# $Id$
# this are the helper functions for the dme indicator ki266
# Maintainer: Torsten Dreyer (Torsten at t3r dot de)
# $Log$
# Revision 1.1  2009/11/18 20:36:14  jmt
# From Dave Perry:
# Patch goals:
# 1. Implement instrument and pannel lights controled by the nav-light switch.
# 2. Use Instruments-3d/vor which includes GS flag and filters for smooth movement of cdi and gs needles to and from parked position.
# 3. Adjust model and pilot view per the agreed to changes in Re: [Flightgear-devel] c172p pitch at cruise question, 12/06/2008 02:27 PM.  These changes were never committed.
# Revision 1.1  2008/12/22 00:25:55  mfranz
# Dave PERRY:
# "This patch adds instrument lights to the radio stack and a repaint of
# the fuselage and tail to look better with osg."
# Revision 1.2  2008/11/21 09:21:03  torsten
# make use of new Node.initNode() method
# Revision 1.1  2008/11/03 16:18:06  torsten
# added ki266 3d-instrument, see ki266.xml for help
# Basically, we check the "time to station", "distance to station" and "speed"
# properties and generate the values to show on the displays, based on the switch-
# setting.
# Usage:
# just create one instance of ki266 class for each dme you have in your aircraft
# like this:
# ki266.new(0);

var ki266 = {};
ki266.new = func(idx) {
  var obj = {};
  obj.parents = [ki266];

  obj.rootNode = props.globals.getNode( "/instrumentation/dme[" ~ idx ~ "]", 1 );

  obj.powerNode = obj.rootNode.initNode( "power-btn", 1, "BOOL" );
  obj.distNode = obj.rootNode.initNode( "indicated-distance-nm", 0.0 );
  obj.timeNode = obj.rootNode.initNode( "indicated-time-min", 0.0 );
  obj.ktsNode = obj.rootNode.initNode( "indicated-ground-speed-kt", 0.0 );
  obj.minKtsNode = obj.rootNode.initNode( "switch-min-kts", 1, "BOOL" );
  obj.minKtsDisplayNode = obj.rootNode.initNode( "min-kts-display", 0.0 );
  obj.milesDisplayNode = obj.rootNode.initNode( "miles-display", 0.0 );
  obj.leftDotNode = obj.rootNode.initNode( "left-dot", 0, "BOOL" );
  aircraft.data.add( obj.powerNode, obj.minKtsNode );


  print( "KI266 dme indicator #" ~ idx ~ " initialized" ); 
  return obj;

ki266.update = func {
  var v = 0.0;

  if( me.minKtsNode.getValue() ) {
    v = me.ktsNode.getValue();
  } else {
    v = me.timeNode.getValue();
  if( v > 999.0 ) {
    v = 999.0;
  if( v < 0.0 ) {
    v = 0.0;
  me.minKtsDisplayNode.setIntValue( v );

  v = me.distNode.getValue();
  if( v > 999.9 ) {
    v = 999.9;
  if( v < 0.0 ) {
    v = 0.0;
  if( v < 100.0 ) {
    me.milesDisplayNode.setIntValue( v * 10.0 );
    me.leftDotNode.setBoolValue( 1 );
  } else {
    me.milesDisplayNode.setIntValue( v );
    me.leftDotNode.setBoolValue( 0 );

  settimer( func { me.update() }, 0.2 );