<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--This effect file is provided as a conveniency for usage on transparent objects. If you also need to use a normalmap along with trasnparency check the model-combined-bump.eff that is provided alongside this effect. You can add the Normalmap Include from there at the end of this effect, but be aware to respect the warnings provided in that file.

Do not use as is.
Please edit.
Remove unnedeed settings.
WARNING: do not remove the Transparency include at the end-->

	<!-- Normal Map -->
			<normalmap-enabled type="int"> 0 </normalmap-enabled>
			<normalmap-dds type="int"> 0 </normalmap-dds>
			<normalmap-tiling type="float"> 1.0 </normalmap-tiling>
			<texture n="2">
	<!-- Light Map -->
			<lightmap-enabled type="int"> 0 </lightmap-enabled>
			<lightmap-multi type="int"> 0 </lightmap-multi>
			<lightmap-factor type="float" n="0">1.0</lightmap-factor>
			<lightmap-color type="vec3d" n="0"> 1.0 1.0 1.0 </lightmap-color>
			<lightmap-factor type="float" n="1">1.0</lightmap-factor>
			<lightmap-color type="vec3d" n="1"> 1.0 1.0 1.0 </lightmap-color>
			<lightmap-factor type="float" n="2">1.0</lightmap-factor>
			<lightmap-color type="vec3d" n="2"> 1.0 1.0 1.0 </lightmap-color>
			<lightmap-factor type="float" n="3">1.0</lightmap-factor>
			<lightmap-color type="vec3d" n="3"> 1.0 1.0 1.0 </lightmap-color>
			<texture n="3">
	<!-- Reflection -->
			<reflection-enabled type="int"> 0 </reflection-enabled>
			<reflect-map-enabled type="int"> 0 </reflect-map-enabled>
			<reflection-correction type="float"> 0.0 </reflection-correction>
			<reflection-dynamic type="int"> 0 </reflection-dynamic>
			<texture n="4">
			<texture n="5">
				<!-- use this form for a cube cross -->
				<!-- END CubeCross -->
				<!-- use this form for a 6 image cube map -->
				<!-- END 6 image cube map -->

			<reflection-fresnel type="float"> 0.0 </reflection-fresnel>
			<reflection-rainbow type="float"> 0.0 </reflection-rainbow>
			<reflection-noise type="float"> 0.0 </reflection-noise>
	<!--Ambient correction -->
			<ambient-correction type="float"> 0.0 </ambient-correction>
			<dirt-enabled type="int"> 0 </dirt-enabled>
			<dirt-color type="vec3d"> 0.0 0.0 0.0 </dirt-color>
			<dirt-factor type="float"> 0.0 </dirt-factor>

<!--WARNING: Do not edit below this line -->
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<!-- ########################
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<!-- 	Add normalmap include here if needed -->