<?xml version="1.0"?>
Tupolev 154B-2 model/animation config.

2004-03-25 Ilja Moderau iljamod@web.de http://www.flighgear.de.vu

2004-06-24 Ilia Pavlenko ip@globe.net.nz - correction of aileron animations & lowered shadow

Modified by Yurik V. Nikiforoff for Tu-154B project, mar 2009.

This file is under GPL licensy.



    var livery_update = aircraft.livery_update.new("Aircraft/tu154b/Model/Liveries");

    <texture> </texture>















<!-- beginning of FlapsInner: Left and Right-->











<!-- end of FlapsInner: Left and Right-->














 <!-- end of FlapsLeftInner -->

<!-- beginning of FlapsRightOuter-->







<!-- end of FlapsRightOuter-->

<!-- beginning of the Left and Right Gear-->












<!-- end of the Left and Right Gear-->

<!-- beginning of GearFront-->







<!-- end of GearFront-->

<!-- beginning: rotation of all wheels-->




<!-- end: rotation of all wheels-->

<!-- beginning: rotation of the engine fans-->

<!-- end: rotation of the engine fans-->

 <!--beginning: lights-->




<!--end: lights-->

<!-- CONTRAIL -->

      <x-m> 50.290</x-m>
      <z-m> 0.0</z-m> 
      <roll-deg>    0 </roll-deg>
      <pitch-deg>   0 </pitch-deg>
      <heading-deg> 0 </heading-deg>
      <x-m> 50.290</x-m>
      <y-m> 2.550</y-m>
      <z-m> 0.0</z-m> 
      <roll-deg>    0 </roll-deg>
      <pitch-deg>   0 </pitch-deg>
      <heading-deg> 0 </heading-deg>
      <x-m> 58.290</x-m>
      <y-m> 0.0</y-m>
      <z-m> 0.8</z-m> 
      <roll-deg>    0 </roll-deg>
      <pitch-deg>   0 </pitch-deg>
      <heading-deg> 0 </heading-deg>
  <!-- Particules OSG -->
      <x-m> 28.290</x-m>
      <z-m> 0.0</z-m> 
      <roll-deg>    0 </roll-deg>
      <pitch-deg>   0 </pitch-deg>
      <heading-deg> 0 </heading-deg>
      <x-m> 28.290</x-m>
      <y-m> 2.550</y-m>
      <z-m> 0.0</z-m> 
      <roll-deg>    0 </roll-deg>
      <pitch-deg>   0 </pitch-deg>
      <heading-deg> 0 </heading-deg>
      <x-m> 36.290</x-m>
      <y-m> 0.0</y-m>
      <z-m> 0.8</z-m> 
      <roll-deg>    0 </roll-deg>
      <pitch-deg>   0 </pitch-deg>
      <heading-deg> 0 </heading-deg>


  <!--generic tyre smoke-->