# Parse an xml file into a canvas group element # # @param group The canvas.Group instance to append the parsed elements to # @param path The path of the svg file (absolute or relative to FG_ROOT) # @param options Optional hash of options var parsesvg = func(group, path, options = nil) { if( !isa(group, Group) ) die("Invalid argument group (type != Group)"); if( options == nil ) options = {}; if( typeof(options) != "hash" ) die("Options need to be of type hash!"); var custom_font_mapper = options['font-mapper']; var font_mapper = func(family, weight) { if( typeof(custom_font_mapper) == 'func' ) { var font = custom_font_mapper(family, weight); if( font != nil ) return font; } return "LiberationFonts/LiberationMono-Bold.ttf"; }; var level = 0; var skip = 0; var stack = [group]; var close_stack = []; # helper for check tag closing # lookup table for element ids (for <use> element) var id_dict = {}; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a new child an push it onto the stack var pushElement = func(type, id = nil) { append(stack, stack[-1].createChild(type, id)); append(close_stack, level); if( typeof(id) == 'scalar' and size(id) ) id_dict[ id ] = stack[-1]; }; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse a transformation (matrix) # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/coords.html#TransformAttribute var parseTransform = func(tf) { if( tf == nil ) return; tf = std.string.new(tf); var end = 0; while(1) { var start_type = tf.find_first_not_of("\t\n ", end); if( start_type < 0 ) break; var end_type = tf.find_first_of("(\t\n ", start_type + 1); if( end_type < 0 ) break; var start_args = tf.find('(', end_type); if( start_args < 0 ) break; var values = []; end = start_args; while(1) { var start_num = tf.find_first_not_of(",\t\n ", end + 1); if( start_num < 0 ) break; if( tf[start_num] == ')' ) break; end = tf.find_first_of("),\t\n ", start_num + 1); if( end < 0 ) break; append(values, tf.substr(start_num, end - start_num)); } var type = tf.substr(start_type, end_type - start_type); if( type == "translate" ) # translate(<tx> [<ty>]), which specifies a translation by tx and ty. If # <ty> is not provided, it is assumed to be zero. stack[-1].createTransform().setTranslation ( values[0], size(values) > 1 ? values[1] : 0, ); else if( type == "matrix" ) { if( size(values) == 6 ) stack[-1].createTransform(values); else debug.dump('invalid transform', type, values); } else debug.dump(['unknown transform', type, values]); } }; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse a path # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathData # map svg commands OpenVG commands var cmd_map = { z: Path.VG_CLOSE_PATH, m: Path.VG_MOVE_TO, l: Path.VG_LINE_TO, h: Path.VG_HLINE_TO, v: Path.VG_VLINE_TO, q: Path.VG_QUAD_TO, c: Path.VG_CUBIC_TO, t: Path.VG_SQUAD_TO, s: Path.VG_SCUBIC_TO }; var parsePath = func(d) { if( d == nil ) return; var path_data = std.string.new(d); var pos = 0; var cmds = []; var coords = []; while(1) { # skip trailing spaces pos = path_data.find_first_not_of("\t\n ", pos); if( pos < 0 ) break; # get command var cmd = path_data.substr(pos, 1); pos += 1; # and get all following arguments var args = []; while(1) { pos = path_data.find_first_not_of(",\t\n ", pos); if( pos < 0 ) break; var start_num = pos; pos = path_data.find_first_not_of("e-.0123456789", start_num); if( start_num == pos ) break; append(args, path_data.substr(start_num, pos > 0 ? pos - start_num : nil)); } # now execute the command var rel = string.islower(cmd[0]); var cmd = string.lc(cmd); if( cmd == 'a' ) { for(var i = 0; i + 7 <= size(args); i += 7) { # SVG: (rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y)+ # OpenVG: rh,rv,rot,x0,y0 if( args[i + 3] ) var cmd_vg = args[i + 4] ? Path.VG_LCCWARC_TO : Path.VG_LCWARC_TO; else var cmd_vg = args[i + 4] ? Path.VG_SCCWARC_TO : Path.VG_SCWARC_TO; append(cmds, rel ? cmd_vg + 1: cmd_vg); append(coords, args[i], args[i + 1], args[i + 2], args[i + 5], args[i + 6] ); } if( math.mod(size(args), 7) > 0 ) debug.dump('too much coords for cmd', cmd, args); } else { var cmd_vg = cmd_map[cmd]; if( cmd_vg == nil ) { debug.dump('command not found', cmd, args); continue; } var num_coords = Path.num_coords[int(cmd_vg)]; if( num_coords == 0 ) append(cmds, cmd_vg); else { for(var i = 0; i + num_coords <= size(args); i += num_coords) { append(cmds, rel ? cmd_vg + 1: cmd_vg); for(var j = i; j < i + num_coords; j += 1) append(coords, args[j]); # If a moveto is followed by multiple pairs of coordinates, the # subsequent pairs are treated as implicit lineto commands. if( cmd == 'm' ) cmd_vg = cmd_map['l']; } if( math.mod(size(args), num_coords) > 0 ) debug.warn('too much coords for cmd: ' ~ cmd); } } } stack[-1].setData(cmds, coords); }; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse a css style attribute var parseStyle = func(style) { if( style == nil ) return {}; var styles = {}; foreach(var part; split(';', style)) { if( !size(part = string.trim(part)) ) continue; if( size(part = split(':',part)) != 2 ) continue; var key = string.trim(part[0]); if( !size(key) ) continue; var value = string.trim(part[1]); if( !size(value) ) continue; styles[key] = value; } return styles; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse a css color var parseColor = func(s) { var color = [0, 0, 0]; if( s == nil ) return color; if( size(s) == 7 and substr(s, 0, 1) == '#' ) { return [ std.stoul(substr(s, 1, 2), 16) / 255, std.stoul(substr(s, 3, 2), 16) / 255, std.stoul(substr(s, 5, 2), 16) / 255 ]; } return color; }; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # XML parsers element open callback var start = func(name, attr) { level += 1; if( skip ) return; if( level == 1 ) { if( name != 'svg' ) die("Not an svg file (root=" ~ name ~ ")"); else return; } var style = parseStyle(attr['style']); if( style['display'] == 'none' ) { skip = level - 1; return; } else if( name == "g" ) { pushElement('group', attr['id']); } else if( name == "text" ) { pushElement('text', attr['id']); stack[-1].setTranslation(attr['x'], attr['y']); # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/text.html#TextAnchorProperty var h_align = style["text-anchor"]; if( h_align == "end" ) h_align = "right"; else if( h_align == "middle" ) h_align = "center"; else # "start" h_align = "left"; stack[-1].setAlignment(h_align ~ "-baseline"); # TODO vertical align stack[-1].setColor(parseColor(style['fill'])); stack[-1].setFont ( font_mapper(style["font-family"], style["font-weight"]) ); var font_size = style["font-size"]; if( font_size != nil ) # eg. font-size: 123px stack[-1].setFontSize(substr(font_size, 0, size(font_size) - 2)); } else if( name == "path" or name == "rect" ) { pushElement('path', attr['id']); var d = attr['d']; if( name == "rect" ) { var width = attr['width']; var height = attr['height']; var x = attr['x']; var y = attr['y']; d = sprintf("M%f,%f v%f h%f v%fz", x, y, height, width, -height); } parsePath(d); var w = style['stroke-width']; stack[-1].setStrokeLineWidth( w != nil ? w : 1 ); stack[-1].setColor(parseColor(style['stroke'])); var linecap = style['stroke-linecap']; if( linecap != nil ) stack[-1].setStrokeLineCap(style['stroke-linecap']); var fill = style['fill']; if( fill != nil and fill != "none" ) stack[-1].setColorFill(parseColor(fill)); # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/painting.html#StrokeDasharrayProperty var dash = style['stroke-dasharray']; if( dash and size(dash) > 3 ) # at least 2 comma separated values... stack[-1].setStrokeDashArray(split(',', dash)); var cx = attr['inkscape:transform-center-x']; var cy = attr['inkscape:transform-center-y']; if( cx != nil or cy != nil ) stack[-1].setCenter(cx or 0, -(cy or 0)); } else if( name == "tspan" ) { return; } else if( name == "use" ) { var ref = attr["xlink:href"]; if( ref == nil or size(ref) < 2 or ref[0] != `#` ) return debug.dump("Invalid or missing href", ref); var el_src = id_dict[ substr(ref, 1) ]; if( el_src == nil ) return print("parsesvg: Reference to unknown element (" ~ ref ~ ")"); # Create new element and copy sub branch from source node pushElement(el_src._node.getName(), attr['id']); props.copy(el_src._node, stack[-1]._node); # copying also overrides the id so we need to set it again stack[-1]._node.getNode("id").setValue(attr['id']); } else { print("parsesvg: skipping unknown element '" ~ name ~ "'"); skip = level; return; } parseTransform(attr['transform']); }; # XML parsers element close callback var end = func(name) { level -= 1; if( skip ) { if( level <= skip ) skip = 0; return; } if( size(close_stack) and (level + 1) == close_stack[-1] ) { pop(stack); pop(close_stack); } }; # XML parsers element data callback var data = func(data) { if( skip ) return; if( size(data) and isa(stack[-1], Text) ) stack[-1].setText(data); }; if( path[0] != '/' ) path = getprop("/sim/fg-root") ~ "/" ~ path; call(func parsexml(path, start, end, data), nil, var err = []); if( size(err) ) { debug.dump(err); return 0; } return 1; }