# maximum speed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var maxspeed = props.globals.getNode("engines/engine/speed-max-mps"); var speed = [10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000]; var current = 7; controls.flapsDown = func(x) { if (!x) { return; } elsif (x < 0 and current > 0) { current -= 1; } elsif (x > 0 and current < size(speed) - 1) { current += 1; } var s = speed[current]; maxspeed.setDoubleValue(s); gui.popupTip("Max. Speed " ~ s ~ " m/s"); } # library stuff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var ERAD = 6378138.12; # Earth radius var D2R = math.pi / 180; var R2D = 180 / math.pi; ft2m = func { arg[0] * 0.3048 } m2ft = func { arg[0] / 0.3048 } floor = func(v) { v < 0.0 ? -int(-v) - 1 : int(v) } ceil = func(v) { -floor(-v) } pow = func(v, w) { math.exp(math.ln(v) * w) } printf = func(_...) { print(call(sprintf, _)) } # convert [lon, lat] to [x, y, z] # lonlat2xyz = func(lonlat) { var lonr = lonlat[0] * D2R; var latr = lonlat[1] * D2R; var cosphi = math.cos(latr); var x = cosphi * math.cos(lonr); var y = cosphi * math.sin(lonr); var z = math.sin(latr); return [x, y, z]; } # convert [x, y, z] to [lon, lat] # xyz2lonlat = func(xyz) { var x = xyz[0]; var y = xyz[1]; var z = xyz[2]; var aux = x * x + y * y; var lat = math.atan2(z, math.sqrt(aux)) * R2D; var lon = math.atan2(y, x) * R2D; return [lon, lat]; } # return squared distance between two [x, y, z] # coord_dist_sq = func(xyz0, xyz1) { var x = xyz0[0] - xyz1[0]; var y = xyz0[1] - xyz1[1]; var z = xyz0[2] - xyz1[2]; return x * x + y * y + z * z; } # sort vector of strings (bubblesort) # sort = func(l) { while (1) { var n = 0; for (var i = 0; i < size(l) - 1; i += 1) { if (cmp(l[i], l[i + 1]) > 0) { var t = l[i + 1]; l[i + 1] = l[i]; l[i] = t; n += 1; } } if (!n) { return l; } } } # binary search of string in sorted vector; returns index or -1 if not found # search = func(list, which) { var left = 0; var right = size(list); var middle = nil; while (1) { middle = int((left + right) / 2); var c = cmp(list[middle], which); if (!c) { return middle; } elsif (left == middle) { return -1; } elsif (c > 0) { right = middle; } else { left = middle; } } } # scan all objects in subdir of $FG_ROOT. (Prefer *.xml files to *.ac files # if both exist) # scan_models = func(base) { var result = []; var list = directory(getprop("/sim/fg-root") ~ "/" ~ base); if (list == nil) { return result; } var xml = {}; var ac = {}; foreach (var d; list) { if (d[0] != `.` and d != "CVS") { if (substr(d, size(d) - 4) == ".xml") { xml[base ~ "/" ~ d] = 1; } elsif (substr(d, size(d) - 3) == ".ac") { ac[base ~ "/" ~ d] = 1; } else { foreach (var s; scan_models(base ~ "/" ~ d)) { append(result, s); } } } } foreach (var m; keys(xml)) { append(result, m); delete(ac, var x = substr(m, 0, size(m) - 3) ~ "ac"); } foreach (var m; keys(ac)) { append(result, m); } return result; } # normalize degree to 0 <= angle < 360 # normdeg = func(angle) { while (angle < 0) { angle += 360; } while (angle >= 360) { angle -= 360; } angle; } bucket_span = func(lat) { if (lat >= 89.0 ) { 360.0; } elsif (lat >= 88.0 ) { 8.0; } elsif (lat >= 86.0 ) { 4.0; } elsif (lat >= 83.0 ) { 2.0; } elsif (lat >= 76.0 ) { 1.0; } elsif (lat >= 62.0 ) { 0.5; } elsif (lat >= 22.0 ) { 0.25; } elsif (lat >= -22.0 ) { 0.125; } elsif (lat >= -62.0 ) { 0.25; } elsif (lat >= -76.0 ) { 0.5; } elsif (lat >= -83.0 ) { 1.0; } elsif (lat >= -86.0 ) { 2.0; } elsif (lat >= -88.0 ) { 4.0; } elsif (lat >= -89.0 ) { 8.0; } else { 360.0; } } tile_index = func(lon, lat) { var lon_floor = floor(lon); var lat_floor = floor(lat); var span = bucket_span(lat); var x = 0; if (span < 0.0000001) { lon = 0; } elsif (span <= 1.0) { x = int((lon - lon_floor) / span); } else { if (lon >= 0) { lon = int(int(lon / span) * span); } else { lon = int(int((lon + 1) / span) * span - span); if (lon < -180) { lon = -180; } } } var y = int((lat - lat_floor) * 8); (lon_floor + 180) * 16384 + (lat_floor + 90) * 64 + y * 8 + x; } format = func(lon, lat) { sprintf("%s%03d%s%02d", lon < 0 ? "w" : "e", abs(lon), lat < 0 ? "s" : "n", abs(lat)); } tile_path = func(lon, lat) { var p = format(floor(lon / 10.0) * 10, floor(lat / 10.0) * 10); p ~= "/" ~ format(floor(lon), floor(lat)); p ~= "/" ~ tile_index(lon, lat) ~ ".stg"; } # cursor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Value = { new : func(baseN, name, init) { var m = { parents: [Value] }; m.lastOffs = 0; m.init = init; # offset node; fed by the dialog slider m.inOffsN = baseN.getNode("offsets/" ~ name, 1); m.inOffsN.setValue(m.lastOffs); # live number property m.outN = baseN.getNode("adjust/" ~ name, 1); m.outN.setDoubleValue(init); m.listener = setlistener(m.inOffsN, func { m.update() }); return m; }, del : func { removelistener(me.listener); }, reset : func { me.center(); me.outN.setValue(me.init); }, center : func { me.update(); me.inOffsN.setValue(me.lastOffs = 0); }, update : func { var offs = me.inOffsN.getValue(); me.outN.setValue(me.outN.getValue() + offs - me.lastOffs); me.lastOffs = offs; }, set : func(v) { me.center(); me.outN.setValue(v); }, get : func { me.outN.getValue(); }, add : func(v) { me.center(); me.outN.setValue(me.outN.getValue() + v); }, }; Adjust = { new : func(prop) { var m = { parents: [Adjust] }; m.node = props.globals.getNode(prop, 1); m.val = { lon: Value.new(m.node, "longitude-deg", 0), lat: Value.new(m.node, "latitude-deg", 0), elev: Value.new(m.node, "elevation-ft", -10000), hdg: Value.new(m.node, "heading-deg", 0), pitch: Value.new(m.node, "pitch-deg", 0), roll: Value.new(m.node, "roll-deg", 0), }; m.stk_hdgN = m.node.getNode("sticky-heading", 1); m.stk_orientN = m.node.getNode("sticky-orientation", 1); m.stk_hdgN.setBoolValue(0); m.stk_orientN.setBoolValue(0); m.legendN = m.node.getNode("legend", 1); return m; }, del : func { foreach (var v; keys(me.val)) { me.val[v].del(); } }, offsetNode : func(which) { me.val[which].inOffsN; }, outNode : func(which) { me.val[which].outN; }, get : func(which) { me.val[which].get(); }, set : func(which, value) { me.val[which].set(value); }, setall : func(legend, lon, lat, elev, hdg = nil, pitch = nil, roll = nil) { me.legendN.setValue(legend); me.val["lon"].set(lon); me.val["lat"].set(lat); me.val["elev"].set(elev); if (hdg != nil) { me.val["hdg"].set(hdg); } elsif (!me.stk_hdgN.getBoolValue()) { me.val["hdg"].reset(); } if (pitch != nil) { me.val["pitch"].set(pitch); } elsif (!me.stk_orientN.getBoolValue()) { me.val["pitch"].reset(); } if (roll != nil) { me.val["roll"].set(roll); } elsif (!me.stk_orientN.getBoolValue()) { me.val["roll"].reset(); } }, reset : func { foreach (var v; keys(me.val)) { me.val[v].reset(); } }, step : func(which, step) { me.val[which].add(step); }, upright : func { me.val["pitch"].set(0); me.val["roll"].set(0); }, orient : func { me.val["hdg"].set(0); }, center_sliders : func { foreach (var v; keys(me.val)) { me.val[v].center(); } }, }; Model = { # searches first free slot and sets path new : func(path) { var m = { parents: [Model] }; var models = props.globals.getNode("/models", 1); for (var i = 0; 42; i += 1) { if (models.getChild("model", i, 0) == nil) { m.node = models.getChild("model", i, 1); break; } } m.path = path; m.node.getNode("path", 1).setValue(m.path); m.legend = nil; return m; }, # signal modelmgr.cxx to load model load : func { me.node.getNode("load", 1).setValue(1); me.node.removeChildren("load"); }, add_derived_props : func(node) { var path = node.getNode("path").getValue(); var lon = node.getNode("longitude-deg").getValue(); var lat = node.getNode("latitude-deg").getValue(); var elev = node.getNode("elevation-ft").getValue(); var hdg = node.getNode("heading-deg").getValue(); var type = nil; var spec = ""; if (path == "Aircraft/ufo/Models/sign.ac") { type = "OBJECT_SIGN"; var legend = me.legend != "" ? me.legend : "{@size=10,@material=RedSign}NO_CONTENTS_" ~ int(10000 * rand()); foreach (var c; split('', legend)) { spec ~= c == ' ' ? '_' : c; } } else { type = "OBJECT_SHARED"; spec = path; } var stg_hdg = normdeg(360 - hdg); var stg_path = tile_path(lon, lat); var abs_path = getprop("/sim/fg-root") ~ "/" ~ path; var obj_line = sprintf("%s %s %.8f %.8f %.4f %.1f", type, spec, lon, lat, ft2m(elev), stg_hdg); node.getNode("absolute-path", 1).setValue(abs_path); node.getNode("legend", 1).setValue(me.legend); node.getNode("stg-path", 1).setValue(stg_path); node.getNode("stg-heading-deg", 1).setDoubleValue(stg_hdg); node.getNode("object-line", 1).setValue(obj_line) } }; Static = { new : func(path, legend, lon, lat, elev, hdg, pitch, roll) { var m = Model.new(path); m.parents = [Static, Model]; m.node.getNode("longitude-deg", 1).setDoubleValue(m.lon = lon); m.node.getNode("latitude-deg", 1).setDoubleValue(m.lat = lat); m.node.getNode("elevation-ft", 1).setDoubleValue(m.elev = elev); m.node.getNode("heading-deg", 1).setDoubleValue(m.hdg = hdg); m.node.getNode("pitch-deg", 1).setDoubleValue(m.pitch = pitch); m.node.getNode("roll-deg", 1).setDoubleValue(m.roll = roll); m.legend = legend; m.load(); return m; }, del : func { var parent = me.node.getParent(); if (parent != nil) { parent.removeChild(me.node.getName(), me.node.getIndex()); } }, distance_from : func(xyz) { return coord_dist_sq(xyz, lonlat2xyz([me.lon, me.lat])); }, get_data : func { var n = props.Node.new(); props.copy(me.node, n); me.add_derived_props(n); return n; }, }; Dynamic = { new : func(path, legend, lon, lat, elev, hdg = nil, pitch = nil, roll = nil) { var m = Model.new(path); m.parents = [Dynamic, Model]; adjust.setall(legend, lon, lat, elev, hdg, pitch, roll); m.node.getNode("longitude-deg-prop", 1).setValue(adjust.outNode("lon").getPath()); m.node.getNode("latitude-deg-prop", 1).setValue(adjust.outNode("lat").getPath()); m.node.getNode("elevation-ft-prop", 1).setValue(adjust.outNode("elev").getPath()); m.node.getNode("heading-deg-prop", 1).setValue(adjust.outNode("hdg").getPath()); m.node.getNode("pitch-deg-prop", 1).setValue(adjust.outNode("pitch").getPath()); m.node.getNode("roll-deg-prop", 1).setValue(adjust.outNode("roll").getPath()); m.load(); m.flash_count = 0; m.visible = 1; return m; }, del : func { var parent = me.node.getParent(); if (parent != nil) { parent.removeChild(me.node.getName(), me.node.getIndex()); } }, make_static : func { me.del(); me.flash(0); return Static.new(me.path, adjust.legendN.getValue(), adjust.get("lon"), adjust.get("lat"), adjust.get("elev"), adjust.get("hdg"), adjust.get("pitch"), adjust.get("roll")); }, distance_from : func(xyz) { var lon = adjust.get("lon"); var lat = adjust.get("lat"); return coord_dist_sq(xyz, lonlat2xyz([lon, lat])); }, get_data : func { me.flash(0); var n = props.Node.new(); n.getNode("path", 1).setValue(me.path); props.copy(props.globals.getNode("/data/adjust"), n); me.legend = adjust.legendN.getValue(); me.add_derived_props(n); return n; }, flash : func(v) { me.flash_count = v; me._flash_(); }, _flash_ : func { if (!me.visible) { adjust.set("elev", adjust.get("elev") + 10000); me.visible = 1; } elsif (me.flash_count) { adjust.set("elev", adjust.get("elev") - 10000); me.visible = 0; } if (me.flash_count) { me.flash_count -= 1; settimer(func { me._flash_() }, 0.3); } }, }; Static.make_dynamic = func { me.del(); return Dynamic.new(me.path, me.legend, me.lon, me.lat, me.elev, me.hdg, me.pitch, me.roll); }; ModelMgr = { new : func(path) { var m = { parents: [ModelMgr] }; var click = props.globals.getNode("/sim/input/click", 1); m.lonN = click.getNode("longitude-deg", 1); m.latN = click.getNode("latitude-deg", 1); m.elevN = click.getNode("elevation-ft", 1); m.lonN.setValue(0); m.latN.setValue(0); m.spacebarN = props.globals.getNode("/controls/engines/engine/starter", 1); m.modelpath = path; m.dynamic = nil; m.static = []; m.block = 0; m.import(); return m; }, click : func { if (me.block) { return; } if (me.spacebarN.getBoolValue()) { me.select(); } else { me.add_instance(); } }, add_instance : func { if (me.dynamic != nil) { append(me.static, me.dynamic.make_static()); } me.dynamic = Dynamic.new(me.modelpath, "", me.lonN.getValue(), me.latN.getValue(), me.elevN.getValue()); # refresh status line to reset display timer me.display_status(me.modelpath); }, select : func { var click_xyz = lonlat2xyz([me.lonN.getValue(), me.latN.getValue()]); var min_dist = me.dynamic != nil ? me.dynamic.distance_from(click_xyz) : 1000000; var nearest = nil; # find nearest static object forindex (var i; me.static) { var dist = me.static[i].distance_from(click_xyz); if (dist < min_dist) { min_dist = dist; nearest = i; } } if (nearest != nil) { # swap dynamic with nearest static if (me.dynamic != nil) { var st = me.dynamic.make_static(); me.dynamic = me.static[nearest].make_dynamic(); me.static[nearest] = st; # actively selected: use this model type me.modelpath = me.dynamic.path; } else { me.dynamic = me.static[nearest].make_dynamic(); var left = subvec(me.static, 0, nearest); if (nearest + 1 < size(me.static)) { foreach (var v; subvec(me.static, nearest + 1)) { append(left, v); } } me.static = left; } } if (me.dynamic != nil) { me.dynamic.flash(4); } me.display_status(me.modelpath); }, remove_selected : func { if (me.block) { return; } if (me.dynamic != nil) { me.dynamic.del(); me.dynamic = nil; } me.select(); }, setmodelpath : func(path) { me.modelpath = path; me.display_status(path); }, display_status : func(p) { var count = (me.dynamic == nil ? 0 : 1) + size(me.static); setprop("/sim/model/ufo/status", "(" ~ count ~ ") " ~ p); }, get_data : func { var n = props.Node.new(); if (me.dynamic != nil) { props.copy(me.dynamic.get_data(), n.getChild("model", 0, 1)); } forindex (var i; me.static) { props.copy(me.static[i].get_data(), n.getChild("model", i + 1, 1)); } return n; }, cycle : func(up) { var i = search(modellist, me.modelpath) + up; if (i < 0) { i = size(modellist) - 1; } elsif (i >= size(modellist)) { i = 0; } me.setmodelpath(modellist[i]); if (me.dynamic != nil) { var st = me.dynamic.make_static(); st.path = me.modelpath; me.dynamic.del(); me.dynamic = st.make_dynamic(); } }, import : func { var models = props.globals.getNode("models", 1); var tmp = props.Node.new(); props.copy(models, tmp); models.removeChildren("model"); foreach (var m; tmp.getChildren("model")) { append(me.static, Static.new(m.getNode("path").getValue(), m.getNode("legend", 1).getValue(), m.getNode("longitude-deg", 1).getValue(), m.getNode("latitude-deg", 1).getValue(), m.getNode("elevation-ft", 1).getValue(), m.getNode("heading-deg", 1).getValue(), m.getNode("pitch-deg", 1).getValue(), m.getNode("roll-deg", 1).getValue())); } me.select(); }, }; incElevator = controls.incElevator; controls.incElevator = func(step, apstep) { if (getprop("/controls/engines/engine/starter")) { modelmgr.cycle(step > 0 ? 1 : -1); } else { incElevator(step, apstep); } } var lastXYZ = lonlat2xyz([getprop("/position/longitude-deg"), getprop("/position/latitude-deg")]); var lastElev = 0; printDistance = func { # print distance to last cursor coordinates (horizontal distance # doesn't consider elevation and is rather imprecise) var lon = getprop("/sim/input/click/longitude-deg"); var lat = getprop("/sim/input/click/latitude-deg"); var elev = getprop("/sim/input/click/elevation-ft"); var newXYZ = lonlat2xyz([lon, lat]); var hdist = math.sqrt(coord_dist_sq(lastXYZ, newXYZ) * ERAD); var vdist = ft2m(elev - lastElev); var s = hdist < 4 ? sprintf("%.1f m HOR, %.1f m VERT", hdist * 1000, vdist) : sprintf("%.1f km HOR, %.1f m VERT", hdist, vdist); screen.log.write(s); lastXYZ = newXYZ; lastElev = elev; } scanDirs = func(csv) { var list = []; foreach(var dir; split(",", csv)) { foreach(var m; scan_models(dir)) { append(list, m); } } append(list, "Aircraft/ufo/Models/sign.ac"); return sort(list); } printUFOData = func { print("\n\n------------------------------ UFO -------------------------------\n"); var lon = getprop("/position/longitude-deg"); var lat = getprop("/position/latitude-deg"); var alt_ft = getprop("/position/altitude-ft"); var elev_m = getprop("/position/ground-elev-m"); var heading = getprop("/orientation/heading-deg"); var agl_ft = alt_ft - m2ft(elev_m); printf("Longitude: %.8f deg", lon); printf("Latitude: %.8f deg", lat); printf("Altitude ASL: %.4f m (%.4f ft)", ft2m(alt_ft), alt_ft); printf("Altitude AGL: %.4f m (%.4f ft)", ft2m(agl_ft), agl_ft); printf("Heading: %.1f deg", normdeg(heading)); printf("Ground Elev: %.4f m (%.4f ft)", elev_m, m2ft(elev_m)); print(); print("# " ~ tile_path(lon, lat)); printf("OBJECT_STATIC %.8f %.8f %.4f %.1f", lon, lat, elev_m, normdeg(360 - heading)); print(); var hdg = normdeg(heading + getprop("/sim/current-view/goal-pitch-offset-deg")); var fgfs = sprintf("$ fgfs --aircraft=ufo --lon=%.6f --lat=%.6f --altitude=%.2f --heading=%.1f", lon, lat, agl_ft, hdg); print(fgfs); } printModelData = func(prop) { print("\n\n------------------------ Selected Object -------------------------\n"); var elev = prop.getNode("elevation-ft").getValue(); printf("Path: %s", prop.getNode("path").getValue()); printf("Longitude: %.8f deg", prop.getNode("longitude-deg").getValue()); printf("Latitude: %.8f deg", prop.getNode("latitude-deg").getValue()); printf("Altitude ASL: %.4f m (%.4f ft)", ft2m(elev), elev); printf("Heading: %.1f deg", prop.getNode("heading-deg").getValue()); printf("Pitch: %.1f deg", prop.getNode("pitch-deg").getValue()); printf("Roll: %.1f deg", prop.getNode("roll-deg").getValue()); } # interface functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- printData = func { var rule = "\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print("\n\n"); printUFOData(); var data = modelmgr.get_data(); var selected = data.getChild("model", 0); if (selected == nil) { print(rule); return; } printModelData(selected); print(rule); # group all objects of a bucket var bucket = {}; foreach (var m; data.getChildren("model")) { var stg = m.getNode("stg-path").getValue(); var obj = m.getNode("object-line").getValue(); if (contains(bucket, stg)) { append(bucket[stg], obj); } else { bucket[stg] = [obj]; } } foreach (var key; keys(bucket)) { print("\n# ", key); foreach (var obj; bucket[key]) { print(obj); } } print(rule); } exportData = func { savexml = func(name, node) { fgcommand("savexml", props.Node.new({"filename": name, "sourcenode": node})); } var tmp = "save-ufo-data"; save = props.globals.getNode(tmp, 1); props.copy(modelmgr.get_data(), save.getNode("models", 1)); var path = getprop("/sim/fg-home") ~ "/ufo-model-export.xml"; savexml(path, save.getPath()); print("model data exported to ", path); props.globals.removeChild(tmp); } removeSelectedModel = func { modelmgr.remove_selected() } # init -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var modellist = nil; var adjust = nil; var modelmgr = nil; settimer(func { modellist = scanDirs(getprop("/source")); adjust = Adjust.new("/data"); modelmgr = ModelMgr.new(getprop("/cursor")); setlistener("/sim/signals/click", func { modelmgr.click() }); #setlistener("/sim/signals/click", printDistance); showStatusDialog(); }, 1); # dialogs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var dialog = {}; showModelSelectDialog = func { name = "ufo-model-select-dialog"; if (contains(dialog, name)) { closeModelSelectDialog(); return; } var title = 'Select Model'; dialog[name] = gui.Widget.new(); dialog[name].set("layout", "vbox"); dialog[name].set("name", name); dialog[name].set("x", -20); dialog[name].set("pref-width", 600); # "window" titlebar titlebar = dialog[name].addChild("group"); titlebar.set("layout", "hbox"); titlebar.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1); titlebar.addChild("text").set("label", title); titlebar.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1); dialog[name].addChild("hrule").addChild("dummy"); w = titlebar.addChild("button"); w.set("pref-width", 16); w.set("pref-height", 16); w.set("legend", ""); w.set("default", 1); w.set("keynum", 27); w.set("border", 1); w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("nasal"); w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/script", 1).setValue("ufo.closeModelSelectDialog()"); w = dialog[name].addChild("list"); w.set("halign", "fill"); w.set("pref-height", 300); w.set("property", "/cursor"); forindex (var i; modellist) { w.prop().getChild("value", i, 1).setValue(modellist[i]); } w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("dialog-apply"); w.prop().getNode("binding[1]/command", 1).setValue("nasal"); w.prop().getNode("binding[1]/script", 1).setValue("ufo.modelmgr.setmodelpath(getprop('/cursor'))"); fgcommand("dialog-new", dialog[name].prop()); gui.showDialog(name); } closeModelSelectDialog = func { var name = "ufo-model-select-dialog"; var dlg = props.Node.new({"dialog-name": name}); fgcommand("dialog-apply", dlg); fgcommand("dialog-close", dlg); delete(dialog, name); } showModelAdjustDialog = func { name = "ufo-cursor-dialog"; if (contains(dialog, name)) { fgcommand("dialog-close", props.Node.new({ "dialog-name" : name })); delete(dialog, name); return; } adjust.center_sliders(); dialog[name] = gui.Widget.new(); dialog[name].set("layout", "vbox"); dialog[name].set("name", name); dialog[name].set("x", -20); dialog[name].set("y", -20); # "window" titlebar titlebar = dialog[name].addChild("group"); titlebar.set("layout", "hbox"); titlebar.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1); titlebar.addChild("text").set("label", "Adjust Model"); titlebar.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1); dialog[name].addChild("hrule").addChild("dummy"); w = titlebar.addChild("button"); w.set("pref-width", 16); w.set("pref-height", 16); w.set("legend", ""); w.set("default", 1); w.set("keynum", 27); w.set("border", 1); w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("nasal"); w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/script", 1).setValue("delete(ufo.dialog, \"" ~ name ~ "\")"); w.prop().getNode("binding[1]/command", 1).setValue("dialog-close"); slider = func(legend, col, coarse, fine) { group = dialog[name].addChild("group"); group.set("layout", "hbox"); group.set("default-padding", 0); button = func(leg, step) { b = group.addChild("button"); b.set("legend", leg); b.set("pref-width", 22); b.set("pref-height", 22); b.set("live", 1); b.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("nasal"); b.prop().getNode("binding[0]/script", 1).setValue('ufo.adjust.step("'~legend~'", '~step~')'); return b; } cl = button("<<", -coarse); fl = button("<", -fine); s = group.addChild("slider"); s.set("property", adjust.offsetNode(legend).getPath()); s.set("legend", legend); s.set("pref-width", 250); s.set("live", 1); s.set("min", -2 * fine); s.set("max", 2 * fine); s.setColor(col[0], col[1], col[2]); s.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("dialog-apply"); fr = button(">", fine); cr = button(">>", coarse); } slider("lon", [1.0, 0.6, 0.6], 0.0002, 0.00002); slider("lat", [0.6, 1.0, 0.6], 0.0002, 0.00002); slider("elev", [0.6, 0.6, 1.0], 10, 2); slider("hdg", [1.0, 1.0, 0.6], 36, 6); slider("pitch", [1.0, 0.6, 1.0], 36, 6); slider("roll", [0.6, 1.0, 1.0], 36, 6); g = dialog[name].addChild("group"); g.set("layout", "hbox"); w = g.addChild("text"); w.set("halign", "left"); w.set("label", "Heading "); w = g.addChild("text"); w.set("halign", "center"); w.set("label", "Sliders"); w = g.addChild("text"); w.set("halign", "right"); w.set("label", "Orientation"); g = dialog[name].addChild("group"); g.set("layout", "hbox"); g.set("default-padding", 2); var wide = 60; var narrow = 55; w = g.addChild("button"); w.set("halign", "right"); w.set("legend", "Reset"); w.set("pref-height", 22); w.set("pref-width", wide); w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("nasal"); w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/script", 1).setValue("ufo.adjust.orient()"); w = g.addChild("button"); w.set("legend", "Sticky"); w.set("one-shot", 0); w.set("pref-height", 22); w.set("pref-width", narrow); w.set("live", 1); w.set("property", adjust.stk_hdgN.getPath()); w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("dialog-apply"); g.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1); w = g.addChild("button"); w.set("halign", "center"); w.set("legend", "Center"); w.set("pref-height", 22); w.set("pref-width", wide); w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("nasal"); w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/script", 1).setValue("ufo.adjust.center_sliders()"); g.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1); w = g.addChild("button"); w.set("legend", "Sticky"); w.set("one-shot", 0); w.set("pref-height", 22); w.set("pref-width", narrow); w.set("live", 1); w.set("property", adjust.stk_orientN.getPath()); w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("dialog-apply"); w = g.addChild("button"); w.set("halign", "left"); w.set("legend", "Reset"); w.set("pref-height", 22); w.set("pref-width", wide); w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("nasal"); w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/script", 1).setValue("ufo.adjust.upright()"); fgcommand("dialog-new", dialog[name].prop()); gui.showDialog(name); } showStatusDialog = func { name = "ufo-status-dialog"; if (contains(dialog, name)) { closeModelSelectDialog(); return; } dialog[name] = gui.Widget.new(); dialog[name].set("layout", "vbox"); dialog[name].set("name", name); dialog[name].set("x", 8); dialog[name].set("y", 8); dialog[name].set("pref-width", 300); dialog[name].set("default-padding", 0); dialog[name].setColor(0, 0, 0, 0); dialog[name].setFont("HELVETICA_12"); # legend input field w = dialog[name].addChild("input"); w.set("halign", "left"); w.set("pref-width", 300); w.set("live", 1); w.set("property", adjust.legendN.getPath()); w.setColor(0, 0, 0, 0); w.prop().setValues({"color-legend": {red:1, green:1, blue:1, alpha:1}}); w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("dialog-apply"); # current object g = dialog[name].addChild("group"); g.set("layout", "vbox"); g.set("default-padding", 2); w = g.addChild("text"); w.set("pref-width", 0); w.set("halign", "left"); w.set("property", "/sim/model/ufo/status"); w.set("live", 1); w.setColor(0.6, 1, 0.6, 1); fgcommand("dialog-new", dialog[name].prop()); gui.showDialog(name); }