Cessna 172P c Toggle cockpit on/off P Toggle high resolution panel on/off Ctrl-c Toggle panel hotspots and labels l/L Increase/decrease panel lighting r/R Move water rudders up/down (float plane) For checklists, see under Help->Aircraft Checklists To show the high resolution panel for a multi- computer setup, press P. Takeoff: no flaps, full throttle, rotate at 55 KIAS Climbout: no flaps, full throttle, 80 KIAS Cruise: Throttle 65%, Mixture rich of peak Landing: full flaps, 65 KIAS _________V Speeds_________ Vso: 33kts Vx: 56kts Vy: 76kts Va: 99kts Vne: 158kts Approach: 65kts Best Glide: 65kts