uniform vec2 fg_BufferSize; uniform vec3 fg_Planes; uniform sampler2D depth_tex; uniform sampler2D normal_tex; uniform sampler2D color_tex; uniform sampler2D spec_emis_tex; uniform vec4 LightPosition; uniform vec4 Diffuse; uniform vec4 Specular; uniform vec3 Attenuation; uniform float Near; uniform float Far; varying vec4 ecPosition; vec3 position( vec3 viewdir, float depth ); vec3 normal_decode(vec2 enc); void main() { vec3 ray = ecPosition.xyz / ecPosition.w; vec3 ecPos3 = ray; vec3 viewDir = normalize(ray); vec2 coords = gl_FragCoord.xy / fg_BufferSize; vec3 normal = normal_decode(texture2D( normal_tex, coords ).rg); vec4 spec_emis = texture2D( spec_emis_tex, coords ); vec3 pos = position(viewDir, texture2D( depth_tex, coords ).r); if ( pos.z < ecPos3.z ) // Negative direction in z discard; // Don't light surface outside the light volume vec3 VP = LightPosition.xyz - pos; if ( dot( VP, VP ) > ( Far * Far ) ) discard; // Don't light surface outside the light volume float d = length( VP ); VP /= d; vec3 halfVector = normalize(VP - viewDir); float att = 1.0 / (Attenuation.x + Attenuation.y * d + Attenuation.z *d*d); float nDotVP = max(0.0, dot(normal, VP)); float nDotHV = max(0.0, dot(normal, halfVector)); vec4 color = texture2D( color_tex, coords ); vec4 Idiff = Diffuse * color * att * nDotVP; vec3 Ispec = pow( nDotHV, spec_emis.y ) * spec_emis.x * att * Specular.rgb; gl_FragColor = vec4(Idiff.rgb + Ispec, 1.0); }