Taxiing This tutorial covers moving the aircraft around on the ground, from the parking position to the run-up area. For more information on taxiing, see Section 2-9 of the FAA Airplane Flying Handbook available at Tutorials/taxiing morning LELL 1 13 -9999 41.52158426 2.100607724 40 0 0 0 0 41.52200491 2.1010442 41.5232715 2.100250003 /instrumentation/adf/frequencies/selected-khz 367 /environment/weather-scenario Fair weather /sim/model/c172p/brake-parking 1 /controls/switches/master-bat true /controls/switches/master-alt true /controls/switches/master-avionics true /controls/flight/flaps 0.0 /controls/flight/elevator-trim 0.17 /controls/switches/magnetos 3 /controls/engines/current-engine/throttle 0.2 /controls/engines/engine/primer 4 /sim/model/c172p/securing/chock false /sim/model/c172p/securing/tiedownL-visible false /sim/model/c172p/securing/tiedownR-visible false /sim/model/c172p/securing/tiedownT-visible false /sim/model/c172p/securing/pitot-cover-visible false 0.0 -12 0.0 -0.21 0.19 73.6 In this lesson we'll taxi the aircraft from its parking position in front of the hangar, via the taxiway T-1 to the holding pont of runway 13. I've already started the engine. Press Shift-B to release the parking brake. Throttle up to about 20% to move forward slightly, then hold b to check that the normal brakes work. The parking brake is still on. Release it by pressing Shift-B. /sim/model/c172p/brake-parking 1 Throttle up to about 20% to move forward slightly. /sim/model/c172p/brake-parking 0 /controls/engines/current-engine/throttle 0.15 Apply the brakes by pressing b. /sim/model/c172p/brake-parking 0 /controls/gear/brake-left 0 /controls/gear/brake-left 0 /sim/model/c172p/brake-parking 0 /controls/gear/brake-left 1 /controls/gear/brake-left 1 Keep applying the brakes. You can steer the aircraft on the ground by either using 0/Enter on the numeric keypad, or using the mouse in yoke mode (+) with the left mouse button held down. If you need to slow down, just press b to apply the brakes. 10 Keep the brakes on until I tell you to start taxiing. /controls/gear/brake-left 0 /controls/gear/brake-left 0 Release the brakes and taxi forwards. You may need to apply a little throttle to get going. Taxi straight ahead until you reach the taxiway. It's ground has a darker color than the apron. 5 You're driving curves. To meet the taxiway you have to taxi straight! /sim/tutorials/targets/taxi1/direction-deg -100 /sim/tutorials/targets/taxi1/direction-deg 100 Apply a little throttle to get going, but then reduce it once you're moving. /velocities/groundspeed-kt 1.0 /sim/tutorials/targets/taxi1/distance-m 30.0 /sim/tutorials/targets/taxi1/distance-m -30.0 Now make a left turn to about 320 degree top follow the taxiway T-1 to runway 13. Then take the first junction right where the taxiway leads onto the runway. You need to stop before you reach the runway! You're going too fast. Reduce your throttle slightly and apply your brakes. /velocities/groundspeed-kt 15.0 /sim/tutorials/targets/taxi2/distance-m 50.0 Set the throttle to idle and apply the parking brake 0.0 -19.7 0.0 -0.2 0.2 0.4 85.0 We now have to execute the run-up checks and therefore you need to stop. Set the parking brake! /sim/model/c172p/brake-parking 1 Set the throttle to idle! /controls/engines/current-engine/throttle 0.05 /sim/model/c172p/brake-parking 1 /controls/engines/current-engine/throttle 0.05 /velocities/groundspeed-kt 1 We've reached the run-up area. Well done.