var startEngine = func(v = 1, which...) { if (!v and !size(which)) return props.setAll("/controls/engines/engine", "starter", 0); if(size(which)) { foreach(var i; which) foreach(var e; engines) if(e.index == i) e.controls.getNode("starter").setBoolValue(v); } else { foreach(var e; engines) if(e.selected.getValue()) e.controls.getNode("starter").setBoolValue(v); } } var selectEngine = func(which) { foreach(var e; engines) e.selected.setBoolValue(which == e.index); } # Selects (state=1) or deselects (state=0) a list of engines, or all # engines if no list is specified. Example: selectEngines(1, 1, 3, 5); # var selectEngines = func (state, which...) { if(size(which)) { foreach(var i; which) foreach(var e; engines) if(e.index == i) e.selected.setBoolValue(state); } else { foreach(var e; engines) e.selected.setBoolValue(state); } } var selectAllEngines = func { foreach(var e; engines) e.selected.setBoolValue(1); } var stepMagnetos = func(change) { if (!change) return; foreach(var e; engines) { if(e.selected.getValue()) { var mag = e.controls.getNode("magnetos", 1); mag.setIntValue(mag.getValue() + change); } } } var centerFlightControls = func { setprop("/controls/flight/elevator", 0); setprop("/controls/flight/aileron", 0); setprop("/controls/flight/rudder", 0); } var throttleMouse = func { if(!getprop("/devices/status/mice/mouse[0]/button[1]")) return; var delta = cmdarg().getNode("offset").getValue() * -4; foreach(var e; engines) { if(!e.selected.getValue()) continue; var throttle = e.controls.getNode("throttle"); var val = throttle.getValue() + delta; if(size(arg) > 0) val = -val; throttle.setDoubleValue(val); } } # Joystick axis handlers (use cmdarg). Shouldn't be called from # other contexts. A non-null argument reverses the axis direction. var axisHandler = func(pre, post) { func(invert = 0) { var val = cmdarg().getNode("setting").getValue(); if(invert) val = -val; foreach(var e; engines) if(e.selected.getValue()) setprop(pre ~ e.index ~ post, (1 - val) / 2); } } var throttleAxis = axisHandler("/controls/engines/engine[", "]/throttle"); var mixtureAxis = axisHandler("/controls/engines/engine[", "]/mixture"); var propellerAxis = axisHandler("/controls/engines/engine[", "]/propeller-pitch"); var carbHeatAxis = axisHandler("/controls/anti-ice/engine[", "]/carb-heat"); # Joystick axis handler for controlling subsets of similar properties. # Shouldn't be called from other contexts. # The argument engine can be either an index number or a list of # index numbers. # Use only when perEngineSelectedAxisHandler() below will not do. var perIndexAxisHandler = func(pre, post) { return func(index, invert = 0) { var val = cmdarg().getNode("setting").getValue(); if(invert) val = -val; if (typeof(index) == "scalar") { setprop(pre ~ index ~ post, (1 - val) / 2); } else { foreach (var e; index) { setprop(pre ~ e ~ post, (1 - val) / 2); } } }; } # Joystick axis handler for controlling a selected axis on specific engines. # Shouldn't be called from other contexts. # The argument mode can be # 0 - throttle # 1 - mixture # 2 - propeller-pitch # The argument engine to the returned function can be either an # engine number or a list of engine numbers. # Usage example (controlling the mixture of engines 1 and 2): # <script> # controls.perEngineSelectedAxisHandler(1)([1,2]); # </script> var _axisMode = { 0: perIndexAxisHandler("/controls/engines/engine[", "]/throttle"), 1: perIndexAxisHandler("/controls/engines/engine[", "]/mixture"), 2: perIndexAxisHandler("/controls/engines/engine[", "]/propeller-pitch") }; var perEngineSelectedAxisHandler = func(mode) { return _axisMode[mode]; } ## # Wrapper around stepProps() which emulates the "old" flap behavior for # configurations that aren't using the new mechanism. # var flapsDown = func(step) { if(step == 0) return; if(props.globals.getNode("/sim/flaps") != nil) { stepProps("/controls/flight/flaps", "/sim/flaps", step); return; } # Hard-coded flaps movement in 3 equal steps: var val = 0.3333334 * step + getprop("/controls/flight/flaps"); setprop("/controls/flight/flaps", val > 1 ? 1 : val < 0 ? 0 : val); } var wingSweep = func(step) { if(step == 0) return; if(props.globals.getNode("/sim/wing-sweep") != nil) { stepProps("/controls/flight/wing-sweep", "/sim/wing-sweep", step); return; } # Hard-coded wing movement in 5 equal steps: var val = 0.20 * step + getprop("/controls/flight/wing-sweep"); setprop("/controls/flight/wing-sweep", val > 1 ? 1 : val < 0 ? 0 : val); } var wingsDown = func(v) { if(v) setprop("/controls/flight/wing-fold", v > 0); } var stepSpoilers = func(step) { if(props.globals.getNode("/sim/spoilers") != nil) { stepProps("/controls/flight/spoilers", "/sim/spoilers", step); return; } # Hard-coded spoilers movement in 4 equal steps: var val = 0.25 * step + getprop("/controls/flight/spoilers"); setprop("/controls/flight/spoilers", val > 1 ? 1 : val < 0 ? 0 : val); } var stepSlats = func(step) { if(props.globals.getNode("/sim/slats") != nil) { stepProps("/controls/flight/slats", "/sim/slats", step); return; } # Hard-coded slats movement in 4 equal steps: var val = 0.25 * step + getprop("/controls/flight/slats"); setprop("/controls/flight/slats", val > 1 ? 1 : val < 0 ? 0 : val); } ## # Steps through an "array" of property settings. The first argument # specifies a destination property. The second is a string containing # a global property tree. This tree should contain an array of # indexed <setting> children. This function will maintain a # <current-setting> child, which contains the index of the currently # active setting. The third argument specifies an integer delta, # indicating how many steps to move through the setting array. # Note that because of the magic of the property system, this # mechanism works for all scalar property types (bool, int, double, # string). # # TODO: This interface could easily be extended to allow for wrapping, # in addition to clamping, allowing a "cycle" of settings to be # defined. It could also be hooked up with the interpolate() call, # which would allow the removal of the transition-time feature from # YASim. Finally, other pre-existing features (the views and engine # magnetos, for instance), work similarly but not compatibly, and # could be integrated. # var stepProps = func { var dst = props.globals.getNode(arg[0]); var array = props.globals.getNode(arg[1]); var delta = arg[2]; if(dst == nil or array == nil) { return; } var sets = array.getChildren("setting"); var curr = array.getNode("current-setting", 1).getValue(); if(curr == nil) { curr = 0; } curr = curr + delta; if (curr < 0) { curr = 0; } elsif(curr >= size(sets)) { curr = size(sets) - 1; } array.getNode("current-setting").setIntValue(curr); dst.setValue(sets[curr].getValue()); } ## # "Slews" a property smoothly, without dependence on the simulator # frame rate. The first argument is the property name. The second is # a rate, in units per second. NOTE: this modifies the property for # the current frame only; it is intended to be called by bindings # which repeat each frame. If you want to cause motion over time, see # interpolate(). Returns new value. # var slewProp = func(prop, delta) { delta *= getprop("/sim/time/delta-realtime-sec"); setprop(prop, getprop(prop) + delta); return getprop(prop); # must read again because of clamping } # Standard trim rate, in units per second. Remember that the full # range of a trim axis is 2.0. Should probably read this out of a # property... var TRIM_RATE = 0.045; ## # Handlers. These are suitable for binding to repeatable button press # events. They are *not* good for binding to the keyboard, since (at # least) X11 synthesizes its own key repeats. # var elevatorTrim = func { slewProp("/controls/flight/elevator-trim", arg[0] * TRIM_RATE); } var aileronTrim = func { slewProp("/controls/flight/aileron-trim", arg[0] * TRIM_RATE); } var rudderTrim = func { slewProp("/controls/flight/rudder-trim", arg[0] * TRIM_RATE); } var THROTTLE_RATE = 0.33; var adjThrottle = func { adjEngControl("throttle", arg[0]); } var adjMixture = func { adjEngControl("mixture", arg[0]); } var adjCondition = func { adjEngControl("condition", arg[0]); } var adjPropeller = func { adjEngControl("propeller-pitch", arg[0]); } var adjEngControl = func { var delta = arg[1] * THROTTLE_RATE * getprop("/sim/time/delta-realtime-sec"); var (value, count) = (0, 0); foreach(var e; engines) { if(e.selected.getValue()) { var node = e.controls.getNode(arg[0], 1); node.setValue(node.getValue() + delta); value += node.getValue(); # must read again because of clamping count += 1; } } return value / count; } ## # arg[0] is the throttle increment # arg[1] is the auto-throttle target speed increment var incThrottle = func { var passive = getprop("/autopilot/locks/passive-mode"); var locked = getprop("/autopilot/locks/speed"); # Note: passive/locked may be nil on aircraft without A/P if ((passive == 0) and (locked)) { var node = props.globals.getNode("/autopilot/settings/target-speed-kt", 1); if (node.getValue() == nil) { node.setValue(0.0); } node.setValue(node.getValue() + arg[1]); if (node.getValue() < 0.0) { node.setValue(0.0); } } else { foreach(var e; engines) { if(e.selected.getValue()) { var node = e.controls.getNode("throttle", 1); var val = node.getValue() + arg[0]; node.setValue(val < -1.0 ? -1.0 : val > 1.0 ? 1.0 : val); } } } } ## # arg[0] is the aileron increment # arg[1] is the autopilot target heading increment var incAileron = func { var passive = getprop("/autopilot/locks/passive-mode"); var locked = getprop("/autopilot/locks/heading"); # Note: passive/locked may be nil on aircraft without A/P if ((passive == 0) and (locked == "dg-heading-hold")) { var node = props.globals.getNode("/autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg", 1); if (node.getValue() == nil) { node.setValue(0.0); } node.setValue(node.getValue() + arg[1]); if (node.getValue() < 0.0) { node.setValue(node.getValue() + 360.0); } if (node.getValue() > 360.0) { node.setValue(node.getValue() - 360.0); } } else if ((passive == 0) and (locked == "true-heading-hold")) { var node = props.globals.getNode("/autopilot/settings/true-heading-deg", 1); if (node.getValue() == nil) { node.setValue(0.0); } node.setValue(node.getValue() + arg[1]); if (node.getValue() < 0.0) { node.setValue(node.getValue() + 360.0); } if (node.getValue() > 360.0) { node.setValue(node.getValue() - 360.0); } } else { var aileron = props.globals.getNode("/controls/flight/aileron"); if (aileron.getValue() == nil) { aileron.setValue(0.0); } aileron.setValue(aileron.getValue() + arg[0]); if (aileron.getValue() < -1.0) { aileron.setValue(-1.0); } if (aileron.getValue() > 1.0) { aileron.setValue(1.0); } } } ## # arg[0] is the elevator increment # arg[1] is the autopilot target altitude increment var incElevator = func { var passive = getprop("/autopilot/locks/passive-mode"); var locked = getprop("/autopilot/locks/altitude"); # Note: passive/locked may be nil on aircraft without A/P if ((passive == 0) and (locked =="altitude-hold")) { var node = props.globals.getNode("/autopilot/settings/target-altitude-ft", 1); if (node.getValue() == nil) { node.setValue(0.0); } node.setValue(node.getValue() + arg[1]); if (node.getValue() < 0.0) { node.setValue(0.0); } } else { var elevator = props.globals.getNode("/controls/flight/elevator"); if (elevator.getValue() == nil) { elevator.setValue(0.0); } elevator.setValue(elevator.getValue() + arg[0]); if (elevator.getValue() < -1.0) { elevator.setValue(-1.0); } if (elevator.getValue() > 1.0) { elevator.setValue(1.0); } } } ## # Joystick axis handlers. Don't call from other contexts. # var elevatorTrimAxis = func { elevatorTrim(cmdarg().getNode("setting").getValue()); } var aileronTrimAxis = func { aileronTrim(cmdarg().getNode("setting").getValue()); } var rudderTrimAxis = func { rudderTrim(cmdarg().getNode("setting").getValue()); } ## # Gear handling. # var gearDown = func(v) { if (v < 0) { setprop("/controls/gear/gear-down", 0); } elsif (v > 0) { setprop("/controls/gear/gear-down", 1); } } var gearToggle = func { gearDown(getprop("/controls/gear/gear-down") > 0 ? -1 : 1); } ## # Brake handling. # var fullBrakeTime = 0.5; var applyBrakes = func(v, which = 0) { if (which <= 0) { interpolate("/controls/gear/brake-left", v, fullBrakeTime); } if (which >= 0) { interpolate("/controls/gear/brake-right", v, fullBrakeTime); } } var applyParkingBrake = func(v) { if (!v) { return; } var p = "/controls/gear/brake-parking"; setprop(p, var i = !getprop(p)); return i; } # 1: Deploy, -1: Release var deployChute = func(v) setprop("/controls/flight/drag-chute", v); ## # Weapon handling. # var trigger = func(b) setprop("/controls/armament/trigger", b); var weaponSelect = func(d) { var ws = props.globals.getNode("/controls/armament/selected", 1); var n = ws.getValue(); if (n == nil) { n = 0; } ws.setIntValue(n + d); } ## # Communication. # var ptt = func(b) setprop("/instrumentation/comm/ptt", b); ## # Lighting. # var toggleLights = func { if (getprop("/controls/switches/panel-lights")) { setprop("/controls/switches/panel-lights-factor", 0); setprop("/controls/switches/panel-lights", 0); setprop("/controls/switches/landing-light", 0); setprop("/controls/switches/flashing-beacon", 0); setprop("/controls/switches/strobe-lights", 0); setprop("/controls/switches/map-lights", 0); setprop("/controls/switches/cabin-lights", 0); setprop("/controls/switches/nav-lights", 0); } else { setprop("/controls/electric/battery-switch", 1); setprop("/controls/electric/alternator-switch", 1); setprop("/controls/switches/panel-lights-factor", 0.1); setprop("/controls/switches/panel-lights", 1); setprop("/controls/switches/landing-light", 1); setprop("/controls/switches/flashing-beacon", 1); setprop("/controls/switches/strobe-lights", 1); setprop("/controls/switches/map-lights", 1); setprop("/controls/switches/cabin-lights", 1); setprop("/controls/switches/nav-lights", 1); } } ## # Initialization. # var engines = []; _setlistener("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func { var sel = props.globals.getNode("/sim/input/selected", 1); var engs = props.globals.getNode("/controls/engines").getChildren("engine"); # need to reset engine list on every FDM reset engines = []; # process all engines foreach(var e; engs) { var index = e.getIndex(); var s = sel.getChild("engine", index, 1); if(s.getType() == "NONE") s.setBoolValue(1); append(engines, { index: index, controls: e, selected: s }); } }); var replaySkip = func(skip_time) { var t = getprop("/sim/replay/time"); if (t != "") { t+=skip_time; if (t>getprop("/sim/replay/end-time")) t = getprop("/sim/replay/end-time"); if (t<0) t=0; setprop("/sim/replay/time", t); } } var speedup = func(speed_up) { var t = getprop("/sim/speed-up"); if (speed_up < 0) { t = (t > 1/32) ? t/2 : 1/32; if ((t<1)and(0==getprop("/sim/freeze/replay-state"))) t=1; } else { t = (t < 32) ? t*2 : 32; } setprop("/sim/speed-up", t); }