<?xml version="1.0"?>
  Settings for the internal web server
		<!-- for a complete description of options, see
	     http://cesanta.com/docs.shtml?Options.md -->

		<!-- gets overwritten by - -httpd=nnnn -->
		<!-- listening-port>8080</listening-port -->

		<!-- set your access log file here, defaults to SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK,SG_INFO) -->
		<!-- (not yet implemented) -->
		<!-- access-log-file>/tmp/access.log</access-log-file -->

		<!-- set your error log file here, defaults to SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK,SG_WARN) -->
		<!-- (not yet implemented) -->
		<!-- error-log-file>/tmp/error.log</error-log-file -->

		<!-- (not yet implemented) -->
		<!-- auth-domain>flightgear.org</auth-domain -->

		<!-- (not yet implemented) -->
		<!-- cgi-interpreter>/path/to/cgi/interpreter/executable</cgi-interpreter -->

		<!-- set the doucment root directory here, defaults to fg-root, paths relative to fg-root -->


		<!-- (not yet implemented) -->
		<!-- extra-mime-types>.cpp=plain/text,.java=plain/text</extra-mime-types -->

		<!-- (not yet implemented) -->

		<!-- (not yet implemented) -->



		<!-- (not yet implemented) -->
		<!-- ssl-certificate>/path/to/certificate.pem</ssl-certificate-->

		<!-- run-as-user>THIS IS NOT SUPPORTED IN FLIGHTGEAR <run-as-user -->

		<!-- all paths are relative to fg-root -->
		<!-- (not yet implemented) -->