<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- This file is part of FlightGear, the free flight simulator http://www.flightgear.org/ Copyright (C) 2010 Torsten Dreyer, Torsten (at) t3r _dot_ de This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. --> <PropertyList> <name>scenario</name> <modal>false</modal> <layout>vbox</layout> <resizable>false</resizable> <default-padding>3</default-padding> <group> <layout>hbox</layout> <default-padding>1</default-padding> <empty><stretch>true</stretch></empty> <text> <label>AI Scenario Select</label> </text> <empty><stretch>true</stretch></empty> <button> <legend></legend> <key>Esc</key> <pref-width>16</pref-width> <pref-height>16</pref-height> <border>2</border> <binding> <command>dialog-close</command> </binding> </button> </group> <hrule/> <text> <label>Choose active scenario(s) for the next program start</label> </text> <hrule/> <group> <layout>hbox</layout> <group> <name>left-column</name> <layout>vbox</layout> </group> <group> <layout>vbox</layout> <name>right-column</name> </group> </group> <hrule/> <group> <layout>hbox</layout> <halign>center</halign> <button> <legend>OK</legend> <equal>true</equal> <binding> <command>dialog-apply</command> </binding> <binding> <command>nasal</command> <script>apply()</script> </binding> <binding> <command>reinit</command> <subsystem>ai_model</subsystem> </binding> <binding> <command>dialog-close</command> </binding> </button> <!-- <button> <legend>Apply</legend> <equal>true</equal> <binding> <command>dialog-apply</command> </binding> <binding> <command>nasal</command> <script>apply()</script> </binding> <binding> <command>reinit</command> <subsystem>ai_model</subsystem> </binding> </button> --> <button> <legend>Cancel</legend> <equal>true</equal> <key>Esc</key> <binding> <command>dialog-close</command> </binding> </button> <empty><stretch>true</stretch></empty> </group> <nasal> <open><![CDATA[ var dlg_root = cmdarg(); var findElementByName = func(rootN, name) { foreach( var child; rootN.getChildren() ) { var n = child.getNode( "name" ); if( n != nil and n.getValue() == name ) return child; var f = findElementByName(child,name); if( f != nil ) return f; } return nil; }; var isEnabledScenario = func(scenario) { foreach( var n; props.globals.getNode("sim/ai",1).getChildren("scenario") ) if( n.getValue() == scenario ) return 1; return 0; }; var columns = [ "left-column", "right-column" ]; var processScenario = func(nr,file, rootN) { var scenarioN = rootN.getNode("scenario"); if( scenarioN == nil ) return; var descriptionN = rootN.getNode("description"); if( descriptionN == nil ) var descriptionN = scenarioN.getNode("description"); var description = descriptionN != nil ? descriptionN.getValue() : ""; var propertyRoot = props.globals.getNode("sim/gui/dialogs/scenario",1).getChild( "scenario", nr, 1 ); propertyRoot.getNode("selected",1).setBoolValue(isEnabledScenario(file)); propertyRoot.getNode("name",1).setValue(file); var group = findElementByName( dlg_root, columns[math.mod(nr,2)] ).getChild("group", nr, 1 ); group.getNode("layout",1).setValue("hbox"); var cb = group.getNode("checkbox",1); cb.getNode("property",1).setValue(propertyRoot.getNode("selected").getPath()); cb.getNode("label",1).setValue(file); cb.getNode("name",1).setValue(file); group.getNode("empty",1).getNode("stretch",1).setValue("true"); } var apply = func { var targetRoot = props.globals.getNode("sim/ai",1); targetRoot.removeChildren("scenario"); var i = 0; foreach( var src; props.globals.getNode("sim/gui/dialogs/scenario",1).getChildren( "scenario" ) ) { if( src.getNode("selected",1).getValue() ) { var scnNode = targetRoot.getChild("scenario", i, 1 ); scnNode.setAttribute("userarchive",1); scnNode.setValue( src.getNode("name",1).getValue() ); i+=1; } } } var path = getprop("/sim/fg-root") ~ "/AI"; var i = -1; foreach(var file; sort(directory(path), cmp)) if(size(file) > 4 and substr(file, -4) == ".xml") processScenario( i+=1, substr(file,0,size(file)-4), io.read_properties(path ~ "/" ~ file) ); ]]></open> <close><![CDATA[ ]]></close> </nasal> </PropertyList>