<?xml version="1.0"?>


  Copyright (c) 2021 FlightGear Flight Simulator

  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


Written for the Cessna 172 and only tested on Raspberry Pi OS running
FlightGear 2020.3.6


* Bindings for Honeycomb Aeronautical Alpha Flight Controls - Yoke
* Axis 0: ailerons
* Axis 1: elevator
* Axes 2 and 3 (hat): view direction
* Button  0: YOKE white-Trigger left-handle  >>>>>>>>  View, Cycle Forwards
* Button  1: YOKE white-top-Button left-handle  >>>>>  View, Reset
* Button  2: YOKE white-top-Button right-handle
* Button  3: YOKE red-top-Button right-handle
* Button  4: YOKE outer-Rocker down left-handle  >>>>  Elevator Trim, Up
* Button  5: YOKE outer-Rocker up left-handle  >>>>>>  Elevator Trim, Down
* Button  6: YOKE inner-Rocker down left-handle  >>>>  Flaps, Down
* Button  7: YOKE inner-Rocker up left-handle  >>>>>>  Flaps, Up
* Button  8: YOKE top-Rocker inward right-handle  >>>  Rudder Trim, Left
* Button  9: YOKE top-Rocker outward right-handle  >>  Rudder Trim, Right
* Button 10: YOKE bottom-Rocker inward right-handle
* Button 11: YOKE bottom-Rocker outward right-handle
* Button 12: BASE Master Alternator up  >>>>>>>>>>>>>  Master Alternator, ON OFF
* Button 13: BASE Master Alternator down
* Button 14: BASE Master Battery up  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Battery, ON OFF
* Button 15: BASE Master Battery down
* Button 16: BASE Avionics Bus1 up  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Master Avionics, ON OFF
* Button 17: BASE Avionics Bus1 down
* Button 18: BASE Avionics Bus2 up
* Button 19: BASE Avionics Bus2 down
* Button 20: BASE Beacon up  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Beacon, ON OFF
* Button 21: BASE Beacon down
* Button 22: BASE Land up  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Landing Lights, ON OFF
* Button 23: BASE Land down
* Button 24: BASE Taxi up  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Taxi Lights, ON OFF
* Button 25: BASE Taxi down
* Button 26: BASE Nav up  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Navigation Lights, ON OFF
* Button 27: BASE Nav down
* Button 28: BASE Strobe up  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Strobe Light, ON OFF
* Button 29: BASE Strobe down
* Button 30: BASE Off  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Magneto, OFF
* Button 31: BASE Right Mag  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Magneto, Right
* Button 32: BASE Left Mag  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  See note below
* Button 33: BASE Both Mag  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  See note below
* Button 34: BASE Start  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  See note below


  <name type="string">Honeycomb Aeronautical Alpha Flight Controls</name>

          <factor type="double">1</factor>
          <offset type="double">0</offset>

  <axis n="1">
          <factor type="double">-1</factor>
          <offset type="double">0</offset>

  <axis n="2">
      <desc>View, Direction</desc>
              <offset type="double">1</offset>
              <offset type="double">1</offset>

  <axis n="3">
      <desc>View, Elevation</desc>
              <offset type="double">1</offset>
              <offset type="double">1</offset>
  <button n="0">
      <desc>View, Cycle Forwards</desc>

  <button n="1">
      <desc>View, Reset</desc>
              setprop("/sim/current-view/view-number", 0);

  <button n="4">
      <desc>Elevator Trim, Up</desc>

  <button n="5">
      <desc>Elevator Trim, Down</desc>

  <button n="6">
      <desc>Flaps, Down</desc>

  <button n="7">
      <desc>Flaps, Up</desc>

  <button n="8">
      <desc>Rudder Trim, Left</desc>

  <button n="9">
      <desc>Rudder Trim, Right</desc>

  <button n="12">
      <desc>Master Alternator, ON OFF</desc>
          <script>setprop("/controls/switches/master-alt", 1);</script>
              <script>setprop("/controls/switches/master-alt", 0)</script>

  <button n="14">
      <desc>Battery, ON OFF</desc>
          <script>setprop("/controls/switches/master-bat", 1)</script>
              <script>setprop("/controls/switches/master-bat", 0)</script>

  <button n="16">
      <desc>Master Avionics, ON OFF</desc>
          <script>setprop("/controls/switches/master-avionics", 1)</script>
              <script>setprop("/controls/switches/master-avionics", 0)</script>

  <button n="20">
      <desc>Beacon, ON OFF</desc>
          <script>setprop("/controls/lighting/beacon", 1)</script>
              <script>setprop("/controls/lighting/beacon", 0)</script>

  <button n="22">
      <desc>Landing Lights, ON OFF</desc>
          <script>setprop("/controls/lighting/landing-lights", 1)</script>
              <script>setprop("/controls/lighting/landing-lights", 0)</script>

  <button n="24">
      <desc>Taxi Lights, ON OFF</desc>
          <script>setprop("/controls/lighting/taxi-light", 1)</script>
              <script>setprop("/controls/lighting/taxi-light", 0)</script>

  <button n="26">
      <desc>Navigation Lights, ON OFF</desc>
          <script>setprop("/controls/lighting/nav-lights", 1)</script>
              <script>setprop("/controls/lighting/nav-lights", 0)</script>

  <button n="28">
      <desc>Strobe Light, ON OFF</desc>
          <script>setprop("/controls/lighting/strobe", 1)</script>
              <script>setprop("/controls/lighting/strobe", 0)</script>

  <button n="30">
      <desc>Magneto, OFF</desc>
          <script>setprop("/controls/switches/magnetos", 0)</script>

  <button n="31">
      <desc>Magneto, Right</desc>
          <script>setprop("/controls/switches/magnetos", 1)</script>

<!-- Linux and FlightGear does not handle more than 32 USB buttons.
     See FlightGear Ticket 2212.

  <button n="32">
      <desc>Magneto, Left</desc>
          <script>setprop("/controls/switches/magnetos", 2)</script>

  <button n="33">
      <desc>Magneto, Both</desc>
          <script>setprop("/controls/switches/magnetos", 3)</script>

  <button n="34">
      <desc>Starter, ON OFF</desc>
          <script>setprop("/controls/lighting/strobe", 1)</script>
              <script>setprop("/controls/lighting/strobe", 0)</script>
