<?xml version="1.0"?>


  <!-- Title bar with close button -->


      <label>Advanced Weather Configuration</label>





    <!-- gap -->


        <label>General Settings</label>


          <label>Tile Selection Mode</label>

          <value>single tile</value>
          <value>repeat tile</value>
          <value>realistic weather</value>

          <label>Altitude Offset (ft)</label>


          <label>Temperature Offset (C)</label>


          <label>Debug Output</label>

          <label>Terrain Effects</label>

          <label>Terrain Presampling</label>







        <label> Wind Settings</label>





          <label>degrees at</label>






          <label>Gust Frequency (Hz)</label>



          <label>Gust Factor</label>



          <label>      Gust Direction Variation</label>



          <label>Wind Model</label>

          <value>constant in tile</value>
          <value>aloft interpolated</value>
          <value>aloft waypoints</value>
          <!-- <value>airmass interpolated</value> -->

    <!-- gap -->
      <label> </label>




        <label> Thermic and Visibility Settings</label>


        <!-- gap -->


          <!-- gap -->

            <label> Generate Thermals           </label>

            <label> Realistic Visibility</label>

            <label> Cloud Shadows </label>

            <label> (needs ALS shaders)</label>

          <!-- gap -->
            <label>     </label>





          <label> Convective Conditions:</label>

          <label>rough day</label>


          <label>low convection</label>

          <label> Turbulence:</label>




          <label>Ground Haze:</label>




          <label>Air Pollution:</label>




          <label>Fog Properties:</label>




          <label>Max. Visibility:</label>

          <label>20 km</label>


          <format>250 km    %.fm</format>


    <!-- gap -->
      <label>    </label>



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        <label>Weather Pattern Scales</label>


          <label>             </label>





          <label>     Cloud Patterns</label>





      <legend>  OK  </legend>


      <legend>Wind Configuration ...</legend>

