<?xml version="1.0"?>

Default NAVCOM  radio instrument.
Parameterized and improved
John Check <j4strngs@rockfish.net>
June 2001

This is an instrument configuration file for the open-source flight
simulator FlightGear (www.flightgear.org).  The file is an XML-encoded
FlightGear property list defining the instrument's layers and actions.

Each instrument is composed of layers stacked on top of each other.
A layer may be a texture (with transparent parts to show the layers
underneath), text, or a special layer that switches between two
others (say, to turn an indicator light on or off).  Each layer can
move independently in proportion to a property value, and text
can be generated from property values as well: all of the layer's
movements are defined as transformations.

Actions are hotspots on the instrument that will respond to a mouse
click.  Actions always modify the values of properties, either by
adjusting them, toggling them, or swaping them with other
properties' values.

Dave Perry added a check for Nav/Com power, so the frequencies won't 
light if
/systems/electrical/outputs/nav is less than 8.0 volts. See the con-
dition added for these text layers below. This allows a more realistic 
master switch and avionics master switch implementation in the electrical 
system model.  I also checked to make sure this does not negatively 
impact the c172p. Had to add a property alias to the params after the 
nav1.xml include in c172p-2d-panel.xml. Since the electrical system 
for the c172p has this voltage at 28 volts, these changes have no 
impact on the c172p.
 <name>NavCom Radio</name>




   <name>nav frequencies</name>
     <property alias="../../../../../params/nav-com-pwr-volts-prop"/>
     <property alias="../../../../../params/nav-freq-selected-prop"/>
     <property alias="../../../../../params/nav-freq-standby-prop"/>

   <name>com frequencies</name>
     <property alias="../../../../../params/nav-com-pwr-volts-prop"/>
     <property alias="../../../../../params/comm-freq-selected-prop"/>
     <!--The above is to ensure that 25kHz increments with an undisplayed last 0.005 are always
     rounded down as occurs in real life-->
     <property alias="../../../../../params/comm-freq-standby-prop"/>

   <name>morse ident status</name>
<!--    <and> -->
      <property alias="../../../../../params/nav-com-pwr-volts-prop"/>
      <property alias="../../../../../params/nav-morse-ident-toggle-prop"/>
<!--    </and> -->
   <name>ident knob pointer</name>
     <property alias="../../../../../params/nav-morse-id-volume-prop"/>



   <name>small nav frequency decrease</name>
    <property alias="../../../../params/nav-freq-standby-prop"/>

   <name>large nav frequency decrease</name>
    <property alias="../../../../params/nav-freq-standby-prop"/>

   <name>small nav frequency increase</name>
    <property alias="../../../../params/nav-freq-standby-prop"/>

   <name>large nav frequency increase</name>
    <property alias="../../../../params/nav-freq-standby-prop"/>

   <name>small com frequency decrease</name>
    <property alias="../../../../params/comm-freq-standby-prop"/>

   <name>large com frequency decrease</name>
    <property alias="../../../../params/comm-freq-standby-prop"/>

   <name>small com frequency increase</name>
    <property alias="../../../../params/comm-freq-standby-prop"/>

   <name>large com frequency increase</name>
    <property alias="../../../../params/comm-freq-standby-prop"/>

   <name>swap nav frequencies</name>
    <property alias="../../../../params/nav-freq-selected-prop"/>
    <property alias="../../../../params/nav-freq-standby-prop"/>

   <name>swap com frequencies</name>
    <property alias="../../../../params/comm-freq-selected-prop"/>
    <property alias="../../../../params/comm-freq-standby-prop"/>

   <name>ident volume increase</name>
    <property alias="../../../../params/nav-morse-id-volume-prop"/>

   <name>ident volume decrease</name>
    <property alias="../../../../params/nav-morse-id-volume-prop"/>
   <name>ident volume on/off</name>
    <property alias="../../../../params/nav-morse-ident-toggle-prop"/>

