6-10001"></a>/Linux<a name="dx6-10002"></a> platform there may be no pre-compiled binaries<a name="dx6-10003"></a> available for your system. In practice it is common to install programs like this one on UNIX<a name="dx6-10004"></a> systems by recompiling them. </li> <li class="itemize">There are several options you can set during compile time only. </li> <li class="itemize">You may be proud you did.</li></ul> <!--l. 51--><p class="noindent">On the other hand, compiling <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>is not a task for novice users. Thus, if you’re a beginner (we all were once) on a platform which binaries<a name="dx6-10005"></a> are available for, we recommend postponing this task and just starting with the binary distribution<a name="dx6-10006"></a> to get you flying. <!--l. 56--><p class="indent"> As you will notice, this Chapter is far from being complete. Basically, we describe compiling for two operating systems only, Windows<a name="dx6-10007"></a> and Linux<a name="dx6-10008"></a>, and for only one compiler, the GNU C compiler. <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>has been shown to be built under different compilers (including Microsoft Visual C) as well as different systems (Macintosh) as well. The reason for these limitations are: <ul class="itemize1"> <li class="itemize">Personally, we have access to a Windows machine running the Cygnus compiler only. </li> <li class="itemize">According to the mailing lists, these seem to be the systems with the largest user base. </li> <li class="itemize">These are the simplest systems to compile <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>on. Other compilers may need special add-ons (workplace etc.) or even modification of the code. </li> <li class="itemize">The GNU compiler is free in the same sense of the GPL as <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>is.</li></ul> <!--l. 70--><p class="noindent">You might want to check Section <a href="getstartap1.html#x12-66000A">A<!--tex4ht:ref: missed--></a>, <span class="ptmri7t---109">Missed approach</span>, if anything fails during compilation. In case this does not help we recommend sending a note to one of the mailing lists (for hints on subscription see Chapter <a href="getstartap3.html#x14-80000C">C<!--tex4ht:ref: landing--></a>). <!--l. 73--><p class="indent"> There are several Linux distributions<a name="dx6-10009"></a> on the market, and most of them should work. Some come even bundled with (often outdated) versions of <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear</span>. However, if you are going to download or buy a distribution, Debian<a name="dx6-10010"></a> (Woody) is suggested by most people. SuSE<a name="dx6-10011"></a> works well, too. <!--l. 77--><p class="indent"> Contrary to Linux/Unix systems, Windows usually comes without any development tools. This way, you first have to install a development environment. On Windows, in a sense, before building the plane you will have to build the plant for building planes. This will be the topic of the following section, which can be omitted by Linux users. <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.1</span> <a href="getstart.html#QQ2-6-11" name="x6-110002.1">Preparing the development environment under Windows</a></h3> <!--l. 86--><p class="noindent">There is a powerful development environment available for Windows and this even for free: The Cygnus development tools,<a name="dx6-11001"></a> resp. <span class="ptmbi7t---109">Cygwin</span>. Their home is at <!--l. 91--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/" >http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/</a>, <!--l. 94--><p class="noindent">and it is always a good idea to check back what is going on there now and then. <!--l. 97--><p class="indent"> Nowadays, installing <span class="ptmbi7t---109">Cygwin</span><a name="dx6-11002"></a> is nearly automatic. First, make sure the drive you want <span class="ptmbi7t---109">Cygwin</span>, <span class="ptmbi7t---109">PLIB</span>, <span class="ptmbi7t---109">SimGear </span>and <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>to live on, has nearly 1 GB of free disk space<a name="dx6-11003"></a>. Create a temporary directory and download the installer from the site named above to that directory. (While the installer does an automatic installation of the Cygnus environment, it is a good idea to download a new installer from time to time.) <!--l. 104--><p class="indent"> Invoke the installer now. It gives you three options. To avoid having to download stuff twice in case of a re-installation or installation on a second machine, we highly recommended to take a two-step procedure. First, select the option <span class="pcrr7t---109">Download</span> <span class="pcrr7t---109">from Internet</span>. Insert the path of your temporary directory, your Internet connection settings and then choose a mirror form the list. Near servers might be preferred, but may be sometimes a bit behind with mirroring. We found <!--l. 112--><p class="indent"> <a href="ftp://mirrors.rcn.net" >ftp://mirrors.rcn.net</a> <!--l. 115--><p class="noindent">a very recent and fast choice. In the next windows the default settings are usually a good start. Now choose <span class="pcrr7t---109">Next</span>, sit back and wait. <!--l. 119--><p class="indent"> If you are done, invoke the installer another time, now with the option <span class="pcrr7t---109">Install</span> <span class="pcrr7t---109">from local directory</span>. After confirming the temporary directory you can select a root directory (acting as the root directory of your pseudo UNIX file system). Cygnus does not recommend taking the actual root directory of a drive, thus choose <span class="pcrr7t---109">c:/Cygwin </span>(while other drives than <span class="pcrr7t---109">c: </span>work as well). Now, all <span class="ptmbi7t---109">Cygwin </span>stuff and all <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>stuff lives under this directory. In addition, select <!--l. 125--><p class="indent"> <span class="pcrr7t---109">Default text file type: Unix</span> <!--l. 127--><p class="noindent">In addition, you have the choice to install the compiler for all users or just for you. <!--l. 130--><p class="indent"> The final window before installation gives you a selection of packages to install. It is hard, to provide a minimum selection of packages required for <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>and the accompanying libraries to install. We have observed the following (non minimum) combination to work:<a name="dx6-11004"></a> <ul class="itemize1"> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">Admin </span>skip </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">Archive </span>install </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">Base </span>install </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">Database </span>skip </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">Devel </span>install </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">Doc </span>install </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">Editors </span>skip </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">Graphics </span>install </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">Interpreters </span>install </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">Libs </span>install </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">Mail </span>skip </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">Net </span>skip </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">Shells </span>install </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">Text </span>install </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">Utils </span>install </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">Web </span>skip </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">XFree86 </span>do not install!</li></ul> <!--l. 152--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Note </span>XFree86<a name="dx6-11005"></a> must be not installed for building <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>and the accompanying libraries. If it is installed you have to deinstall it first. Otherwise <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear</span>’s configuration scripts will detect the XFree86 OpenGL libraries and link to them, while the code is not prepared to do so. <!--l. 154--><p class="indent"> As a final step you should include the binary directory<a name="dx6-11006"></a> (for instance: <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">c:/Cygwin/bin</span>) into your path by adding <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="pcrr7t---109">path=c:\Cygwin\bin</span></span> in your <span class="pcrr7t---109">autoexec.bat </span>under Windows 95/98/ME. Under WindowsNT/2000/XP, use the <span class="pcrr7t---109">Extended </span>tab under the <span class="pcrr7t---109">System properties </span>page in Windows <span class="pcrr7t---109">control</span> <span class="pcrr7t---109">panel</span>. There you’ll find a button <span class="pcrr7t---109">Environment variables</span>, where you can add the named directory. <!--l. 158--><p class="indent"> Now you are done. Fortunately, all this is required only once. At this point you have a nearly UNIX-like (command line) development environment. Because of this, the following steps are nearly identical under Windows and Linux/Unix. <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.2</span> <a href="getstart.html#QQ2-6-12" name="x6-120002.2">Preparing the development environment under Windows</a></h3> <!--l. 165--><p class="noindent">Linux, like any UNIX, usually comes with a compiler pre-installed. On the other hand, you still have to make sure several required libraries being present. <!--l. 167--><p class="indent"> First, make sure you have all necessary OpenGL libraries. Fortunately, most of the recent Linux distributions (i.e. SuSE-7.3) put these already into the right place. (There have been reports, though, that on Slackware you may have to copy the libraries to <span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/local/lib </span>and the headers to <span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/local/include </span>by hand after building <span class="pcrr7t---109">glut-3.7</span>). Be sure to install the proper packages: Besides the basic X11 stuff you want to have - SuSE as an example - the following packages: mesa, mesa-devel, mesasoft, xf86_glx, xf86glu, xf86glu-devel, mesaglut, mesaglut-devel and plib. <!--l. 171--><p class="indent"> Also you are expected to have a bunch of tools installed that are usually required to compile the Linux kernel. So you may use the Linux kernel source package top determine the required dependencies. The following packages might prove to be useful when fiddling with the <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>sources: automake, autoconf, libtool, bison, flex and some more, that are not required to build a Linux kernel. <!--l. 178--><p class="indent"> <span class="ptmb7t---109">Please compare the release of the Plib library with the one that ships with your</span> <span class="ptmb7t---109">Linux distribution. </span>It might be the case that <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>requires a newer one that is not yet provided by your vendor. <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.3</span> <a href="getstart.html#QQ2-6-13" name="x6-130002.3">One-time preparations for Linux and Windows users</a></h3> <!--l. 186--><p class="noindent">There are a couple of 3rd party libraries which your Linux or Windows system may or may have not installed, i.e. the <span class="ptmbi7t---109">ZLIB </span>library and the <span class="ptmbi7t---109">Metakit </span>library. You can either check your list of installed packages or just try building <span class="ptmbi7t---109">SimGear</span>: It should exit and spit an error message (observe this!) if one of these libraries is missing. <!--l. 188--><p class="indent"> If you make this observation, install the missing libraries, which only is required once (unless you don’t re-install you development environment). <!--l. 190--><p class="indent"> Both libraries come bundled with <span class="ptmbi7t---109">SimGear</span>, which links to them, bus does not automatically install them. For installing either of them, get the most recent file <span class="pcrr7t---109">SimGear-X.X.X.tar.gz</span><a name="dx6-13001"></a> from <!--l. 193--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.simgear.org/downloads.html" >http://www.simgear.org/downloads.html</a> <!--l. 196--><p class="noindent">Download it to <span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/local/source</span>. Change to that directory and unpack <span class="ptmbi7t---109">SimGear</span> using <!--l. 200--><p class="indent"> <span class="pcrr7t---109">tar xvfz SimGear-X.X.X.tar.gz</span>. <!--l. 202--><p class="indent"> You will observe a directory <span class="pcrr7t---109">src-libs </span>which contains the two names libraries. <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.3.1</span> <a href="getstartli1.html#QQ2-6-14" name="x6-140002.3.1">Installation of <span class="ptmbi7t---109">ZLIB</span></a></h4> <!--l. 206--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd </span>into <span class="pcrr7t---109">SimGear-X.X.X/scr-libs </span>and unpack <span class="ptmbi7t---109">ZLIB </span>using <!--l. 210--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">tar xvfz zlib-X.X.X.tar.gz</span>. <!--l. 214--><p class="noindent">Next, change to the newly created directory <span class="pcrr7t---109">zlib-X.X.X </span>and type <!--l. 218--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">./configure</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">make</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">make install</span> <!--l. 224--><p class="noindent">Under Linux, you have to become root for being able to <span class="pcrr7t---109">make install</span>, for instance via the <span class="pcrr7t---109">su </span>command. <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.3.2</span> <a href="getstartli1.html#QQ2-6-15" name="x6-150002.3.2">Installation of <span class="ptmbi7t---109">Metakit</span></a></h4> <!--l. 229--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd </span>into <span class="pcrr7t---109">SimGear-X.X.X/scr-libs </span>and unpack <span class="ptmbi7t---109">Metakit </span>using <!--l. 233--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">tar xvfz metakit-X.X.X.tar.gz</span>. <!--l. 237--><p class="noindent">Next, change to directory <span class="pcrr7t---109">zlib-X.X.X/builds </span>(!) and type (where the configure option <span class="pcrr7t---109">--with-tcl=no </span>is at least required on a Cygwin system): <!--l. 241--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">./configure --with-tcl=no</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">make</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">make install</span> <!--l. 247--><p class="noindent">Under Linux, you have to become root for being able to <span class="pcrr7t---109">make install</span>, for instance via the <span class="pcrr7t---109">su </span>command. <!--l. 250--><p class="indent"> You may want to consult the Readme files under <span class="pcrr7t---109">SimGear-X.X.X/scr-libs </span>in case you run into trouble. <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.4</span> <a href="getstart.html#QQ2-6-16" name="x6-160002.4">Compiling <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>under Linux/Windows </a></h3> <!--l. 256--><p class="noindent">The following steps are identical under Linux/Unix and under Windows with minor modifications. Under Windows, just open the <span class="ptmbi7t---109">Cygwin </span>icon from the Start menu or from the desktop to get a command line. <!--l. 260--><p class="indent"> To begin with, the <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>build process is based on four packages which you need to built and installed in this order: <ul class="itemize1"> <li class="itemize">PLIB </li> <li class="itemize">SimGear </li> <li class="itemize">FlightGear, program </li> <li class="itemize">FlightGear, base (data - no compilation required)</li></ul> <ol type="1" class="enumerate1" start="1" > <li class="enumerate"><a name="x6-16002x1"></a>First, choose an install directory<a name="dx6-16003"></a> for FlightGear. This will not be the one your binaries will live in but the one for your source code and compilation files. We suggest <!--l. 272--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd:/usr/local/</span> <!--l. 274--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">mkdir source</span> </li> <li class="enumerate"><a name="x6-16005x2"></a>Now, you have to install a support library <span class="ptmbi7t---109">PLIB</span><a name="dx6-16006"></a> which is absolutely essential for the building process. <span class="ptmbi7t---109">PLIB </span>contains most of the basic graphics rendering, audio, and joystick routines. Download the latest stable version of <span class="ptmbi7t---109">PLIB</span><a name="dx6-16007"></a> from <!--l. 280--><p class="noindent"><a href="http://plib.sourceforge.net/" >http://plib.sourceforge.net/</a> <!--l. 283--><p class="noindent">to <span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/local/source</span>. Change to that directory and unpack <span class="ptmbi7t---109">PLIB</span> using <!--l. 286--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">tar xvfz plib-X.X.X.tar.gz</span>. <!--l. 288--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd </span>into <span class="pcrr7t---109">plib-X.X.X </span>and run <!--l. 290--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">./configure</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">make</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">make install</span>. <!--l. 294--><p class="noindent">Under Linux, you have to become root for being able to <span class="pcrr7t---109">make install</span>, for instance via the <span class="pcrr7t---109">su </span>command. <!--l. 297--><p class="noindent">Confirm you now have <span class="ptmbi7t---109">PLIB</span>’s header files<a name="dx6-16008"></a> (as <span class="pcrr7t---109">ssg.h </span>etc.) under <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/include/plib </span>(and nowhere else). </li> <li class="enumerate"><a name="x6-16010x3"></a>Next, you have to install another library <span class="ptmbi7t---109">SimGear</span><a name="dx6-16011"></a> containing the basic simulation routines. Get the most recent file <span class="pcrr7t---109">SimGear-X.X.X.tar.gz</span><a name="dx6-16012"></a> from <!--l. 302--><p class="noindent"><a href="http://www.simgear.org/downloads.html" >http://www.simgear.org/downloads.html</a> <!--l. 305--><p class="noindent">Download it to <span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/local/source</span>. Change to that directory and unpack <span class="ptmbi7t---109">SimGear </span>using <!--l. 309--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">tar xvfz SimGear-X.X.X.tar.gz</span>. <!--l. 311--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd </span>into <span class="pcrr7t---109">SimGear-X.X.X </span>and run <!--l. 314--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">./configure</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">make</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">make install</span> <!--l. 318--><p class="noindent">Again, under Linux, you have to become root for being able to <span class="pcrr7t---109">make</span> <span class="pcrr7t---109">install</span>, for instance via the <span class="pcrr7t---109">su </span>command. </li> <li class="enumerate"><a name="x6-16014x4"></a>Now, you’re prepared to build <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>itself, finally. Get <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">FlightGear-X.X.X.tar.gz </span>from <!--l. 326--><p class="noindent"><a href="http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/" >http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/</a> <!--l. 329--><p class="noindent">and download it to <span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/local/source</span>. Unpack <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>using <!--l. 333--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">tar xvfz FlightGear-X.X.X.tar.gz</span>. <!--l. 336--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd </span>into <span class="pcrr7t---109">FlightGear-X.X.X </span>and run <!--l. 338--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">./configure</span> <!--l. 341--><p class="noindent">configure<a name="dx6-16015"></a> knows about numerous options, <a name="dx6-16016"></a>with the more relevant ones to be specified via switches as <ul class="itemize1"> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">--with-network-olk</span>: Include Oliver Delise’s multi-pilot networking support<a name="dx6-16017"></a>, </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">--with-new-environment</span>: Include new experimental environment subsystem, </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">--with-weathercm</span>: Use WeatherCM instead of FGEnvironment,<a name="dx6-16018"></a> </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">--with-plib=</span>PREFIX: Specify the prefix path to <span class="ptmbi7t---109">PLIB</span>, </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">--with-metakit=</span>PREFIX: Specify the prefix path to <span class="ptmbi7t---109">Metakit</span>, </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">--with-simgear=</span>PREFIX: Specify the prefix path to <span class="ptmbi7t---109">SimGear</span>, </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">--prefix=/XXX</span>: Install <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>in the directory <span class="pcrr7t---109">XXX</span>. </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">--disable-jsbsim</span>: Disable <span class="ptmbi7t---109">JSBSim</span>m FDM (in case of trouble compiling it). </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">--disable-yasim</span>: Disable <span class="ptmbi7t---109">YASim </span>FDM (in case of trouble compiling it). </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">--disable-larcsim</span>: Disable <span class="ptmbi7t---109">LaRCsim </span>FDM (in case of trouble compiling it). </li> <li class="itemize"><span class="pcrr7t---109">--disable-uiuc</span>: Disable UIUC FDM (in case of trouble compiling it).</li></ul> <!--l. 368--><p class="noindent">A good choice would be <span class="pcrr7t---109">--prefix=/usr/local/FlightGear</span>. In this case <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear</span>’s binaries<a name="dx6-16019"></a> will live under <span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/local/FlightGear/bin</span>. (If you don’t specify a <span class="pcrr7t---109">--prefix </span>the binaries will go into <span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/local/bin </span>while the base package files are expected under <span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/local/share/FlightGear</span>.) <!--l. 372--><p class="noindent">Assuming <span class="pcrr7t---109">configure </span>finished successfully, run <!--l. 375--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">make</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">make install</span>. <!--l. 378--><p class="noindent">Again, under Linux, you have to become root for being able to <span class="pcrr7t---109">make install</span>, for instance via the <span class="pcrr7t---109">su </span>command. <!--l. 382--><p class="noindent">Note: You can save a significant amount of space by stripping all the debugging symbols off the executable. To do this, make a <!--l. 387--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd /usr/local/FlightGear/bin</span> <!--l. 389--><p class="noindent">to the directory in the <span class="pcrr7t---109">install tree </span>where your binaries live and run <!--l. 393--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">strip *</span>.</li></ol> <!--l. 397--><p class="noindent">This completes building the executable and should result in a file <span class="pcrr7t---109">fgfs </span>(Unix) or <span class="pcrr7t---109">fgfs.exe </span>(Windows) under <span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/local/FlightGear/bin</span> <!--l. 400--><p class="indent"> <span class="ptmb7t---109">Note: </span>If for whatever reason you want to re-build the simulator, use the command <span class="pcrr7t---109">make</span> <span class="pcrr7t---109">distclean </span>either in the <span class="pcrr7t---109">SimGear-X.X.X </span>or in the <span class="pcrr7t---109">FlightGear-X.X.X </span>directory to remove all the build. If you want to re-run <span class="pcrr7t---109">configure </span>(for instance because of having installed another version of <span class="ptmbi7t---109">PLIB </span>etc.), remove the files <span class="pcrr7t---109">config.cache </span>from these same directories before. <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.5</span> <a href="getstart.html#QQ2-6-17" name="x6-170002.5">Compiling <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>under Mac OS X </a></h3> <!--l. 410--><p class="noindent">For compiling under Mac OS X you will need <ul class="itemize1"> <li class="itemize">Mac X OS 10.1+ with developer tools installed. </li> <li class="itemize">500MB disk (minimum) free disk space. </li> <li class="itemize">Fearlessness of command line compiling.</li></ul> <!--l. 418--><p class="noindent">This will need a bit more bravery than building under Windows or Linux. First, there are less people who tested it under sometimes strange configurations. Second, the process as described here itself needs a touch more experience by using CVS repositories. <!--l. 420--><p class="indent"> First, download the development files. They contain files that help simplify the build process, and software for automake, autoconf, and plib: <!--l. 424--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://expert.cc.purdue.edu/~walisser/fg/fgdev.tar.gz" >http://expert.cc.purdue.edu/<img src="getstart3x.gif" alt="~" class="tilde" > walisser/fg/fgdev.tar.gz</a> <!--l. 427--><p class="noindent">or <!--l. 431--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://homepage.mac.com/walisser" >http://homepage.mac.com/walisser</a> <!--l. 434--><p class="noindent">Once you have this extracted, make sure you are using TCSH as your shell, since the setup script requires it. <!--l. 438--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Important for Jaguar users:</span> <!--l. 441--><p class="indent"> If you run Mac OS X 10.2 or later, gcc 3.1 is the default compiler. However, only version 2.95 works with <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>as of this writing. To change the default compiler, run this command (as root). You’ll only have to do this once and it will have a global effect on the system. <!--l. 444--><p class="indent"> <span class="pcrr7t---109">sudo gcc</span><span class="underline"><span class="pcrr7t---109"> </span></span><span class="pcrr7t---109">select 2</span> <ol type="1" class="enumerate1" start="1" > <li class="enumerate"><a name="x6-17002x1"></a>Setup the build environment: <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd fgdev</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">source bin/prepare.csh</span> </li> <li class="enumerate"><a name="x6-17004x2"></a>Install the latest versions of the automake and autoconf build tools: <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd $BUILDDIR/src/automake-X.X.X</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">./configure --prefix=$BUILDDIR</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">make install</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">rehash</span> <!--l. 457--><p class="noindent"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd $BUILDDIR/src/autoconf-X.XX</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">./configure --prefix=$BUILDDIR</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">make install</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">rehash</span> </li> <li class="enumerate"><a name="x6-17006x3"></a>Download PLIB <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd $BUILDDIR/src</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">setenv CVSROOT :pserver:anonymous@cvs.plib.sf.net:</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">/cvsroot/plib </span>(one line!) <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cvs login</span> <br class="newline">Press <span class="cmmi-10--109"><</span>enter<span class="cmmi-10--109">> </span>for password <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cvs -z3 checkout plib</span> </li> <li class="enumerate"><a name="x6-17008x4"></a>Build PLIB <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd $BUILDDIR/src/plib</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">./autogen.sh</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">./configure --prefix=$BUILDDIR</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">make install</span> </li> <li class="enumerate"><a name="x6-17010x5"></a>Get the <span class="ptmbi7t---109">SimGear </span>sources <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd $BUILDDIR/src</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">setenv CVSROOT :pserver:cvs@cvs.simgear.org:</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">/var/cvs/SimGear-0.0 </span>(one line) <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cvs login</span> <br class="newline">Enter <span class="cmmi-10--109"><</span>guest<span class="cmmi-10--109">> </span>for password <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cvs -z3 checkout SimGear</span> <br class="newline"> </li> <li class="enumerate"><a name="x6-17012x6"></a>Build Metakit <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd $BUILDDIR/src/SimGear/src-libs</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">tar -zxvf metakit-X.X.X-32.tar.gz</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd metakit-X.X.X/builds</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">../unix/configure --prefix=&BUILDDIR</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">--enable-static --disable-dynamic </span>(one line) <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">make install</span> <br class="newline"> </li> <li class="enumerate"><a name="x6-17014x7"></a>Build <span class="ptmbi7t---109">SimGear</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd $BUILDDIR/src/SimGear</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">./autogen.sh</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">./configure --prefix=$BUILDDIR</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">make install</span> <br class="newline"> </li> <li class="enumerate"><a name="x6-17016x8"></a>Get the <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>sources <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd $BUILDDIR/src</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">setenv CVSROOT :pserver:cvs@cvs.flightgear.org:</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">/var/cvs/FlightGear-0.X </span>(one line!) <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cvs login</span> <br class="newline">Enter <span class="cmmi-10--109"><</span>guest<span class="cmmi-10--109">> </span>for password <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cvs -z3 checkout FlightGear</span> </li> <li class="enumerate"><a name="x6-17018x9"></a>Build <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd $BUILDDIR/src/FlightGear</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">patch -p0 < ../jsb.diff</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">./autogen.sh</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">./configure --prefix=$BUILDDIR</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">--with-threads --without-x </span>(one line) <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">make install</span> </li> <li class="enumerate"><a name="x6-17020x10"></a>Get the base data files (if you don’t have them already) <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd $BUILDDIR</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">setenv CVSROOT :pserver:cvsguest@rockfish.net:</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">/home/cvsroot </span>(one line) <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cvs login</span> <br class="newline">Password is ”cvsguest” <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cvs -z3 checkout fgfsbase</span> </li> <li class="enumerate"><a name="x6-17022x11"></a>Move data files (if you have them already) <br class="newline">just make a symlink or copy data files to ”fgfsbase” in $BUILDDIR <br class="newline">alternatively adjust <span class="pcrr7t---109">--fg-root=xxx </span>parameter appropriately </li> <li class="enumerate"><a name="x6-17024x12"></a>Run FlightGear <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">cd $BUILDDIR</span> <br class="newline"><span class="pcrr7t---109">src/FlightGear/src/Main/fgfs</span></li></ol> <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.6</span> <a href="getstart.html#QQ2-6-18" name="x6-180002.6">Compiling on other systems</a></h3> <!--l. 535--><p class="noindent">Compiling on other UNIX<a name="dx6-18001"></a> systems - at least on IRIX<a name="dx6-18002"></a> and on Solaris<a name="dx6-18003"></a>, is pretty similar to the procedure on Linux - given the presence of a working GNU C compiler. Especially IRIX and also recent releases of Solaris come with the basic OpenGL libraries.<a name="dx6-18004"></a> Unfortunately the ”glut” libraries are mostly missing and have to be installed separately (see the introductory remark to this chapter). As compilation of the ”glut” sources is not a trivial task to everyone, you might want to use a pre-built binary. Everything you need is a static library ”libglut.a” and an include file ”glut.h”. An easy way to make them usable is to place them into <span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/lib/ </span>and <span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/include/GL/</span>. In case you insist on building the library yourself, you might want to have a look at FreeGLUT<a name="dx6-18005"></a> <!--l. 546--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://freeglut.sourceforge.net/" >http://freeglut.sourceforge.net/</a> <!--l. 549--><p class="noindent">which should compile with minor tweaks. Necessary patches might be found in <!--l. 553--><p class="indent"> <a href="ftp://ftp.uni-duisburg.de/X11/OpenGL/freeglut_portable.patch" >ftp://ftp.uni-duisburg.de/X11/OpenGL/freeglut_portable.patch</a> <!--l. 556--><p class="noindent">Please note that you do <span class="ptmb7t---109">not </span>want to create 64 bit binaries in IRIX with GCC (even if your CPU is a R10/12/14k) because GCC produces a broken ”fgfs” binary (in case the compiler doesn’t stop with ”internal compiler error”). Things might look better if Eric Hofman<a name="dx6-18006"></a> manages to tweak the <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>sources for proper compiling with MIPSPro compiler (it’s already mostly done). <!--l. 563--><p class="indent"> There should be a workplace for Microsoft Visual C++<a name="dx6-18007"></a> (MSVC6) included in the official <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>distribution. Macintosh<a name="dx6-18008"></a> users find the required CodeWarrior<a name="dx6-18009"></a> files as a <span class="pcrr7t---109">.bin </span>archive at <!--l. 568--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://icdweb.cc.purdue.edu/~walisser/fg/" >http://icdweb.cc.purdue.edu/<img src="getstart4x.gif" alt="~" class="tilde" > walisser/fg/</a>. <!--l. 570--><p class="indent"> Numerous (although outdated, at times) hints on compiling on different systems are included in the source code under <span class="pcrr7t---109">docs-mini</span>. <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.7</span> <a href="getstart.html#QQ2-6-19" name="x6-190002.7">Installing the base package</a></h3> <!--l. 576--><p class="noindent">If you succeeded in performing the steps named above, you will have a directory holding the executables for <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear</span>. This is not yet sufficient for performing <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear</span>, though. Besides those, you will need a collection of support data files (scenery, aircraft, sound) collected in the so-called base package. In case you compiled the latest official release, the accompanying base package is available from <!--l. 583--><p class="indent"> <a href="ftp://www.flightgear.org/pub/flightgear/Shared/fgfs-base-X.X.X.tar.gz" >ftp://www.flightgear.org/pub/flightgear/Shared/fgfs-base-X.X.X.tar.gz</a>. <!--l. 585--><p class="indent"> This package<a name="dx6-19001"></a> is usually quite large (around 25 MB), but must be installed for <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>to run. There is no compilation required for it. Just download it to <span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/local </span>and install it with <!--l. 589--><p class="indent"> <span class="pcrr7t---109">tar xvfz fgfs-base-X.X.X.tar.gz</span>. <!--l. 591--><p class="noindent">Now you should find all the <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>files under <span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/local/Flightgear </span>in the following directory structure:<a name="dx6-19002"></a><a name="dx6-19003"></a>: <!--l. 597--><p class="indent"> <span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/local/Flightgear</span> <!--l. 599--><p class="indent"> <span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/local/Flightgear/Aircraft</span> <!--l. 601--><p class="indent"> <span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/local/Flightgear/Aircraft-uiuc</span> <!--l. 603--><p class="indent"> . . . <!--l. 605--><p class="indent"> <span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/local/Flightgear/bin</span> <!--l. 607--><p class="indent"> . . . <!--l. 609--><p class="indent"> <span class="pcrr7t---109">/usr/local/Flightgear/Weather</span>. <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.8</span> <a href="getstart.html#QQ2-6-20" name="x6-200002.8">For test pilots only: Building the CVS snapshots</a></h3> <!--l. 616--><p class="noindent">It you are into adventures or feel you’re an advanced user, you can try one of the recent bleeding edge snapshots<a name="dx6-20001"></a><a name="dx6-20002"></a> at <!--l. 619--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/" >http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/</a>. <!--l. 622--><p class="noindent">In this case you have to get the most recent Snapshot from <span class="ptmbi7t---109">SimGear </span>at <!--l. 626--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.simgear.org/downloads.html" >http://www.simgear.org/downloads.html</a> <!--l. 629--><p class="noindent">as well. But be prepared: These are for development and may (and often do) contain bugs. <!--l. 633--><p class="indent"> If you are using these CVS snapshots, the base package named above will usually not be in sync with the recent code and you have to download the most recent developer’s version from <!--l. 638--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://rockfish.net/fg/" >http://rockfish.net/fg/</a>. <!--l. 641--><p class="noindent">We suggest downloading this package <span class="pcrr7t---109">fgfs</span>_<span class="pcrr7t---109">base-snap.X.X.X.tar.gz </span>to a temporary directory. Now, decompress it using <!--l. 646--><p class="indent"> <span class="pcrr7t---109">tar xvfz fgfs</span>_<span class="pcrr7t---109">base-snap.X.X.X.tar.gz</span>. <!--l. 649--><p class="indent"> Finally, double-check you got the directory structure named above. <div class="crosslinks"><p class="noindent">[<a href="getstartch3.html" >next</a>] [<a href="getstartch1.html" >prev</a>] [<a href="getstartch1.html#tailgetstartch1.html" >prev-tail</a>] [<a href="getstartch2.html" >front</a>] [<a href="getstartpa1.html#getstartch2.html" >up</a>] </p></div><a name="tailgetstartch2.html"></a> </body></html>