<?xml version="1.0" ?>

* Bindings for Logitech Extreme Digital 3D Pro joystick.
* Axis 0: ailerons
* Axis 1: elevator
* Axis 2 (twist): rudder
* Axis 3 (slider): throttle
* Axes 4 and 5 (hat): view direction
* Buttons according to the numbers printed on the joystick:
* Button 1: all brakes
* Button 4: flap down
* Button 6: flap up
* Button 5: elevator trim up
* Button 3: elevator trim down
* Button 11: left brake only
* Button 12: right brake only


 <name>Logitech Logitech Extreme 3D Pro</name>
 <name>Logitech Extreme 3D Pro</name>
 <name>Logitech Extreme 3D Pro USB</name>
 <name>Logitech  Extreme  3D  Pro USB</name>
 <name>Logitech Extreme 3D</name>
 <name>Logitech Logitech Extreme 3D</name>

 <axis n="0">
   <squared type="bool">true</squared>

 <axis n="1">
   <factor type="double">-1.0</factor>
   <squared type="bool">true</squared>

   <factor type="double">1.0</factor>


  <desc>View Direction</desc>
    <step type="double">5.0</step>
    <step type="double">-5.0</step>

  <desc>View Elevation</desc>
    <step type="double">5.0</step>
    <step type="double">-5.0</step>

 <button n="0">

 <button n="4">
  <desc>Elevator trim up</desc>
  <repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
   <step type="double">0.001</step>

 <button n="2">
  <desc>Elevator trim down</desc>
  <repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
   <step type="double">-0.001</step>

 <button n="3">
  <desc>Flaps down</desc>

 <button n="5">
  <desc>Flaps up</desc>

 <button n="10">
  <desc>Left brake</desc>
   <script>controls.applyBrakes(1, -1)</script>
    <script>controls.applyBrakes(0, -1)</script>

 <button n="11">
  <desc>Right brake</desc>
   <script>controls.applyBrakes(1, 1)</script>
    <script>controls.applyBrakes(0, 1)</script>
