No tranlation available for this text system time Greenwich Mean Time Local Aircraft Time (in feet unless --units-meters specified) multiple instances can be used File Save Flight Load Flight Reset Hires Snap Shot Snap Shot Print Exit View Toggle Panel Pilot Offset HUD Alpha Properties Presets New Airport New Runway Set Offset Distance Set Altitude Set Glideslope (degrees) Set Airspeed (kts) Commit Changes Autopilot Set Heading Set Altitude Add Waypoint Skip Current Waypoint Clear Route Adjust AP Settings Toggle HUD Format Help fgfs [ option ... ] For a complete list of options use --help --verbose General Options Show the most relevant command line options Show all command line options when combined with --help or -h Specify the root data path Specify the base scenery path; Defaults to $FG_ROOT/Scenery Select the language for this session Disable full-screen game mode Enable full-screen game mode Disable splash screen Enable splash screen Disable introduction music Enable introduction music Disable extra mouse pointer Enable extra mouse pointer (i.e. for full screen Voodoo based cards) Exclude random scenery objects Include random scenery objects (buildings, etc.) Start in a running state Start in a frozen state Fuel is consumed normally Fuel tank quantity forced to remain constant Clock advances normally Do not advance clock Primary control mode (joystick, keyboard, mouse) Enable auto coordination Disable auto coordination Specify path to your web browser Set property <name> to <value> Load additional properties from path Use feet for distances Use meters for distances Features Disable Heads Up Display (HUD) Enable Heads Up Display (HUD) Disable instrument panel Enable instrument panel Disable sound effects Enable sound effects Disable anti-aliased HUD Enable anti-aliased HUD Aircraft Select an aircraft profile as defined by a top level <name>-set.xml Print a list of the currently available aircraft types Flight Model Select the core flight dynamics model Can be one of jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, or null Select aircraft aerodynamics model to load Run the FDM this rate (iterations per second) Run the FDM 'n' times faster than real time Do NOT attempt to trim the model (only with fdm=jsbsim) Start at ground level (default) Start in air (implied when using --altitude) Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots) Aircraft directory relative to the path of the executable Aircraft model directory (UIUC FDM ONLY) Initial Position and Orientation Specify starting position by airport ID Specify starting runway (must also specify an aiport) Specify distance to threshold Specify heading to threshold Starting longitude (west = -) Starting latitude (south = -) Starting altitude Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi) Specify roll angle (Phi) Specify pitch angle (Theta) Specify velocity along the body X axis Specify velocity along the body Y axis Specify velocity along the body Z axis Specify initial airspeed Specify initial mach number Specify flight path angle (can be positive) Specify initial climb rate (can be negative) Rendering Options Specify the bits per pixel Disable fog/haze Enable fastest fog/haze Enable nicest fog/haze Enable 2D (flat) cloud layers Disable 2D (flat) cloud layers Enable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers Disable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers Specify field of view angle Disable fullscreen mode Enable fullscreen mode Enable flat shading Enable smooth shading Disable sky blending Enable sky blending Disable textures Enable textures Disable wireframe drawing mode Enable wireframe drawing mode Specify window geometry (640x480, etc) Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead. Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number in degrees Specify initial visibility Specify initial visibility in miles Hud Options Hud displays number of triangles rendered Hud displays percentage of triangles culled Time Options Add this time offset Synchronize time with real-world time Synchronize time with local real-world time Specify a starting date/time with respect to Network Options Enable http server on the specified port Enable telnet server on the specified port Enable screen shot http server on the specified port Disable Multipilot mode (default) Enable Multipilot mode Hud displays network info Specify your own call sign Route/Way Point Options Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot; Read all waypoints from a file IO Options Open connection using the Garmin GPS protocol Open connection to an Agwagon joystick Open connection using the FG Native Controls protocol Open connection using the FG Native FDM protocol Open connection using the FG Native protocol Open connection using the NMEA protocol Open connection using the OpenGC protocol Open connection using the interactive property manager Open connection using the PVE protocol Open connection using the Ray Woodworth motion chair protocol Open connection using the RUL protocol Enable atc610x interface Debugging Options Trace the reads for a property; Trace the writes for a property;