## # Constants. # var D2R = math.pi / 180; # degree to radian var R2D = 180 / math.pi; # radian to degree var FT2M = 0.3048; # feet to meter var M2FT = 1 / FT2M; var IN2M = FT2M / 12; var M2IN = 1 / IN2M; var NM2M = 1852; # nautical miles to meter var M2NM = 1 / NM2M; var KT2MPS = 0.5144444444; # knots to m/s var MPS2KT = 1 / KT2MPS; var FPS2KT = 0.5924838012958964; # fps to knots var KT2FPS = 1 / FPS2KT; var LB2KG = 0.45359237; # pounds to kg var KG2LB = 1 / LB2KG; var GAL2L = 3.785411784; # US gallons to liter var L2GAL = 1 / GAL2L; # container for local variables, so as not to clutter the global namespace var __ = {}; ## # Aborts execution if <condition> evaluates to false. # Prints an optional message if present, or just "assertion failed!" # var assert = func (condition, message=nil) { message != nil or (message = "assertion failed!"); condition or die(message); } ## # Returns true if the first object is an instance of the second # (class) object. Example: isa(someObject, props.Node) # var isa = func(obj, class) { if(ishash(obj) and obj["parents"] != nil) { foreach(var c; obj.parents) { if(c == class or isa(c, class)) return 1; } } return 0; } ## # Invokes a FlightGear command specified by the first argument. The # second argument specifies the property tree to be passed to the # command as its argument. It may be either a props.Node object or a # string, in which case it specifies a path in the global property # tree. # var fgcommand = func(cmd, node=nil) { if(isa(node, props.Node)) node = node._g; elsif(ishash(node)) node = props.Node.new(node)._g; _fgcommand(cmd, node); } ## # Returns the SGPropertyNode argument to the currently executing # function. Wrapper for the internal _cmdarg function that retrieves # the ghost handle to the argument and wraps it in a # props.Node object. # var cmdarg = func { props.wrapNode(_cmdarg()) } ## # Utility. Does what you think it does. # var abs = func(v) { return v < 0 ? -v : v } ## # Convenience wrapper for the _interpolate function. Takes a # single string or props.Node object in arg[0] indicating a target # property, and a variable-length list of time/value pairs. Example: # # interpolate("/animations/radar/angle", # 180, 1, 360, 1, 0, 0, # 180, 1, 360, 1, 0, 0, # 180, 1, 360, 1, 0, 0, # 180, 1, 360, 1, 0, 0, # 180, 1, 360, 1, 0, 0, # 180, 1, 360, 1, 0, 0, # 180, 1, 360, 1, 0, 0, # 180, 1, 360, 1, 0, 0); # # This will swing the "radar dish" smoothly through 8 revolutions over # 16 seconds. Note the use of zero-time interpolation between 360 and # 0 to wrap the interpolated value properly. # var interpolate = func(node, val...) { if (isa(node, props.Node)) node = node._g; elsif (!isscalar(node) and !isghost(node)) die("bad argument to interpolate()"); _interpolate(node, val); } ## # Wrapper for the _setlistener function. Takes a property path string # or props.Node object in arg[0] indicating the listened to property, # a function in arg[1], an optional bool in arg[2], which triggers the # function initially if true, and an optional integer in arg[3], which # sets the listener's runtime behavior to "only trigger on change" (0), # "always trigger on write" (1), and "trigger even when children are # written to" (2). # var setlistener = func(node, fn, init = 0, runtime = 1) { if (isa(node, props.Node)) node = node._g; elsif (!isscalar(node) and !isghost(node)) die("bad argument to setlistener()"); var id = _setlistener(node, func(chg, lst, mode, is_child) { fn(props.wrapNode(chg), props.wrapNode(lst), mode, is_child); }, init, runtime); var c = caller(); if (c != nil) { logprint(LOG_DEBUG, "setting listener #",id," in ",c[2],":",c[3]); } return id; } ## # Returns true if the symbol name is defined in the caller, or the # caller's lexical namespace. (i.e. defined("varname") tells you if # you can use varname in an expression without a undefined symbol # error. # var defined = func(sym) { if (contains(caller(1)[0], sym)) return 1; var fn = caller(1)[1]; for (var l=0; (var frame = closure(fn, l)) != nil; l+=1) if (contains(frame, sym)) return 1; return 0; } ## # Returns reference to calling function. This allows a function to # reliably call itself from a closure, rather than the global function # with the same name. # var thisfunc = func caller(1)[1]; ## # Just what it says it is. # var printf = func print(call(sprintf, arg)); ## # Returns vector of hash values. # var values = func(hash) { var vec = []; foreach(var key; keys(hash)) append(vec, hash[key]); return vec; } # printlog is depricated, use logprint instead __.dbg_types = { none:0, bulk:1, debug:2, info:3, warn:4, alert:5 }; var printlog = func(level, msg...) { var c = caller(); logprint(LOG_ALERT, "Deprecated printlog() call from ",c[2]~":"~c[3]~ ", please use logprint instead."); logprint([__.dbg_types[level]]~msg); } ## # Load and execute ~/.fgfs/Nasal/*.nas files in alphabetic order # after all $FG_ROOT/Nasal/*.nas files were loaded. # settimer(func { var path = getprop("/sim/fg-home") ~ "/Nasal"; if((var dir = directory(path)) == nil) return; foreach(var file; sort(dir, cmp)) if(size(file) > 4 and substr(file, -4) == ".nas") io.load_nasal(path ~ "/" ~ file, substr(file, 0, size(file) - 4)); }, 0);