<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html > <head><title>C Landing: Some further thoughts before leaving the plane</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="generator" content="TeX4ht (http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~gurari/TeX4ht/mn.html)"> <!-- html,2,info,next,sections+ --> <meta name="src" content="getstart.tex"> <meta name="date" content="2002-12-15 21:48:00"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="getstart.css"> </head><body > <div class="crosslinks"><p class="noindent">[<a href="getstartli3.html" >next</a>] [<a href="getstartap2.html" >prev</a>] [<a href="getstartap2.html#tailgetstartap2.html" >prev-tail</a>] [<a href="#tailgetstartap3.html">tail</a>] [<a href="getstartpa3.html#getstartap3.html" >up</a>] </p></div> <h2 class="appendixHead"><span class="titlemark">Appendix C</span><br><a href="getstart.html#QQ2-14-80" name="x14-80000C">Landing: Some further thoughts before leaving the plane</a></h2> <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">C.1</span> <a href="getstart.html#QQ2-14-81" name="x14-81000C.1">A Sketch on the History of <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear</span></a></h3> <!--l. 38--><p class="noindent">History may be a boring subject. However, from time to time there are people asking for the history of <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear</span>. As a result, we’ll give a short outline. <!--l. 40--><p class="indent"> The <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>project goes back to a discussion among a group of net citizens in 1996 resulting in a proposal written by David Murr<a name="dx14-81001"></a> who, unfortunately, dropped out of the project (as well as the net) later. The original proposal<a name="dx14-81002"></a> is still available from the <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>web site and can be found under <!--l. 44--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.flightgear.org/proposal-3.0.1" >http://www.flightgear.org/proposal-3.0.1</a>. <!--l. 47--><p class="noindent">Although the names of the people and several of the details have changed over time, the spirit of that proposal has clearly been retained up to the present time. <!--l. 51--><p class="indent"> Actual coding started in the summer of 1996 and by the end of that year essential graphics routines were completed. At that time, programming was mainly performed and coordinated by Eric Korpela<a name="dx14-81003"></a> from Berkeley University. Early code ran under Linux<a name="dx14-81004"></a> as well as under DOS<a name="dx14-81005"></a>, OS/2<a name="dx14-81006"></a>, Windows 95/NT<a name="dx14-81007"></a>, and Sun-OS<a name="dx14-81008"></a>. This was found to be quite an ambitious project as it involved, among other things, writing all the graphics routines<a name="dx14-81009"></a> in a system-independent way entirely from scratch. <!--l. 59--><p class="indent"> Development slowed and finally stopped in the beginning of 1997 when Eric was completing his thesis. At this point, the project seemed to be dead and traffic on the mailing list went down to nearly nothing. <!--l. 63--><p class="indent"> It was Curt Olson<a name="dx14-81010"></a> from the University of Minnesota who re-launched the project in the middle of 1997. His idea was as simple as it was powerful: Why invent the wheel a second time? There have been several free flight simulators<a name="dx14-81011"></a> available running on workstation<a name="dx14-81012"></a>s under different flavors of UNIX<a name="dx14-81013"></a>. One of these, LaRCsim<a name="dx14-81014"></a> (developed by Bruce Jackson<a name="dx14-81015"></a> from NASA), seemed to be well suited to the approach. Curt took this one apart and re-wrote several of the routines such as to make them build as well as run on the intended target platforms. The key idea in doing so was to exploit a system-independent graphics platform: OpenGL<a name="dx14-81016"></a>. <!--l. 73--><p class="indent"> In addition, a clever decision on the selection of the basic scenery<a name="dx14-81017"></a> data was made in the very first version. <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>scenery is created based on satellite data published by the U. S. Geological Survey<a name="dx14-81018"></a>. These terrain data are available from <!--l. 79--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://edc.usgs.gov/geodata/" >http://edc.usgs.gov/geodata/</a> <!--l. 82--><p class="noindent">for the U.S., and <!--l. 86--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://edcdaac.usgs.gov/gtopo30/gtopo30.html" >http://edcdaac.usgs.gov/gtopo30/gtopo30.html</a>, <!--l. 89--><p class="noindent">resp., for other countries. Those freely accessible scenery data, in conjunction with scenery building tools included with <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear</span>, are an important feature enabling anyone to create his or her own scenery. <!--l. 95--><p class="indent"> This new <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>code - still largely being based on the original LaRCsim<a name="dx14-81019"></a> code - was released in July 1997. From that moment the project gained momentum again. Here are some milestones in the more recent development history. <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">C.1.1</span> <a href="getstartli1.html#QQ2-14-82" name="x14-82000C.1.1">Scenery</a></h4><a name="dx14-82001"></a> <ul class="itemize1"> <li class="itemize">Texture support<a name="dx14-82002"></a> was added by Curt Olson<a name="dx14-82003"></a> in spring 1998. This marked a significant improvement in terms of reality. Some high-quality textures<a name="dx14-82004"></a> were submitted by Eric Mitchell<a name="dx14-82005"></a> for the <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>project. Another set of high-quality textures was added by Erik Hofman<a name="dx14-82006"></a> in summer 2002. </li> <li class="itemize">After improving the scenery<a name="dx14-82007"></a> and texture<a name="dx14-82008"></a> support frame rate<a name="dx14-82009"></a> dropped down to a point where <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>became unflyable in spring 1998. This issue was resolved by exploiting hardware OpenGL<a name="dx14-82010"></a> support, which became available at that time, and implementing view frustrum culling<a name="dx14-82011"></a> (a rendering technique that ignores the part of the scenery not visible in a scene), done by Curt Olson<a name="dx14-82012"></a>. With respect to frame rate<a name="dx14-82013"></a> one should keep in mind that the code, at present, is in no way optimized, which leaves room for further improvements. </li> <li class="itemize">In September 1998 Curt Olson<a name="dx14-82014"></a> succeeded in creating a complete terrain model for the U.S. The scenery is available worldwide now, via a clickable map <a name="dx14-82015"></a>at: <!--l. 111--><p class="noindent"><a href="http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/world-scenery.html" >http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/world-scenery.html</a>. </li> <li class="itemize">Scenery<a name="dx14-82016"></a> was further improved by adding geographic features<a name="dx14-82017"></a> including lakes, rivers,and coastlines later, an effort still going on. Textured runways were added by Dave Cornish<a name="dx14-82018"></a> in spring 2001. Light textures<a name="dx14-82019"></a> add to the visual impression at night. To cope with the constant growth of scenery data, a binary scenery format was introduced in spring 2001. Runway lighting<a name="dx14-82020"></a> was introduced by Curt Olson<a name="dx14-82021"></a> in spring 2001. Finally, a completely new set of scenery<a name="dx14-82022"></a> files for the whole world was created by William Riley<a name="dx14-82023"></a> based on preparatory documentation by David Megginson<a name="dx14-82024"></a> in summer 2002. This is based on a data set called VMap0<a name="dx14-82025"></a> as an alternative to the GSHHS data<a name="dx14-82026"></a> used so far. This scenery is a big improvement as it has world wide coverage of main streets, rivers, etc., while it’s downside are much less accurate coast lines. <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear</span>’s base scenery is based on these new scenery files since summer 2002. The complete set is available via a clickable map,<a name="dx14-82027"></a> too, from <!--l. 117--><p class="noindent"><a href="http://www.randdtechnologies.com/fgfs/newScenery/world-scenery.html" >http://www.randdtechnologies.com/fgfs/newScenery/world-scenery.html</a>. </li> <li class="itemize">There was support added for static objects<a name="dx14-82028"></a> to the scenery in 2001, which permits placing buildings, static planes, trees and so on in the scenery. However, despite a few proofs of concept systematic inclusion of these landmarks is still missing. </li> <li class="itemize">The world is populated with random ground objects<a name="dx14-82029"></a> with appropriate type and density for the local ground cover type since summer 2002. This marks a mayor improvement of reality and is mainly thanks to work by D. Megginson<a name="dx14-82030"></a>.</li></ul> <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">C.1.2</span> <a href="getstartli1.html#QQ2-14-83" name="x14-83000C.1.2">Aircraft</a></h4><a name="dx14-83001"></a> <ul class="itemize1"> <li class="itemize">A HUD<a name="dx14-83002"></a> (head up display<a name="dx14-83003"></a>) was added based on code provided by Michele America<a name="dx14-83004"></a> and Charlie Hotchkiss<a name="dx14-83005"></a> in the fall of 1997 and was improved later by Norman Vine. While not generally available for real Cessna 172<a name="dx14-83006"></a>, the HUD conveniently reports the actual flight performance of the simulation and may be of further use in military jets later. </li> <li class="itemize">A rudimentary autopilot<a name="dx14-83007"></a> implementing heading hold was contributed by Jeff Goeke-Smith<a name="dx14-83008"></a> in April 1998. It was improved by the addition of an altitude hold and a terrain following switch in October 1998 and further developed by Norman Vine<a name="dx14-83009"></a> later. </li> <li class="itemize">Friedemann Reinhard <a name="dx14-83010"></a>developed early instrument panel<a name="dx14-83011"></a> code, which was added in June 1998. Unfortunately, development of that panel slowed down later. Finally, David Megginson <a name="dx14-83012"></a>decided to rebuild the panel code from scratch in January 2000. This led to a rapid addition of new instruments and features to the panel, resulting in nearly all main instruments being included until spring 2001. A handy minipanel was added in summer 2001. </li> <li class="itemize">Finally, LaRCsim<a name="dx14-83013"></a>s Navion<a name="dx14-83014"></a> was replaced as the default aircraft when the Cessna 172<a name="dx14-83015"></a> was stable enough in February 2000 - as move most users will welcome. There are now several flight model<a name="dx14-83016"></a> and airplane options to choose from at runtime. Jon Berndt<a name="dx14-83017"></a> has invested a lot of time in a more realistic and versatile flight model with a more powerful aircraft configuration method. <span class="ptmbi7t---109">JSBSim</span>, as it has come to be called, did replace LaRCsim as the default flight dynamics model<a name="dx14-83018"></a> (FDM<a name="dx14-83019"></a>), and it is planned to include such features as fuel slosh effects, turbulence, complete flight control systems, and other features not often found all together in a flight simulator. As an alternative, Andy Ross<a name="dx14-83020"></a> added another flight dynamics model called <span class="ptmbi7t---109">YASim </span>(Yet Another Flight Dynamics Simulator) which aims at simplicity of use and is based on fluid dynamics, by the end of 2001. This one bought us flight models for a 747, an A4, and a DC-3. Alternatively, a group around Michael Selig<a name="dx14-83021"></a> from the UIUC<a name="dx14-83022"></a> group provided another flight model along with several planes since around 2000. </li> <li class="itemize">A fully operational radio stack<a name="dx14-83023"></a> and working radios were added to the panel by Curt Olson<a name="dx14-83024"></a> in spring 2000. A huge database of Navaids contributed by Robin Peel<a name="dx14-83025"></a> allows IFR navigation since then. There was basic ATC<a name="dx14-83026"></a> support added in fall 2001 by David Luff<a name="dx14-83027"></a>. This is not yet fully implemented, but displaying ATIS messages<a name="dx14-83028"></a> is already possible. A magneto switch<a name="dx14-83029"></a> with proper functions was added at the end of 2001 by John Check<a name="dx14-83030"></a> and David Megginson.<a name="dx14-83031"></a>. Moreover, several panels were continually improved during 2001 and 2002 by John and others. <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>now allows flying ILS approaches and features a Bendix transponder<a name="dx14-83032"></a>. </li> <li class="itemize">In 2002 functional multi-engine support<a name="dx14-83033"></a> found it’s way into <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear</span>. <span class="ptmbi7t---109">JSBSim </span>is now the default FDM in <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear</span>. </li> <li class="itemize">Support of ”true” 3D panels<a name="dx14-83034"></a> became stable via contributions from John Check<a name="dx14-83035"></a> and others in spring 2002. In addition, we got movable control surfaces<a name="dx14-83036"></a> like propellers etc., thanks to David Megginson.<a name="dx14-83037"></a></li></ul> <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">C.1.3</span> <a href="getstartli1.html#QQ2-14-84" name="x14-84000C.1.3">Environment</a></h4><a name="dx14-84001"></a> <ul class="itemize1"> <li class="itemize">The display of sun, moon and stars have been a weak point for PC flight simulators for a long time. It is one of the great achievements of <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear</span> to include accurate modeling and display of sun, moon, and planets very early. The corresponding astronomy code<a name="dx14-84002"></a> was implemented in fall 1997 by Durk Talsma<a name="dx14-84003"></a>. </li> <li class="itemize">Christian Mayer, <a name="dx14-84004"></a>together with Durk Talsma,<a name="dx14-84005"></a> contributed weather code in the winter of 1999. This included clouds<a name="dx14-84006"></a>, winds<a name="dx14-84007"></a>, and even thunderstorms<a name="dx14-84008"></a>.</li></ul> <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">C.1.4</span> <a href="getstartli1.html#QQ2-14-85" name="x14-85000C.1.4">User Interface</a></h4><a name="dx14-85001"></a> <ul class="itemize1"> <li class="itemize">The foundation for a menu system<a name="dx14-85002"></a> was laid based on another library, the Portable Library <span class="ptmbi7t---109">PLIB</span><a name="dx14-85003"></a>, in June 1998. After having been idle for a time, the first working menu entries came to life in spring 1999. <!--l. 161--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmbi7t---109">PLIB </span>underwent rapid development later. It has been distributed as a separate package by Steve Baker<a name="dx14-85004"></a> with a much broader range of applications in mind, since spring 1999. It has provided the basic graphics rendering engine for <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>since fall 1999. </li> <li class="itemize">In 1998 there was basic audio support<a name="dx14-85005"></a>, i. e. an audio library and some basic background engine sound. This was later integrated into the above-mentioned portable library, <span class="ptmbi7t---109">PLIB</span><a name="dx14-85006"></a>. This same library was extended to support joystick/yoke/rudder<a name="dx14-85007"></a> in October 1999, again marking a huge step in terms of realism. To adapt on different joystick, configuration options were introduced in fall 2000. Joystick support was further improved by adding a self detection<a name="dx14-85008"></a> feature based on xml joystick files, by David Megginson<a name="dx14-85009"></a> in summer 2002. </li> <li class="itemize">Networking/multiplayer<a name="dx14-85010"></a><a name="dx14-85011"></a> code has been integrated by Oliver Delise <a name="dx14-85012"></a>and Curt Olson<a name="dx14-85013"></a> starting fall 1999. This effort is aimed at enabling <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>to run concurrently on several machines over a network<a name="dx14-85014"></a>, either an Intranet or the Internet<a name="dx14-85015"></a>, coupling it to a flight planner<a name="dx14-85016"></a> running on a second machine, and more. There emerged several approaches for remotely controlling <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>over a Network during 2001. Notably there was added support for the ”Atlas”<a name="dx14-85017"></a> moving map program. Besides, an embedded HTTP server<a name="dx14-85018"></a> developed by Curt Olson<a name="dx14-85019"></a> late in 2001 can now act a property manager<a name="dx14-85020"></a> for external programs. </li> <li class="itemize">Manually changing views<a name="dx14-85021"></a> in a flight simulator is in a sense always ”unreal” but nonetheless required in certain situations. A possible solution was supplied by Norman Vine<a name="dx14-85022"></a> in the winter of 1999 by implementing code for changing views using the mouse. Alternatively, you can use a hat switch for this purpose, today. </li> <li class="itemize">A property manager<a name="dx14-85023"></a> was implemented by David Megginson<a name="dx14-85024"></a> in fall 2000. It allows parsing a file called <span class="pcrr7t---109">.fgfsrc</span><a name="dx14-85025"></a> under UNIX/Linux and <span class="pcrr7t---109">system.fgfsrc</span><a name="dx14-85026"></a> under Windows for input options. This plain ASCII file has proven useful in submitting the growing number of input options, and notably the joystick settings<a name="dx14-85027"></a>. This has shown to be a useful concept, and joystick, keyboard, and panel settings are no longer hard coded but set using *.xml files since spring 2001 thanks to work mainly by David Megginson and John Check.<a name="dx14-85028"></a></li></ul> <!--l. 189--><p class="noindent">During development there were several code reorganization efforts. Various code subsystems were moved into packages. As a result, code is organized as follows at present: <!--l. 193--><p class="indent"> The base of the graphics engine is <span class="ptmb7t---109">OpenGL</span><a name="dx14-85029"></a>, a platform independent graphics library. Based on OpenGL<a name="dx14-85030"></a>, the Portable Library <span class="ptmbi7t---109">PLIB</span><a name="dx14-85031"></a> provides basic rendering, audio, joystick etc. routines. Based on <span class="ptmbi7t---109">PLIB</span><a name="dx14-85032"></a> is <span class="ptmbi7t---109">SimGear</span><a name="dx14-85033"></a>, which includes all of the basic routines required for the flight simulator as well as for building scenery. On top of <span class="ptmbi7t---109">SimGear</span><a name="dx14-85034"></a> there are (i) <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear</span><a name="dx14-85035"></a> (the simulator itself), and (ii) <span class="ptmbi7t---109">TerraGear</span><a name="dx14-85036"></a>, which comprises the scenery building tools. <!--l. 201--><p class="indent"> This is by no means an exhaustive history and most likely some people who have made important contributions have been left out. Besides the above-named contributions there was a lot of work done concerning the internal structure by: Jon S. Berndt<a name="dx14-85037"></a>, Oliver Delise, <a name="dx14-85038"></a>Christian Mayer, <a name="dx14-85039"></a>Curt Olson,<a name="dx14-85040"></a> Tony Peden, <a name="dx14-85041"></a>Gary R. Van Sickle<a name="dx14-85042"></a>, Norman Vine<a name="dx14-85043"></a>, and others. A more comprehensive list of contributors can be found in Chapter <a href="#x14-80000C">C<!--tex4ht:ref: landing--></a> as well as in the <span class="pcrr7t---109">Thanks </span>file provided with the code. Also, the <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>Website<a name="dx14-85044"></a> contains a detailed history worth reading of all of the notable development milestones at <!--l. 213--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.flightgear.org/News/" >http://www.flightgear.org/News/</a> <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">C.2</span> <a href="getstart.html#QQ2-14-86" name="x14-86000C.2">Those, who did the work</a></h3> <a name="dx14-86001"></a> <!--l. 219--><p class="noindent">Did you enjoy the flight? In case you did, don’t forget those who devoted hundreds of hours to that project. All of this work is done on a voluntary basis within spare time, thus bare with the programmers<a name="dx14-86002"></a> in case something does not work the way you want it to. Instead, sit down and write them a kind (!) mail proposing what to change. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>mailing lists<a name="dx14-86003"></a> and contribute your thoughts there. Instructions to do so can be found at <!--l. 227--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.flightgear.org/mail.html" >http://www.flightgear.org/mail.html</a>. <!--l. 230--><p class="noindent">Essentially there are two lists, one of which being mainly for the developers and the other one for end users. Besides, there is a very low-traffic list for announcements. <!--l. 236--><p class="noindent">The following names the people who did the job (this information was essentially taken from the file <span class="pcrr7t---109">Thanks </span>accompanying the code). <!--l. 241--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">A1 Free Sounds</span><a name="dx14-86004"></a> (techie<span class="pcrr7t---109">@</span>mail.ev1.net) <br class="newline">Granted permission for the <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>project to use some of the sound effects from their site. Homepage under <!--l. 246--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.a1freesoundeffects.com/" >http://www.a1freesoundeffects.com/</a> <!--l. 249--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Raul Alonzo</span><a name="dx14-86005"></a> (amil<span class="pcrr7t---109">@</span>las.es) <br class="newline">Mr. Alonzo is the author of Ssystem and provided his kind permission for using the moon texture. Parts of his code were used as a template when adding the texture. Ssystem Homepage can be found at: <!--l. 256--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www1.las.es/~amil/ssystem/" >http://www1.las.es/<img src="getstart14x.gif" alt="~" class="tilde" > amil/ssystem/</a>. <!--l. 259--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Michele America</span><a name="dx14-86006"></a> (nomimarketing<span class="pcrr7t---109">@</span>mail.telepac.pt) <br class="newline">Contributed to the HUD<a name="dx14-86007"></a> code. <!--l. 264--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Michael Basler</span><a name="dx14-86008"></a> (pmb<span class="pcrr7t---109">@</span>epost.de) <br class="newline">Author of Installation and Getting Started. Flight Simulation Page at <!--l. 268--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.geocities.com/pmb.geo/flusi.htm" >http://www.geocities.com/pmb.geo/flusi.htm</a> <!--l. 271--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Jon S. Berndt</span><a name="dx14-86009"></a> (jsb<span class="pcrr7t---109">@</span>hal-pc.org) <br class="newline">Working on a complete C++ rewrite/reimplimentation of the core FDM<a name="dx14-86010"></a>. Initially he is using X15 data to test his code, but once things are all in place we should be able to simulate arbitrary aircraft. Jon maintains a page dealing with Flight Dynamics at: <!--l. 278--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://jsbsim.sourceforge.net/" >http://jsbsim.sourceforge.net/</a> <!--l. 281--><p class="noindent">Special attention to X15 is paid in separate pages on this site. Besides, Jon contributed via a lot of suggestions/corrections to this Guide. <!--l. 286--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Paul Bleisch</span><a name="dx14-86011"></a> (pbleisch<span class="pcrr7t---109">@</span>acm.org) <br class="newline">Redid the debug system so that it would be much more flexible, so it could be easily disabled for production system, and so that messages for certain subsystems could be selectively enabled. Also contributed a first stab at a config file/command line parsing system. <!--l. 295--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Jim Brennan</span><a name="dx14-86012"></a> (jjb<span class="pcrr7t---109">@</span>kingmont.com) <br class="newline">Provided a big chunk of online space to store USA scenery for <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear</span>. <!--l. 299--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Bernie Bright</span><a name="dx14-86013"></a> (bbright<span class="pcrr7t---109">@</span>bigpond.net.au) <br class="newline">Many C++ style, usage, and implementation improvements, STL portability and much, much more. Added threading support and a threaded tile pager. <!--l. 306--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Bernhard H. Buckel</span><a name="dx14-86014"></a> (buckel<span class="pcrr7t---109">@</span>mail.uni-wuerzburg.de) <br class="newline">Contributed the README.Linux. Contributed several sections to earlier versions of Installation and Getting Started. <!--l. 312--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Gene Buckle</span><a name="dx14-86015"></a> (geneb<span class="pcrr7t---109">@</span>deltasoft.com) <br class="newline">A lot of work getting <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>to compile with the MSVC<a name="dx14-86016"></a>++ compiler. Numerous hints on detailed improvements. <!--l. 318--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Ralph Carmichael</span><a name="dx14-86017"></a> (ralph<span class="pcrr7t---109">@</span>pdas.com) <br class="newline">Support of the project. The Public Domain Aeronautical Software web site at <!--l. 322--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.pdas.com/" >http://www.pdas.com/</a> <!--l. 325--><p class="noindent">has the PDAS CD-ROM for sale containing great programs for astronautical engineers. <!--l. 328--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Didier Chauveau</span><a name="dx14-86018"></a> (chauveau<span class="pcrr7t---109">@</span>math.univ-mlv.fr) <br class="newline">Provided some initial code to parse the 30 arcsec DEM files found at: <!--l. 333--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/landdaac/gtopo30/gtopo30.html" >http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/landdaac/gtopo30/gtopo30.html</a>. <!--l. 336--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">John Check</span><a name="dx14-86019"></a> (j4strngs<span class="pcrr7t---109">@</span>rockfish.net) <br class="newline">John maintains the base package CVS repository. He contributed cloud textures, wrote an excellent Joystick Howto as well as a panel Howto. Moreover, he contributed new instrument panel configurations. <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>page at <!--l. 341--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.rockfish.net/fg/" >http://www.rockfish.net/fg/</a>. <!--l. 344--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Dave Cornish</span><a name="dx14-86020"></a> (dmc<span class="pcrr7t---109">@</span>halcyon.com) <br class="newline">Dave created new cool runway textures plus some of our cloud textures. <!--l. 348--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Oliver Delise</span> <a name="dx14-86021"></a>(delise<span class="pcrr7t---109">@</span>mail.isis.de) <br class="newline">Started a FAQ, Documentation, Public relations. Working on adding some networking/multi-user code.<a name="dx14-86022"></a> Founder of the FlightGear MultiPilot Project at <!--l. 354--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.isis.de/members/~odelise/progs/flightgear/" >http://www.isis.de/members/<img src="getstart15x.gif" alt="~" class="tilde" > odelise/progs/flightgear/</a>. <!--l. 357--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Jean-Francois Doue</span><a name="dx14-86023"></a> <br class="newline">Vector 2D, 3D, 4D and Matrix 3D and 4D inlined C++ classes. (Based on Graphics Gems IV, Ed. Paul S. Heckbert) <!--l. 362--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.animats.com/simpleppp/ftp/public_html/topics/developers.html" >http://www.animats.com/simpleppp/ftp/public_html/topics/developers.html</a>. <!--l. 365--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Dave Eberly</span> <a name="dx14-86024"></a>(eberly @ magic-software.com) <br class="newline">Contributed some sphere interpolation code used by Christian Mayer’s weather data base system. On Dave’s web site there are tons of really useful looking code at <!--l. 371--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.magic-software.com/" >http://www.magic-software.com/</a>. <!--l. 374--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Francine Evans</span><a name="dx14-86025"></a> (evans @ cs.sunysb.edu) Wrote the GPL’d tri-striper we use. <!--l. 378--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~stripe/" >http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/<img src="getstart16x.gif" alt="~" class="tilde" > stripe/</a> <!--l. 381--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Oscar Everitt</span><a name="dx14-86026"></a> (bigoc @ premier.net) <br class="newline">Created single engine piston engine sounds as part of an F4U package for FS98<a name="dx14-86027"></a>. They are pretty cool and Oscar was happy to contribute them to our little project. <!--l. 387--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Bruce Finney</span><a name="dx14-86028"></a> (bfinney @ gte.net) <br class="newline">Contributed patches for MSVC5 compatibility. <!--l. 391--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Melchior Franz</span><a name="dx14-86029"></a> (a8603365 @ unet.univie.ac.at) <br class="newline">Contributed joystick hat support, a LED font, improvements of the telnet and the http interface. Notable effort in hunting memory leaks in <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear</span>, <span class="ptmbi7t---109">SimGear</span>, and <span class="ptmbi7t---109">JSBSim</span>. <!--l. 395--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Jean-loup Gailly</span><a name="dx14-86030"></a> and <span class="ptmb7t---109">Mark Adler</span><a name="dx14-86031"></a> (zlib @ gzip.org) <br class="newline">Authors of the zlib library<a name="dx14-86032"></a>. Used for on-the-fly compression and decompression routines, <!--l. 400--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.gzip.org/zlib/" >http://www.gzip.org/zlib/</a>. <!--l. 403--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Mohit Garg</span><a name="dx14-86033"></a> (theprotean<span class="underline"> </span>1 @ hotmail.com) <br class="newline">Contributed to the manual. <!--l. 408--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Thomas Gellekum</span><a name="dx14-86034"></a> (tg @ ihf.rwth-aachen.de) <br class="newline">Changes and updates for compiling on FreeBSD<a name="dx14-86035"></a>. <!--l. 413--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Neetha Girish</span><a name="dx14-86036"></a> (neethagirish @ usa.net) <br class="newline">Contributed the changes for the xml configurable HUD. <!--l. 418--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Jeff Goeke-Smith</span><a name="dx14-86037"></a> (jgoeke @ voyager.net) <br class="newline">Contributed our first autopilot<a name="dx14-86038"></a> (Heading Hold). Better autoconf check for external timezone/daylight variables. <!--l. 424--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Michael I. Gold</span><a name="dx14-86039"></a> (gold @ puck.asd.sgi.com) <br class="newline">Patiently answered questions on OpenGL<a name="dx14-86040"></a>. <!--l. 429--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Habibe</span><a name="dx14-86041"></a> (habibie @ MailandNews.com) <br class="newline">Made RedHat package building changes for SimGear. <!--l. 433--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Mike Hill</span><a name="dx14-86042"></a> (mikehill @ flightsim.com) <br class="newline">For allowing us to concert and use his wonderful planes, available form <!--l. 437--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.flightsimnetwork.com/mikehill/home.htm" >http://www.flightsimnetwork.com/mikehill/home.htm</a>, <!--l. 439--><p class="noindent">for <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear</span>. <!--l. 443--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Erik Hofman</span><a name="dx14-86043"></a> (erik.hofman @ a1.nl) <br class="newline">Major overhaul and parameterization of the sound module to allow aircraft-specific sound configuration at runtime. Contributed SGI IRIX support and binaries. <!--l. 449--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Charlie Hotchkiss</span><a name="dx14-86044"></a> (clhotch @ pacbell.net) <br class="newline">Worked on improving and enhancing the HUD<a name="dx14-86045"></a> code. Lots of code style tips and code tweaks. <!--l. 454--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Bruce Jackson</span><a name="dx14-86046"></a> (NASA) (e.b.jackson @ larc.nasa.gov) <!--l. 458--><p class="indent"> Developed the LaRCsim<a name="dx14-86047"></a> code under funding by NASA which we use to provide the flight model. Bruce has patiently answered many, many questions. <!--l. 462--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://dcb.larc.nasa.gov/www/DCBStaff/ebj/ebj.html" >http://dcb.larc.nasa.gov/www/DCBStaff/ebj/ebj.html</a> <!--l. 466--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Ove Kaaven</span> <a name="dx14-86048"></a>(ovek @ arcticnet.no) <br class="newline">Contributed the Debian binary. <!--l. 470--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Richard Kaszeta</span> <a name="dx14-86049"></a>(bofh @ me.umn.edu) <br class="newline">Contributed screen buffer to ppm screen shot routine. Also helped in the early development of the ”altitude hold autopilot module”<a name="dx14-86050"></a> by teaching Curt Olson the basics of Control Theory and helping him code and debug early versions. Curt’s ”Boss” Bob Hain (bob @ me.umn.edu) also contributed to that. Further details available at: <!--l. 478--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.menet.umn.edu/~curt/fgfs/Docs/Autopilot/AltitudeHold/AltitudeHold.html" >http://www.menet.umn.edu/<img src="getstart17x.gif" alt="~" class="tilde" > curt/fgfs/Docs/Autopilot/AltitudeHold/AltitudeHold.html</a>. <!--l. 481--><p class="noindent">Rich’s Homepage is at <!--l. 485--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.kaszeta.org/rich/" >http://www.kaszeta.org/rich/</a>. <!--l. 488--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Tom Knienieder</span><a name="dx14-86051"></a> (tom @ knienieder.com) <br class="newline">Ported the audio library<a name="dx14-86052"></a> first to OpenBSD and IRIX and after that to Win32. <!--l. 492--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Reto Koradi</span><a name="dx14-86053"></a> (kor @ mol.biol.ethz.ch) <!--l. 495--><p class="indent"> Helped with setting up fog effects<a name="dx14-86054"></a>. <!--l. 498--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.mol.biol.ethz.ch/wuthrich/people/kor/" >http://www.mol.biol.ethz.ch/wuthrich/people/kor/</a> <!--l. 501--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Bob Kuehne</span><a name="dx14-86055"></a> (rpk @ who.net) <br class="newline">Redid the Makefile system so it is simpler and more robust. <!--l. 505--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Kyler B Laird</span><a name="dx14-86056"></a> (laird @ ecn.purdue.edu) <br class="newline">Contributed corrections to the manual. <!--l. 509--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">David Luff</span><a name="dx14-86057"></a> (david.luff @ nottingham.ac.uk) <br class="newline">Contributed heavily to the IO360 piston engine model. <!--l. 513--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Christian Mayer</span><a name="dx14-86058"></a> (flightgear @ christianmayer.de) <br class="newline">Working on multi-lingual conversion tools<a name="dx14-86059"></a> for fgfs as a demonstration of technology. Contributed code to read Microsoft Flight Simulator scenery textures. Christian is working on a completely new weather<a name="dx14-86060"></a> subsystem. Donated a hot air balloon<a name="dx14-86061"></a> to the project. <!--l. 520--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">David Megginson</span><a name="dx14-86062"></a> (david @ megginson.com) <br class="newline">Contributed patches to allow mouse input to control view direction yoke. Contributed financially towards hard drive space for use by the flight gear project. Updates to README.running. Working on getting fgfs and ssg to work without textures. Also added the new 2-D panel and the save/load support. Further, he developed new panel<a name="dx14-86063"></a> code, playing better with OpenGL, with new features. Developed the property manager and contributed to joystick support. Random ground cover objects <!--l. 533--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Cameron Moore</span><a name="dx14-86064"></a> (cameron @ unbeatenpath.net) <br class="newline">FAQ maintainer. Reigning list administrator. Provided man pages. <!--l. 538--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Eric Mitchell</span><a name="dx14-86065"></a> (mitchell @ mars.ark.com) <br class="newline">Contributed some topnotch scenery textures<a name="dx14-86066"></a> being all original creations by him. <!--l. 542--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Anders Morken</span><a name="dx14-86067"></a> (amrken @ online.no) <br class="newline">Former maintainer of European web pages. <!--l. 546--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Alan Murta</span><a name="dx14-86068"></a> (amurta @ cs.man.ac.uk) <!--l. 549--><p class="indent"> Created the Generic Polygon Clipping library. <!--l. 552--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/aig/staff/alan/software/" >http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/aig/staff/alan/software/</a> <!--l. 555--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Phil Nelson</span><a name="dx14-86069"></a> (phil @ cs.wwu.edu) <br class="newline">Author of GNU dbm, a set of database routines that use extendible hashing and work similar to the standard UNIX dbm routines. <!--l. 560--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Alexei Novikov</span><a name="dx14-86070"></a> (anovikov @ heron.itep.ru) <br class="newline">Created European Scenery. Contributed a script to turn fgfs scenery into beautifully rendered 2-D maps. Wrote a first draft of a Scenery Creation Howto. <!--l. 566--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Curt Olson</span><a name="dx14-86071"></a> (curt @ flightgear.org) <br class="newline">Primary organization of the project. <br class="newline">First implementation and modifications based on LaRCsim<a name="dx14-86072"></a>. <br class="newline">Besides putting together all the pieces provided by others mainly concentrating on the scenery subsystem<a name="dx14-86073"></a> as well as the graphics stuff. Homepage at <!--l. 571--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.menet.umn.edu/~curt/" >http://www.menet.umn.edu/<img src="getstart18x.gif" alt="~" class="tilde" > curt/</a> <!--l. 574--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Brian Paul</span><a name="dx14-86074"></a> <br class="newline">We made use of his TR library and of course of Mesa: <!--l. 577--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.mesa3d.org/brianp/TR.html" >http://www.mesa3d.org/brianp/TR.html</a>, <a href="http://www.mesa3d.org" >http://www.mesa3d.org</a> <!--l. 580--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Tony Peden</span><a name="dx14-86075"></a> (apeden @ earthlink.net) <br class="newline">Contributions on flight model development, including a LaRCsim based Cessna 172. Contributed to <span class="ptmbi7t---109">JSBSim </span>the initial conditions code, a more complete standard atmosphere model, and other bugfixes/additions. His Flight Dynamics page can be found at: <!--l. 587--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.nwlink.com/~apeden" >http://www.nwlink.com/<img src="getstart19x.gif" alt="~" class="tilde" > apeden/</a>. <!--l. 591--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Robin Peel</span><a name="dx14-86076"></a> (robin @ cpwd.com) <br class="newline">Maintains worldwide airport and runway database for <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>as well as X-Plane. <!--l. 595--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Alex Perry</span><a name="dx14-86077"></a> (alex.perry @ ieee.org) <br class="newline">Contributed code to more accurately model VSI, DG, Altitude. Suggestions for improvements of the layout of the simulator on the mailing list and help on documentation. <!--l. 601--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Friedemann Reinhard</span><a name="dx14-86078"></a> (mpt218 @ faupt212.physik.uni-erlangen.de) <br class="newline">Development of an early textured instrument panel<a name="dx14-86079"></a>. <!--l. 606--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Petter Reinholdtsen</span><a name="dx14-86080"></a> (pere @ games.no) <br class="newline">Incorporated the GNU automake/autoconf system (with libtool). This should streamline and standardize the build process for all UNIX-like platforms. It should have little effect on IDE type environments since they don’t use the UNIX make system. <!--l. 614--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">William Riley</span><a name="dx14-86081"></a> (riley @ technologist.com) <br class="newline">Contributed code to add ”brakes<a name="dx14-86082"></a>”. Also wrote a patch to support a first joystick with more than 2 axis. Did the job to create scenery based on VMap0 data. <!--l. 618--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Andy Ross</span><a name="dx14-86083"></a> (andy @ plausible.org) <br class="newline">Contributed a new configurable FDM called <span class="ptmbi7t---109">YASim </span>(Yet Another Flight Dynamics Simulator, based on geometry information rather than aerodynamic coefficients. <!--l. 622--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Paul Schlyter</span><a name="dx14-86084"></a> (pausch @ saaf.se) <br class="newline">Provided Durk Talsma with all the information he needed to write the astro code. Mr. Schlyter is also willing to answer astro-related questions whenever one needs to. <!--l. 628--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.welcome.to/pausch/" >http://www.welcome.to/pausch/</a> <!--l. 631--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Chris Schoeneman</span><a name="dx14-86085"></a> (crs @ millpond.engr.sgi.com) <br class="newline">Contributed ideas on audio support. <!--l. 636--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Phil Schubert</span><a name="dx14-86086"></a> (philip @ zedley.com) <br class="newline">Contributed various textures and engine modeling. <!--l. 640--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.zedley.com/Philip/" >http://www.zedley.com/Philip/</a>. <!--l. 643--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Jonathan R. Shewchuk</span><a name="dx14-86087"></a> (Jonathan_R_Shewchuk @ ux4.sp.cs.cmu.edu) <br class="newline">Author of the Triangle<a name="dx14-86088"></a> program. Triangle is used to calculate the Delauney triangulation of our irregular terrain. <!--l. 649--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Gordan Sikic</span><a name="dx14-86089"></a> (gsikic @ public.srce.hr) <br class="newline">Contributed a Cherokee flight model<a name="dx14-86090"></a> for LaRCsim<a name="dx14-86091"></a>. Currently is not working and needs to be debugged. Use configure <span class="pcrr7t---109">--with-flight-model=cherokee </span>to build the cherokee instead of the Cessna<a name="dx14-86092"></a>. <!--l. 656--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Michael Smith</span><a name="dx14-86093"></a> (msmith99 @ flash.net) <br class="newline">Contributed cockpit graphics, 3-D models, logos, and other images. Project Bonanza <!--l. 661--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Martin Spott</span><a name="dx14-86094"></a> (Martin.Spott @ uni-duisburg.de) <br class="newline">Co-Author of the ”Getting Started”. <!--l. 665--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Durk Talsma</span><a name="dx14-86095"></a> (d.talsma @ chello.nl) <br class="newline">Accurate Sun, Moon, and Planets. Sun changes color based on position in sky. Moon has correct phase and blends well into the sky. Planets are correctly positioned and have proper magnitude. Help with time functions, GUI, and other things. Contributed 2-D cloud layer.<a name="dx14-86096"></a> Website at <!--l. 673--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://people.a2000.nl/dtals/" >http://people.a2000.nl/dtals/</a>. <!--l. 676--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">UIUC</span><a name="dx14-86097"></a> - Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering <br class="newline">Contributed modifications to LaRCsim to allow loading of aircraft parameters from a file. These modifications were made as part of an icing research project. <!--l. 683--><p class="indent"> Those did the coding and made it all work: <br class="newline">Jeff Scott jscott @ students.uiuc.edu<a name="dx14-86098"></a> <br class="newline">Bipin Sehgal bsehgal @ uiuc.edu<a name="dx14-86099"></a> <br class="newline">Michael Selig m-selig @ uiuc.edu<a name="dx14-86100"></a> <!--l. 689--><p class="indent"> Moreover, those helped to support the effort: <br class="newline">Jay Thomas jthomas2 @ uiuc.edu<a name="dx14-86101"></a> <br class="newline">Eunice Lee ey-lee @ students.uiuc.edu<a name="dx14-86102"></a> <br class="newline">Elizabeth Rendon mdfhoyos @ md.impsat.net.co<a name="dx14-86103"></a> <br class="newline">Sudhi Uppuluri suppulur @ students.uiuc.edu <!--l. 697--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">U. S. Geological Survey</span><a name="dx14-86104"></a> <!--l. 701--><p class="indent"> Provided geographic data used by this project. <!--l. 704--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://edc.usgs.gov/geodata/" >http://edc.usgs.gov/geodata/</a> <!--l. 707--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Mark Vallevand</span><a name="dx14-86105"></a> (Mark.Vallevand @ UNISYS.com) <br class="newline">Contributed some METAR parsing code and some win32 screen printing routines. <!--l. 712--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Gary R. Van Sickle</span><a name="dx14-86106"></a> (tiberius @ braemarinc.com) <br class="newline">Contributed some initial GameGLUT<a name="dx14-86107"></a> support and other fixes. Has done preliminary work on a binary file format. Check <!--l. 718--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.woodsoup.org/projs/ORKiD/fgfs.htm" >http://www.woodsoup.org/projs/ORKiD/fgfs.htm</a>. <!--l. 721--><p class="noindent">His ’Cygwin Tips’ page might be helpful for you at <!--l. 727--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.woodsoup.org/projs/ORKiD/cygwin.htm" >http://www.woodsoup.org/projs/ORKiD/cygwin.htm</a>. <!--l. 730--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Norman Vine</span><a name="dx14-86108"></a> (nhv @ yahoo.com) <br class="newline">Provided more numerous URL’s to the ”FlightGear Community”. Many performance optimizations throughout the code. Many contributions and much advice for the scenery generation section. Lots of Windows related contributions. Contributed wgs84 distance and course routines. Contributed a great circle route autopilot mode based on wgs84 routines. Many other GUI, HUD and autopilot contributions. Patch to allow mouse input to control view direction. Ultra hires tiled screen dumps. Contributed the initial ’goto airport’ and ’reset’ functions and the initial http image server code <!--l. 739--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Roland Voegtli</span><a name="dx14-86109"></a> (webmaster @ sanw.unibe.ch) <br class="newline">Contributed great photorealistic textures. Founder of European Scenery Project for X-Plane: <!--l. 745--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.g-point.com/xpcity/esp/" >http://www.g-point.com/xpcity/esp/</a> <!--l. 749--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Carmelo Volpe</span><a name="dx14-86110"></a> (carmelo.volpe @ mednut.ki.se) <br class="newline">Porting <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>to the Metro Works<a name="dx14-86111"></a> development environment (PC/Mac). <!--l. 755--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Darrell Walisser</span><a name="dx14-86112"></a> (walisser @ mac.com) <br class="newline">Contributed a large number of changes to porting <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>to the Metro Works development environment (PC/Mac). Finally produced the first Macintosh port. Contributed to the Mac part of Getting Started, too. <!--l. 760--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Ed Williams</span><a name="dx14-86113"></a> (Ed<span class="underline"> </span>Williams @ compuserve.com). <br class="newline">Contributed magnetic variation code (impliments Nima WMM 2000). We’ve also borrowed from Ed’s wonderful aviation formulary at various times as well. Website at <a href="http://williams.best.vwh.net/" >http://williams.best.vwh.net/</a>. <!--l. 770--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Jim Wilson</span><a name="dx14-86114"></a> (mailjimw @ kelcomaine.com). <br class="newline">Wrote a major overhaul of the viewer code to make it more flexible and modular. Contributed many small fixes and bug reports. Contributed to the PUI property browser and to the autopilot. <!--l. 775--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Jean-Claude Wippler</span><a name="dx14-86115"></a> (jcw @ equi4.com) <br class="newline">Author of MetaKit<a name="dx14-86116"></a> - a portable, embeddible database with a portable data file format used in <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear</span>. Please see the following URL for more info: <!--l. 781--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.equi4.com/metakit/" >http://www.equi4.com/metakit/</a> <!--l. 784--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Woodsoup Project</span><a name="dx14-86117"></a> <br class="newline"> <!--l. 786--><p class="indent"> While <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>no longer uses Woodsoup servies we appreciate the support provided to our project during the time they hosted us. Once they provided computing resources and services so that the <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>project could have a real home. <!--l. 791--><p class="indent"> <a href="http://www.woodsoup.org/" >http://www.woodsoup.org/</a> <!--l. 794--><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmb7t---109">Robert Allan Zeh</span><a name="dx14-86118"></a> (raz @ cmg.FCNBD.COM) <br class="newline">Helped tremendously in figuring out the Cygnus<a name="dx14-86119"></a> Win32 compiler and how to link with .dll’s. Without him the first run-able Win32 version of <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>would have been impossible. <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">C.3</span> <a href="getstart.html#QQ2-14-87" name="x14-87000C.3">What remains to be done</a></h3> <!--l. 803--><p class="noindent">If you read (and, maybe, followed) this guide up to this point you may probably agree: <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear</span>, even in its present state, is not at all for the birds. It is already a flight simulator which sports even several selectable flight models, several planes with panels and even a HUD, terrain scenery, texturing, all the basic controls and weather. <!--l. 806--><p class="indent"> Despite, <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>needs - and gets - further development. Except internal tweaks, there are several fields where <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>needs basics improvement and development. A first direction is adding airport<a name="dx14-87001"></a>s, buildings, and more of those things bringing scenery to real life and belonging to realistic airports and cities. Another task is further implementation of the menu system<a name="dx14-87002"></a>, which should not be too hard with the basics being working now. A lot of options at present set via command line or even during compile time should finally make it into menu entries. Finally, <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>lacks any ATC<a name="dx14-87003"></a> until now. <!--l. 815--><p class="indent"> There are already people working in all of these directions. If you’re a programmer and think you can contribute, you are invited to do so. <h4 class="likesubsectionHead"><a href="#x14-88000C.3" name="x14-88000C.3">Achnowledgements</a></h4> Obviously this document could not have been written without all those contributors mentioned above making <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>a reality. <!--l. 824--><p class="noindent">First, I was very glad to see Martin Spott <a name="dx14-88001"></a>entering the documentation effort. Martin provided not only several updates and contributions (notably in the OpenGL section) on the Linux side of the project but also several general ideas on the documentation in general <!--l. 826--><p class="indent"> Besides, I would like to say special thanks to Curt Olson,<a name="dx14-88002"></a> whose numerous scattered Readmes, Thanks, Webpages, and personal eMails were of special help to me and were freely exploited in the making of this booklet. <!--l. 830--><p class="indent"> Next, Bernhard Buckel <a name="dx14-88003"></a>wrote several sections of early versions of that Guide and contributed at lot of ideas to it. <!--l. 833--><p class="indent"> Jon S. Berndt <a name="dx14-88004"></a>supported me by critical proofreading of several versions of the document, pointing out inconsistences and suggesting improvements. <!--l. 836--><p class="indent"> Moreover, I gained a lot of help and support from Norman Vine<a name="dx14-88005"></a>. Maybe, without Norman’s answers I would have never been able to tame different versions of the <span class="ptmbi7t---109">Cygwin</span> - <span class="ptmbi7t---109">FlightGear </span>couple. <!--l. 840--><p class="indent"> We were glad, our Mac expert Darrell Walisser <a name="dx14-88006"></a>contributed the section on compiling under Mac OS X. In addition he submitted several Mac related hints and fixes. <!--l. 842--><p class="indent"> Further contributions and donations on special points came from John Check,<a name="dx14-88007"></a> (general layout), Oliver Delise <a name="dx14-88008"></a>(several suggestions including notes on that chapter), Mohit Garg <a name="dx14-88009"></a>(OpenGL), Kyler B. Laird <a name="dx14-88010"></a>(corrections), Alex Perry<a name="dx14-88011"></a> (OpenGL), Kai Troester<a name="dx14-88012"></a> (compile problems), Dave Perry <a name="dx14-88013"></a>(joystick support), and Michael Selig<a name="dx14-88014"></a> (UIUC models). <!--l. 848--><p class="indent"> Besides those whose names got lost withing the last-minute-trouble we’d like to express our gratitude to the following people for contributing valuable ’bug fixes’ to this version of Getting Started (in random order): Cameron Moore,<a name="dx14-88015"></a> Melchior Franz,<a name="dx14-88016"></a> David Megginson,<a name="dx14-88017"></a> Jon Berndt,<a name="dx14-88018"></a> Alex Perry,<a name="dx14-88019"></a>, Dave Perry,<a name="dx14-88020"></a>, Andy Ross,<a name="dx14-88021"></a> Erik Hofman<a name="dx14-88022"></a>, and Julian Foad<a name="dx14-88023"></a>. <a name="Q1-14-89"></a> <div class="crosslinks"><p class="noindent"><span class="ptmr7t---90">[</span><a href="getstartli3.html" ><span class="ptmr7t---90">next</span></a><span class="ptmr7t---90">] [</span><a href="getstartap2.html" ><span class="ptmr7t---90">prev</span></a><span class="ptmr7t---90">] [</span><a href="getstartap2.html#tailgetstartap2.html" ><span class="ptmr7t---90">prev-tail</span></a><span class="ptmr7t---90">] [</span><a href="getstartap3.html" ><span class="ptmr7t---90">front</span></a><span class="ptmr7t---90">] [</span><a href="getstartpa3.html#getstartap3.html" ><span class="ptmr7t---90">up</span></a><span class="ptmr7t---90">] </span></p></div><a name="tailgetstartap3.html"></a> </body></html>