var cdu = nil; var CDU = { isRightLSK: func(lsk) { return (lsk[0] == `R`); }, lineForLSK: func(lsk) { return (lsk[1] - `1`); }, Field : { new : func(tag = nil, title = nil, pos = nil, rows = 1, dynamic = 0, selectable = 0) { m = {parents:[CDU.Field]}; m._page = nil; m._title = title; m._selectable = selectable; m.tag = tag; m._line = 0; m._lineCount = rows; m.dynamic = dynamic; m.alignRight = 0; if (pos != nil) m._setFromLSK(pos); return m; }, createWithLSKAndTag : func(lsk, title, tag) { var m =; m._setFromLSK(lsk); m._title = title; return m; }, isSelectable: func { me._selectable; }, getPage: func { me._page; }, setPage: func(p) { me._page = p; }, firstLine: func { me._line; }, lineCount: func { me._lineCount; }, _setFromLSK: func(lsk) { me._line = CDU.lineForLSK(lsk); me.alignRight = CDU.isRightLSK(lsk); me.column = me.alignRight ? CDU.NUM_COLS - 1 : 0; # check for column offset value if ((size(lsk) > 2) and (lsk[2] == `+`)) { var offset = lsk[3] - `0`; me.column += me.alignRight ? -offset : offset; } }, update: func(cdu) { var visRange = me._page.visibleIndices(me); if (visRange == nil) return; # empty vis range, dont display at all # debug.dump('field has visible range ', me.tag, visRange); var line = visRange.firstLine; for (var index=visRange.firstIndex; index <= visRange.lastIndex; index += 1) { me._displayOnLine(cdu, index, line); line += 1; } }, # internal helper to put a particular field offset onto an # absolute CDU line. _displayOnLine: func(cdu, index, absLine) { var row = cdu.rowForLineTitle(absLine); var s = me.titleData(index); # check if we have a valid title string if (s and (size(s) > 0)) { s = me.alignRight ? s : (" " ~ s); cdu.setRowText(row, me.column, me.alignRight, s); } row += 1; # increment for data row cdu.setRowText(row, me.column, me.alignRight,; }, titleData: func(offset) { if (me._title != nil) return me._title; if (me.tag == nil) return ''; # not tag, no title, blank return me._page.titleDataForField(me.tag, offset); }, data: func(offset) { return me._page.dataForField(me.tag, offset); }, edit: func(offset, scratch) { if (me.tag == nil) return 0; # not editable return me._page.editDataForField(me.tag, offset, scratch); }, select: func(index) { if (me.tag == nil) return -1; # not selectable return me._page.selectField(me.tag, index); }, copyData: func(lsk) { var index = me._page.indexForLine(me, CDU.lineForLSK(lsk)); if ((CDU.isRightLSK(lsk) != me.alignRight) or (index < 0) or (index >= me.lineCount())) return nil; var d =; if ((d == nil) or (size(d) == 0)) return nil; # if we contain placeholder, dont return that if ((d[0] == `#`) or (substr(d, 0, 2) == '--')) return nil; # convert to large font, remove display data d = string.replace(d,'_',''); d = string.replace(d,'~',''); d = string.replace(d,'g',''); return d; }, enterData: func(lsk, scratch) { var index = me._page.indexForLine(me, CDU.lineForLSK(lsk)); if ((CDU.isRightLSK(lsk) != me.alignRight) or (index < 0) or (index >= me.lineCount())) return -1; return me.edit(index, scratch); }, selectData: func(lsk) { var index = me._page.indexForLine(me, CDU.lineForLSK(lsk)); if ((CDU.isRightLSK(lsk) != me.alignRight) or (index < 0) or (index >= me.lineCount())) return -1; return; } }, ############################################################################ # ScrolledField is used in MultiPages, queries some data from the model # and optimises updates differently ############################################################################ ScrolledField: { new : func(tag, dynamic = 0, selectable = 0, alignRight = 0) { var base =, dynamic:dynamic, selectable:selectable); base.alignRight = alignRight; base.column = alignRight ? CDU.NUM_COLS - 1 : 0; m = {parents:[CDU.ScrolledField, base]}; return m; }, # our line count always comes from the model lineCount: func { return me.getPage().getModel().lineCountFor(me.parents[1].tag); }, }, ############################################################################ # Action is a simple structure with no title, always an lsk, done via # callbacks. ############################################################################ Action: { new : func(lbl, lsk, cb = nil, enableCb = nil) { m = {parents:[CDU.Action]}; m.label = lbl; m.lsk = lsk; m._callback = cb; m._enabled = enableCb; return m; }, exec: func { if (me._callback != nil) { me._callback(); } else { debug.dump("dummy action executed:" ~ me.label); } }, isEnabled: func { if (me._enabled != nil) { return me._enabled(); } else { return 1; } }, update: func(cdu) { var rightAlign = CDU.isRightLSK(me.lsk); var s = rightAlign ? (me.label ~ ">") : ("<" ~ me.label); var col = rightAlign ? CDU.NUM_COLS - 1 : 0; var line = CDU.lineForLSK(me.lsk); cdu.setRowText(cdu.rowForLine(line), col, rightAlign, s); return line; } }, ############################################################################ # Base class for page models. Routes requests to methods based on tag # values, but this can be over-ridden of course. ############################################################################ AbstractModel : { new : func() { m = { parents:[CDU.AbstractModel]}; return m; }, data: func(tag, offset) { var method = "dataFor" ~ tag; return me._callTagMethod(method, [offset], nil); }, editData: func(tag, offset, scratch) { var method = "edit" ~ tag; return me._callTagMethod(method, [scratch, offset], -1); }, titleData: func(tag, offset) { var method = "titleFor" ~ tag; return me._callTagMethod(method, [offset], nil); }, lineCountFor: func(tag) { me._callTagMethod('countFor' ~ tag, [], 0); }, firstLineFor: func(tag) { me._callTagMethod('firstLineFor' ~ tag, [], 0); }, select: func(tag, index) { me._callTagMethod('select' ~ tag, [index], -1); }, _callTagMethod: func(name, invokeArgs, defaultResult) { var f = me._findMethod(name, me); if (f==nil) return defaultResult; var ret = call(f, invokeArgs, me, var err = []); if (size(err) > 0) { debug.dump('failure running tag method ' ~ name, err); return defaultResult; } return ret; }, _findMethod: func(nm, obj) { # local test if (contains(obj, nm) and (typeof(obj[nm]) == 'func')) return obj[nm]; if (contains(obj, 'parents')) { foreach (var pr; obj['parents']) { var f = me._findMethod(nm, pr); if (f != nil) return f; # found } } return nil; } }, ############################################################################ # Base class for CDU pages. You can subclass this, but probably not advised. # Better to define new field types or use a model to achieve what you need. ############################################################################ Page : { new : func(owner, title = 'UNNAMED', model = nil, dynamicActions = 0) { m = { parents:[CDU.Page], _previousPage: nil, _nextPage: nil, baseTitle: title, _actions: [], _fields: [], _model: model, _dynamicActions: dynamicActions, fixedSeparator: [99,99] }; return m; }, # compute our title title: func { # no siblings, simple if ((me._previousPage == nil) and (me._nextPage == nil)) return me.baseTitle; var pgIndex = 0; var pgCount = 0; var pg = me; # find the group leader while (pg._previousPage != nil) pg = pg._previousPage; # walk forwards to find ourselves and the list end while (pg != nil) { if (pg == me) pgIndex = pgCount; # ourselves pgCount += 1; pg = pg._nextPage; } # position page index at far right (but one) var pgText = " ~"~(pgIndex + 1) ~ "/" ~ pgCount; var pgTitle = me.baseTitle; while(size(pgTitle) < CDU.NUM_COLS-size(pgText)) pgTitle ~= " "; return pgTitle~pgText; }, # fields getFields: func { return me._fields; }, addField: func(fld) { me._addField(fld); }, # inheritable version, so derived classes can call us safely _addField: func(fld) { fld.setPage(me); append(me._fields, fld); }, # paging nextPage: func { (me._nextPage == nil) ? me._previousPage : me._nextPage;}, previousPage: func { (me._previousPage == nil) ? me._nextPage : me._previousPage; }, # actions getActions: func() { return me._actions; }, addAction: func(act) { append(me._actions, act); }, hasDynamicActions: func { me._dynamicActions; }, refreshDynamicActions: func(cdu) { me._refreshDynamicActions(cdu); }, # model data setModel: func(m) { me._model = m; }, getModel: func { me._model; }, titleDataForField: func(tag, offset) { if (me._model != nil) { var d = me._model.titleData(tag, offset); if (d) return d; } return nil; }, dataForField: func(tag, offset) { if (me._model != nil) { var d =, offset); if (d) return d; } return nil; }, selectField: func(tag, index) { if (me._model != nil) { var d =, index); if (d >= 0) return d; } return -1; }, editDataForField: func(tag, offset, scratch) { if (me._model != nil) { var d = me._model.editData(tag, offset, scratch); if (d >= 0) { # found the tag, so we are done return d; } } return nil; }, # display # over-rideable hook method when a page is displayed willDisplay: func(cdu) { cdu.clearScratchpad(); }, # no-op by default, called when the page is replaced / cleared didUndisplay: func(cdu) { }, update: func(cdu) { cdu.setRowText(0, 0, 0, me.title()); me._updateActions(cdu); foreach (var field; me._fields) { field.update(cdu); } }, # map field indices to on-screen lines. These are simple versions, # MultiPage overrides them to implement scrolling! indexForLine: func(field, line) { line - field.firstLine(); }, visibleIndices: func(field) { return { firstIndex:0, lastIndex: field.lineCount() - 1, firstLine: field.firstLine()}; }, _updateActions: func(cdu) { # track the topmost (lowest numbered) action on each side var leftAct = me.fixedSeparator[0]; var rightAct = me.fixedSeparator[1]; foreach (var act; me._actions) { if (!act.isEnabled()) continue; # display the action; returns its line for computing # the seperator positions. var line = act.update(cdu); if (CDU.isRightLSK(act.lsk)) { rightAct = math.min(rightAct, line); } else { leftAct = math.min(leftAct, line); } } #debug.dump('action separator rows', leftAct, rightAct); if (leftAct > 0 and leftAct < 99) cdu.setRowText(cdu.rowForLineTitle(leftAct), 0, 0, '------------'); if (rightAct > 0 and rightAct < 99) cdu.setRowText(cdu.rowForLineTitle(rightAct), CDU.NUM_COLS - 1, 1, '------------'); }, _refreshDynamicActions: func(cdu) { foreach (var act; me._actions) { if (!act.isEnabled()) continue; act.update(cdu); } }, }, ############################################################################ # Page with several screens of information. Only supports two columns, # but stacks its Fields up in the order they are added. ############################################################################ MultiPage : { new : func(cdu, model, title, linesPerPage = 5, dynamicActions = 0) { var base =, title:title, model:model, dynamicActions:dynamicActions); m = { parents:[CDU.MultiPage, base]}; m._linesPerPage = linesPerPage; m._leftStack = []; m._rightStack = []; m._screen = 0; return m; }, title: func { # position page index at far right (but one) var pgText = " "~(me._screen + 1) ~ "/" ~ me.numPages(); var pgTitle = me.baseTitle; while(size(pgTitle) < CDU.NUM_COLS-size(pgText)-1) pgTitle ~= " "; return pgTitle~pgText; }, numPages: func { var leftRows = 0; foreach (var fld; me._leftStack) leftRows += me._model.lineCountFor(fld.tag); var rightRows = 0; foreach (var fld; me._rightStack) rightRows += me._model.lineCountFor(fld.tag); var totalRows = math.max(leftRows, rightRows); totalRows += (me._linesPerPage - 1); # round up return int(totalRows / me._linesPerPage); }, addField: func(fld) { me._addField(fld); append(fld.alignRight ? me._rightStack : me._leftStack, fld); }, indexForLine: func(field, line) { var virtualLine = line + (me._screen * me._linesPerPage); return virtualLine - me._model.firstLineFor(field.tag); }, visibleIndices: func(field) { var screenOffset = (me._screen * me._linesPerPage); var lastVisible = screenOffset + me._linesPerPage - 1; var fieldStart = me._model.firstLineFor(field.tag); var fieldEnd = fieldStart + me._model.lineCountFor(field.tag) - 1; # if ranges dont overlap, return nil since field is invisible if ((fieldEnd < screenOffset) or (fieldStart > lastVisible)) return nil; # find smallest overlap var firstLine = 0; var fieldBase = fieldStart; if (fieldStart < screenOffset) { fieldStart = screenOffset; } else if (fieldStart > screenOffset) { firstLine += (fieldStart - screenOffset); } if (fieldEnd > lastVisible) { fieldEnd = lastVisible; } # package up and return return { firstIndex:fieldStart - fieldBase, lastIndex:fieldEnd - fieldBase, firstLine: firstLine}; }, # paging nextPage: func { if ((me._screen += 1) >= me.numPages()) me._screen = 0; return me; }, previousPage: func { if ((me._screen -= 1) < 0) me._screen = me.numPages() - 1; return me; }, }, canvas_settings: { "name": "CDU", "size": [512, 512], "view": [480, 480], "mipmapping": 1, }, NUM_COLS: 24, NUM_ROWS: 14, # 6 main rows, 6 title rows, page title and scratch MARGIN: 30, MARGIN_BOTTOM: 57, # needed because the screen is not a square EMPTY_FIELD4: '----', EMPTY_FIELD5: '-----', EMPTY_FIELD10: '----------', BOX2: '__', BOX2_1: '__._', BOX3: '___', BOX3_1: '___._', BOX4: '____', BOX5: '_____', new : func(prop1, placement) { m = { parents : [CDU]}; m.rootNode = props.globals.initNode(prop1); m.scratch = ""; m.scratchNode = m.rootNode.initNode("scratch", "", "STRING"); m._canExecNode = m.rootNode.initNode("can-exec", 0, "BOOL"); m._oleoSwitchNode = props.globals.getNode('instrumentation/fmc/discretes/oleo-switch-flight', 1); m._setupCanvas(placement); m._page = nil; m._model = nil; m._pages = {}; m._model =; # empty model for fallback m._dynamicFields = []; m.currTimerSelf = 0; # timer for key presses m._updateId = 0; return m; }, _setupCanvas: func(placement) { me._canvas =; var text_style = { 'font': "BoeingCDU-Large.ttf", 'character-size': 28, 'alignment': 'left-bottom' }; var text_style_s = { 'font': "BoeingCDU-Small.ttf", 'character-size': 28, 'alignment': 'left-bottom' }; var cduNode = props.globals.getNode('/instrumentation/cdu/', 1); cduNode.initNode('brightness-norm', 0.5, 'DOUBLE'); var displayType = getprop('/instrumentation/cdu/settings/display'); if (displayType == 'crt') me._canvas.setColorBackground(0.0, 0.05, 0.0); else me._canvas.setColorBackground(0.05, 0.05, 0.05); me._canvas.addPlacement(placement); me._scene = me._canvas.createGroup(); me._scene.setTranslation(CDU.MARGIN, CDU.MARGIN); # create line elements me._texts = []; me._texts_s = []; var rowHeight = CDU.canvas_settings.view[1] - (CDU.MARGIN * 2 + CDU.MARGIN_BOTTOM); var cellH = rowHeight / CDU.NUM_ROWS; for (var r=0; r 0)) { # only update if we have dynamic fields/actions me._startUpdates(); } }, setRowText: func(row, col, alignRight, text) { # check for nil text or empty string (typeof(text) == 'scalar') or return; if ((row < 0) or (row >= CDU.NUM_ROWS)) { debug.die('invalid row index requested', row, col, text); return; } text = text ~ ''; # force stringificaton # split large and small font var textS = ""; var textL = ""; var text1 = split('!',text); foreach(var textItem; text1) { var text2 = split('~',textItem); textL ~= text2[0]; while (size(textS) < size(textL)) textS ~= ' '; if (size(text2) > 1) textS ~= text2[1]; while (size(textL) < size(textS)) textL ~= ' '; } var canavasTextL = me._texts[row]; var charsL = canavasTextL.get('text') or ""; var sz = size(textL); if (alignRight) colL = col - (sz - 1); # find left-most column else colL = col; # find left portion, pad with spaces to position var lpieceL = substr(charsL, 0, colL); while (size(lpieceL) < colL) { lpieceL = lpieceL ~ ' '; } var rpieceL = ''; # preserve protion to the right of our insert if (size(charsL) > (colL + sz)) { rpieceL = substr(charsL, colL + sz); } canavasTextL.setText(lpieceL ~ textL ~ rpieceL); var canavasTextS = me._texts_s[row]; var charsS = canavasTextS.get('text') or ""; var sz = size(textS); if (alignRight) colS = col - (sz -1); # find left-most column else colS = col; # find left portion, pad with spaces to position var lpieceS = substr(charsS, 0, colS); while (size(lpieceS) < colS) { lpieceS = lpieceS ~ ' '; } var rpieceS = ''; # preserve protion to the right of our insert if (size(charsS) > (colS + sz)) { rpieceS = substr(charsS, colS + sz); } canavasTextS.setText(lpieceS ~ textS ~ rpieceS); }, clearRowText: func(row) { me._texts[row].setText(''); me._texts_s[row].setText(''); }, cleanup: func { for (r=0; r 0) or return; if (me._page.hasDynamicActions()) { me._page.refreshDynamicActions(me); } foreach(var df; me._dynamicFields) { df.update(me); } settimer(func me._update(me._updateId), 1.0); }, setExecCallback: func(execCb) { me._execCallback = execCb; # show the lamp me._canExecNode.setValue((execCb != nil)); }, ################################################ # data formatters formatLatitude: func(lat) { var north = (lat >= 0.0); var latDeg = int(lat); var latMinutes = math.abs(lat - latDeg) * 60; return sprintf('%s%02dg%04.1f', north ? "N" : "S", abs(latDeg), latMinutes); }, formatLongitude: func(lon) { var east = (lon >= 0.0); var lonDeg = int(lon); var lonMinutes = math.abs(lon - lonDeg) * 60; sprintf("%s%03dg%04.1f", east ? 'E' : 'W', abs(lonDeg), lonMinutes); }, formatLatLonString: func(obj) { var lat = 0; var lon = 0; if (isa(obj, geo.Coord)) { lat =; lon = obj.lon(); } else { lat =; lon = obj.lon; } return me.formatLatitude(lat) ~ ' ' ~ me.formatLongitude(lon); }, formatAltitude: func(altFt) { if (altFt < -100) return CDU.EMPTY_FIELD5; var flightlLevel = int(altFt/ 100); if (flightlLevel >= 180) return sprintf('FL%3d', flightlLevel); return flightlLevel * 100; }, parseAltitude: func(altString) { var sz = size(altString); if ((sz == 5) and (substr(altString, 0, 2) == 'FL')) { altString = substr(altString, 2); sz = 3; } if ((sz < 3) or (sz > 5)) return -9999; if (sz == 3) return num(altString) * 100; return num(altString); }, formatBearingSpeed: func(brg, spd) { if ((brg < 0) or (spd < 0)) return '---g/---'; return sprintf('%03dg/%03d', brg, spd); }, _farenheitToCelsius: func(f) { (f - 32.0) / 1.8; }, parseTemperatureAsCelsius: func(input) { # if default is F, need to tweak this var isFarenheit = 0; var s = string.trim(input); var lastChar = s[size(s) - 1]; if (string.isalpha(lastChar)) { isFarenheit = (lastChar == 'F'); s = substr(s, 0, size(s) - 1); # drop final char } var t = num(s); return isFarenheit ? _farenheitToCelsius(t) : t; }, # dual field rules: enter both with a seperating '/'. # if there's no slash, it's the outboard field # to enter only the inboard field, there must be a preceeding slash # returns a two element array, with outboard element at 0, inboard at 1 # missing elements are nil. parseDualFieldInput: func(input) { var s = string.trim(input); if (size(s) <= 0) return [nil,nil]; # empty input string var slashPos = find('/', s); if (slashPos < 0) return [s, nil]; # no slash, outboard only if (slashPos == 0) return [nil, substr(s, 1)]; # leading slash, inboard only return [substr(s, 0, slashPos), substr(s, slashPos + 1)]; }, formatMagVar: func(magvarDeg) { var east = (magvarDeg > 0); sprintf('%s%3d', east ? 'E':'W', abs(magvarDeg)); }, formatWayptSpeedAltitude: func(wp) { if (wpt==nil) return nil; var altConstraintType = wp.alt_cstr_type; var speedConstraintType = wp.speed_cstr_type; var altConstraint = ' '; # six spaces if (altConstraintType != nil) altConstraint = formatAltRestriction(wp); var speedConstraint = ''; if (speedConstraintType != nil) { if (speedConstraintType == 'at') speedConstraint = wp.speed_cstr; if (speedConstraintType == 'above') speedConstraint = wp.speed_cstr ~ 'A'; if (speedConstraintType == 'below') speedConstraint = wp.speed_cstr ~ 'B'; if (speedConstraintType == 'mach') speedConstraint = sprintf('.%3d', wp.speed_cstr / 1000); } return speed_cstr ~ '/' ~ altConstraint; }, formatAltRestriction: func(wp) { if ((wp == nil) or (wp.alt_cstr_type == nil)) return nil; s = me.formatAltitude(wp.alt_cstr); if (altConstraintType == 'at') s ~= ' '; if (altConstraintType == 'above') s ~= 'A'; if (altConstraintType == 'below') s ~= 'B'; return s; }, # button / LSK functions lsk: func(ident) { # check page action map for LSKs foreach (var act; me._page.getActions()) { if (!act.isEnabled()) continue; if (act.lsk == ident) { act.exec(); return; } } foreach (var fld; me._page.getFields()) { if (!fld.isSelectable()) continue; if (fld.selectData(ident) >= 0) { me._refresh(); return; } } if (size(me.scratch) > 0) { foreach (var fld; me._page.getFields()) { var d = fld.enterData(ident, me.scratch); if (d == 1) { me._updateScratch(""); me._refresh(); return; } elsif (d == 0) { debug.dump("data validation error"); return; } } } else { foreach (var fld; me._page.getFields()) { var d = fld.copyData(ident); if (d != nil) { me._updateScratch(d); return; } } } debug.dump('no action found for LSK'); }, button_init_ref: func { me.displayPageByTag("init-ref"); }, button_exec: func { if (me._execCallback == nil) { debug.dump('nothing to execute'); return; } var cb = me._execCallback; me._execCallback = nil; me._canExecNode.setValue(0); cb(); me._refresh(); }, button_route: func { me.displayPageByTag("route"); }, button_legs: func { me.displayPageByTag("legs"); }, button_vnav: func { me.displayPageByTag("vnav"); }, button_nav_radios: func { me.displayPageByTag("nav-radios"); }, button_menu: func { me.displayPageByTag("menu"); }, button_dep_arr: func { me.displayPageByTag("departure-arrival"); }, # page navigation prev_page: func { var pg = me._page.previousPage(); if (pg != nil) { me.displayPage(pg, 1); } else { debug.dump('no prev page'); } }, next_page: func { var pg = me._page.nextPage(); if (pg != nil) { me.displayPage(pg, 1); } else { debug.dump('no next page'); } }, # scratch manipulation _updateScratch: func(newData) { me.scratch = newData; me.scratchNode.setValue(newData); me.clearRowText(CDU.NUM_ROWS - 1); me.setRowText(CDU.NUM_ROWS - 1, 0, 0, newData); }, input: func(data) { if (size(me.scratch) < CDU.NUM_COLS) me._updateScratch(me.scratch ~ data); }, plusminus: func { var end = size(me.scratch); var lastchar = substr(me.scratch,end-1,end); if (lastchar == '+') me._updateScratch(substr(me.scratch,0,end-1)~'-'); elsif (lastchar == '-') me._updateScratch(substr(me.scratch,0,end-1)~'+'); else me.input('-'); }, delete : func { if (size(me.scratch) == 0) me._updateScratch('DELETE'); }, clear : func { # Remove last character me._updateScratch(substr(me.scratch, 0, size(me.scratch) - 1)); # Clear entire scratchpad when press and hold for 1 sec me.clearTimer = maketimer(1.0, func me._updateScratch('')); me.clearTimer.start(); }, clearRelease : func { me.clearTimer.stop(); }, message : func(msg) { cdu._updateScratch(msg); }, getScratchpad: func { me.scratch; }, setScratchpad: func(x) { me._updateScratch(x); }, clearScratchpad : func { me._updateScratch(""); }, ################################## StaticField : { new: func(pos, title = nil, data = nil) { m = {parents: [CDU.StaticField,, pos:pos)]}; m._data = data; return m; }, data: func(offset) { return me._data; } }, ################################## NasalField : { new: func(pos, title, readCb, writeCb = nil) { m = {parents: [CDU.NasalField,, pos:pos)]}; m._readCallback = readCb; m._writeCallback = writeCb; return m; }, data: func(offset) { return me._readCallback(me.tag); }, edit: func(offset, scratch) { if (me._writeCallback == nil) { debug.dump("field has no write callback"); return 0; } return me._writeCallback(scratch); } }, ################################## PropField : { new: func(pos, prop, title = nil) { m = {parents: [CDU.PropField,, pos:pos)]}; m._prop = prop; return m; }, data: func(offset) { return getprop(me._prop); } }, EditablePropField : { new: func(pos, prop, title = nil) { m = {parents: [CDU.EditablePropField,, title:title, prop:prop)]}; return m; }, edit: func(offset, scratch) { setprop(me._prop, scratch); return 1; } }, ############# linkPages: func(pages) { for (var index=0; index < size(pages); index +=1) { if (index > 0) pages[index]._previousPage = pages[index - 1]; if (index < (size(pages) - 1)) pages[index]._nextPage = pages[index + 1]; } }, }; reload_CDU_pages = func { debug.dump('loading CDU pages'); cdu.displayPage(nil); # force existing page to be undisplayed cleanly # make the cdu instance available inside the module namespace # we are going to load into. # for a reload this also wipes the existing namespace, which we want globals['cdu_NS'] = { cdu: cdu, CDU:CDU }; var settings = props.globals.getNode('/instrumentation/cdu/settings'); foreach (var path; settings.getChildren('page')) { # resolve the path in FG_ROOT, and --fg-aircraft dir, etc var abspath = resolvepath(path.getValue()); if (io.stat(abspath) == nil) { debug.dump('CDU page not found:', path.getValue(), abspath); continue; } # load pages code into a seperate namespace which we defined above # also means we can clean out that namespace later io.load_nasal(abspath, 'cdu_NS'); } cdu.displayPageByTag(getprop('/instrumentation/cdu/settings/boot-page')); }; setlistener("/nasal/canvas/loaded", func { # create base CDU cdu ='/instrumentation/cdu', {"node": "CDUscreen"}); reload_CDU_pages(); }, 1);