/** * */ (function(factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd)// AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define([ 'jquery' ], factory); else // Browser globals factory(jQuery); }(function(jquery) { fgCommand = { oneArg : function(t1, p1) { return { name : '', children : [ { name : t1, index : 0, value : p1 } ] }; }, twoArgs : function(t1, p1, t2, p2) { return { name : '', children : [ { name : t1, index : 0, value : p1 }, { name : t2, index : (t1 == t2 ? 1 : 0), value : p2 } ] }; }, twoPropsArgs : function(p1, p2) { return this.twoArgs("property", p1, "property", p2); }, propValueArgs : function(p, v) { return this.twoArgs("property", p, "value", v); }, sendCommand : function(name, args) { if (typeof (args) == 'undefined ') jquery.post("/run.cgi?value=" + name); else jquery.post("/run.cgi?value=" + name, JSON.stringify(args)); }, propertySwap : function(p1, p2) { this.sendCommand("property-swap", this.twoPropsArgs(p1, p2)); }, propertyAssign : function(p1, value) { this.sendCommand("property-assign", this.propValueArgs(p1, value)); }, pause : function() { jquery.post("/run.cgi?value=pause"); }, reset : function() { jquery.post("/run.cgi?value=reset"); }, exit : function() { jquery.post("/run.cgi?value=exit"); }, reinit : function(subsys) { var arg = { name : '', children : [] }; if (typeof (subsys) === 'string')arg.children.push({ name : 'subsystem', index : 0, value : subsys });else subsys.forEach(function(s, i) { arg.children.push({ name : 'subsystem', index : i, value : s }); }); this.sendCommand("reinit", arg); }, dialogShow : function(dlg) { this.sendCommand("dialog-show", this.oneArg("dialog-name", dlg)); }, dialogClose : function(dlg) { this.sendCommand("dialog-close", this.oneArg("dialog-name", dlg)); }, reposition : function() { jquery.post("/run.cgi?value=reposition"); }, timeofday : function(type, offset) { this.sendCommand("timeofday", this.twoArgs("timeofday", type, "offset", null != offset ? offset : 0)); }, switchAircraft : function(id) { this.sendCommand("switch-aircraft", this.oneArg("aircraft", id)); }, requestMetar : function(id, path) { this.sendCommand("request-metar", this.twoArgs("station", id, "path", path)); }, multiplayer : function(cmd) { cmd = cmd || {}; var arg = { 'name' : '', 'children' : [ { 'name' : 'command', 'value' : '', 'index' : 0, } ], }; if (cmd.connect) { arg.children[0].value = 'connect'; arg.children.push({ 'name' : 'servername', 'value' : cmd.connect.servername }); if (cmd.connect.rxport)arg.children.push({ 'name' : 'rxport', 'value' : Number(cmd.connect.rxport) }); if (cmd.connect.txport)arg.children.push({ 'name' : 'txport', 'value' : Number(cmd.connect.txport) }); } else if (cmd.disconnect)arg.children[0].value = 'disconnect';else if (cmd.refreshserverlist)arg.children[0].value = 'refreshserverlist'; this.sendCommand("multiplayer", arg); }, clearMetar : function(path) { this.sendCommand("clear-metar", this.oneArg("path", path)); }, // not really commands, but very useful to get/set a single properties // value getPropertyValue : function(path, callback, context) { var url = "/json/" + path; jquery.get(url).done(function(data) { if (context) callback.call(context, data.value); else callback(data.value); }).fail(function(a, b) { console.log("failed to getPropertyValue(): ", a, b); }).always(function() { }); }, setPropertyValue : function(path, value) { var url = "/json/" + path; jquery.post(url, JSON.stringify({ 'value' : value })); }, }; return fgCommand; }));