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 <h3 class="likesectionHead"><a name="x1-1000"></a>
 <span class="ptmbi7t-">FlightGear </span>Help system</h3>
 <!--l. 52--><p class="noindent">This is the new version of a help system for 
 <span class="ptmbi7t-">FlightGear</span>. It includes:
 <!--l. 55-->
 <p class="indent"> <a href="fschool_0.0.3.pdf" >FlightGear Flight School</a>
 <p class="indent"> <a href="FGShortRef.html" >Short reference including key codes</a>
 <p class="indent"> <a href="FGShortRef.pdf" >Short reference in PDF format (makes a nice printout)</a>
 <p class="indent"> <a href="README.Joystick.html" >Guide to joystick and keyboard configuration</a>
 <p class="indent"> <a href="FlightGear-FAQ.html" >Frequently asked questions</a>
 <!--l. 58--><p class="indent"> <a href="InstallGuide/html/getstart.html" >The Complete User's Guide</a>
 <!--l. 61--><p class="indent">Information for power users.
 <p class="indent"> <a href="README.xmlpanel.html" >Guide for panel makers</a>
 <p class="indent"> <a href="README.xmlhud" >Guide for HUD makers</a>
 <p class="indent"> <a href="model-howto.html" >Guide for using 3D models</a>

 <p class="noindent">Additional documentation can be found in the FlightGear/Docs folder. 
 <p class="noindent">Since FGFS has a brisk pace of development, some information may be inaccurate.
 <p class="noindent">Users should consider <A href="http://mail.flightgear.org/mailman/listinfo/flightgear-users">subscribing</A> to the flightgear-users@flightgear.org mailing list.
